Chapter 1: Mr. Brightside
Jealousy. Its a powerful force inside every one of us. The green eyed monster that dwells secretly inside us until somebody pokes it with a stick and it eats us alive. It comes in many manifestations, this monster. Sometimes it presents as anger or even sadness. But more often than not it comes raging out as pure stupidity.
It had been a week since the big storm and since then the hospital had been running on its lowest capacity to allow for all the repairs to be made from the storm damage. There had been electricians on every floor repairing the wiring and conduits. Builders fixing the parking lot where the bus had crashed and damaged the tar. Alex drove in to the parking lott, jo in the passenger seat. For the first time in what must have been years he was happy and it scared the hell out of him. He walked jo through the doors, "see you for rounds?" She asked. He nodded before they kissed and split for there respective locker rooms.
Alex was changing into his scrubs when kepner walked in, "oh sorry." She muttered and turned around in response to his bare chest.
"Its fine, we've all seen each other half naked anyway."
"Yeah.. Um anyway, have you seen jackson?"
"No i just got here. Isnt he still on leave after being blown up?"
"Uh, no. He's supposed to be back today. Could you tell him im looking for him if you see him?"
"Yeah whatever. Hey do you have any idea what this thing is we're doing in the pit later?"
"Oh yeah, its just a trauma exercise, to help us be better prepared if anything like what happened during the storm ever happens again. It'll be fun." She replied perkily.
"Fun?" Alex sneered, and walked out to meet robbins for rounds.
Christina sidled up to callie who was staring bleakly at the surgery board.
"Ooh, empty board. That's never good."
"Yeah i have a feeling its going to be a bad day."
"I dunno, maybe a walmart will collapse and we'll get loads of crazies with weird medical anomalies to treat."
"How is it possible that you're so optimistic? You broke up with owen. The storm broke half of the hospital. Our hospital. And webber's practically dead."
"Chief webber died!?" April kepner exclaimed as she joined them.
"What do you mean the chief died?" Came dr. Bailey's usual sass.
"I didnt die! Dont you people have lives to save instead of making up rumours about my mortality?" Said the chief from his wheelchair.
"Chief!" Kepner cried, leaning down to hug him. "How're you feeling?"
"Im fine." He replied, eyebrow raised at the rest, expecting an answers.
"The boards empty." Yang said, gesturing at it. "Im hoping it equals a day filled with trauma.
"Yeah, i think it just means its going to be a bad day." Replied torres.
Webber shook his head and wheeled himself away down the hall.
"Come on kepner, i need you to examine meredith grey's post-op before that trauma exercise." Said dr. Bailey, and they walked away.
"You know," yang said to torres. "when you've been through the type of stuff meredith and i have been through it kinda makes it easier to be optimistic about things. Like what else could life possibly throw at me, it must be running out of ideas by now." She nodded and walked away.
The attendings were in the pit conducting the team building exercise, following the big storm it had become apparent that they needed to be better prepared to operate without even their back up generators. The goal of the exercise was to go through a series of tasks without the use of electricity. They were in teams of three. They first had to intubate and manually ventilate the patient while performing emergency triage, next figure out the correct way to medicate the patient for the circumstance, and finally perform a simple procedure as quickly and as sterilely as possible. Dr.s murphey, karev and robbins were completing their procedure on a '6month old' dummy, racing neck and neck against the team of dr.s edwards, yang, torres and their dummy.
Dr. Robbins threw the last stitch and squealed, 'finished!' With a triumphant grin.
Dr. Hunt walked over to check her teams work as edwards exclaimed, 'You cheated, you cant be done already!" Pointing at dr. Murphey.
"Oh, dont be a sore loser." She replied, rolling her eyes.
"No, i wouldn't be surprised if there was a cheater amongst you." Callie gave arizona a dirty look.
Dr. Hunt ignored them, "Blue team wins. Good work, dr. Robbins." He gave her a nod and clasped his hands together, "Everybody else, get back to work. Your patients still need help."
"A cheater, huh?" Dr. Robbins returned callies dirty look, poorly masking the hurt in her eyes.
"I call 'em like i see 'em." Dr. Torres gave her a disgusted once over, before continuing to repair her dummy.
"Oh, real mature."
"Just following your lead."
