I just want to thank everyone who has read and reviewed this story so far. I greatly appreciate it. For anyone who may still be interested, here's the next chapter.
As per usual, this has not been proofed, so there will be mistakes.
Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert and the world of The Vampire Diaries do not belong to me. Warner Brothers are the fortunate ones.
Thanks again for reading.
A Single Soul
Chapter Three
"I'm waiting, Stefan. Come to me. Please."
A hungry groan broke from him, want flaring to life deep in his gut as he took a hesitant step forward. The burning need demanded he rush to her and revel in the relief she offered, while the crushing fear begged him to turn around and walk away.
Stefan tossed his head from side to side on the pillow, on the cusp between sleep and consciousness, eager to pull himself back from the haunting dream, but helpless in his endeavor as Elena's mesmerizing image hovered before him.
She stood by one of the many trees dotting the woods, her white, floor-length nightgown seeming to glow in the moonlight. Dark russet hair flowed over her shoulders, his fingers pulsing with the impetuous desire to feel the silken strands against his skin.
"Please, Stefan." The husky appeal brimmed with blatant longing, Elena raising her arms, holding them open in sensual invitation.
Her enchanting plea stoked the merciless craving clawing at his insides, raw need unrelenting in its dictate to be sated. Gradually, he moved closer, his stride tentative in a frail challenge to the unforgiving desire for fulfillment. But as he shortened the distance between them, the impassioned trance became more profound, a foggy vale settling over his mind, numbing the fear, quietly sabotaging his unstable defiance.
He stopped just beyond her reach, his jaw clenching tight, her closeness feeding the treacherous want threatening to overtake him. She looked up into his face; large, brown eyes alight with the hunger he'd heard in her voice. Flawless, olive skin was flushed a delicate rose while her lovely features held a subtle tension as she boldly anticipated his touch.
His attention slid lower, the desire to relish all of her perfection taking him over. The sheer gown did little to hide the unparalleled beauty that lay beneath. Saliva pooled in Stefan's mouth while his gaze swept over high, firm breasts, tipped with dusky, pebbled peaks. Slowly his sights moved downward, following the luscious curves as her body dipped delicately at her waist before flaring to softly rounded hips and tapering to long, shapely legs.
Stefan swallowed hard against the alluring splendor as his attention returned to Elena's precious face and gravitated to her mouth. Her full lips were slightly parted, invitingly moist, ready to be savored.
One taste. That's all he needed. The callous want tore at his body and mind, hunger a living entity crawling through him, demanding he take from her what he craved. Just one touch. Just one taste. But would that ever be enough?
Stefan grabbed on tightly to the hesitation the question prompted in a fervent attempt to resist the temptation beckoning him toward certain desolation.
"Stefan…don't you want me?" Disappointment replaced the shadow of passion shading Elena's expression while she lowered her arms, a subtle frown pulling at her lovely mouth.
His short laugh was harsh, lacking any pretense of joy, as he continued to fight the desire she kindled, all at once desperate to beat back the raging hunger even as he acknowledged his perpetual vulnerability. "God…Elena, I've never wanted anyone more in my entire life. You are all I want. But…"
"Then come to me." Her voice was hushed, need cloaked in silk, as she offered the enticement, the satisfied smile returning to her lips.
Stefan closed his eyes in a feeble effort to block out Elena's relentless allure. Head bowed, fists at his sides, he fought to sustain the last remnants of his flimsy willpower. But her heart pounded in his ears, an irresistible summons, a compelling rhythm drawing him forward, commanding his attention.
"Please?" Another hushed plea edged with palpable need.
The remaining tendrils of resistance snapped, Elena's impassioned request demolishing his final stand against the eternal longing he held for her. Searing desire rushed to the surface, taking him over, charging through the troublesome hesitation, burying the cautionary fear.
Lifting his head, Stefan opened his eyes and crossed the short distance between them before pulling Elena to him. An arm around her waist, he used his other hand to cradle her head, want driving him toward madness as she pressed her supple body into his.
Her contented smile was seductive, as was her slow examination of his face, the smoldering scrutiny ending at his mouth. He held his breath while her attention lingered there for several moments, as if captivated. When Elena passed her tongue deliberately across her bottom lip, Stefan was lost. His anguished growl echoed off the nearby trees as he lowered his head, taking Elena's mouth with his, the painful longing both calmed and stirred by the delicious contact.
A settling relief swept over Stefan. Slowly, he delighted in Elena's enchanting sweetness, taking pleasure in her softness, allowing her closeness to quiet the agonizing ache. But all too quickly the taste of her lips brought with it the yearning for something more.
Without thought, he relinquished her mouth to scatter gentle kisses along her cheek before moving down her neck, a last deliberate kiss alighting on the delicate flesh just above the stream of life ebbing beneath. Pressure built around his eyes, canines lengthened, excruciating thirst suddenly blinding in its severity.
"Elena. No." The quiet warning was drawn from Stefan while he wrestled with the horror of the dream, frantically trying to stop the telltale nightmare from playing out.
"Stefan?" Faint confusion tainted Elena's tone as she pulled back from him slightly.
