Chapter 3
Twilight took a few hesitant steps towards Shadow, looking him over a little. She tapped his shoulder to make sure he was there. She tried shaking him. After a few minutes she turned to Amy.
"What. The. Heck." Amy giggled at Twilight's comment.
"It's a long story, sit down. Shadow can explain."
And so Shadow did.

Roughly 15 minutes later, Twilight's brain was full. She was given a moment to recharge.
"... Right. I think I understand now." She said.
"Go and tell the others. Tell 'em I'm home." Shadow said.
Twilight nodded and left. He was interlaced in two soft arms from behind.
"Thanks for coming home." Amy whispered.
Shadow smiled. "I never left."
"I was going to ask last night... Have you ever considered starting a famil-"
Spark and Destiny burst through the door, followed by a brown hedgehog the same shade as a familiar chocolate bar, and a pink hedgehog who looking ecstatic.

Greetings were made between the group and Shadow after Twilight returned with her fiancée Mighty. Spark was so upbeat Destiny had to make sure he didn't smash the place up or something.
"But guys, in all seriousness, something is wrong."
The smile vanished from Twix's face. "... What?"
Silent started to get worried, but a red hedgehog patted her back. His name was Zack.
"Last night, I slept with Amy. Just before we fell asleep we were attacked by a vampire."
"... Another Vampire?" Twilight asked. "Where from?"
"No idea. But now I think about it, he had a symbol on his arm. He was part of a clan."
A long pause.
"That couldn't be possible."
"It's a theory. But It's been bothering me."
"Also," Amy said, "I was going to ask Shadow a very important question..."
Everyone looked to Amy.
"Shadow, I've always dreamed of having a family with my true love one day, and I need to ask you... Do you think we should try it...?"
Shadow stood up. At first, Amy thought he was mad, but then he smiled and hugged her.
"Yes, Amy. On day, soon, we'll try it."
There was a pause as the group watched the two hugging and praising them, when there was a noise outside. They all moved to the window.

Outside, a group of hedgehogs of all different colours was moving down the road, almost like a pack of wolves.
"What are they up to?" Savvy asked suspiciously.
Twilight shook her head. "No idea."
Spark stepped outside and walked up to them.

"Uh, hey!" He said. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you lot from?"
Three of them turned and growled at him.
"Okay, okay, I'll mind my own business. Are you from Emford down the road?"
By now the whole group was angry.
"Jeez, okay, Im going..." One of them launched at Spark and pierced his neck, but Spark threw him off before he could drain any blood. The others started coming at him to feed. Twilight saw this and ran outside, followed by Twix.
"Hey!" Spark said to his vampire duelist, "If you want a hug you just gotta ask!"

Twix stepped up to two and blinded them with light from the palms of her hands. As soon as they hissed and recoiled, she delivered a few kicks to their faces, knocking them down. Behind, Twilight was incinerating the last few with dark energy. The rest of the group came out when the fight was over.
"What the hell was that?!" Twilight said. "So they where a clan of vampires."
"Uh... guys." Savvy said. They turned in the direction she was facing.

A massive pack of vampires where emerging from the alleyways and moving towards them.