AN: So, wow we're back at it again. Three last chapters are here. Everyone has been super patient, and I can't believe it's been a year since I've typed something for this story. I was re-reading it the other day, and I think everyone (including me) deserves closure as to what happens to Staubrey and Bechloe. Also this story broke 100 reviews, and I couldn't feel happier. Every person who took the time out to write something to me I greatly appreciate it. After a year I hope I can close this in a way we're all satisfied. That being said cheers to everyone! We made it! I will see you all at the bottom!

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me, except my own ideas. I gladly accept all mistakes and errors. That's all me.

Note: This takes place maybe about seven years into the future. Everyone is out of College and pursuing their dream careers. So yes, this is future Bellas.

Stacie .

"Aubrey? Baby, we're going to be late for dinner. That case can wait until tomorrow, love." I poked my head in my fiancé's study room. "Let's get some hustle in your step."

I saw her turn her head as a giant smile spread across her face. "I'm almost done, my love. Just another second." She held up one finger. I shook my head and opened the door all the way open. As I took confident strides to her I saw her gaze fell to the slightly open bathrobe I had on. I smirked when I came to a stop in front of her, she obviously liked what she saw considering I was very much naked underneath the robe. I leaned close to her face and moved my lips to her ear. In a very low voice I whispered.

"You're taking way too long, Aubrey. I'm getting impatient." I pouted and blew cold air over her ear and I felt her shudder. I laughed lightly, and leaned back to look at her.

Eight years together. It was crazy to think and put into numbers. Eight years we've grown apart and together in the most beautiful of ways. We overcame death (on numerous occasions. Never white water raft with Aubrey's dad unless you're ready to have someone laugh while you're on your death bed.) We've stuck together through hell and high water.

"Screw work. Can't keep my lady waiting can I?" She shut her folder with a dramatic thump and snaked her arms along my waist holding me tight to her.

I shook my head no again, my hair bouncing around to frame my face. "That's my girl. Would you like to join me in the shower?" I flashed an impish smile at her. She knew I was being devilish. Her smile turned into a smug expression.

"I thought we were going to be late for dinner?" she questioned.

"Wrong again, I may or may not have told you we would be late even though we still have an hour." I shrugged nonchalantly, and wrapped my arms seductively around her neck staring into her eyes.

"Oh really? An hour? Hmm…" She trailed off playfully before squeezing my hips suggestively. "I wonder what we can do… multiple times in an hour." She looked up at me through her lashes and I felt my knees go weak. How did someone so beautiful like her belong with me? I silently said a little 'hallelujah' when I felt Aubrey connect our lips together in a steamy kiss. Even after eight years she still made me see fireworks. I pulled away from her, and stepped away from her. I turned on my heel and I heard a slight "um…" from my confused fiancé. I looked back over my shoulder before wiggling my eyebrows.

"Coming my love?"

I saw Aubrey scramble to her feet and walked to me before taking my hand. The love that radiated from her eyes nearly made me melt. I pulled her into our already steamy bathroom and it got a whole lot steamier after that.

After shower

As I pulled on my dress I caught a glance of Aubrey staring at me. When we made eye contact I saw her quickly dart her attention away. 'She's the cutest'.

"See something you like, Posen?" I wasn't looking at her but I smiled when I felt her arms wrap around me. I relaxed into her embrace for a second before turning around to face her.

"I do, but it's not something. It's someone, and I don't just like her I love her." I reached up to move her blonde bangs out of her face and pulled her in for a kiss.

"I love you more."

"No way. That's not possible."

"I think it is." I quirked my head to the side and a smile spread across my face.

"Yeah? Well I know it's not possible." Aubrey nudged her nose against mine and I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"You win this time, Aubrey. Next time I'll have my victory." I relented before turning to face the clock. The numbers illuminated the time 7:36. As if on cue my phone vibrated on my makeup stand. I swiped open my screen to see a message from Beca.