The piercing thirst gushed through his veins, flooding his brain, inundating the will to stop. Somewhere in the back of his mind the voice of reason floundered in the torrent, softly reminding him of his devotion to Elena, of his determination to keep her safe, of his vow never to sully her life with his darkness. His jaw clenched tight in a last ditch effort to clamp down on the unbearable craving and concentrate on the wisdom running through his head. But the lure of her blood was much too great, the need for satisfaction submerging the damning insight into silence.
The arm around her waist stiffened, pulling her closer, while the hand cradling her head held her still. With a spellbound anticipation imprisoning him, Stefan slid his tongue along the soft, thin barrier of skin guarding the nectar flowing a fang's width below. The delectable tang sent a gratifying shiver down his spine while the subtle pulse beat against his need, heightening his thirst.
"Stefan." His name no longer held the note of turmoil, a breathless expectation seeming to take its place as a result of his bold caress. Elena's fingers worked through the hair at the back of his head, holding him to her.
And the last, dim shades of Stefan's fortitude dissolved.
Elena's tender flesh gave way easily under the sharp pressure of his bite. Decades of beastly practice had honed his skill, his canines hitting the mark perfectly. Warm blood surged into his mouth. The sublime experience bombarded his senses, placating the violent hunger as the coppery syrup ran down his throat. And he lost himself in the glorious abyss of unrivaled gratification.
As if caught in a hazy vision, he stifled the weak struggles of the being who would interrupt his pleasure, while somewhere off in the distance he heard a panicked scream. His hold on the delicately supple creature strengthened as he mindlessly indulged in the exquisite nectar sacrificed to his unnatural hunger, damnation a forgotten consequence of his excess.
One more hard pull and the flow of blood began to slow. In the next moment, the stream stopped.
Stefan lifted his head, eyes closed, air moving quickly over parted lips while his entire body pulsated with an unequaled euphoria. Empowering fulfillment bathed his muscles and steadied his mind, the unbearable thirst sated, the merciless beast pacified.
But the heady tranquility was short lived when he looked down on the precious victim lying motionless in his arms. His gaze crept over her charming face and a gruesome panic began to rise.
Skin, only minutes before blushed with life, appeared gray as ash. Terror clouded the now lifeless eyes staring up at him, the repulsive horror of her last conscious moments fixed in the expressive orbs.
Stefan's stomach rolled. He fought the violent sickness as his body all at once threatened to reject the sustenance used to placate it only a moment ago. As the fleeting sensation passed, tears began to obstruct his view.
"Elena." He hugged her close, face buried in her silken hair. "Oh, God, what have I done? Elena!"
"Elena!" Stefan bolted up into a sitting position in the bed, breathing ragged, body covered in sweat, mind frantic with the memory of his horrendous act. The queasy feeling he'd experienced in the dream carried over to consciousness, but it only lasted a second or two, his empty stomach providing nothing for him to purge.
"Elena." Her name left him in quiet relief as he bowed his head and ran a rough hand through his hair.
That was the second time he'd had to endure the agonizing nightmare. The first time had come the night Elena had shown up on his doorstep. Now, four days later.
Stefan swung his legs over the side of the bed, placing his feet on the floor as he sat on the edge. With his elbows resting on his knees, he cradled his head in his hands, staring down at the rug. The momentary relief that he hadn't actually harmed Elena gave way to the frightening, very real possibility the he could hurt her, destroy her in fact. And as the haunting prospect loomed before him, a dreadful shudder rippled through his body.
No. Never. He refused to relent to the tale-tell nightmare and the terrifying risk it foreshadowed.
"Uncle Stefan?" Zach's voice sounded from the doorway. "You all right?"
Stefan jerked his head up with the intrusion, his nephew's sudden appearance catching him off guard. He'd been so lost in the disturbing aftermath of the nightmare he hadn't heard the younger Salvatore approach. His attention gravitated to the doorway as he stood. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"You sure? I thought I heard you yell something." Zach scrutinized Stefan's appearance with a quick once over. "Looks like you didn't get much rest."
Glancing to his left, Stefan caught his reflection in the mirror over the dressing table on the far wall. He was naked, save for the navy sweat pants clinging to the thin sheet of moisture covering his legs. That moisture also coated his upper body, face and arms, a physical testament to the abject panic he'd experienced as a result of the horrific dream. His gaze drifted to his face, and he acknowledged his lack of color. Unusually pale skin was part of a vampire's reality, but today he looked particularly ashen, unkind smudges darkening the flesh beneath his eyes. Frankly, he looked like shit. Zach had been benevolent with his observation.
"I got enough. It was just a little restless." Stefan down played the significance of the unsettling afternoon. Relaying the dream to his nephew was not something he had any intension of doing.
"If you say so." Zach's tone was a little dubious as he entered the room. He stopped to stand by the table in front of the bookcase. "Sheriff Forbes asked me for more vervain."
"Not a surprise."
"No, I suppose not." Zach shrugged. "It's pretty obvious the deaths were the result of a vampire attack. Whoever did it did a lousy job of covering it up."
"Or maybe they just didn't care about being discovered." Stefan folded his arms over his chest, allowing his sights to drop to the floor. Mystic Falls' cruel history was fairly well known throughout the vampire community. Most would be very careful not to draw attention to a kill if they were reckless enough to even try one.
"Or they didn't know any better."
Zach's suggestion pulled Stefan from his thoughts, his gaze shifting back to his nephew. "A fledgling? God, let's hope not." A repulsed frown pulled at his mouth. It was a possibility he didn't want to consider. Nearly all newly made vampires had close to zero self-control. If this was a novice with no guidance, there would be more bodies soon. "Either way, the killing has to stop."
