"Oh come on Honey, it will all be alright. This is a happy occasion our boy is getting married to a lovely girl." Mr. Aono said as he put his arm around his wife comfortingly.

"A lovely girl? She's a….monster." Kasumi Aono said nervously then looked at her husband darkly. "This is all your fault, Koji!"

"Wh-what? What do you mean? I had nothing to do with this. And remember, she's a 'snow woman'. Not a monster." Koji said nervously as he saw the look on his wife's face.

"It's your fault that we mistakenly sent our dear baby boy to some sort of strange world and a school filled with monsters. Not only that, but now he's marrying one?! If you had looked in to that school a back then, we wouldn't be in this situation." Kasumi accused.

"But it all turned out for the best, right? Tsukune is perfectly safe and sound. If anything, going to that school helped to make our son stronger and more independent. I don't know why you're worrying over all of this. You said you liked Mizore, and that you were so happy Tsukune found a nice girl. Remember that?" Koji said, trying to relax his wife.

"That was before I knew she was a snow woman and we were on a bus, driven by some creepy guy with glowing eyes, going to their home!" Kasumi protested. The two of them and Kyoko, who was sleeping in the seat behind them, were all going up to the snow covered mountains for a very special occasion. Tsukune and Mizore had finally graduated from high school, and now they were going to be getting married. Needless to say that Mr. Aono had taken to the news much easier than his wife. They had learned of who Mizore was, and what Yokai Academy was, about one year ago at the beginning of Tsukune's senior year. This had worried Kasumi Aono to no end, but Tsukune had done everything in his power to reassure her that he was fine and there would be no risk nor harm of him continuing to go to Yokai for one last year.

"Yes, and we've been there on vacation a few times as well. We've always had fun and the people there have always been very kind. That's what you said when you thought they were human; does them being snow-women change any of that? Tsukune is happy, that's the most important thing." Koji said, referring to their family vacations when they'd go up to the ski resort that just happened to be ran by Mizore's mother.

"I guess…you're right. I'll try to cheer up for Tsukune's sake. It still worries me though." Kasumi said meekly. She had always been protective of their only child and it was a challenge for her to accept that not only did monsters exist, but Tsukune would be marrying one soon. She didn't want to admit it but she knew that her husband was right. She had found Mizore to be a quiet yet kind girl who seemed to genuinely care deeply for Tsukune. That was the most important thing.

Tsukune slipped his hands in to his pockets to warm them as he looked out at the road in front of the ski lodge. He took a deep breath as he waited patiently for his parents and Kyoko to finally arrive. He was concerned at how they would be taking all of this in, especially his mom. He was pulled out of his thoughts though when he felt a soft white hand rest on his shoulder. He looked up and smiled to see Mizore standing there, wearing a short white yukata and traditional sandals. "Something wrong, Tsukune?" She asked curiously a she sat down on the steps next to him.

"No not really, I'm just thinking this may be the most awkward meeting I've ever had with my parents." Tsukune explained.

"Don't worry. Mother says she wants to make the best impression possible on your parents." Mizore said reassuringly. They didn't have to wait long, for almost as soon as Mizore had finished speaking did they hear the soft distant hum of a vehicle coming closer and closer. Soon they could see the bus coming up the mountain road towards the inn. The bus came to a slow stop and the doors opened as Tsukune's parents and a drowsy Kyoko stepped out.

"Well now, we haven't been here in a long time. And it still looks just as beautiful, right Honey?" Koji Aono said as he held their suitcase with one hand and patted his wife's shoulder with the other.

"Oh yes, it is quite nice." Kasumi agreed with a nod, trying to sound happy and cheerful.

"How kind of you, welcome to our resort." Came out Tsurara's voice that surprised everyone. She was hiding behind the door then walked out with a warm smile.

"Mr. and Mrs. Aono, this is my mother. Mother, these are Tsukune's parents." Mizore said, introducing them to one another.

"Oh, it's nice to finally meet you." Kasumi Aono said as the parents bowed to one another.

"Ah, well it looks like Mizore takes after you quite a lot, Mrs. Shirayuki." Koji Aono mentioned.

"Perhaps. Although personally I think our Mizore takes after her father, as well as me, quite a bit." Tsurara mentioned and looked up when she noticed a white…thing coming straight for them, "Speaking of which, here comes my husband now."