"Alright enough already!" Karev exclaimed. "This is all because you think callie cut your leg off, right. Well she didnt okay? It was me, i cut your freaking leg off. So just, i dunno, make up already." He sneered and walked away.
Arizona stared, aghast, after him. "Alex? It was alex. You told me you did it."
Callie kept her eyes fixed on her patient, "Actually, if you'll recall, i didnt say anything."
"Well you certainly didnt correct me when i said it. You lied by omission."
"You know what who cares which one of us held the bone saw, it was my decision either way." Callie dropped her tools and faced arizona, rage in her eyes. "And if you wanna talk about lying, why dont we talk about some of the lies you've told in the past. How about, oh 'i cant live without you and our ten kids, Callie.' Yeah, that was a good one." Callie took a hostile step towards her. "Ooh, what about 'please dont run, callie. I cant lose you.' Yeah, i quite liked that one." Callie took another step, mere inches from arizonas face, she was visibly shaking. "Oh but my personal favourite has to be this. Yeah wait til you hear it," callie looked about the room. "I love you, callie." Callie held her poisonous glare for a second before ripping off her trauma gown and leaving.
Arizona followed a few seconds later, in tears.
Cristina walked along the hallway, with two cups of coffee and a lighthearted spring in her step. Wending through the corridors before turning into a patient room.
"Oh is one of those for me." Meredith grinned pointedly at the coffee in Cristina's hands.
"Sure is." She held one out, happily. "How's foetus doing?" She asked, tickling his chest until he gurgled. Meredith smiled, "he's-"
"His name is Bailey and its time for him to go back to the NICU." Derek pursed his lips as he walked out of the bathroom. "I'll take that." He said, removing the warm cup from Meredith's hands.
"Hey thats my coffee!" She pouted
"You're breast feeding."
"I thought you decided against breast feeding." Cristina inquired
"I did."
"I didn't." Derek replied, picking Bailey up and sweeping him out of the room after giving Meredith a quick kiss on the head.
She shook her head smiling while yang sipped her own delicious coffee.
"So how was your training exercise, in the pit?"
"Eugh, lame. Robbins won. Ooh but Torres totally tore her a new one. I've never seen her so angry. I was almost proud." She replied, nodding thoughtfully.
Meredith gasped, "what did she say."
"Oh blah blah blah, feelings. Anyway when are you getting out of here and coming back to work. Dr. Russell still has a bug up his ass about needing more residents for his clinical trial. And i need you here to mediate the awkward between me and owen. Ever since we broke up its just been a series of weird polite interactions."
Meredith laughed, "i should be back next week. I was supposed to be discharged days ago but i just dont want to leave Bailey, so I'm only being discharged tomorrow."
"Oh bailey's a big girl she'll be fine, you'll see."
"No, foetus Bailey. Not Bailey Bailey."
"Oh. Yeah thats gonna be confusing. Why would you name him after someone we know? You should change it."
"Bailey saved my life in the OR, despite being morbidly afraid of killing me with a staph infection. That makes 3 times that she's saved my life if you count what she did after the plane crash. She deserves this."
Cristina thought about it for a second, "yeah fine, i guess you're right. I think ill just call him foetus anyway, just to avoid confusion."
Meredith laughed.
Arizona had fled into the nearest empty supply closet. It had been a tough time for her ever since the night of the storm, and sure she deserved all of the pain she felt for having hurt callie so badly but she just wished so much that she could take it all back. Actually she wished she hadnt gotten on that damn plane because that would mean that none of the rest of it would have happened. She couldnt remember what it felt like to feel like herself, despite the way things between her and callie had seemed to be rectifying from the outside, it had been completely hollow for arizona. Everyone of these feelings flowed from her eyes now in the torrent that never seemed to end since everything had come out into the open.
Dr. Lauren boswell was just like avery said, she'd made Arizona feel like she could do anything and she hadnt felt that way in so long. "Its okay to lose a little bit of control." And god had it felt good... To let go of the resentment and the pain, the feelings of betrayal and the overwhelming confusion about how to just live. That moment in the on call room had been purely selfish, arizona feeling something good and taking a breath away from the internal walls that she struggled to hold up. The thing was, arizona hadnt known she'd felt any of that until lauren had given her permission to stop. The truth was it was something arizona needed to realise, to see that she wasnt okay but she had waited so long and bottled it so tightly that it had become only inevitable for it to explode outward in the most destructive way possible. And now she knew how she felt and she knew what she needed and one of those things was Callie. She needed Callie.