"Well, so far so good." Zach looked down at the table, something appearing to catch his eye as he continued. "Nothing new over the last five days. Maybe they moved on."
"Maybe." Stefan couldn't quite bring himself to believe that it would be that easy. Nothing was ever that easy. Besides, just because they may have left Mystic Falls, didn't mean they had ended their killing spree. He needed to find them and put a stop to it. And who's to say they wouldn't return? "Regardless, this needs to be resolved before I leave town."
"You've still got this picture?" Zach picked up a piece of paper board, about five by seven inches, from the table. "I thought you would have tossed it by now."
Stefan joined his nephew at the table, his focus drawn to the photograph in the mortal's hand. He pursed his lips against the troubling possibilities the image provoked. "Yeah, I would have thought so too."
He'd forgotten he even had the damn thing until, ironically, he'd come across it in one of his journals the day before pulling Elena from the river. Seeing Katherine's lovely face again had made him catch his breath, a myriad of contrasting emotions fighting for supremacy. In the end, pain and anger had won out as the photograph strengthened fading memories, stirring recollections he would have liked forgotten.
He'd thrown the unwanted memento in a small waste can sitting on the floor next to his desk, eager to dispose of the portrait and the anguish attached to it. But after he'd found Elena, he'd fished the picture out in an effort to assure himself he wasn't going completely crazy.
Looking upon Elena's face for the first time had been a swift kick to the gut, the shock profound as he'd peered through the window of the submerged SUV at the beautiful girl trapped in the water. Although, he'd known Katherine had perished in the Fell's Church fire, the remarkable resemblance between his maker and Elena Gilbert had caused him to doubt the validity of his understanding. They were…identical, and it suddenly brought into question whether Katherine had somehow escaped the blaze.
After securing Elena's safety, Stefan had learned all he could about her in order to convince himself that Katherine Pierce wasn't still…undead. And although the vigilance had given him peace of mind, he'd known deep in his heart it hadn't really been necessary. He'd never once experienced anything close to the sensation from Katherine's touch that he did with Elena's. There was absolutely no comparison. They may look exactly alike, but they were two entirely different people on opposite sides of the spectrum. One he had grown to despise over the last century for the destruction she'd brought to him and his brother. While the other had been an earth-shattering discovery that quietly afforded him a mysterious, endearing peace, a kind, giving, precious being whom he had grown to love beyond any earthly measure.
"I actually did toss it…for about a day." A short, humorless laugh left Stefan as he took the photograph from Zach, staring down at the deceivingly innocent face. "But after I learned of Elena's existence, I decided I'd keep it around as a reminder of the damage I can do to her life, if I let myself get too close. Katherine ruined mine and Damon's lives when she turned us into vampires. I refuse to give myself the slightest chance of doing the same to Elena. Katherine's image helps keep the fear fresh."
"You don't need her picture for motivation."
"I'm not so sure anymore. I can feel myself slipping, Zach." Stefan looked up, locking eyes with his nephew as a note of an unwanted desperation entered his voice. "It's getting harder and harder to keep my distance. I…. After this is over, I've got to leave for good. I trust myself less every day."
"Look, Uncle Stefan, I'll be the first to admit you have a…chilling history. But you've got this. You're not going to hurt Elena. You're not going to turn her." Zach reached out to place an encouraging hand on Stefan's shoulder. "Over the last few years, I've gotten to know you better than I ever thought I would. You're going to do what you always do…the right thing."
"I wish I had your confidence, but thanks just the same." The hint of a grateful smile tugged at Stefan's lips.
Chilling? Once again, his nephew had been reserved with his judgment. The Stefan Salvatore of old was nothing short of a monster, mindless, brutal. And the capacity of the beast was still present, a threat to all in his orbit. He fought it every day…the hum in his head as hearts beat around him…the burn along his throat as the scent of human blood bombarded him from every angle. Some days were better than others, but every single one was a struggle. A struggle he had a tremendous fear of losing.
"No problem." Zach released his uncle's shoulder and turned to leave the room, but stopped at the doorway to look back at Stefan. "I take it everything was quiet last night."
"Yeah." Stefan dropped the picture back on the table before focusing his attention on his nephew. "I stuck around to make sure she got to work okay this morning. She gets off at seven."
"You still meeting with the hospital administrator and accountant this afternoon?"
"Six o'clock." Stefan nodded. "I should be finished in time to see that Elena makes it home safely."
"This is awfully high profile for you, isn't it? Meeting with these people?" Zach cocked his head slightly, obviously unconcerned about voicing his curiosity. "Don't you usually let your accountant handle all the donations on the QT?"
"Usually." Stefan admitted with a shrug. "But…I'd like to become a part of this community again…no matter how small. Helping the hospital out with its new addition seemed like a good way to do that."
"You call five million dollars small?" Zach chuckled before his attitude took on a more serious quality. "Besides…this participation goes against your whole plan, doesn't it? Becoming involved and leaving town don't quite set you on a single path, do they?"
It really didn't make a whole lot of sense, he supposed, but he just felt like he needed to do this, and that the town needed to know it was a Salvatore doing it. Zach's cooperation with the council, and Joseph's too for that matter, had worked to put the family name back in good stead with the founding families. But Stefan wanted to do something that would benefit the entire town.
