It's a cold morning. I can see my breath cloud around me as I exhale through my nose. The fog hasn't burned off, with the low light giving the impression of twilight instead of mid-morning. That's good. I can use the weather as a slight advantage for cover.
Through a pair of binoculars I've borrowed from Kenzi, I look at the approach to the building. It's a dilapidated warehouse, with a lot of crumbling concrete and moldy corrugated tin. Some scrubby bushes provide scant cover about halfway there, but then it's an open field the last twenty yards to a side entrance. I exhale again, as I throw the binoculars back into the Camaro. Screw it. I'm going in.
Making my way to the door, I press my body against the edge of the frame as I draw my sword. Discarding the scabbard, I reach out with my free hand and slowly turn the knob, praying that the rusty hinges don't squeak. Holding my breath, I slip inside.
After some twists and turns down a few dark hallways, I see light up ahead. I peer around the doorway, seeing the floor open up into a large loading dock area. My jaw tightens in anger as I see the three underfae trolls, hunkered around a few canvas bags of what I can assume is their latest find. They're picking through the loot, diving up everything into piles of gold and jewels, books, and other miscellaneous items.
I don't bother to muffle my footsteps as I deliberately walk up to the trio. But the trolls, being as slow as they are both mentally and physically, still haven't noticed me.
"Hey uglies!" I yell, grinning nastily as they turn around. I twirl my sword in my palm, feeling a delicious rush of adrenaline course through my veins. "If you're going to steal from others, remember to share."
The biggest troll advances towards me, his crusted lips curling into his own smile. "The unaligned succubus. Our master will be most pleased."
I keep my eye on him, even as my peripheral vision tracks the two other trolls, moving to flank me. "I don't suppose you could introduce us. He made the mistake of pissing me off."
"The human doctor? Ohh, master knew that was the way to get to you. She was such a delicate little thing." The troll flexes his hands, the muscles rippling easily under the surface. "Her bones snapped like toothpicks under my touch. I would have crushed her, had master not ordered otherwise."
With those words, the succubus emerges fully as I feel my primal fae instincts take over. The lead troll charges me, his size not quite enough to overtake my speed as I duck and roll between his legs. Finding my feet, I slash in a wide, vicious arc. Isabeau's sword does a fine job, cutting deep into the troll's legs, just behind the knees, slicing easily through muscle and tendons. I smirk, remembering the last time I used this same move in combat. Works every time.
Ignoring the deafening howl of pain, I instinctively move my head to the left, avoiding a huge fist that cuts through the air beside me. I lash out again with my weapon, but find it captured in the troll's other fist. He squeezes with inhuman force, crushing my wrist so hard, I can hear my bones grinding together. I can't avoid crying out as I'm forced to drop the sword as it clatters away out of my reach.
The troll takes advantage of my loss of concentration as he hooks his boot behind my knees. I'm flat on my back, the wind taken out of me as a massive foot crushes down on my chest. The pain comes, so sharp and strong that my perspective brightens as black dots rush into my field of vision. I try to inhale, but all I can manage is a strangled tiny scream.
"Puny succubus." The troll leers at me, spittle dribbling from his lips and off his chin. I cringe as the fluid splatters on my cheek, trying not to heave at the repulsive smell.
"Stupid creatures. They never learn." The third troll comes into my vision, smiling hungrily. "You take the bottom, I take the top. Let's rip her from limb to limb. Send the pieces back to the human doctor."
"To see if she can put them back together again?" The troll chuckles at his own lame joke as he bends over, further increasing the pressure on my shattered sternum. My scream comes long and loud this time, as I feel the bones shift, the jagged pieces grinding deep into my muscles.
"Hey! Don't kill her that quickly. We're supposed to have some fun!"
"Oh. Right. Sorry."
I struggle through the pain, trying to clear my head, waiting for the moment. I'll only have one chance. As soon as the troll lifts his foot, I reach down and grab my long dagger, burying it deep into the boot, all the way to the hilt.
Another howl echoes in my ears as the troll falls backwards, the concrete floor shaking under the impact of his body. I manage to turn on my stomach, seeing the third troll step back in shock, his face clouded with confusion. I make my way to my knees, the same time I reach to the small of my back, my fingers locating the shuriken. Putting my whole body into the throw, it buries itself into the troll's left eye socket a second later.
