Niko watched the woman flee, his eyes narrowing at the scene around him. There were cracked stones covered in blood and something strong had ripped trees from the ground so furiously even the roots were torn. The wolves around him were watching the woman running from the forest. Had she been deeper inside the forest than the rest of them? Had she come from somewhere close by? Niko was curious about her, something within drawing him to her. The wolves began to whine, almost seeming to pine the loss of her.

'Do you know the woman?' He asked of them and they turned to him, their eyes wide and their jaws seeming to drop. Were they shocked tat he thought they would accept any other humans? 'Where is she going?' He asked them as he sat up and tried to stand.

As though sensing his intentions the alpha of the pack approached him, his own eyes narrowed almost glaring and he was snarling. He didn't seem to want Niko to get up, to leave, to follow the woman.

'I need to go anyway,' he told them and looked over the alpha's shoulder to discover that they were all stood side by side like a barricade. They weren't going to let him go easily. 'I must return to Rapunzel. I didn't exactly leave things amicably. I ran from her,' he admitted and he watched the younger wolves, the cubs approach him, their eyes lit with curiosity. They didn't know him as well as their parents did. After all even the wolves knew to keep their distance, to protect their young from him.

'I can't hurt her,' he sighed. 'She's special. I know that she is my Mate and I crave her touch, her lips but... I could drown her, killing her. I won't hurt her,' he told them defiantly even as he recalled the night before when he'd fled and she'd cried for him to return to her. She was already feeling for him as he was her.

Should I return? If she wants me as much as I do her what would stop her from touching me? How could I stop myself from touching her once I am in the same room as her?

One of the young cubs approached him and reached out a paw, what seemed like a smile on his face. Then the cub turned in the direction the woman had fled and raised his paw again.

'I should go to her?' He asked and the cub bowed it's head. Yes. 'But!' The wolves around the cub began to growl, telling him they would not take no for an answer.

Niko looked towards the entrance of the forest, where the castle towered over the trees. He saw the tallest tower and could just about make out a figure sitting in the window, brushing her long hair.

It was Rapunzel. The very sight of her, distant though it was called to him, he could feel his body reacting to her, could feel the water rising beneath his skin and stopped it.

'I'm coming Rapunzel,' he told her, gathering his things from the forest floor and making his way to her, to the tower. Though he had abandoned her the night before would she accept his return?