Author Note: Only one review guys? Come on, I'm dissapointed! Lunasnoir, thank you for being the only one to review, you get imaginary cookies and a heartfelt thank you! Anyways, read and enjoy, cause I certainly will.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to or affiliated with Inuyasha, however this particular story is M-I-N-E! :)

Episode 11

I dusted flour off my apron just as the bell signaling a customer rang. I glanced at the little red-haired kitsune who was happily eating a powdered cake on the counter. I had already picked up the bright scent of Kagome, so I called out, "Hey Kagome! You'll never guess who followed you to work—"

I stopped as I took in the sight of the man behind her. Though he definitely looked human, there was no doubt in my mind that he was Sesshomaru. I felt a growl rising in my throat, but Kagome was already making her way toward me.

"Hi Koga! Who came to see me?"

Just then, the little kit burst out of the kitchen and launched himself straight at the giggling girl.

"Kagome!" he called excitedly, hugging her tight as she cuddled him.

I smiled at the cute pair, then turned my attention back to the demon lord. He was giving me the same measuring look that I was giving him.

"So this is where you have been hiding," he said casually enough. "But I am here to see Totosai. If you would be so kind as to tell him I'm here."

I glared at the pompous demon, but stalked toward Totasai's office, nonetheless.

"Hey boss, you got company," I grumbled as I leaned against the door frame.

The old demon looked at me curiously and said, "Heh? Did the brat finally come by for a visit?"

"Looks that way."

Totosai slowly got to his feet and ambled toward me. "Don't worry, I doubt he'll say anything," he mumbled so only I could hear.

"For his sake, I hope not…" I growled as I made my way back to the kitchen. Kagome and Shippo had already made themselves comfortable and were greedily digging into the extra donuts I had left in a serving bowl.

"So Kagome," I said, getting her attention, "how do you know Mr. Stick-in-the-mud?"

"Oh, he's my boss,"she mumbled nervously. "Do me a favor?" she lifted her pleading eyes to mine. "Please don't tell Inuyasha! I know he'd have a fit!"

So that was the guy she had been 'hanging around.' Things were starting to make a lot more sense.

"Fine," I snorted, "But if he does anything to you, tell me immediately, got it?""

She visibly relaxed and sighed with relief. "Sure thing."

Honestly, I felt a bit guilty about not telling Inuyasha. After all, if anyone had a right to know, he did. But Kagome was right. If the mutt found out, there would be consequences, and he really didn't want to put Kagome in the middle of that feud.


"Kagome, I will be taking my leave now." I glanced up from munching on my powdered donut to see Sesshomaru standing in the door of the kitchen.

"Maah!" I hummed through the bight I was taking. The dull look he gave me was positively hysterical, and I could tell he wanted to lecture me about talking with my mouth full. I swallowed quickly and laughed, "I said bye."

The demon rolled his eyes but the slight twitch in the corner of his mouth gave away his humor. "I will see you tomorrow, Ms. Higurashi."

"K!" I called back as he headed out the door.

I looked over my shoulder to see Koga and Shippo giving me speaking looks.

"What?" I said a bit defensively.

The two demons traded a look before Koga said, "Didn't think you were the type to flirt, Kagome." A rakish grin spread across his tan face and Shippo started to giggle.

"I was—I was not flirting!" I said indignantly and turned back to my donut with a huff.

"Sure you weren't," the both of them said simultaneously.

At that moment, the bell rang and in sauntered Inuyasha. "So this is where the runt went off to. Thought you ran away. Too bad," the hanyou smirked and Shippo growled.

"I came to see Kagome!"

"No kidding?" Inuyasha said sarcastically. "Hey Kagome, how was your day?"

"Oh, it went well," I replied with a shrug. Inuyasha then looked down to see the large bag of clothes that lay propped against my leg.

"Where'd you get all that?!" he asked, his eyes widening.

"Um…I went shopping," I said a bit nervously. Inuyasha then looked back up and narrowed his eyes.