Standing on shaky legs, I survey the damage of the three moaning, wounded trolls that surround me. The succubus takes over on instinct as my mouth opens wide, sucking the chi that sustains the life force of my enemies. My chest expands fully as I feel my bones knit together and the deep bruising disappear.
I force myself to cut off the flow at the last possible second. Although I'm fully healed, the monster in me craves more. Wants the last of their intoxicating life force, wants them dead. I dig my nails into my palms as I angrily shake my head, warring within myself.
"It's your lucky day, boys." I spit through clenched teeth. "Normally I'm not a killer, a murderer. But you hurt her. You showed her no mercy. By all rights I should kill you in return. And I would if not for her. But she thinks I'm not a monster. So I have to prove her right."
I walk over to the lead troll, shoving a boot into his chest. "That doesn't mean I'm above getting a little payback. And some intel. Now – who ordered the hit on Lauren?"
The troll's eyes are almost a stark white as they threaten to roll back in his head. "Hey!" I shove him again as he yelps, the pain bringing him back to attention. "Who is this master?"
"It's Him. The master. Old as time."
"Is this supposed to be some fae Yoda bullshit?" I nudge the troll none to gently again. "Details! Who is He?"
"The only name we know is The Wanderer."
"The Wanderer? Who the hell –" I realize my questioning is pointless as the troll passes out. I have an instinct it was all he knew anyway. Hired mercenaries as dumb as these usually only know the bare minimum. Still, that name The Wanderer doesn't sound good.
I frown as I make my way over to my sword, bending to pick it up. As my fingers close around the hilt, I simultaneously hear an agonized roar and a shrill warning.
"Bo! On your six!"
I swiftly turn and raise my sword in an offensive position, just in time to see the half-blinded troll teetering on his feet in front of me. I pause, my muscles still tense for battle, when his mouth slowly cracks open, a dribble of drool mixed with blood coating his chin. The troll falls forward, landing face down, just at my feet. My eyes move to the samurai sword that's buried in his back, as I exhale in exasperated disbelief.
"Kenzi! I told you not to follow me!"
"Hey!" Kenzi protests as she throws her gloved hands up in the air. "You said to promise. You didn't say to pinky swear! That's a bonafide loophole in my book. Besides, tell me you're not glad to see me."
"Okay, I admit your timing was impeccable." I walk to her side, giving my best friend an affectionate squeeze on the shoulder. "I'm just glad you're not hurt."
Kenzi gives me an adorable lopsided smile. "Same to you, succubutt." Her smile fades as she makes her way to the dead troll. "Aww, shit! Geraldine!" Bracing one boot against the hulking form, she grunts with effort as she manages to extract her beloved weapon from the foul-smelling underfae.
"You –" Kenzi narrows her eyes as she shakes her katana in my face, as I move away to narrowly avoid being sliced. "You are so on weapons cleaning duty, Bo!" Her face scrunches as she touches a finger to the flat of the blade, which is slick with thick, oozing black blood. "Gross with a double side of hurl!"
"Gotta love troll blood." I deadpan as I move to retrieve my favorite knife from the other unconscious troll's boot. I motion to the bags the trolls were picking through. "Come on, let's pack up this stuff and get it back to Trick and Hale. They'll be able to figure out who it belongs to."
Kenzi's eyes widen as she looks at the various gold plated items, jewels and small statues lined with precious gems. "Shit, it looks like someone robbed Trick's stash and the fae archives blind! Are you sure we can't take a small, teensy-weensy finder's fee?"
"No, we may not." I smile as I throw a few books back into the first sack and move to lift it on my shoulder. I pause as I feel the outline of something in the floor. "Hang on a sec, Kenz." I shove the bag aside and pat around on the floor, finding a definite edge. "This part of the floor is wood, not concrete."
"Say what?"
Within a matter of seconds, Kenzi and I have found a trap door in the floor and the retracted handle that opens it. Pulling it open, I ready my sword as I descend down a flight of concrete steps, feeling Kenzi close behind me.
