Hi, ya'll! I'm back with another fanfiction! And this time, it's a multi-chapter! Yay! (applause applause)

Okay anyway, this is my first semi-angsty fic. Don't worry, it's not like THE WHOLE WORLD GETS BLOWN UP EVERYONE DIES kind of angst. It's pretty light… I don't even know if I would consider it angst. Well anyway, here you go!

To everyone that's supported me in my stories in the past, thank you! I send you all love and hugs. Especially my girl Sheridan. Love you! (:

Disclaimer: If I owned this show I wouldn't be such an obsessed fangirl.

"Whatever happens, and whatever you decide, Katherine Houghton Beckett, will you marry me?"

She said no.

Well, her words weren't exactly "no". They were "I don't think we can do this, Rick. I took the job. I leave tomorrow. I'm sorry."

He tried. He told her that he would move with her. He wanted to accommodate. He wanted to be her fiancé.

But she told him no. She didn't want him to have to uproot for her. She told him that he deserved better. He tried so hard to explain to her that she was the best thing that's ever happened to him, but she wouldn't listen.

So, she left. She went to DC. She left him.

Stood up off of the swing and left him there, on one knee. Got in her car and drove away.

He thought things were going so well for them. They had been partners for the past five years, and had been in a relationship for the past one. He thought she was his always. He thought he was her one and done. She told him she loved him.

Did she even mean it?

Rick sits in bed at 2:17 AM, typing away at the keys of his laptop, trying to finish the fifth and final Nikki Heat book, Deadly Heat.

It's been eight days since Kate rejected him.

In the days that have passed since, Rick hasn't left the house. He's barely even left his bedroom.

Everyone tried to get him out, but did not succeed. Martha tried to get him to go to the Hamptons with her but failed. Alexis tried to get him to go to dinner or at least on a walk with her, but failed. Esposito and Ryan even tried to get him to let them come over and play Xbox with him, but they failed, too.

Everyone was starting to worry about him. They all knew how much he loved Kate. No one knew exactly what had happened, because Rick wouldn't talk about it. They obviously knew that she had said rejected his proposal and left, though.

He was so depressed.

The only time he got out of bed was to get food or go to the bathroom. When was the last time he even took a shower? He didn't remember and he didn't care. He didn't have his showering partner anymore. He didn't have his little spoon in bed. He felt like he had a big hole in his life now. Everything reminded him of her. He hated it. He just wanted her back.

She was nervous. She was really, really nervous. What was he going to say? What was he going to do? Did he even care anymore? She doubted it. She figured that he had had enough of her shit. She broke his heart too many times. He was done. She knew he was.

If he cared, he would've called. He would've made an effort.

"It's just like the summer he went to the Hamptons and the summer you were shot. You could've made an effort too, Kate." she scolds herself.

She replayed her plan in her head over and over again. It wasn't going to work. It was stupid.

"Why did you have to screw this up, Kate? Why couldn't you just let yourself be happy?"

But she was happy, right? She worked for the FBI. She lived in DC. She had one of the best jobs in the force. She deserved it. Because she was one the best detectives in the NYPD, and someone important had finally noticed her hard work, her dedication. So yes, she should be happy.

But she wasn't.

She wiped the tear from her face and took a deep breath. Instead of following through with her plan, she decided to text him. Maybe that would work.

As he ended the last sentence of his paragraph, he saved his work and closed his laptop. As he slid the laptop into the black sleeve, his phone chimed. Startled and curious as to who would be texting him this late into the night, he picked up his phone. His breath hitched when he saw the screen.

1 New Message: Kate

They hadn't spoken since the day on the swings. The day that he popped the question. The day she rejected him. The day she left. He put in his pass code to unlock his phone and read the message.

"Hey. I sent a box a few days ago with your stuff in it to the loft. It should be there by now. Have you gotten it?"

His heart dropped. His stuff. She had things of his at her apartment and she didn't want any of it. She didn't want anything to do with him.

He didn't know what to do. She was texting him so casually, as if nothing was wrong. As if nothing had changed.

His fingers involuntarily typed a response, "Haven't checked today. I'll go look now."

He locked his phone, threw off the covers, and walked through the loft to the door.

Meanwhile, Kate's stomach dropped as she received his message. She took a deep breath.

Rick made his way to the door. Unlocking it, he swung it open, fixing his eyes on the floor, looking for a brown cardboard box. He was stunned to see that there wasn't a package at his front door; there were a pair of feet. Slowly looking up, he noticed that there was a person at his door. He knew those slender legs, slim torso, and beautiful brown locks.

"Kate," he choked out.

"Hi, Rick," she replied in a whisper.

So… I really have no idea how I'm going to continue on with this story. I have the next chapter planned out but that's about it. Help me out! Leave me suggestions in the reviews!