"Really? With who?"

Just as I was struggling to come up with an answer, Koga pipped up, "Hey Mutt-face, you do know this is an employees only area, right?"

Inuyasha quickly turned his attention to the wolf. "Oh yeah? Well why's the kid in here then?"

"Internship," Koga replied immediately.

"Like hell it is, stupid!" The two then began to bicker, with Shippo interjecting every once in a while to put in his two cents. I gave Koga a thank you smile and he winked at me in return. I didn't know how much longer I could keep the secret from Inuyasha, but I was going to put it off as long as possible if it was going to save my hide in the end.


"So what was that whole speech about getting revenge again?" Kagura sat on my desk and turned her sly red eyes to me.

I looked up at my wayward secretary and heaved a mental sigh. "If you are implying that I have grown fond of the girl, you would be mistaken. She is only a source of entertainment for me until I feel like casting her aside, which I will…eventually."

"Of course," she replied dryly, "and your bank account definitely agrees with you." The arrogant demoness then smirked and began waving a sheet of paper with varying numbers on it.

I narrowed my eyes and said, "How did you…"

"Oh pish-posh, I hacked your accounts years ago," she snickered and coyly laid the sheet of paper in front of me. "Oh yes, taking a woman shopping definitely gives off vengeful vibes."

I growled and made a quick mental note to change all the passwords on my accounts…again. "If I treat her kindly she will let her guard down," I ground out through gritted teeth.

"Keep telling yourself that boss!" Kagura said cheerfully as she twirled out of my office. "Don't forget you have a meeting this afternoon!" she sang over her shoulder as she made her way to the elevator.

"Oh my unconventional secretary, whatever would I do without her?" I mumbled dryly as I gathered my coat and briefcase and headed for the elevator myself.

But she did have a point; maybe I was acting too friendly with the Higurashi woman. After all, the whole point of the relationship in the first place was to exact revenge, and my vengeance had been quite lacking as of late. It would probably do me some good to put some distance between us.

"Have a good day, Mr. Taisho," the lady at the front desk said with a bow as I walked out of the building. I sparred her a nod in return before returning my thoughts to the girl who had made my life more complicated…in more ways than one.

I could not deny she was attractive, even if she did neglect her appearance. And she was not afraid to stand up for herself, especially around me, which was quite a rare occurrence. Though fear and respect did come with its benefits, it was nice to have a challenge, and she presented quite a welcome one.

A sound suddenly caught my attention just as I was reaching my car. I could smell one of Naraku's little minions nearby. Whirling around, I came face to face with a little white-haired girl holding a gun, and I instantly recognized her as Kagura's younger sister. "Kanna," I hissed, preparing my body to spring when the timing was right.

"Sesshomaru," she replied with her dull and hollow voice. "My master sends his regrets that he could not see you in your final moments. It's time for you to die," and with that she began firing the gun.

Sesshomaru moved quickly enough, but he could tell that the girl was not using normal bullets. One false move and he could be seriously injured.

"KANNA!" Kagura's voice shouted down from one of the windows of the skyscraper, and the little girl quickly turned her attention to her sister. I decided to take this chance and charge at the girl so I could take the gun and get information from her. But I was one second too late, for just as I was reaching her, she fired the gun directly at me.

I felt true pain for the first time in centuries, as I fell to the ground. Just as I had suspected, the bullet had been coated in poison, and I was quickly starting to lose my vision. I could barely make out the form of Kagura fly down from the building and engage her sister in battle. I could tell they were shouting at each other, but my hearing was quickly fading as well. The last thing I remember before blacking out was Kagura kneeling above me with the most horrified expression I had ever seen on her face.

Another Author Note: See? This is what happens when you guys don't review: SESSHOMARU GETS SHOT! I don't know if I'm doing a good job when I don't get reviews, so the author who craves feedback in me goes a little nuts...and this stuff happens. You have been warned!