"Oh, sorry i didnt mean to- Arizona?" The owner of the voice had switched from awkwardly polite to concerned in a second. "What's the matter?"
Arizona refused to look up to confirm the identity because she didnt want to believe that that person was actually here.
"Why are you here?" She asked calmly, plugging the sudden and simultaneous panic and rage inspired by the voices owner.
"Im the new head of plastics. It's my first day."
"What!?" Arizona flung her gaze up to meet Lauren's, utterly dumbfounded. "I own the hospital, i would know if you'd been hired. Who the hell hired you!?"
"Dr. Avery, he's the majority share holder isn't he? I guess he just got me in under you."
The subtle innuendo sent arizona off. How was she ever going to fix things with Callie with this women in the hospital full time. She pushed past her and left as quickly as she could. She had a bone to pick with Jackson Avery.
Callie was on her way to perform a knee replacement in OR 1, after her morning she really needed to break some bones. She stopped by the nurses station to over look his chart one last time. Karev pulled in beside her a minute later to do the same.
"That was a really stupid thing you did earlier." Callie condescended.
"Excuse me?" Alex replied defensively.
"Look at what she did to me when she thought id done it. And you're her paeds fellow," callie made a pained face. "Your life's gonna be hell. You never know she might even fire you."
"I did that for you, and now you're taunting me? What the hell torres. Excuse me for thinking you could use one less problem in your life with Avery hiring Boswell as the new head of plastics but whatever next time i wont bother to try and help you." He turned to walk away, a sour look on his face.
"Woah. Woah, Alex wait. Avery hired her? To work here?" Karevs glare soften slightly.
"She starts today." He walked away
"Great." She utter forlornly. "Where the hell is that knee!" She exclaimed, slamming the chart down and starting towards the O.R. before being pager went off, 911 in the E.R.
"Hey so i just finished rounds on your post-op's. David's incision sight is healing well. The appy in room 12 was complaining of pain but it was just gas and your kidney transplant kid is heading up to dialysis as we speak." Jo smiled at alex.
"Great, sounds like you're on top of things." He pulled her in for a kiss. "Listen ive got a free 20 minutes, you wanna go get something to eat?"
Jo laughed, "i've got a better idea for how we can spend those 20minutes."
"Oh you do?" Alex teased.
"Uh huh." She took his hand and began leading him away when his pager went off.
"Crap, 911 in the pit. Come on!" And they ran.
Christina was in the middle of research for dr. Russell's lotus valve trial when she got paged 911 to the E.R. She broke into a run upon leaving the research lab. As she reached her destination she instantly regretted her efficiency at getting there when she found herself side by side with Owen Hunt and nobody else to detract from the white elephant between them.
"Hey there, dr. Yang."
"Uh, hey dr. Hunt."
Thankfully dr. Torres arrived right then to prevent any further awkward conversation.
"Hey dr. Torres." She said overly enthusiastically which caused a suspicious look in return.
"Hey yang. Uh so whats coming in?"
Arizona was paged 911 to the pit before she could find Avery. She broke into a run, donned a trauma gown and ran outside to meet Yang, Hunt, Karev, Torres, Kepner and the interns while they waited for the ambulance.
"What happened?"
"A rollercoaster flew off the rails at the amusement park. We have multiple traumas coming in."
"It flew off?" Arizona asked, wide eyed.
"I told you." Yang said excitedly to callie.
The first ambulance came in before callie could respond.
"What have we got?" Dr. Hunt asked
"22 year old male, Multiple breakages along with a protruding tibia. Possible internal trauma and superficial facial lacs. Stable in the field and received fluids."
"Okay, torres."
"On it." She responded, whisking the patient away. "Edwards, go push my knee replacement and meet me in trauma 1."
The next ambulance followed, "15 year old male. Landed face first on the concrete, multiple facial breaks. Unconscious in the field."
"Uh, no. Let Karev take this one." She knew taking this case meant working with Dr. Boswell and she planned to avoid her at all costs.
"Whatever," Alex stepped up to take the patient. "Wilson."
"How many more are coming in?" Dr. Robbins asked.
