I am so sorry I couldn't get this updated earlier. I have definitely had better chapters but this one was necessary. Thanks to my amazing beta soundslikepeanuts for her help. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Les Miserable or Wicked...sadly.

I looked over to where Enjolras was sitting on the edge of the stage with Gavroche. They were having an intense discussion about who knows what. We were between shows, and I had just finished taking off all of my green makeup and couldn't wait to sit down and relax. I sat down in one of the theatres seats, crossing my legs and taking a sip of my tea, a vain attempt at fighting against the chill down my spine from the cold theatre. I pulled my phone out as it vibrated against my leg.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Eponine! How are you? I haven't seen you in a while!" The person on the other line said.

"I've been good! Busy, with the show and other things… how about you?" I asked through the phone.

"I'm good. I just wanted to get back to you about that concert you're doing. It's the 13th of next month right?" She asked.

"It is. We're still working on the set and a venue so if you know any good places let me know, okay?"

"I will. I'm free that night so if it's alright with you, would you mind if I stopped by?"

"Would I mind? Of course not! I haven't seen you in ages; it'd be nice to catch up again. And - if you're for it - a duet? I'm sure that would be a hit."

"You know I could never pass up a chance to sing with you."

"Thank you very much! Let me know about any venues. Love you!"

"Love you too Ponine. Have a good show."

I hung up the phone, sliding it back into my pocket.

"Who was that?" Cosette asked taking a seat beside me.

"Idina. She wants to come see the concert next month and she might even perform."

"That would be amazing. I feel like I haven't seen her in ages."

"I feel the same way; it would be nice to catch up with her." I said finishing off my tea and standing up, with Cosette following close behind. I threw my Starbucks container into a trash can on the way to my dressing room.

"We've got to figure out where we want the concert to be." I said to Cosette sitting down in my vanity chair and rubbing off some more stubborn green makeup from inside my ears.

"I think I may have a place. As you know, my mom's one of the chair members at the country club and she thinks that we could have it there!" Cosette said with a giant smile on her face.

"Are you serious!? That would be amazing, I love that place." I said, a smile coming to my face, too.

"It's not a done deal or anything, but she said she would talk to the board if we were interested. I'll message her and see what she can get done. We've also got to plan our set list, so maybe we should consult Enjolras and everyone else." Cosette said. She started to talk to herself as the minutes progressed.

"I'll go tell them, then... we could meet up at the Musain later? I know some of us have to get ready and I wouldn't want anyone to miss out." I said as I stood up from my vanity chair to leave my dressing room. The long hallway was filled with dressing rooms. Many of the Amis shared but Cosette, Enjolras, and I each got our own – although they were sometimes ransacked by the others. The doors to all the rooms were open and I could easily pop inside and tell the plan to whoever was there.

As I made my way around the dressing rooms I ran into Musichetta who was storming down the hall with a terrifying look on her face.

"Chetta, what's wrong?" I said stopping her by grabbing her arm. She looked very mad; I don't think she even realized it was me till I shook her a bit.

"I just overheard Combeferre and Enjolras talking." She said, crossing her arms and glaring at me.

"Okay? They're best friends, what do you expect them to do? Sit in silence?" I joked back.

"I overheard them talking about a date that Enjolras and you were supposed to be going on!" She said, giving me 'the look'.

I gulped and replied," Yeah...the date. We were supposed to go on Tuesday but then I remembered that I had to go do something for Gavroche's school and had to cancel."

"Yes, you cancelled but never made plans again." Musichetta said loudly.

"I guess it just slipped my mind; I didn't mean to not make plans, I was just busy, with the concert and everything."

"Eponine, you have got to get yourself together. I've known him for a very long time and he actually seemed worried!"

"What was he worried about?" I asked, sceptically. Enjolras didn't get worried.

"That you didn't like him. When you cancel, it's your job to make the plans again. Especially with someone like Enjolras." Musichetta said. The girl genuinely cared about Enjolras. She cared about all of the Amis. But Enjolras was like her brother. They have been friends for a long time, so I guess this was expected.

"I'm sorry 'Chetta. I'll make plans with him, I promise, and it'll be soon." I gave her a tight hug to emphasise the point.

"Okay, I want all the details later!" She said walking away with a bright smile on her face.

"Details about what?" Enjolras said sneaking up behind me and whispering in my ear.

I jumped in place, turning around to face him. "I wanted to talk to you."


"Well I feel terrible about cancelling-"

"'Ponine, it's fine, I completely understand. Gavroche is your brother, and you had something important to do. It's not like you just blew me off, you had a reason."

