Something Like Love

Chapter 1

I really need a drink. My name is Kim Crawford and I'm a music teacher at Ridge Wood High. But that's not the point, the point is I'm a 25 year old music teacher who lives in an apartment, has only one real friend and no love life.

I seriously suck.

I mean I've been on a few dates and stuff but most of the guys are real jerks. So I'm not bothering with them or any other guys at the moment. But like I said, I need a drink. And so far a bud light beer is all I've got right now.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"I'm not home" I yelled to the person, trying to invade my apartment with their noise.

"Kim open the door, its Grace" said Gracie-Bell

Remember when I said I only have one true friend… well that's Grace. We've been friends since high-school. Grace is also signal. Why, I don't know, because she has the body of a model and the face of an angle. But hey, I'm not one to talk.

I set me beer bottle down and unlock the door.

"Hey, Hey." She said with a smile.

"What's up girly" I asked

"Come to Karaoke Doe-key with me." She begged


"Because it's a Friday night your signle I'm single its ladys night and your not doing anything but siting on your ass drinking room temperature bud lights."

She had a point. That's what I was doing the rest of the day. Drinking beer and probably watching 'Dancing with the stars', but that's pretty much it.

"Plus there the only ones who make the Long Islands how you like them." She added

I thought about it. She was right, I do love me a good Long Island. So I said.

"Fine I'll go just… let me get something other than what I have on now." I said and went to my room

Changing out of my black work pants and light blue flannel shirt, I put on a nice pair of black skinny jeans and a red V-neck shirt with a white line going down diagonally and some not so high (Black) heels. I put on a little blush and some faded pink lipstick, I was ready to go.

Walking in Grace looked up from her phone. Grabbing my phone she said.

"Someone call Brigit Miller, her sister was just found."

"One its Bridget Mendler. Two, you don't make any since."

"I know, I'm working on my figure of speech language."

"Ok then let's go" I say getting bored with the conversation

…Line Break…

The place was packed, plus the music was loud and people were dancing everywhere. I needed to sit so my destination was the bar.

"I'm gonna go get a drink" I yelled over the music

"Ok but let's make a deal… if I sing you sing one song"

"No Grace I am not doing this to day, my job is music so-"

"So you should love to do one jam, its just one song please, we'll do a duet and then we'll do a solo… Please Kimmy."

"Fine ya big babe, but let's do the duet now and I'll do the solo later


Next thing I know I'm being dragged off the dance floor on to the empty stage, with a microphone in my hand and my best friend next to me. I know exactly the song she picked for us and it's one of my favorites.

A crowed was gathered quickly.

"Hello everybody. My name is Grace and this is Kimberly-"

"It's just Kim" I interjected

"Whatever. The point is were going to sing a song for you guys, its Kim's favorite and the only one we do together so here goes."

The music started to play and we started to sing.

KIM: I've never gone with the wind

Just let it flow

Let it take me were it wants to go

GRACE: Till you open the door

There's so much more

I've never seen it before

KIM: I was trying to fly

But I couldn't find wings

Then you came along and you changed every thing

BOTH: you lift my feet of the ground

Spin me around

You make me

Crazier, Crazier

Feels like I'm fallen

And I

Am lost in your eyes

You make me

Crazier, Crazier, Crazier

KIM: I watched from

A distance as you

Made life your own

Every sky was your own kind of blue

GRACE: And I wanted to know

How that would feel

And you made it so real

KIM: You showed me something

That I couldn't see

You opened my eyes

And you made me believe

BOTH: You lift my feet of the ground

Spin me around

You make me

Crazier, Crazier

Feels like I'm fallen

And I

Am lost in your eyes

You make me

Crazier, Crazier, Crazier

Uh Oh

KIM: Baby you showed me what living is for

I don't want to hide any more

You lift my feet of the ground

Spin me around

You make me

Crazier, Crazier

Feels like I'm fallen

And I

Am lost in your eyes

Crazier, Crazier, Crazier


The crowed was wild. I don't know when the last time I had so much fun with music.

The next group came up and my hart stopped.

There were three boys two brunets and one raven

But the one I gave my mic to was so cute he looked edible. He had brown eyes and brown shaggy hair about shoulder length. He had broad shoulders through his green and white button down and he had on a pair of blue jeans but he looked very good. Like goo-goo gaa-gaa good.

And that's pretty damn good.

"Here you go" I said

Handing him the mic

"Thanks" He said with the most contagious smile I've ever seen.

Walking away I started to wonder 'Is he a God, or an Angel!'

Either way he was sexy!