"Wow." I gasp, taking in a breath of the dusty, dank air. We're in a huge basement that's filled to the brim with shelf after shelf of fae artifacts – books, weapons, jewels, trinkets and who knows what else. "Whoever these guys are working for, they've been at it a while. I think we've gotta call Hale and the light fae CSI down here to crate all this back to the compound."
"Still no finder's fee?" Kenzi asks in her sweetest voice. I don't have to turn around to know that she's looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Hey." I move quickly to the edge of one shelf, seeing a familiar leather bag. Opening it, I confirm its contents. "It's Lauren's laptop and all her latest research files. Thank god."
"Aww, Hotpants will be so happy that you found her shit! She's gonna have a nerdgasm!" Kenzi punches me as I sling the bag over my shoulder. "Right after you give her an orgasm!"
"Ha ha." I comment as I roll my eyes. "Come on, let's call for backup." I motion with my head as we make our way out of the room and back outside the warehouse.
Just as I get off the phone with Hale, it rings again. I can feel my heart stutter in my chest as I see that it's Braden's number.
"Lauren?" I ask, knowing that the fear is showing in my voice.
"It's all right, Bo." He reassures me. "Just get back here."
I round the corner at top speed towards Lauren's room, with Kenzi close behind me.
"Hey!" I stop at the unexpected sight of not Dyson but Tamsin standing at the doorway. "What the hell are you doing here? In a light fae building of all places!"
"Easy, succubitch!" The blonde snaps as she crosses her arms. "I'm here with permission of the Ash. Dyson told me about your latest stunt. I figured we were too late to play catch up with you, so he wrangled me into guard duty."
"He did, huh?" I know the skepticism is showing on my face as I raise an eyebrow.
"Yes, he did." Tamsin enunciates bitingly, her irritation with me still very evident. "He just left for five seconds to get Braden so he could talk to you." She pauses for a moment as her expression softens a tiny bit. "And don't worry, Dyson and I didn't let anything happen to your precious human girlfriend."
I sigh, trying to find some reserves of patience to deal with this endlessly difficult, fascinating woman. "Thanks – I think."
The Valkyrie gives me a hint of a nod. "You're welcome." I move to step into Lauren's room, but not before she catches me by the upper arm. "Tell the doc I said thanks when she wakes up. For fixing that whole mess with the Morrigan's parasite. I owe her one."
This time, I give Tamsin a genuine, albeit crooked grin. "Okay. Will do."
I take a breath as I step over the threshold and enter Lauren's room, not knowing what to expect. I let it out slowly as I see that Lauren's still unconscious, but no longer on a ventilator to help her breathe. She's still hooked up to oxygen, IVs and monitors, but her color's improved.
"Hey sweetie." I put Lauren's bag down in the corner and sit by her side, taking her warm hand in both of my own. "I got your stuff back."
"Correction doc, we got your stuff back." Kenzi cheerfully points out as she enthusiastically pumps a fist. "Team Benzi for the win!"
I smile at my partner in crime as Braden walks in. "Bo. You seem to be feeling better."
"It doesn't matter how I am. But like you told me, Lauren's doing better, right?"
"Um hmm." The fae doctor affirms. "She's breathing on her own, her vitals are getting stronger and her injuries are healing pretty well. I'll be around if you need me. I just wanted to check in with you."
"Thanks, Braden. For everything."
He shrugs. "Hey, I didn't do anything. You're the most protective, loving mate one could have, fae or human." Braden smiles before he walks out the door.
I squeeze Lauren's hand, pondering his words. By our very nature and DNA makeup, the love between Lauren and I is an impossible love. But I want to make it work. I have to. It's the only thing that keeps me sane, keeps me from letting the monster inside me rip to shreds from the inside out. At the same time I can't believe she's chosen me. Me. The world's most brilliant, beautiful woman. She could have anyone she chooses, but chooses to love me, with all that she is. Her trust and love for me is worth protecting. Worth fighting for. Worth anything I have to go through.
"All right BoBo, I'm off to make a pit stop at home." Kenzi's voice calls me back to reality as she kisses me on the cheek. "And despite my complaints, don't worry about weapons duty. I'll take care of it."
"Are you sure? What do I owe you in return?"