And then there was Elena. An oddly warm tremor flowed over his cool body as her beautiful face flashed in his mind's eye, his jaw clenching in reaction. The stability of the hospital would allow her to keep doing what she loved for as long as she wanted. And on some ridiculously immature and contradictory level, he wanted her to know what he had done. He wanted her to think kindly of him, if nothing more. It was poor consolation for the love he craved, but it would have to do.
An unwanted sadness invaded Stefan's thoughts just as he pulled himself back from the painful futility of his absolute love for Elena. "It's just this one time. If I do anything else for the citizens of Mystic Falls, I'll keep it on the…QT." Stefan smirked at the reference. "Does anyone say that anymore?"
"I do." Zach cast his uncle a mischievously indignant frown before continuing his exit. "Okay. I'll let you get your shower. Hope the meeting goes well." And he disappeared down the stairs.
Stefan heaved a sigh and headed toward the shower. He hoped the evening went well too.
"Man, I hate this." Elena's nervous whisper barely reached her ears as the condensation caused by the chilly air rose in front of her face.
She held tightly to the car key, the shaft pushed between the middle two fingers of her fisted hand while the butt rested firmly against her palm. It wasn't much of a defense, but it was better than nothing. She'd toyed with the idea of getting a can of mace only a few weeks ago. Maybe she should revisit that notion.
Mystic Falls was growing a little too fast for Elena's taste. Some pretty odd, pretty violent, things had happened over the last several years. As a result, she had become more apprehensive in certain situations to which, in the past, she never would have given a second thought. This was one of those. The three deaths that happened about a week ago didn't help her peace of mind much either. Even though they were described as animal attacks, they were still pretty odd and still pretty violent.
Not much farther. Elena silently encouraged herself as a gust of cold wind whipped across her body and an unwelcome shiver rushed over her.
You need a thicker coat. She refused to give in completely to the annoying trepidation. It was extra cold extra early this year. The leather jacket simply wasn't cutting it anymore. She should have pulled the heavy coat out of storage before she left for work, but she'd been running a little behind and didn't give herself enough time. Hence, her current predicament.
She'd gotten to work later than normal and had parked farther from the hospital than she would have liked. The employee/visitor parking lot was well lit, but she'd had to park a good hike from the hospital doors and had been unable to get the car directly under one of the lights as was her usual routine when she worked a later shift. There really wasn't enough parking space. The renovation/addition was supposed to allow for employee only parking. She couldn't wait.
Now…It should be right…there. As she walked around the corner of parked cars, her SUV came into view. She'd only had to park four rows up, but the only space open at the time had been in the far corner.
A subtle relief washed through Elena when she spotted her Escape, her grip on the key easing some as she picked up her pace a little. In the next few moments, she hit the button on the key fob to unlock the car as she approached the driver side door.
"I'll take that."
The unfamiliar voice startled Elena and she froze, her hand hovering just above the door handle. Turning her head to the left, she saw a man…not much taller than herself, wearing jeans, tennis shoes and a jean jacket walking toward her, hands stuffed in the pockets of his coat. He also had a stocking cap pulled down over his face.
He stopped a short distance from her. With a nod of his head, he indicated the SUV. "I said I'll take that."
"You're stealing my car." Even as a stunned fear blanketed Elena's brain, a peculiar sort of irony found its way in too, the unbelievable absurdity of the run of bad luck she'd experienced over the last couple of weeks making her want to…giggle. "Really?"
"And the purse."
"Look." Straightening, Elena turned her full attention on the robber. "Please…can't we…."
"No." He interrupted her as he pulled his left hand from its pocket to point a gun at Elena's midsection. "We can't. Now give me the key."
The horror took her over completely as Elena stared down at the barrel of the small weapon, the surreal circumstance coming into sharper focus.
Oh, God.
"Well, Mister Salvatore, I can't tell you how grateful I am. Your generosity is remarkable." Frank Winfield's smile stretched from ear to ear. He was clearly a very happy man.
Stefan stood abruptly; panic spreading through him as he picked up on Elena's conversation outside in the parking lot. The meeting had lasted too damn long. He had to get the hell out of here. Now. "You're more than welcome, Doctor Winfield. I'll have my accountant get a hold of you over the next couple of days and we'll go from there. If you'll excuse me, I just remembered another appointment I have to get to. Goodnight."
Ignoring the perplexed expression on Winfield's face, Stefan rushed through the office door and made his way to a stairwell in hopes of finding a discrete way out of the building, fear for Elena's safety building with every step he took.
The man moved a few paces forward, stopping much too close for Elena's comfort, her stomach giving a hard lunge as the dread got a firmer grip. She forced herself to look into his face. The black knit obstructed her view, but the holes in the mask revealed a thin mouth, and his eyes were blue, maybe, the shadows thrown by the not too distant street light made it hard to tell. They were light in color; that was all she could say for sure.
He seemed a little nervous, his attention distracted for a second while he quickly scanned the parking lot as if he was fearful of getting caught. "Come on hand 'em over. The key and the purse." His voice held an edge of impatience as he settled his sights back on Elena. "Now."
When he pulled his right hand out of a pocket and reached for the leather strap resting over Elena's shoulder, her first instinct was to grab on to what was hers and back away. The reaction was not so much one of defiance but of impulse. She knew she was in a bad spot and provoking him would only make things worse, but damn it, he had no right.