7:37 "Chloe told me to pass along this message. 'You both better be dressed and looking somewhat presentable as you read this, and not naked and sweaty in bed. Rehearsal dinner starts at 8:15 sharp and I need my bridesmaids there on time.' I however have more faith in you two. See you two soon!" –B

7:38 "Tell the bridezilla we're dressed and putting on final touches. We will be there by 8 o'clock sharp. At least someone has faith in us. Can't wait to see you both either short stuff it's been a while. Especially you." –S

7:38 "Yes, please try to get here early with Aubrey. I need her. Chlo is getting way too worked up. You know how those two balance one another out. I can't wait to see you either. Six months on tour is a long time isn't it? This shorty is doing some pretty big things. –B

7:39 "I always knew you were going to do some pretty big and awesome things. We all knew, Beca butt! :)" –S

I looked over to Aubrey and my heart stopped for a second. Her elegant black dress hugged her figure in all the right places but flowed comfortably around her. Like black smoke rising and moving in the air.

''Why are you staring at me like that, babe?" Aubrey demanded embarrassed as I realized I was staring at her.

"You're just so gorgeous. I could stare at you forever." I stated matter of factly. I saw her face blush red as she smiled shyly at me. I reached my hand out for her to grab, and when she did I twirled her around playfully before pulling her close to me. "Should we get going, my queen?" I moved her hand up to my lips to press a kiss to it. When I saw her nod yes I pulled her out the front door, and to the car to start our adventure of the night.

Aubrey P.O.V.

As I sat passenger on the ride to Buca's restaurant I couldn't help but keep looking at Stacie as she concentrated on the rode. The way she looked in that purple dress should be sinful. It's certainly going to be interesting since Cynthia Rose will be in attendance and who knows what she's going to say. I chuckled to myself at the thought.

"What's so funny?" Stacie's voice broke in.

"Nothing really, just thinking about how even after all this time the Bellas are as close as ever. It makes me proud to think of how far we all have come. You're a professional choreographer, Beca just got back from a world tour, Chloe has her own fashion line, I'm in a successful law firm… Just thinking about how lost we felt back then compared to now. We got it right, babe." I felt her grab onto my hand and I laced our fingers together.

"It took some time, but we did get it right. I love you, Princess. Just another three months and we can start our forever together as wives." Stacie's voice perked up with that tone she always gets whenever we talk about our wedding.

"I love you too. I can't wait. Even though, I've waited eight years and three months." I laughed when I heard her giggle.

"Do you remember the last time we went to Buca? It was with all the Bellas and Kelsey and Riven. Nearly seven years ago." Stacie looked over at me as I processed the information and she was right. Since that night we haven't been back. Kelsey and Riven moved states but are coming tonight for Beca and Chloe. It'll be great to see them.

When we pulled into the parking lot it was nearing 8. As we walked through the glass doors the familiar environment and vibe washed over me. I held onto Stacie's hand tightly as familiar red hair came into my field of vision with a tiny brunette figure next to her.

"So who here called for some bridesmaids?" I joked openly. I saw Chloe whip her head around and nearly pounce on top of me.

"I DID! I DID! AUBREY!" Chloe was nearly in tears as she enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug. It's been about four months since I have last seen the redhead and I was nearly in tears as well. I released Stacie's hand to hug her back just as fiercely.

"Chloe, you look so breath taking. NO! No crying you're going to mess up your makeup." I scolded lightheartedly as a few tears fell from my own eyes as I watched her bright blue ones also fill with tears.

"This is why I'm wearing waterproof makeup. I'm always prepared to make sure I look good. Even if I become a crying mess with my best friend." Chloe's voice broke as I hugged her tighter.

"Damn you, Chlo. You should have told me. At least we have the rehearsal dinner. Tomorrow I will be more prepared. Waterproof makeup and all." I joked as I let go of her but looped my arm through hers.

"Prepared or not as long as you're there I don't care."

Beca P.O.V.

I watched with a big smile across my face as I saw my soon to be wife reunite with Aubrey. It had really been too long since we had seen each other. I felt someone pull on the sleeve of my grey button down. I looked over to see Stacie Conrad towering over me in heels. I instantly threw my hands around her and hugged her with as much force as I could.

