Yes! Hi! I was just listening to some songs and I was thinking on my day off, and I'm glad that I came out with this new idea, also it's sort of another version-but completely different from "The Chosen Mate" I began to see pictures play inside my mind and wanted to share them with you. :3 I own nothing but this insane idea and I will be typing some of the lyrics of the chapters, not all but probably one or two lines and that's it.

Warning! Hints of rape! Character death! And Abuse! I will only say this once and listen up people! This is completely AU, Yuki is not Kaname's sister, Shizuka is Senri's, Zero and Ichiru's mother. Completely AU people!


Never Too Late

This world will never be what I expected, and if I don't belong who would have guessed it, I will not leave alone everything that I own, to make you feel like it's not too late it's never too late...

"Shizuka," a man's voice called as he came home drunk. He had brought a friend over to his house, said woman looked at the man with weary eyes as she held their son in her bosom. Her snow-white hair was loose as she had just gotten out of the shower.

"Yes, Rido." she said looking at the man who was her mate by force. She had made the biggest mistake by marrying him and later found out that she had carried his child who is now sleeping on her arms.

"He -hick- paid for a -hick- good lay. Now be a good whore and please him. Here give me Senri," he ripped the child out of her arms and shoved her back to the bed.

"NO! Please Rido anything but this! I love you how can you betray me!" Shizuka began to cry as Rido backhanded her making her hair fly to the side of her as her face went the same way. She clutched her cheek and looked at him with tear-filled eyes and sobbed as he left taking her son with him.

"Rido! Nooo!" Shizuka screamed at the man ripped her kimono opened. She began to battle him, but he too was a pureblood like her and over powered her. She stared at his lilac evil eyes with her rose-colored ones. She pleaded hoping he will stop this madness.

"This will feel good," he smirked taking his clothes off and slapped her when she began to scratch him with her nails.

"NOOOOO!" she cried as he thrusted into her without any warning ripping her.

"You were a good lay, such a slut." the man's lilac eyes glared at her bruised from as she looked away from him, her eyes were empty. She was shaking, she wanted to die. She didn't want to live anymore, tears gathered and fell from her beautiful face. She felt the man sit on the bed and slapped her bottom giving it a squeeze, he kissed her mouth.

She flinched away, her body hurt like hell. She was tired and her throat hurt from screaming for him to stop, she felt so humiliated. Used, she didn't want to live with Rido anymore. He had broken her, empty as a shell, she had no will. She closed her eyes not caring if the man was still looking at her with those lusts eyes nor that she was naked. What was there to hide? Everything was destroyed. Sleep soon followed and she welcomed it.

"Wake up you stupid whore and take care of this piece of shit." Shizuka opened her eyes and just on time as she caught her son.

Memories from last night crashed into her, she screamed and hugged her small son crying into him. She did and didn't want to die. If she died then that man will kill her precious son and if she didn't then he will keep doing the same to her. She didn't know what to do, she has never faced anything like this before. She looked at her son, he had ice-blue eyes, russet hair. He looked at his mother with a smile as if assuring her that everything will be fine. She smiled at him and hugged him close to her.

"Senri's a good little baby, he will be good." Shizuka cooed as the baby smiled at his mother.

"Shizuka! You whore, where are you," Rido roared out for his mate who stopped what she was doing and walk to her mate with her head down.

"Yes Rido," she said afraid to look at him.

"How fucking dare you sleep with him! You slut, you're nothing but a whore who opens her legs to all my friends. You probably sleep with them while I'm not home." Rido threw a vase at the woman who slightly dodged making it hit the wall shattering into millions of beautiful glittery pieces.

"No. I tried to stop him! And besides, you were the one who threw him at me!" Shizuka defended as she heard her child crying in their room.

"If that brat doesn't shut up, I will make him." Rido took his belt off getting ready to hit that baby.

"Don't you dare hit my son!" Shizuka pushed him making him fall on the shattered lamp.

"Look at what you've done. You're nothing good but to bed with, but wait for your treatment." Rido began to hit her with the belt on her face leaving marks and on her arms but nowhere near her stomach. Shizuka cried and plead for him to stop as he kept hitting her.