"Two more en route." He replied just as they pulled in, stepping up to the first while robbins took the second.
"22 year old female, both arms broken. Presents with a sucking chest wound and severe abdominal bleeding."
"Kepner, Yang."
"Ross you're with us." Kepner said, taking the patient.
"And you too, mousey." Yang added.
"Robbins, what've you got there?"
"15year old female, D.O.A."
"Are there any more coming in?" Hunt asked the emt.
"I dont think so."
"Okay, Robbins go help Dr. Karev and i'll go see if i can help Kepner."
"And me?" Asked Dr. Murphy
"You go help where you can." Hunt nodded and left.
Jackson walked into the E.R, trauma room 3 to find Yang and Kepner working on their patient.
"You paged?"
"Yeah, her face needs your magic hands." Yang gestured at the patient.
"We're taking her up to surgery now. Do you want to join us or do you wanna do it post-op?" Asked Kepner.
"Post-op will be fine. It looks like it you two have your work cut out for you anyway without me getting in your way."
"Uh, Jackson. Can we talk, later?"
"Um, sure April. See you later." He said quickly before rushing away to his next consult.
Dr. Robbins had gotten to Karev just in time to suggest paging Dr. Avery in an attempt to fend off an awkward day.
"Oh Dr. Avery." she smiled at his arrival. "15 year old male. multiple facial fractures. His orbital bone is compromising his right eye. We're gonna have to take him to surgery as quickly as possible to prevent permanent damage." She said to him.
"Wilson why dont you go book an O.R." Karev turned his attention to avery.
"His C-spine has also been compromised, we've paged Dr. Shepard, he's on his way."
"Okay lets go put him in the LODOX." Robbins nodded at karev.
"This looks like the perfect case for Dr. Boswell's first day." Avery smiled. " i'll have her take the lead, i've been looking forward to working with her again.
Arizona smiled politely back at him, "yeah, about Dr. Boswell. Doesn't the hiring of a new head of department deserve the attention of the board?"
"Well it is my department she's the head of. She made me feel something i hadn't felt for a long time. I need that in a teacher. Not to mention her reputation, the hospitals lucky to have her. Quite frankly, i don't understand the problem."
"I just think the board should be informed of pending employee changes is all, Dr. Avery. But you're right, she will be good for business." Arizona out on her best fake smile before walking away to join Alex and letting her face fall.
Dr. Hunt went into trauma 1.
"How's it going in here, Dr. Torres, need any help?"
"Nope, everything's under control in here." She smiled. "I can reset most of his bones here but im going to have to take him down to surgery to repair his tibia. We're going to take him down to the LODOX in a minute and then we'll call in Shepard because im worried about this guys lack on consciousness."
Dr. Hunt left but a few minutes later a young man open the door looking frazzled and in complete shock. "Oh my god." He stated at the sight of the guy on the table.
"Woah who are you? You can't be in here." Said Callie
"Im- he's my best friend." He said blankly. "James. He- oh god this is all my fault."
"Okay sir, why dont you tell me your name and then you can tell me what happened. Take a deep breath, there you go. Keep calm, your friend's in good hands."
"My- my name is Brian."
"Hi Brian, my name is Dr. Torres. Now can you tell me what happened to you friend over here?"
"Yeah he- he was jealous of his brother, Timothy." He paled, "Oh Timothy, where is he is he okay?"
"Brian we're gonna get you an update on Timothy as soon as we can okay? Just continue with your story."
"Oh right... Yeah. Okay. Um-"
"James was jealous of Timothy?"
"Yeah, yeah. They're brothers and they're dating two sisters, Valery and Andria- how are they?"
"Ill get you an update on them too okay?"
"Okay, um so he was jealous because Tim kept making him look bad by being such a good boyfriend to Andria. So he asked me if he could rent the rollercoaster out for the four of them as a romantic gesture." Brian took a deep breath. "But then on the sly he asked me if i could make the ride stop halfway through so that he could play the hero or something. I wasnt really sure what his plan was. So i agreed. But when i pulled the emergency stop there was this giant bang and i saw something shoot off one of the front wheels and then the whole car just shot off in the opposite direction. They were 30ft up and they just fell into the trees underneath and- and..."
Brian began hyperventilating.