"You bitch." The thief's eyes narrowed, his lips forming a hard line, just before the back of his right hand came up to slice across her cheek and jaw. "I said give 'em to me."
The vicious blow sent Elena staggering backward a few steps before doubling over against the searing pain pulsating from her jaw. As she struggled to shake off the alarming attack, her legs all at once buckled, sending her to her knees.
In the next instant, she heard a loud thud. Looking up, she saw the would-be robber lying on his back, held down by a hand around his throat. Through the merciless throbbing in her head, Elena blinked in an endeavor to clear her fuzzy vision. As the fog dissipated, she recognized Stefan Salvatore leaning over the thief, holding him in place with what appeared to be no effort at all. The man fought mightily against his captor, hands beating at the arm restraining him, but Stefan made no move to compensate for the panicked thrashing, his grip never wavering. He remained eerily still, obviously confident in his vastly superior strength as he stared down on the puny man, a menacing scowl hardening his beautiful profile.
A ruthless anger scorched along every impulse, Stefan finding it nearly impossible to keep his rage from utterly destroying the paltry human who had dared to raise a hand to Elena, his grip tightening around the bastard's neck. But killing the mortal right in front of her eyes was a brutal mistake he could not afford to make. Killing the man under any circumstance would be wrong, but that didn't make Stefan's need for retribution any less potent. Regardless…Elena was safe now. He had to concentrate on that and allow the relief to dilute the caustic fury clouding his judgment. But the fact that she had been hurt at all had him seething…and cursing his own failure to prevent it.
With all the restraint he could muster, Stefan gave the man a taste of his own medicine, connecting a fisted hand with the mortal's jaw, knocking him out cold.
"Elena." Her name quietly left him as he straightened and turned. The sight of her kneeling on the ground slashed at his heart, fear from the attack still fresh in her eyes.
A couple of swift strides and he stood over her, the excruciating need to pick her up and hold her close causing him a seconds hesitation as he battled the perilous ache. He couldn't give in to it no matter how much he longed to comfort her or hungered for the contact. Keeping her at arm's length would keep her safe from his tainted influence, where the tragedy of the dream would never have the chance to become reality.
The nightmare.
His internal scuffle came to an abrupt end as the malevolent reminder once again brought into focus the consequence of his selfish weakness. There was no place for his frailty here…now. She needed his help…his support, and he would be resolute enough to give it to her without jeopardizing the barrier that had to be kept between them. At the moment, her care and wellbeing were all that mattered.
With a determined sigh, Stefan crouched down in front of Elena, his voice low and steady as he tried to project a soothing tone. "Are you hurt badly, Elena? Should we go back to the hospital?"
She looked up at him, the sound of his calm voice banishing the last of her fear. Taking a deep breath, she smiled, ignoring the pain that continued to pulse through her cheek. Relief slowed the panicked rhythm of her heart as she gazed into his eyes, profound concern staring back at her from the expressive depths.
Slowly shaking her head, Elena reassured him. "No, not badly." Lifting a hand to her face, she lightly touched where she'd been struck. "I'm probably going to have a pretty good bruise, but that's all. I'll be fine. No trip to the hospital necessary."
"You're sure?" Stefan quietly asked, his head dipping slightly as he boldly held her attention, blatantly challenging her to tell him if she truly had any worries about the extent of her injuries.
"Yeah, I'm sure." Elena nodded. "I just need to get home and put some ice on my cheek. I'll be okay."
Stefan pursed his lips as he seemed to reluctantly accept her assessment of the situation. It was obvious he wanted her to get herself checked out, but there was really no need. A little ice and something for the pain, and she'd be good as new. However, the inevitable bruising was going to take some time to go away. And she might even have a black eye to show for her encounter with the jerk of a car thief.
Ugh. My luck I'll look like I went ten rounds with Mike Tyson. Terrific.
With that pleasant thought, Elena raised herself up on her knees as she prepared to stand, but before she could make another move, Stefan's hands wrapped around her forearms and he gently lifted her from the ground. Once she was on her feet, his hold loosened, but he didn't release her as he seemed to be gauging whether she was steady enough for him to let go.
As Elena looked back at Stefan and smiled her assurance, it was almost as if she was seeing him for the first time since his miraculous arrival. And she instantly became distracted, the disagreeable situation she'd just experienced momentarily taking a back seat as she closely considered the man standing in front of her.
With her next breath caught somewhere in her throat, Elena's pulse rate picked up speed again, fear having nothing to do with the accelerated tempo this time, however. The high school boy from several days ago was nowhere to be seen. Oh, Stefan's beautifully youthful face still gave her pause, but the T-shirt and jeans had been replaced by much more sophisticated garb. He hadn't bothered buttoning the long, black overcoat he wore, and beneath it a dark, tailored suit draped his extraordinary body, accented by a crisp white shirt and dark tie. In this moment, he appeared to be every inch the successful business executive, and Lord have mercy did he look…hot. Elena swallowed hard against his tantalizing presence.
Here we go again. Do you have no self-control? For goodness sake. You've just been assaulted. Concentrate woman.