The months passed and Shizuka realized something was wrong with her. She locked herself in the bathroom. Her back to the door and sliding down tears in her eyes. She was four months pregnant, Senri just turned nine months, how could she be pregnant? Rido hasn't even slept with her. She closed her eyes, that horrible night played like a used up file in her rose-colored eyes. Dark gray hair, lilac eyes, an evil smirk, her screams of pain. She clutched her hair ripping some of it off and screaming and crying at the same time. The child was not even Rido's, how will he react when he finds out she's carrying another man's child. She would have to think fast as she is showing.

Shizuka held Senri to her side as the baby began to fuzz when she left the house. She had called a good friend of her's for a favor, she only hoped that Rido would not cause a riot to look for her. She made her way towards her friend's small cottage away from the city. She furiously knocked on the door her hair a mess and her eyes wild. She was done with everything Rido had driven her into a slow maddening woman who wanted nothing but to murder her mate. She had even had nightmares where she smiled as she drowns her son Senri as she takes him a bath.

"Shizuka, welcome." a sandy-haired young man said with a warm smile.

"Hello," Shizuka twitched with a small smile.

"Here have a seat, I made some herbal tea to sooth you down," the man said as he sadly looked at the woman.

Her hair did not look the same as he last visited her, it was dead, and tangled. Her face was all bruised and bloodied, she was thinner than he had last seen her. All but her stomach now that it was showing. He dreaded it, Senri looked around to be nine to ten months old and she is carrying another child inside of her.

"Kaien, it's terrible," she let Senri sit on the couch who was too busy playing with his stiffed panda to notice that his mother left him. "So many, ugh, I want to die!" she said talking about the months in the past.

Kaien had been friends with the Hio for a long time and he was about to cry when she told him of the raping a while ago. He really never liked her chosen mate, he didn't even approve when she announced their marriage to the public, but he didn't have the heart to tell her that she was making the wrong mistake. Months had passed and she was still happily in love with him.

What disturbed Kaien was that they both destroyed each other's beasts, he knew that all vampires turn into ugly beasts when the moon comes out and shine. It does not matter if they are chosen by destiny or not. Once they prove their love to the other half of themselves then they will break the nasty spell. Legend has it that when a vampire is born that the initials of their mates will be like a tattoo on the inside of their wrists. Dominant's will have it in their left as the Submissive's will have it in their right. Gender does not interfere, whomever will have the initials on their right wrists will be able to carry child thanks to their beastly form.

And even though if they don't mate with the person they are meant to be, then their situations will most likely be just like Shizuka whose initials were R.T. and Rido's was H.Z. if they do not match then destiny will make each other's lives miserable.

"Don't worry Shizuka, I'll help in any way I can." Kaien said as he hugged the crying woman tightly looking at the stars while he cried as well.

"Thank you Kaien, thank y-you." Shizuka cried harder.

4 years later.

"Mom!" three small heads all hugged the woman who was in the garden smiling at her three babies.

"Mom, I caught a butterfly!" Ichiru smiled wide as he showed the beautiful butterfly in the jar.

"That's beautiful honey," Shizuka smiled as she kissed him on the fore-head.

"I caught a flower from the highest tree," the russet boy said smiling.

"Senri, how many time have I told you not to climb it! You could have gotten hurt," Shizuka scolded as she hugged her oldest child.

"Mom! I found a worm," Zero said as he opened his palm making the worm wiggle as he gave a loud giggle as his mother scrambled away.

"Never bring insects in the house." Shizuka scolded hugging him after she made sure that he threw it far away.

"Kids, Uncle Kaien is home!" said the man in a cheery voice.

"Uncle," the kids ran after him and tackled him in a huge hug.

Shizuka smiled sadly at the kids, she will have to do something, Rido is out there looking for her and if he finds her. She dared not think about it. The sun was slowly coming up and she knew that the kids will have to be inside by the time it was high up, she loved watching the sun rising up it reminded her of her younger years. She watched as Zero's tattoo showed in his neck he wanted it there for some strange reason, Ichiru had gotten his on the side of his arm. She has had many nightmares, the nightmares consisted of killing her children, she would laugh as she either choked, slice or drown them. She has been waking up many nights sweating with tears running down her cheeks.