"Okay somebody get him a paper bag and take him through to the waiting area."
Callie finished what she could and then accompanied Edwards on the way to the LODOX, but upon seeing Arizona there avoid another awkward and possibly vocal situation.
"You know what, im gonna go find Dr. Shepard. I'll meet you back in trauma 1. Why dont you inform Dr. Karev and Robbins about what Brian told us"
Dr. Hunt proceeded to trauma 3.
"Need any help here?" He asked, sticking his head in the door.
"Nope, its pretty crowded in here as it is. Thanks." Replied Kepner.
"Okay then." He replied, nodding to Kepner and Yang in turn.
Dr. Bailey exited her genome lab and walked down the hall into the general ward. She stopped outside of a room and took a deep breath. It wasn't like her to be nervous, not until lately. Lately she was nothing but nerves. She turned to walk away when-
"Oh just come in already, Dr. Bailey. You've been lurking outside of my room all day." Yelled chief webber.
So she walked in, "I have not been lurking!" She allowed the power in her voice to subside. "Ho- uh how are you doing?"
"Well im confined to a wheel chair until i can begin physical therapy."
"Right because of the muscular spasms." She looked forlornly at the floor.
"I'll never perform surgery again."
"Chief i am so sorry."
"Stop your groveling Bailey. Its fine, i was 7 years away from retirement. Im still part owner of this hospital, its not the end of the world."
"Well i just wanted to apologize for what happened before the storm. When i-"
"When you called me out on being selfish." He raised his eyebrow.
"Well, yes-"
"You were right Miranda. Everything you said. So I'm sorry for not giving you the respect you deserved and for putting the hospital before you."
"Well, damn right you're sorry." She nodded. Her usual sass saturating her tone. "Apology accepted." And she sashayed out of the room.
Callie had finished with her protruding tibia, along side with Shadow-Shepard who was performing a craniotomy on him at the same time, he was currently sleeping off the anaesthesia in his room. After which she went in to help Yang and Kepner's patient by setting and casting her broken arms, it had all gone smoothly. She had then gone straight into her knee replacement. Callie was rocking her surgery. Music was blaring over the sound of her power drill. She was a god, building a man a new knee. She felt invincible. It was why she loved surgery, the raw power that rushed within her could take her mind off of anything else outside of the OR.
"Pressure's bottomed out." Dr. Ross exclaimed.
"What the hell, what happened?"
"I have no idea."
"Oh god did he throw a clot? Somebody page yang stat!" She threw her gaze over the scrub nurses. "Okay lets push a unit of epi and prep him for and emergency thoracotomy."
"V fib!"
"Crap, begin manual compressions. Push another unit of epi and one of ephidrine. Page Yang again."
"She's here!" Dr. Ross exclaimed
"Okay what happened?" She inquired while gloving up.
"His pressure bottom out and he went into v fib. He's been given two units of epi and one of ephidrine."
"How long have you been performing compressions?"
"3 minutes, no response."
"Okay it sounds like a massive MI. Im gonna have to open him up. 10blade!" She held out her hand, receiving the scalpel before making an incision along his left side.
"Rib spreader!" She placed the device with expert precision and threw her hand in to meet his heart.
"Woah his hearts huge."
"What? He indicated no history of heart disease and his family corroborated that."
"No, no his pericardium is filled with blood. It must have happened just now. The heart tried to pump the clot and tore a hole into his left ventricle. Gimme the biggest needle there is." She inserted the syringe and decompressed the pericardium..
"Thats a lots of blood Hang."
"How's his pressure?"
"He's still critical."
"Okay scalpel. Im gonna have to get this tear under control. 10.0 prolene.
Okay the sutures arent holding, lets canulate the heart and set up bypass."
"Lets get some lap pads in here try and get some visualization." Said Dr. Torres
"His ventricle is shredding, his heart muscle is made of paper!" Dr. Yang froze to think
"Dr. Yang, what do we do? Christina!?"
"Im thinking!" She was mumbling to herself, considering every option but they were all coming up short. She had no idea how to save this man. His heart was in ribbons.
"He's arresting." Said Dr. Ross
"Okay gimme the paddles, charge to 10." She placed the paddles either side of his heart. "Clear."
"No response."
"Charge to 20, clear."
"Still nothing."
"Charge it again, push another of epi. Clear."
