Hello, this is my first fanfic in a really long while. While it's a basic retelling of the game from a female protagonist (P3P style), I may change certain events and lines to fit the situation or better suit the story. Thank you, and please enjoy.

It was early April, and still a little chilly. I pulled my jacket a little closer to myself as I waited at the station for the next train. All around me I could hear the TVs, spilling the latest scandal or having teen idols advertising for diet drinks, while the people around me were absorbed in the media.

I had been a city girl all my life, so I was pretty used to the constant buzz from the television. In fact, the familiar noise was probably something I was going to miss.

My name is Miyu Narukami. I was heading out on a train to Inaba, a small mountain town. It wasn't too far out from Tatsumi Port Island, but far enough to be rather unheard of. I was heading there to stay with my uncle. My parents had extremely demanding jobs, and their latest venture would have them overseas for a year.

Of course, I was used to moving around quite a bit for their work, and their long absences. However, being abroad was just considered too much, so I would have to stay with someone. Thankfully, my mom's brother, Uncle Dojima, seemed to be willing to take me in. He had one daughter already, though my aunt was lost in an accident some years back.

I took a deep breath. It was hard, every time I had to leave my school, and my friends. This time, however. There was something else that was bothering me. A strange dream, I had the previous night...

I was what appeared to be a limousine. The interior was lined in beautiful blue velvet, which spanned quite a length. There was room for a small bar with blue backlighting, and a blue chandelier overhead. I was not alone though. Sitting across from me were two figures. A beautiful pale woman, with eerie golden eyes and light silver-blonde hair. Her blue business jacket and skirt seemed to match the limousine's blue ambiance. The other man was not quite as fair. He almost appeared something as an impish figure. An old man with strangely pointed ears, and an impossibly long nose. His eyes appeared to bug out of his head as he looked up to me.

"Welcome to the Velvet room," there was an eerie texture to his voice, "My name is Igor. I am delighted to make your acquaintance."

"I.. sure? You too..? Where am I?" I shook my head. Although, it seemed an odd reaction, as the atmosphere had a clarity that didn't fit the usual confines of a dream

"This place exists between dream and reality. Mind and Matter..." he continued. "It is a room that only those who are bound by a contract may enter."

"Contract?" my brows knitted. "What are you talking about?

"This contract has not been completed yet, but in the coming days, you will be beset by an intriguing destiny," the long nosed man continued. "Now then, let us take a look at your future."

On a table before him appeared a set of cards. I wasn't an expert on fortunes, but they appeared to be tarot cards. As they were laid out, he flipped one over. "Each reading is done with the same cards, but the result is always different," he chuckled. "Life itself follows the same principles, doesn't it?"

I started to accept this had to be a strange dream. Maybe brought on by my stress of moving? Though, I moved several times before, and it was never this bad. I leaned forward, to see what card had been shown.

"The tower, in the upright position, represents the immediate future. It would appear terrible catastrophe is imminent."

I took a deep breath. A catastrophe? This is why I never liked fortunes. Always so vague. I glanced to his assistant, to see what her take was on all of this, since she had been so quiet. However, the perfected face seemed to hold little emotion.

Igor seemed to be focused on the cards, flipping over another.

"This card, representing the future beyond is the Moon, in the upright position. It represents 'hesitation' and 'mystery'," an amused smile seemed to take his face. "Very interesting indeed. It seems you will encounter a misfortune at your destination, and a great mystery will be imposed upon you. This is a turning point in your destiny."

"Wait? What's going to happen?" I asked, confused.

Igor merely shook his head at me. "I do not have the answers. That is your role. If you do not find these answers, the future may be forever lost."

I barely understood what the symbolism of this strange room was in my dream, much less some future mystery. Perhaps there was some horrible event waiting for me? A future lost..? What does that mean?

"Do not worry, my dear lady. My duty is to provide assistance to our guests to ensure that does not happen." As I tried to comprehend all this, wondering why I haven't woken up from this strange dream, something seems to occur to Igor. "Ah, I have neglected to introduce my assistant to you."

The woman finally seemed to turn in my direction, an action that nearly spooked me just by how still she was, and spoke with a very controlled, yet strong voice. "My name is Margaret. I am here to accompany you through your journey."

"Oh.. it's nice to meet you," I nodded. "If.. you can't say anything about this mystery.. what about this contract?"

Igor pulled out a pocket watch from his coat. "We shall attend to the details another time. Until then, farewell."

Farewell? Before I could protest again, I felt my eyes becoming heavy. The haziness returning as I faded back into sleep...

As I reflected back on the dream, I felt my head throb. While it was so clear, it still felt like there was something I was supposed to know. What was that strange room? And what misfortune could lie in store?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone. It was a new message. When I pulled it up, it was from my uncle.

Meet us outside Yasoinaba Station at 4PM

As if on cue, the overhead announcement announced the next transfer station. I quickly got up, gathering my luggage as I prepared to switch platforms.

So many questions rang through my mind... I would have the rest of the trip to ponder over it more.

After a long journey, during which I was somewhere between dozing off and playing portable games, the train finally pulled into the Yasoinaba Station. I got my things, and disembarked. As I got off, I realized how quiet this station was. Most monorail and subways in the city were constantly buzzing with people. Here, it seemed I was practically the only person who got off the train.

I glanced at my watch. A little after 4. My uncle should be here already, but as I looked around, I didn't spot him on the platform. Tugging on my roller suitcase, I headed toward the front.

It wasn't until I walked out of the archway of the station I heard someone calling out.