"Kaien," Shizuka said.

"Yes," he smiled looking at her.

Shizuka began to cry looking at the ground, Rido knew her location it was only hours before he would show up and kill everyone except for her and maybe Senri. She had to do it, even though it will pain her, she hoped that her two children will find it in their hearts to forgive this sinful act. She was a coward and she knew it. She put both hands up in front of her and prayed to the moon that was still shining up in the sky, she prayed that her two children will be safe after she and Senri leaves. Tears gathered in her eyes, she watched as Zero and Ichiru played happily with their older brother Senri who smiled and laughed. She would forever have that image burned inside her heart.

"It's time," Shizuka said as Kaien looked at her with a serious face.

The children sensing something was wrong, looked up and saw their mother who ushered them inside the house for the 'night'. She sat them down on the three seat couch and looked at them with unshed tears. Kaien looked at her with a nod, both raised their hands and covered Senri's eyes first. Both saying some sort of spell making the russet-haired boy fall unconscious on the sofa. Shizuka looked Ichiru who stared at her with big eyes, he looked scared when both hands did the same. The boy fell into a deep sleep.

"Mommy?" Zero looked at his mother with wide clear lilac eyes. Those same eyes of his father. She really wanted to hate both her children for having the same eyes, but she can't they are not at fault. She closed his eyes as her hands began to shake, tears threaten to fall down her pale skin.

"No matter what, I will always love you," were Zero's last words after he fell into a deep sleep.

Shizuka fell to the ground no longer having the energy to look at her three children, her second son's last words killed her heart. She wished she turned back time and stop things from happening, she cried in Kaien's arms.

"Please take care of them Kaien, they will never know who their mother or brother are, please." Shizuka said holding Senri close to her, it was not enough she wanted her three children with her.

"Do not worry, their last names are now Cross, but I will keep the real birth certificates hidden from the world." Kaien smiled sadly at his friend as they hugged and said their final goodbye. Both not knowing it was their last goodbye, for when she returned; things got worse.

Shizuka was abused even more and raped by different men each and everyday, she would do anything to keep her son Senri safe and sound. She would even eat off the floor like a pig when Rido threw the food at them, she would make sure that Senri would get the plate. Their life turned worse by the days, months and years. Shizuka slowly began to lose her mind. Driving herself to forget she had a child and hung herself from the bedroom of their master bedroom.

"Who's Shizuka Kuran-Hio?" and eight year old silver-haired boy asked looking at his step-father with wide lilac eyes.

"An old friend of mine," Kaien said looking into the dark sky, the stars shone down at them. The whole Kuran and Hio's were present grieving for their lost member.

"Oh," Zero looked down at the grave he felt like he wanted to cry, he was not sure why he had never met the woman before in his life but he still wanted to cry.

His lilac eyes turned to look and emotionless russet-haired boy around his age or a year older give or take. He looked like he had been through hell and back, another boy looked at him who also cried as he hugged him. Zero met his large whiskey eyes, something in them called out to him. He had tears running down his cherubic face, Zero found him cute but kept it to himself as the boy looked at him. He looked back down at the gravestone.

"Daddy, are we going home soon?" Zero asked him as he looked around to see someones looking at him. He felt uncomfortable with his look and slowly his gaze went back to the pretty brunette boy with whiskey eyes who was still looking at him. He was caught and looked away with a bright face, making Zero giggle.

"Let's go sons," Kaien said as he held each twin's hand and walked away knowing that some of the family had already left.

Zero turned back to see the brunette walk the opposite side of him. He looked behind him as if sensing eyes and stared at Zero with the russet-haired boy who held onto his hand and sobbed some more. Zero's turn to blush and gave a small shy wave and smiled brightly when the other boy smiled and waved back with his cute blush. He almost stopped dead in his tracks when the older boy blew a kiss to him with a wink. Zero being a daring little devil blew back the kiss making the other little boy blush and look at him. They waved when the brunette went inside the limousine. Zero giggled and look at the moonless night watching the stars shine down at him.

So how did you like my prologue? I will be updating the second chapter soon. Yayaiya! Please review so I could see if people like this story or delete it. Let me know, this fic will have its dark moments it is on the summary on my bio. Please review~