Koji and Kasumi Aono's eyes went wide as they saw a large white creature that looked like a yeti walking towards them through the snow. Kasumi's face went pale as she stuttered out frantically, "Th-that's your husband!"

"Yes, that's him." Tsurara said with a smile and nodded as her husband walked over to her. She looked up at him and said, "Dear, these are Tsukune's parents."

Mizore's father walked up the nervous human pair and held out his large hand and let out a muffled and gruff, "Herroooo."

Tsukune's father hesitantly held out his hand and shook the large hand and jokingly said, "It's good to meet you. Umm….your wife was just saying how much Mizore resembles the two of you. I'm…afraid I don't see the resemblance in your case."

"It's the hair." Tsurara mentioned.

"Really…." Koji said and started to look back and forth between Mizore and her father. Hair? Mizore didn't look like she had fur. "I just can't see it…."

"Of course you can't. Dear, take off that silly outfit. We can barely understand what you're saying through that silly mask." Tsurara said.

"Orrrkkraaayyy." Mizore's father said, then reached his hands up and pulled off the yeti head, revealing the face of a very normal looking man with blue hair and the same eyes as his family. "There, is that better?"

"Oh! Haha, I see. It was just a suit." Koji said with a laugh.

"that's such a relief…oh I mean uhh…" Kasumi stuttered out.

"Sorry if my wife and I seem a tad on edge. It just took us a bit by surprise to find out…about your family." Tsukune's father explained, trying his best to be diplomatic and friendly.

"Oh no worries. We understand." Tsurara said then explained, "We were both very surprised as well when we found out that Tsukune is human. But we both think highly of your son regardless, and it isn't unheard of for humans and snow-women to marry."

The parents walked in to the inn as they continued to talk and chat, getting to know one another more. Tsukune and Mizore looked at each other, smiling a bit. Tsukune said, "Well, I guess things are going well so far. Seems like they're hitting it off."

"It shouldn't be that surprising. Mother and Father are used to humans on account of running the ski resort here in the human world. They even thought this would be the best place to have a wedding since it's in the human world." Mizore explained.

"Oh okay, so when is everyone is else getting here?" Tsukune asked curiously.

"What do you mean?" Mizore asked, tilting her head a bit to the side.

"You know, all of friends from the newspaper club. Moka, Kurumu, Yukari, Gin, and Ruby? You invited them, didn't you?" Tsukune asked since Mizore had been in charge of the invitations.

"Oh right, I suppose I forgot about them." Mizore said as she looked away a little, obviously lying through her teeth.

"Mizore! You didn't invite them, did you? Why would you do that? They're our friends. I'm sure they'd want to be here." Tsukune questioned with a surprised tone in his voice.

"I don't need those girls trying to interfere with our big day. So no vampires trying to suck your blood or succubus tramps pushing their ridiculous breasts in your face." Mizore said plainly.

"I don't think you're giving our friends enough credit." Tsukune said simply.

Later on that evening after dinner everyone took a dip in the hot springs. Tsukune's father let out a sigh of relaxation as he stretched his arms up over his head then turned to his son and said, "Well, tomorrow's the big day. Feeling a little on edge?"

"Heh…yeah, I guess so. I'm happy, excited, and really REALLY nervous." Tsukune admitted as he leaned back against the side of the hot spring.

"Don't worry, that's normal. I think every man feels that way the night before their wedding day. Just remember to keep your head low and don't do anything stupid." Koji Tsukune said jokingly.

"Mind if I join you both?" Mizore's father asked as he stepped out to the hot spring.

"Not at all, Mr. Shirayuki." Tsukune said.

"Yeah, just talking to my boy before the big day tomorrow. He has those wedding jitters." Koji mentioned.

"Oh yes, those were the worst. I remember that well." Mizore's father said and nodded in agreement before adding, "Oh yes, that reminds me. There was something I wanted to talk to you about, Tsukune."

"What's that, Mr. Shirayuki?" Tsukune asked.

"I just wanted to remind you that Mizore is my only daughter. So if you ever hurt her….you'll be killed. Understand?" Mizore's father asked, all the while smiling innocently.

Tsukune's face went pale and he nodded in agreement. "Y-yes Sir!"

"Just thought I'd give you fair warning. Don't do anything foolish. I might give you the benefit of the doubt, but Tsurara is unstoppable." Mizore's father said then paused and patted Tsukune on the shoulder, "I'm happy that our Mizore met you before she came of age. She never liked the idea of being forced to marry someone she might not know, much less care for. Tsurara and I didn't choose each other."