"He's not coming back." Said Dr. Torres, dumbfounded.
Yang nodded in agreement, "time of death 14:53."
"I can't believe it. What the hell happened to him?"
"Im not really sure, his heart muscle was tissue paper though. I dont think he could have been saved."
"I shouldn't have taken him into surgery." She pulled off her gloves and gown and walked to the scrub room
"You couldn't have known. You said it yourself, no heart problems were indicated." Yang mirrored torres' movements. "Do you want me to come talk to the family with you?"
"No, they aren't even here, it was supposed to be a standard knee replacement. Who dies during a knee replacement." She replied as she scrubbed, staring blankly into confusion.
Dr. Robbins, Shepard, Avery and Boswell were in a consult room looking over Timothy's scans.
"It's going to be difficult to operate on his face without compromising his neck and vise versa. But his lower jaw seems to be intact. I propose we lie him on his stomach and place him at a 45 degree angle. We can rest his chin in a piece of custom foam and i can stabilize his neck. Then we can transfer him onto his back and support his head and neck in another piece of foam while you fix his orbital fracture." Said Dr. Shepard.
"Fantastic." Replied dr. Boswell. "The angle will keep the bone from further compromising his eye while you work on him and the whole set up prevents any of his injuries from being agitated. Absolutely brilliant. They really meant it when they said you were the best, Dr. Shepard." She simpered.
"Okay well i'll have him prepped for surgery and then you can page Dr. Boswell when you're ready for her. Dr. Avery said he's been dying to assist you on another surgery. Looks like you wont even be needing me for this one." Dr. Robbins smiled.
"Perfect, i'll see you in the O.R. Dr. Boswell. Dr. Robbins." He nodded and left
"Oh, i thought you could assist me Dr. Robbins. I've been dying to be in the O.R. with you again. Dr. Avery can take the next one." The two walked from the consult room.
"Oh no, i've got other patients. I think you'll be just fine without me." Dr. Robbins replied politely as they made their way to the nurses station.
"I could be amazing with you though." She said with a suggestive smile. She happened to glance into exam room 4 and her smile turned almost imperceptibly mischievous.
"Okay look. I told you before, what happened between us was a mistake. I've been a mess for a long time and ive been blaming callie for it. And i think you picked up on that and took advantage of it a little bit. I love callie, i want to be with callie and i fully intend to win her back. So you and me, its not happening. Im a professional and ill be that way anytime we're forced to work together but other than that you don't get to exist in my life."
Lauren laughed and put her hand on Arizona's arm and for the sake of not making a scene for the nurses to latch onto, Arizona didn't fling it off immediately as she felt so compelled to do. "Arizona, it doesn't sound like Callie is in any mind to take you back from what i heard this morning. When you see that for yourself i'll be here waiting to make you feel all better." She winked and opened the chart in her hands to look it over.
April went in to check on her patient's post op.
"Hi Valery. My names Dr. Kepner im one of the surgeons who operated on you this afternoon. How are you feeling?"
"Groggy... Sore. What happened?"
"You were in an accident. The roller coaster you were in flew off the rails, you sustained two broken arms and abdominal trauma. We were able to fix everything in the surgery. You should be just fine in a couple of months." April smiled reassuringly.
"And the others? James, Timothy... Andria. How are they?"
"James is fine, he broke a few bones as well and sustained a brain bleed. From what i hear he's stable and should be awake in a few hours."
Valery nodded for Dr. Kepner to continue.
"Timothy sustained some pretty serious face and neck injuries. He's still in surgery."
"And Andy, how is she?"
"I um, unfortunately her injuries proved to be so severe that she didn't survive the ride to the hospital. She was pronounced D.O.A. And her body was moved to the morgue. Im very sorry for your loss." April finished her sentence through the violent sobs of her patient. She used her discretion and determined to give the patient some privacy to morn. "If you uh- need anything just hit the call button and the nurse will come help you." She nodded and walked away
"Oh Jackson!" April exclaimed. "Do you have a minute?"
Jackson sighed before turning around and smiling politely. "Sure April."
He opened the door to the conference room, allowing her to enter before himself.
"What is it?" He asked gently.
"H- how are you?" She asked.
"Much better, there's no infection, my wounds are healing well. I should be back to normal in a few more days." He smiled
"Oh good. Im glad to hear that." She smiled back.