"Whoa, short stuff you've been working out?" Stacie joked as she returned my hug just as hard. I shyly cleared my throat clearly embarrassed a bit.

"Ah… yeah sorry about that. It's just been forever, my dude. I can't believe six months came and went. While being on tour it felt like forever, but now that it's over it went by so quick. I missed everyone." I awkwardly tried to explain.

"Don't be sorry at all, Beca. We missed you short stack. I can't believe how big you are now! I literally saw a billboard of your face on the drive over here. You're the town star." Stacie praised me.

"Not really, I don't care about all that right now. All that matters is that redhead over there, and my friends and family. Everything else can wait for a while." I smiled at the back of Chloe's head. I still can't believe I'm marrying her. Tomorrow.

"You deserve this, Beca. You deserve the happiness that, Chlo brings you. I couldn't imagine two people more deserving of each other." She smiled at me so big I knew I was lucky to have her as a best friend as well.

"I can name two people who deserve happiness as much as we do." I winked at her, and laughed as she pushed me gently.

No One's P.O.V.

8:15 rolled around quickly, and as everyone was seated the noise level quickly increased as excited chatter was exchanged between the women and men at the tables. There were many familiar faces. Benji, Jesse, Bumper, Fat Amy, C.R, Lily, Kelsey, Riven, and even Jessica made it. Chloe looked around the room and her heart swelled with emotion. Everyone who mattered to her and Beca was here to celebrate their love for one another. They all made time in their lives for them, and it made Chloe emotional. The lack of sleep after a year of planning their wedding also didn't help with her emotions. It was all worth it though to see Beca's eyes sparkle when making chatter with everyone around them. A clinging interrupted everyone and the room fell silent as Stacie stood with her champagne glass in hand.

"So, tomorrow is my actual speech and I'm saving that for the big day. I just wanted to say a couple words about Beca and Chloe. For as long as I've known them I always got a vibe off them. I saw the spark between them grow more as we spent more time together in what is now known as our Bella family. I'll be the first to say I didn't think that we'd be as close as we are now, or as loyal to one another as we are. But you both make it impossible not to fall in love with you both. You're both smart, talented, funny, gorgeous, and loyal people. On behalf of myself, and Aubrey we are so fucking lucky to have you both as our best friends. Here's to tomorrow, the future, and every step between. We love you." Stacie clinked her glass against Beca's then Chloe's before everyone clapped in unison.

"That was beautiful, Stacie. Thank you so much." Beca hugged her close as Chloe grabbed her other hand.

"This is exactly what I imagined. Your speech was beautiful… I can't thank you enough for your friendship and understanding, Stace." Chloe gushed.

As the night continued on there were plenty more speeches. Some more drunk talking then anything, but it was the most fun they've all had in a while. Around eleven everyone walked out the restaurant together before making their way to their separate cars. Each one promising to see Beca and Chloe tomorrow at the ceremony bright and early. Stacie grabbed Beca's arm before she could walk into the direction of her and Chloe's car.

"No way, Mitchell. You're spending the night with Pooh and I. Tonight Aubrey is going to stay with Chloe. Kind of like a mild send off into the married life." Stacie winked at her.

"Really?" Beca pouted before turning to look at Chloe who had a smile on her face.

"I think it's a good idea, babe. It'll be easier to sneak into my wedding dress without you trying to peek around the corner everytime." Chloe rolled her eyes playfully.

"Fine, if you think so. Let's do this. But I better see your beautiful face at the alter tomorrow." Beca confirmed seriously.

"I'll be the one in white." Chloe pulled Beca in for a heated kiss, before climbing into her car with Aubrey. Stacie shot a quick smile and blew a kiss in Aubrey's direction.

As they both drove off in the direction of Chloe and Beca's loft, Beca looked over at Stacie before shrugging and asking

"Now what?"

AN: This was a beastttt to get out. My mind turned into jumbles towards the end so that explains my kind of rushed finish. But the next chapter will be Beca and Chloe's wedding whos excited for that! I will get that out as soon as possible I promise. Read and Review if you enjoyed it's certainly been a while. I love you my readers! It's still awesome to be back. :)