Meanwhile in the women's side of the hot spring Tsukune's mother, Kyoko, and Tsurara were all enjoying the water and soaking. Tsukune's mother and Kyoko however began to shiver uncontrollably once the water's temperature dramatically dropped within very little time. They looked over to see Mizore dumping a bucket of ice in to the water. "Wh-what are you doing!?" Kyoko asked as her teeth chattered.

"Cooling the temperature down, it's much too hot for my taste." Mizore explained in her usual voice as she slipped in next to her mother. "Ah, much better. Right Mother?"

"It is nicely refreshing. Although I don't believe they care for it." Tsurara agreed as she turned to Kasumi and Kyoko and explained, "Sorry about that. You see, Mizore can't take hot temperatures like I can."

"Wh-why is that….?" Tsukune's mother asked as she wrapped her arms around herself and rubbed her arms up and down, trying feebly to warm up.

"Well you see, the younger a snow woman is the more sensitive to heat they are. I can appreciate a hot spring since I'm older, but Mizore is too young." Tsurara explained.

"Well….I think I've soaked enough for tonight. I think I'm going to go dry off…" Kyoko said and quickly jumped out of the now cold hot spring, followed closely by her aunt.

"I guess some people just can't appreciate an ice bath." Mizore said with a shrug.

That night Tsukune was lying in a futon, staring up at the ceiling silently. He let out a low yawn and yet he couldn't get himself to sleep. There were so many thoughts going through his dead on account of the following day. Why was it that whenever one needed to sleep more than ever on account of an important day would be the same night that insomnia would hit? It was like clockwork. Tsukune looked to the side, looking out the window to see a slow constant flurry of white snow falling from the sky. It was so quiet and serene. Tsukune felt himself relaxing simply by staring at the falling snow.

Tsukune's eyes wandered towards the door when he noticed a faint light coming from the space between the door and the frame. That was strange, he was sure that he had closed it all the way. He then noticed a small shadow that started to move and he quickly sat up in surprise. "Who is that?" He called out in a whispered voice.

"You looked so cute right then, Tsukune." Came out Mizore's voice as slid the door open, revealing herself.

"Mizore! What are you doing? It's late, you know." Tsukune mentioned. "Shouldn't you be getting some rest tomorrow?"

"I know it's late, but I can't help it. I realized that this would be my last chance to stalk you as a single person. After tomorrow whenever I stalk you, I'll be a wife stalking my husband. So I figured this would be a good way to spend tonight." Mizore explained.

"Oh I see….well….that's really nice, Mizore." Tsukune said. He guess it was sort of sweet, in a very strange way.

"Yeah, but it's no good now that you know I'm here." Mizore said as she stood up and walked in to the room, only to lie down next to Tsukune underneath the futon and curl up next to him.

Tsukune blushed and asked, "Isn't it bad luck for the groom to see bride before the wedding?"

"I don't care. I don't want to spend any more time away from you." Mizore said, blushing as she said so. Tsukune blushed as well and the two of them stared in to each other's eyes. The white snowy mountains outside the window filled the dark room with a soft subtle light. Not much, but just enough for the two lovers to see each other.

Tsukune simply smiled and nodded in understanding. He wrapped his arms around Mizore and gently pulled the two of them closer to each other. Mizore rested against Tsukune, and Tsukune held Mizore tenderly. The two of them stayed that way until Tsukune noticed that Mizore had fallen asleep. He smiled and held her closer to him, realizing that in less than one day the beautiful girl in his arms would be his wife. It was that thought that made all of his doubts and nervousness instantly fade away in to the night. Soon, he had fallen asleep as well.

Hey everyone. I know it's been a while. Been really busy lately with work and other stuff. I also didn't have a real solid idea for the next Tsuku/Mizore one-shot. Anyways, I hope everyone liked this one. I had some requests last time for more scenes with Tsukune's parents so I thought it'd be interesting to try to imagine them meeting Mizore's parents in this situation. I figured it'd be cliche though to have it be super-chaotic.

I hope everyone enjoyed this one. The next chapter is actually going to focus Mizore's parents and how they got together, but there's going to be some nice Mizore/Tsukune stuff too! As always, thanks so much for reading and leave a comment or review if you wish. See you soon.