"Okay well if thats all, i'll-"
"Oh no. Jackson. We haven't had a chance to talk since the night of the storm. You- you haven't given me any answer."
"Yeah, i know. I," he glanced out the window to see Dr. Boswell walk past with Dr. Robbins. "Uh, April, I cant. You and Matthew, you belong together and i- well i've met somebody." He gave her a sympathetic look. "Im sorry April."
Callie was having a bad day and she was freaking out. She thought she could just come back to work and live life like things were fine. Because what had really happened? Her spouse had cheated, like she hadnt experienced that before. The mistress was working in the hospital, so what. Arizona hadnt fallen for her, she was just taking out her anger on Callie besides what had happened to the last mistress? She'd gotten cancer, went crazy and skipped town. Callie had just brushed herself off and gotten back to it, she was fine. She was pretty pissed off but she was fine. And then that patient who shouldnt have died... Died. Like arizona who she never expected to cheat cheated. Like her wife who was supposed to be there through thick and thin wasnt. Callies resolve was broken by the family that had been shattered by her phone call. She held her own for as long as she was on the line with them but found her way into a deserted on call room directly after. She was sad and enraged and just beside herself, because she'd been kidding herself and she had no idea how to do this. Was this the room where her marriage had been betrayed. Who knew, it might as well have been. Callie was in the middle of a full blown break down, she punched the wall hard. Drawing bloody lines over her knuckles. The pain sobered her and she let everything go in a deluge of tears, finding herself to a bed and cradling her swelling hand.
"Crap. Crap, crap."
The door opened and two intermingled bodies found their way in. It was Karev and Wilson celebrating their newfound romance.
"Oh, Dr. Torres." Dr. wilson was a deer in headlights. "What happened to your hand."
"Woah, Callie." Alex turned to jo. "Why dont you go, i've got this. Ill meet you later" She followed his suggestion immediately.
"You're just everywhere today arent you Karev." He took her injured hand in his and examined it. He turned his head and found the smeared bloody streaks on the wall next to the door.
"Come on, you're gonna need stitches. Are you gonna be okay?"
"Well you tell me."
"Your hand will be fine in a week or so. But i wasn't asking about your hand." Karev picked up a suture kit on the way into the exam room 4 and began repairing Callie's hand.
"Yeah... No, i dont know. It's just been a tough day. God, no. Its been a tough year and i just... Got angry." Callie watched to world move along with itself, through the exam room's window while Alex cleaned and dressed her throbbing hand.
"For what its worth, i've had my share of crappy years. You know if you ever wanna talk about it.. Or whatever. Even now im happy with Jo and all but i just cant shake this fear that she's gonna go crazy or die. Like if i relax and let myself be happy life's just gonna knock me right back to where i was."
"Arizona cheated on me." Callie laughed self depreciatingly, "But i kinda have the feeling you already knew that. Does the whole hospital know?"
"Yeah i knew, but Robbins told me. It was right after while we were tripping over ourselves trying to find batteries for all those damn baby ventilators. I dont know if you care but it seemed like she really regretted it."
"Man i just wish Mark was here. He'd know what to do, he always knew what to do. But no he has to be dead and now im left taking care of an almost two year old all by myself because Arizona hasnt even been home since before the storm."
"Okay you're almost set, you should go find some ice when we're done. I bet Robbins is just giving you time to cool off by the way. You two were made for each other, you'll be back together before you know it."
"Yeah, it looks like it." Callie gave a stoney nod toward the nurses station through the window. Where Arizona and Boswell were standing, speaking attently to each other and smilling. "You know what Karev, i need to get out of here. Can you have somebody take over my patients for a while. I cant do this right now."
"Well, yeah but where are you-"
"Oh and Alex, for what its worth i hope Jo doesnt go crazy or die on you. Its about time you got to be happy." Torres swept out of the room and walked past Arizona and Lauren without even a glance. She didnt notice Arizona's face drop at the sight of her, or her mouth fall agape at the sight of her bandaged hand. She stalked straight up to the day care centre and had the nurse page Dr. Robbins and let her know that it was her night to take Sofia even though Arizona hadn't seen Sofia since before the storm either. And then she walked out of the hospital doors and was gone.