"Just a few bottles of good Russian vodka, and a large pizza with the works, the ushe. I know you two need your alone time."
"Thanks, bestie." I wave at her lithe form as she sashays out the door.
"That's my Kenz." I whisper to Lauren. "Now that you two share blood, you know you've got pure vodka running through your veins." I stop as I laugh quietly. "I wonder if that'll improve your tolerance for alcohol."
My sleep-addled brain tries to wake my body up, as my ears pick up a strange sound. My body jerks awake as I realize what I've heard. The tempo of Lauren's breathing has changed. Instead of the steady, regulated breaths of deep sleep, they're shallow, more tentative, tinged with pain. Her eyes are moving rapidly as her eyelids struggle to open and her hand twitches in my own. Instantly, my free hand reaches to carefully graze the bandage on her head, before moving to cup her cheek.
Oh god, please! I pray internally as I press a kiss to the same cheek. "Lauren? Sweetie, can you hear me?"
I'm rewarded as her eyelids tremble and finally open, revealing the deep brown eyes that have held me captive since that first examination in the light fae lab.
"Bo." Lauren whispers. "My Bo."
My breath explodes in a cross between a cry and laugh as I drop tiny kisses on her cheeks, forehead and lips. Hell, I'd even kiss her stitches if they weren't covered. I can feel my chest expand with an all-consuming relief and gratitude as I continue to kiss Lauren, never noticing the tears streaming down my own face.
"Crying?" She asks softly as I finally pull away to study her tired face. "Don't cry. I remember you. I know who you are. Which means I'll be fine."
"Yeah, you will." My voice is shaking as I wipe at my eyes with the back of my hand.
"Yo, yo, yo, who's ready for – holy shitballs!" Kenzi's eyes widen as she sees the two of us. "The mighty Dr. Hotpants has returned to the land of the living! Pwaise Hestia!"
"Shh, Kenz! Not so loud." I put a finger to my lips as I see Lauren cringe at the volume of Kenzi's exclamations. "Lauren's got a hell of a headache."
"Sorry. But this goes to show the succubus is not the only one who knows about healing. Doc, you do a pretty fine job of it yourself."
Tears threaten to fall from my eyes again as I see Kenzi round the bed and gently kiss Lauren on the forehead. "I really missed you, Lauren. For reals. I couldn't handle seeing Bo with her ultimate sad face. It put any breakup she's been through to shame."
"Thank you for taking care of her, Kenzi."
"Besides, now I can take Bo out for a real meal of ice cream and pizza! I couldn't get her succubutt to move for nothing! She hasn't left your side for five days."
"Five days?" Lauren's voice is husky with exhaustion and amazement. She looks at me, the brown eyes pooling with tears of her own.
"It was nothing." I shrug nonchalantly as I lift Lauren's hand to place a kiss on her knuckles. But I know she can easily discern how painful the long vigilance was for me. "The important thing is you're okay. And don't worry about security, either. Dyson found the underfae that attacked you, which was the only reason I left for a little while this morning. I found all your research, intact."
"You were protecting me." Lauren's voice is filled with understanding, as she lightly squeezes my palm, putting a dampening effect on the succubus that had started to spark in my eyes. "You always do."
"Well, I'm gonna say goodbye for now to this mush fest." Kenzi wipes an errant tear from her eye before she leans down to carefully hug Lauren's reclining form. "I'll be back soon to sneak in the best pizza the city has to offer!"
"Don't forget the ice cream!" I add. "Double fudge!"
"And beer!" A soft command from Lauren, as I bite down on my lip, trying not to laugh.
Kenzi gives me a good-natured punch in the arm. "As you wish, ladies!"
I shake my head in bemusement as I hear my friend's heels echo back down the hallway. Standing up, I remove my leather jacket and strip my boots off. I can feel Lauren's eyes on me as I move to her side and stretch out on the bed to embrace her, taking extra care not to jostle her sore body or dislodge any of the wires and IV tubing.
We both sigh in relief as we relax into each other's embrace. Her fingers make a pattern against my skin that peeks out from my cleavage as she lays her ear against my chest. My fingers make similar, soothing motions against her back through the thin hospital gown. And I know that for the first time in days, I feel complete again. With my love. My Lauren.