So you're wondering whether Lucy Skystalker crashed into the planetoid, right? If you are, yes she did. If you're not, you probably clicked the last chapter '' and you should go back and read the rest!

Anyway, fortunately the Megarocket was equipped with giant air sacks that deployed seconds before impact, cushioning the occupants. The onboard computron's display suggested the atmosphere was breathable, so Lucy hammered the door release. The emotobots quickly dispersed, replaced by a wave of delicious fresh air. She quickly recovered, and reactivated C3XOXO, who chased her around a bit before sneezing out the last of the emotobots.

'Whew, that's better!' said Lucy. 'Now where the frak are we?'

'According to my Ordinance Survey Holomap of Most of Space Sectors, this is the Planetoid of Sapphic Robot Vampire Chicks.'

'Holy frell!' said Lucy.

And sure enough, when they stepped outside there were smexy robot vampire chicks all over the place. They wanted to make love to C3XOXO and drink her oil, but Lucy was like 'Hell no!' so she blasted them all away with her holopistol. Or at least, she tried to, but the hologrammatic bullets passed straight through the robot vampires!

'Ha, did you think we'd actually be the robot vampires?' cackled the tallest of the robot vampires. 'We are in fact hologrammatic projections of ourselves, and therefore immune to your hologrammatic bullets. If you want to kill us, you will have to come to our secret cave in the north mountains.'

'Gorram robot vampires,' growled Lucy. 'Let's go get 'em!'

Author's note - I feel it may be prudent to clarify that I don't own the words stakko, drokk, frak, frell or gorram. - D.D.