But as with their first meeting, sense seemed to get lost somewhere amidst the attraction, and Elena had to struggle to give reason a much needed foothold. It was absolutely ludicrous, but his beauty simply overwhelmed her, and she was content for a few brief moments to admire it. He was just too much.
Yeah…too much. Out of your league. Remember? Out of your stratosphere, more like it.
Elena blinked as the shrewd reminder barged through her lusty admiration, a subtle heat rising to warm her face. Wrong time, wrong place would be the understatement of the year. She'd just been attacked, and here she stood swooning over her rescuer like the proverbial damsel in distress. Could the tired cliché be any more preposterous? Probably not.
Embarrassing…on so many levels. You're not going to do this again. Get a grip.
She couldn't be attracted to Stefan Salvatore. She didn't want to be attracted to Stefan Salvatore. She just wanted to go on her merry way and forget she'd ever set eyes on him. But apparently the fates had a different plan in mind. She still hadn't come to any conclusions as to why he affected her the way he did, but she'd finally given up worrying about it because she was certain she'd never see him again.
So much for certainty. Shoot.
As she began to appreciate the absurdity of this particular reaction to Stefan, Elena made an attempt to distance herself from his influence. She pulled back from the hands gripping her arms, and he relinquished his hold. But just as she retreated a few paces, a wave of dizziness blindsided her and her knees buckled, knocking her off balance. Maybe she wasn't as unaffected by the assault as she thought. Bringing a hand up to her forehead, she tried to right herself, but she knew she would be back on the ground in the next second or so.
However, she never made it to the pavement, a steely arm encircling her waist just as her legs gave out completely. Automatically, she reached out to him, her hands finding the lapel of Stefan's wool overcoat as she clutched the luxurious material for support. Closing her eyes, Elena tried to block out the woozy feeling swirling around in her head. This was ridiculous. The guy had hit her pretty hard, but he hadn't hit her that hard. Had he?
"You're not fine." Stefan's matter-of-fact statement held a wisp of reproach.
Elena opened her eyes, the subtle censure causing her to bristle while the need to defend her self-diagnosis quickly surfaced. "I am fine. This'll pass." Looking up into Stefan's face, she noticed the tick of a smile hovering at the edges of his mouth. And although she got the impression he was still dubious about her assertion, she allowed his amiable expression to dull her prickly irritation. With the dizziness waning, she took a deep breath and sought to lighten the situation a little more. "I'm just being overly melodramatic. You know the type, right?"
Stefan's ghostly grin broadened a touch as he nodded. "Yeah, I know the type. And you're not it." His countenance all at once sobered while his tone brimmed with an overbearing insistence as he pinned her with a rigid stare. "You're getting examined by a doctor. Period."
Elena's frustration returned with a vengeance. Shaking her head, she sought to protest his dictatorial manner. "Now look, Stefan…."
"No, Elena." He interrupted her, the domineering conviction still tainting his voice, his eyes unwavering and his purpose stark. "I need you to do this. I need to know you're okay."
She swallowed the angry retort perched on the tip of her tongue when she caught the bleak desperation echoing through Stefan's last sentence. That perplexing anguish softened his expression while a troubled fear entered his eyes. The obstinate aggravation drained from Elena the instant she recognized his blatant concern for her wellbeing, his almost panicked resolve to know without doubt she would be alright leaving her flabbergasted.
For a brief moment, Elena again wondered if she was imagining the powerful emotion staring down on her. Or perhaps she was merely misreading everything about him. But no. As easy as it would be to cling to that rationalization, she finally had to let it go. She'd been unable to explain away the palpable feelings she'd sensed in him at their first encounter, and she truly didn't believe her imagination was deceiving her now. The realization took a jackhammer to her wall of protection, filling it full of gaping holes she was certain she would never be able to repair. He cared deeply about what happened to her. For whatever reason, it was very important to him.
A warm shudder washed through Elena, heartfelt satisfaction taking hold when she allowed herself to acknowledge the notion of Stefan's compassion. And the devotion she thought she'd seen in him the night he'd changed her tire…had that been real too? Could that be the reason for the strength of his concern now? She didn't want to take her acceptance quite that far. It didn't make any sense. None of it made any sense, really. And once again, a thick confusion closed in around her.
As Elena wrestled with the turmoil spiraling in her head, she became aware of the strong band of muscle circling her waist and the fact that her hands rested against the solid wall of Stefan's chest, her fingers still wrapped around the lapels of his coat. A muted quiver came to life somewhere deep in her gut, the physical contact fostering a wicked current of nervous anticipation. That tender familiarity he held for her rushed to the surface, and she longed to bring it nearer. Desperate to squash the gauche craving, she pushed back against the sudden urge to lean closer to him, to feel him pressed against her.
Stefan's gaze traveled over Elena's precious face as he searched for some sign that she would alleviate his mounting fear and allow a doctor to examine her. He didn't want to be high handed or pushy, but one way or another she would get a thorough examination. His peace of mind…his heart would permit nothing less than certainty that she was truly okay.
It didn't take but a few ticks of the clock for his pointed scrutiny to get sidetracked by her delicate beauty, the consummate splendor tempting him, his perpetual need for her gaining strength with every passing second. But the desire cooled when he got a better look at the angry redness marring the tender flesh of her right cheek. A nauseating surge of bile rose in his throat while the merciless guilt beat at him, rage at his inability to keep her from harm searing his insides. He should have been here. He should have prevented this.