Arizona responded to her page from the day care centre immediately.
"What's the matter?" She asked the lady in charge.
"Dr. Torres said to let you know that it was your night to pick Sofia up because she wasnt going to be able to."
"Momma!" Sofia exclaimed.
Arizona switched her perplexed gaze at the nurse to one of delight towards her daugther. "Hey baby girl. I missed you." She picked her up. "Yes i did. Oh yes." She peppered sofias face with kisses.
"Okay well my shift isnt over yet. I'll be back to get her a little later. Thank you for letting me know." She switched her attention back to Sofia. "Mamma's gotta go now. I'll see you later baby girl, i love you." She put her down, waved and left.
April decided to check on her patient one last time before going home.
"Hi Valery, how are you doing?"
"Can i see James, is he awake yet? I need to see him."
"Yes he's awake but im not really allowed to-"
"Brian came by, he told me what James did; what he did. I need to see him. To tell him it wasn't his fault that Andy-" her voice broke. "He couldn't have known, i just i need to tell him i dont blame him. Please."
"Okay, you know what, i'll see what i can do."
A little while later April wheeled her into James' room, meeting Dr. Robbins and Boswell who were informing him of his brother's condition. They cut their speech short at her arrival.
"Oh please continue, nobody's told me how Tim is doing."
Dr. Robbins nodded, "he sustained severe injuries to the face and neck. Dr. Shepard was able to stabilize his spine and is confident he will be able to walk again and regain complete mobility with therapy. Dr. Boswell the performed surgery on his face to relieve the pressure his cheek bone was putting on his eye. We weren't able to fix all of his facial fractures due to his neck injury so he will require a few more surgeries in the coming months and even then he wont look quite the same as he used to."
Valery looked over at James and noticed the silent tears streaming down his face.
"Oh James no." She looked at April to push her closer.
"James are you in pain, would you like me to order more pain meds for you?" Dr. Robbins asked.
He shook his head, "no. No i deserve this pain. Its all my fault. I ruined his life," he glanced at Valery before looking up at the ceiling. "And i killed your sister. Oh god I'm so sorry. Im so so-." He was overcome with sobs.
"No James, no. You couldn't have known. You didn't know. You didn't this make this happen. It isn't your fault. Its just something horrible that happened to us. Its not your fault, don't you dare blame yourself for this."
"Excuse me." Said Dr. Robbins before leaving.
"Yes, why don't we give you some privacy." Agreed Dr. Boswell, looking at Dr. Kepner.
"Yes, ill be just outside when you want to go back to your room, okay." She said to Valery who nodded, permitting the doctors to go.
Jealousy can ruin lives.
Derek walked in to Meredith's room to see her before going home for the night.
"Hey." She grinned. How was your day?"
He smiled warmly and lay beside her in the bed, "well i performed surgery at a 45 degree angle to stabilize a kids neck because his face was crushed and i attended a very boring board meeting and just now i snuck into this attractive patient's room and crawled into her bed."
"Oh i see, but i thought you were married, wouldnt that kind of behaviour make your wife very jealous?"
"Oh i hope so." He replied, kissing her gently while she giggled.
Jealousy can also be fun.
"Gees, if looks could kill." Alex said in response to Jo's sour expression. "Who are you glaring at?"
"Is there anyone in this hospital you haven't slept with?"
"I- uhm. Oh crap."
"We've been trying to do it all day but then i was speaking to this nurse and i realized you've done it with everyone. So we're not gonna do it in the hospital."
"You aren't mad?"
"No. You're gonna take me to dinner and you're gonna earn it. Im gonna drive you crazy until you want it so bad that sex with me is the most mind blowing thing thats ever happened to you."
"Oh, well okay then." He put his arm around her and they walked out together. Both wearing smug grins.
Jealousy can be a motivator.
Arizona was at Callie's apartment, her apartment, for this first time since before the storm. She put her keys in the lock and took a deep breath before opening the door, sure that she would be meeting another awkward and hostile encounter. But as she found her way inside she found the apartment empty and some things oddly out of place. But she attributed it to having not been there in so long and thought nothing of it. She decided to make dinner and so she fed sofia and put her down to sleep, sitting at the table with a glass of wine she awaited Callie's immanent return home.
But mostly jealousy just leaves you alone and confused.