"Hey, over here!" the man's voice called. I turned my head, to see my uncle waiting by a car, a small girl in tow with him.

Uncle Ryotaro Dojima stood just a bit short of 180 cm, with short cut scruffy brown hair, and stubble to match. He looked to be in his early forties, a little younger than my mother, his sister. My uncle was dressed in a gray dress shirt, black slacks, and a red tie. He had a dark jacket with him, carried over his shoulder.

The little girl next to him looked to be an elementary school aged. Her light brown hair was pulled back into two small wispy ponytails and straight cut bangs in front. She had a dress with different sections of pinks and reds, on top of a white turtleneck. The little girl looked on with wide brown eyes, somewhat hidden behind Uncle Dojima as I approached.

"Well, it seems you look like your mom after all," Uncle Dojima chuckled, reaching over to shake my hand. Welcome to Inaba."

"Thank you, Uncle Dojima," I smiled politely as I returned the shake. "It's been a long time."

"I'll say," his expression was something between amusement and disbelief. "I remember when you were still in diapers."

I kept the polite smile, trying not to let the awkwardness show. However, he seemed to realize how embarrassing that phrase was to a high-schooler, and quickly looked to find a new subject.

He glanced back, and lightly brought the little girl forward. "This here's my daughter," he paused a moment for her to speak. "Come on, Nanako. Introduce yourself to your cousin."

Nanako shuffled her feet, barely looking up at me. "...'lo."

"Hello, Nanako. I'm your cousin, Miyu," I tried to be friendly. I didn't have any siblings, so I wasn't sure how to talk to a lot of little kids.

She nodded in response, before going back around behind my uncle.

Dojima laughed. "What're you so shy for? I thought you were excited to have another girl in the house," he turned back to look at her. She pouted, giving a light swat to her father's side. He was still amused though, turning back to me. "Well then, let's get going."

He took my suitcase, opening up the back of the car as Nanako and I slid into the backseat. Dojima checked that we were all buckled in, which I assume was a habit when raising a child, before buckling in himself and starting the car

Just when I thought I was done with trips, I forgot the car ride. It was fairly silent. Once in a while my uncle would try to start a conversation. How was my last school, how were my grades, who did I hang out with... but it while he was trying his best, I have the feeling he wasn't used to talking to kids my age. Nanako was silent most of the trip, still unsure about talking to me.

After driving by mostly rural farmlands, we finally started to reach a developed shopping district. It wasn't a city, but it was something. I looked over the shops, none of which seemed to pop out as any known francises. It seemed it was all family owned businesses, with the exception of the Moel Gas Station we were pulling into.

"Sorry, need to make a quick stop," Dojima said, as he stopped the car. No sooner had we stopped, than an attendant was quickly out to greet us.

"Welcome to Moel!" the attendant called out as she came around to the driver's side.

Dojima nodded in greeting to him, before turning to Nanako. "Can you go the bathroom by yourself?" he asked, with parental concern.

She nodded, climbing out of the seat.

"It's in the back, to your left. You know which way's left? The side you don't hold your chopsticks in," the attendant offered helpfully.

"I know... jeez.." Nanako balked, before heading off. I wondered if she was trying to show she was capable infront of me.

I got out of the car as well, needing to stretch my legs. There was one thing to be said about gas stations. No matter how far from home you were, they all had the same scent of gasoline hanging in the air.

As the attendant circled around, I guess she spotted my suitcase in the back. "Are you taking a trip?"

"No, we just went to pick Miyu up. She just moved here from the big city," my uncle explained. "Fill up my car while you're at it, regular's fine."

"Right away, sir!" the attendant jumped to it.

Uncle Dojima turned to me. "I'm going to take a quick smoke. Wait here for Nanako, okay?"

"Okay," I nodded, leaning against the vehicle, watching him walk off.

I was about to let my mind wander again when I heard the attendant speaking to me. "The city huh? Will you be going to high school?"

"Ah, yeah," I pushed myself off the vehicle, hoping leaning on it wasn't bothering her. "I'm going to be starting at Yasogami High tomorrow."

She nodded. "Does it surprise a city girl to see how little there is out here? There's so little to do, I'm sure you'll get bored fast. You'll either be hanging out with friends, or doing part-time jobs."

"Well, that's assuming I make friends quickly," I chuckled. Not that I've ever had a problem, though it seems harder to bring myself to connect each time I move.

The attendant smiled. "I think you'll be fine," she finished filling up the car, wiping her hands. "Oh, speaking of jobs, we're actually looking for part-time help right now. We don't mind if you're a student."

She came forward, holding out her hand. "Give it some thought. Everyone's free to the choices they make."

I paused for a second, unused to this much conversation from someone I hardly knew. Maybe it's true what they say about rural people having more courtesy. "I'll think on it," I smiled, reaching forward as well.

The attendant's hand was cold as I shook it. I assumed from having to restock the convenience store inside. "Oh, I should get back to work." She pulled her hand back, walking off as Nanako came back around the corner. As I turned to greet my cousin, my head suddenly spiraled, my knees nearly giving out.

What was that all about?

"Are you okay?" Nanako asked, looking worried.

I took a deep breath, and the dizziness went away. "Y-yeah, I'm fine," I spoke, testing that I could still walk straight. Whatever it was seemed to have gone away in an instant.

"Did you get carsick?" she asked.

"Maybe. It's been a long trip," I shrugged. I figured I'd lay down for a bit when we got home before unpacking.

Once Dojima came back, we piled back into the car, and headed to my new home.