"I'm so sorry." Stefan whispered as a desolate sadness quieted the guilt-ridden fury. Raising his hand, he was unable to stop himself from reaching out to her, all at once overwhelmed by the acute longing to somehow soothe her pain.
Her eyes slid shut when he touched her untarnished cheek, the forbidden contact causing a heated electricity to arc through his fingers. Instantly, a torrent of need engulfed his body, the throb of awareness pounding at every nerve, pulsating through every muscle. His entire being rejoiced as a result of the simple intimacy, the constant ache of separation briefly muffled by the modest connection.
Stefan lost himself in the addictive sensation, greedily savoring the warm contentment Elena's closeness afforded him. Without thought, he allowed the tranquility she innocently granted him to settle deep while he basked in the sensation of her skin against his. But it didn't take long for the imprudent touch to elicit another type of ache, his senses suddenly attuned to the lure of her heartbeat and the deliciously fragrant blood rushing through her veins. The musical pulse beat against his fragile control, an uglier need coaxing his ever-present thirst to the surface.
No! Desperately, he battled to keep the hunger at bay and shackle the beast that would forever threaten Elena's life.
But, the gruesome temptation was more than he could handle. The mesmerizing throb of her heart, the luscious scent of her blood, the silky feel of her skin; all of his preternatural senses expertly honed in on the elegant appeal, while the pressure around his eyes increased with every passing moment.
Stefan's gentle touch banished the confused purpose running through Elena's head, her struggle to distance herself from his uncanny allure dissolving under the cool sensation of his flesh against hers, a settled peace taking its place. The desire to get closer to him moved over her once again, and she leaned into the palm cupping her face, the soothing satisfaction seeping deeper while it continued to quiet the puzzled concern. The basic connection brought with it that same odd sense of home and completeness she'd experienced the night he took her offered hand. And, for a moment, Elena allowed herself to relish the familiarity, briefly spellbound by the tender caress of his thumb as it slowing moved back and forth across her cheek, tiny sparks of awareness darting through her being.
Opening her eyes, Elena gave in to the sudden need to see Stefan's face, to try and gauge what he might be feeling at the moment. What she confronted startled and bewildered her, a hushed gasp escaping her lips. Blinking, she sought to clear her vision. Was the shadowy light from the street light playing tricks on her?
In the semi-darkness it seemed as though his eyes, and the flesh surrounding them had…changed somehow…become ominously dark…black…strangely unnatural. Blinking again, Elena tried once more to refocus. She had to be imagining it…right? The attack had knocked her for a loop. That had to be it. She was simply seeing things.
But are you? She silently questioned, her attempt to clear her vision failing to banish the strange appearance of Stefan's face. And as she scanned his features a shiver curled along her spine while a peculiar pull usurped her blossoming apprehension.
"Stefan? Your eyes…." Elena whispered her fascination as she mindlessly reached up with a slightly unsteady hand to touch his face.
"What the hell is this?"
The shocked voice ripped Elena's attention away from Stefan's face, her sights turning toward the new comer. Carl Winston, one of the hospital security guards, stood a few feet away, apparently dumbstruck, staring down at the man lying on the pavement behind Stefan and Elena.
"What's goin' on here?" Carl's unhappily insistent tone matched his harsh expression, his fifty-something features fixed in a suspicious frown as his hand lay on the gun resting in its holster settled on his right hip.
"There's been an attack. We'll need the police."
Stefan's calm response pulled Elena's sights back to his face, his profile clean, pale, youthful…alarmingly beautiful. Normal? It was gone…vanished. There was no sign of the darkness, the eeriness, she'd seen only seconds ago.
Dropping his hand from her cheek, he pulled his arm from around her waist and stepped back, leaving Elena no alternative but to release her hold on his coat. And as she stood staring at Stefan's suddenly somber countenance, she couldn't help but agree with Carl on some level. What the hell was that? What had she just seen? Had she actually seen anything at all?
Stefan stood a couple of yards away from the examination room's door, leaning a heavy shoulder against the wall, hands shoved deeply into the pockets of his overcoat. Anxiety pulled his jaw tight as he waited, not so patiently, to hear the doctor's verdict on Elena's health. A judgment he had deemed necessary because of the vicious attack.
And what about you? What about the viciousness you came so horrifically close to unleashing? You're no better, ya know. You're worse, in fact. When are you gonna get it through that thick skull? You can't be around her. You are the worst thing for her.
A wave of nausea once again burned Stefan's throat. The monster had nearly overpowered him as he'd naively sought to comfort her. His pathetic weakness had again raised its vile head, and Elena had been placed in danger. He wanted to believe he would have been able to stop himself before the hunger had completely taken him over, but he just couldn't be sure. And the simple fact scared him to death, a nervous tremor running up his back, down his arms and ending in a shudder through his fingers. His nightmare had foreshadowed the threat to Elena, but his need for her had eclipsed the cautionary vision. As always seemed to be the case, he'd lost himself in her closeness, in her warmth, in the serenity she unknowingly afforded him. The demon had crept over him in an instant, greedy, uncompromising, lethal.
Damn you! How could you let that happen? The self-loathing was unforgiving, brutal, as it churned his stomach and saturated his mind.
"Okay, Elena. The x-ray looks good. The damage appears to be fairly superficial. As you probably already know, there's some swelling and they'll be some bruising, but other than that, I can't see anything more serious. But as much as you seemed to think this wasn't necessary, I'm glad Mister Salvatore insisted you get checked over. Better safe than sorry. Now, go home and get some rest."
The doctor's words were music to Stefan's preternatural ears, and upon hearing the mortal's conclusion, the knots constricting his muscles loosened a bit. Elena was okay. Elena was okay.
"All right, Doctor Harrison." The door to the examination room opened. "Thanks for everything. Have a good night." Elena stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind her.
Bonnie Bennett rose from a waiting-room chair and met Elena before she got too far across the hall, a hand reaching out to clasp her friend's arm, a concerned frown tightening her features as she pointedly demanded Elena's attention. "Well?"
"I'm fine, Bonnie. Doctor Harrison doesn't see anything but some superficial swelling. Nothing life threatening." Elena offered her best friend a half-hearted smile.
Bonnie breathed a heavy sigh. "Thank goodness." She slowly shook her head as she returned Elena's smile. "This whole thing is crazy. I can't believe…. Well, anyway, I'm just relieved Stefan Salvatore was close by and able to stop the idiot."
"Yeah, me too." Elena's attention slid sideways and collided with Stefan as he stood by the wall, his eyes fixed on her, his expression solemn.
The all-too familiar, instantaneous reaction vibrated through her body, and she took a deep breath in an effort to steady herself. She hadn't thanked him yet. And she definitely needed to thank him.
"I'll be just a minute." Giving Bonnie's hand a squeeze, Elena squared her shoulders, turned and walked over to Stefan, his soulful eyes never leaving her face. She stopped a couple of feet from him and did her best to smile. "I haven't thanked you properly. So…thank you, Stefan. I don't know what might have happened if you hadn't arrived when you did. Thank you."
"You don't need to thank me, Elena." His voice was low, a husky reflection of his somber features. "You're safe. You're going to be okay. That's all I need to hear."
Another current of silent response rushed through Elena's stomach, his unabashed relief at the prospect of her safety once again giving her pause.
"Mister Salvatore…Stefan…." Frank Winfield, the hospital administrator, came striding down the hallway, his attention zoned in on Stefan, his voice raised a fraction in obvious concern. "I just heard what happened. Are you all right? Miss Gilbert, are you okay? I can't believe this."
"We're fine, Dr. Winfield." Stefan answered as he looked to Winfield, grasping the man's outstretched hand and shaking it in greeting.
"Yes, I'm fine, Dr. Winfield. Well, thank you again…Mister Salvatore." Elena bowed her head slightly avoiding Stefan's eyes as she took the opportunity to back out of the conversation. "Good night."
"Oh my." Bonnie's purposefully hushed tone held a heavy dose of surprised appreciation when Elena joined her. "Can I just say you weren't kidding? He's…stupendous."
"Yeah…isn't he." Elena couldn't deny it, as much as she still found herself wanting to, a reawakened determination prompting the renewed battle against his seemingly unbounded attraction for her.
"And the way he looks at you." Bonnie whistled softly. "Like he's staring back from the cover of some steamy romance novel. Yummy."
"What?" Elena's eyebrows rose with the outlandish declaration while she cast a bemused look in her friend's direction. "Bonnie, you're crazy."
"If you say so, but…no."
"Whatever." Elena laughed as she shook her head in frustration, unwilling to discuss Stefan Salvatore with Bonnie any more tonight. Although, she was all but certain the subject wouldn't be dropped that easily, if she knew her best friend. And she did. "Come on, let's go. I'm tired."
And the two women made their way toward the exit.
Stefan only half listened to the undeserved praise being lavished on him by the hospital administrator as he watched Elena and Bonnie leave the building. He wouldn't be satisfied until he knew Miss Elena Gilbert was safely home behind locked doors.
"Just what the hell were you thinking?" Blake's voice was surprisingly steady, given the tightness of his grip and the angry scowl distorting his features.
The fingers around Jack's neck threatened to break bone. Which wouldn't kill him, but would hurt like a bitch when he finally woke up. As it was, they were making it damn difficult to speak. "I…was hungry…and a little drunk…and I guess…I was careless."
"You guess." Blake released him, disgust still evident in his tone. "Three bodies? You can't make that kind of mistake around here. You know that."
"It won't happen again." Slowly moving his head from side to side, Jack reassured his superior.
"It better not or we're both going to find ourselves at the wrong end of a stake." The older vampire walked to the door. "Just stay low and keep your eyes open."
"Have you recovered it yet?" Jack already knew the answer, but felt the need to ask anyway. He wanted to get to the fun stuff.
"What about the spell?"
"Not yet."
"Damn." Jack rubbed his hands together with the disappointment. "I'm startin' to get antsy hangin' out in this place. Wish we could just kill her and get it over with."
"You know we can't." Blake reached for the door handle. "We have to know if she is or if she isn't. Without the spell, we won't know until they find each other. If they find each other. And even then, it'll be hard for an outsider to gage."
"It could be any one of us, anywhere in the world, or none of us." Jack shrugged. "Hell, I could be here till doom's day. Or…he could start lookin' for the male line."
"He's trying. Although, not too hard, I'll admit. He wants to see how this pans out. He's nothing if not patient." Blake pulled open the hotel room door. "At least, where doppelgangers are concerned."
End Chapter Three