"I know, but I still feel bad and I want to make it up to you. There is a nice little place down the street that serves the best Indian food you will ever eat… are you free tomorrow night?" I said quickly, wanting to get it out there.

"I love Indian. That would be great." He said with a smile. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek, making a blush form on my cheeks and neck. "So I'll see you in an hour. If I'm a little mean, it's not me, it's the character!"

I laughed at him, the blush still burning up my cheeks. "See ya."


"I wasn't too bad was I? If I was, I didn't mean to be." He said taking a sip of his water and sitting down in a chair. My makeup people and my dresser and hairstylist were all around us. Prepping me for Act 2 Elphaba.

"The beautiful get more beautiful, while the green just get greener." Enjolras said as my make-up person - his name was Craig - added another coat of green to my already green body.

"That's one of my favorite lines. Maybe you should dress up as Elphaba and play her. I'd love to be your Fiyero." I said with a laugh.

"I'll keep that in mind. I'd better go, you've got to change and I've got to get to stage." He said, standing up from his sprawl on the couch. He looked at me with his intense blue eyes, and I'm sure if I had been standing my knees would have collapsed. "You look beautiful green."

I could feel my neck heating up and the blush going from my neck to my face.

"What was that?" Craig asked looking between me and the door Enjolras had just walked out of.

"I have absolutely no idea." I said to him, closing my eyes.

After the show

"Have fun getting the green off!" Bahorel shouted down the hall. The show had just ended and we had taken our curtain call, so now I had the painstaking job of taking the green off of my body. I slipped into my dressing room, where my hair stylist and dresser were already waiting, ready to help me get out of my Act 2 costume. Once I was finally free of the clothes and wig and alone in my dressing room, I started to wipe the makeup off my eyes, lips, and ears. I always loved the feeling of taking my make-up off, it made me feel so much cleaner. I quickly got into the shower and scrubbed at my body, trying to get rid of all the visible green paint. Once I was satisfied with how much green I had gotten off, I got out of the shower and got dressed, un-pinning my hair from my head and letting it fall around my shoulders in soft waves.

There was a knock at the door and Cosette called "'Ponine? Are you done with your shower?"

"Come on in Cosette," I said back putting my jewellery on and slipping my shoes onto my feet.

"Everyone is going to head over to the Musain after we take some pictures." Cosette said, searching around in her purse for something.

I nodded my head in agreement and asked," have you seen Gavroche? He was supposed to meet me after the show."

"Courfeyrac took him; they went to go greet the fans already. He wanted to be the one to show off the new Oliver." Cosette replied, smiling.

"Oh, okay. They've been getting close." I stated turning off the lights and locking my door.

Cosette walked alongside me, a smile still on her face, and a bounce to her step. "That could either be really good or really, really bad. Only time will tell!"

We exited the theatre through the stage door and stopped to take pictures and talk with the fans outside. Enjolras and Musichetta joined us soon after, and we took pictures for around 30 minutes before we headed off to the café, all piled into a cab together. Enjolras sat up front, leaving me squished between Musichetta, Cosette and their bags.

"I hear you've got plans," Musichetta whispered into my ear.

I looked over at her, nodding confusingly. "How did you find out?"

"I've got eyes and ears everywhere. There's not a thing in the theatre that I don't see." She replied, a slightly scary glint in her eyes.

"She's that person that will be out of the theatre and still know what's going on," Cosette said from my other side. "But you do have plans right?"

"Yes we have plans. I asked him right after Musichetta finished pestering me."

"'Chetta! That's not very nice!" Cosette exclaimed.

"What? I did what I had to do! At least they've got a date planned." Chetta said as the taxi pulled up to the cafe. We all paid the driver before getting out and heading into the Musain.

"Well look who finally decided to show up!" Grantaire yelled standing up from his seat. Enjolras immediately headed over to Combeferre and took a seat by him, whereas I walked over to take the empty seat beside Grantaire. Cosette and Musichetta sat by their respective others.

"Okay, this isn't a have fun meeting, we've got to get planning for the concert. It's the 13th of next month. We're really close to having a venue but we need a set list. Any ideas?" Enjolras said in a commanding voice. Everyone's individual conversations ceased and all the attention was on Enjolras.

"We could do Poland's greatest hits?" Feuilly pipped in.

Bahorel groaned before saying," Man, I'm sorry but you're the only one who spends their time listening to Polish music." Feuilly pouted when everyone nodded along, completely agreeing with Bahorel.

"How about all-time greatest Broadway numbers?" Combeferre suggested, not looking up from the book that was resting in front of him.

"That's a great idea Ferre! We could do stuff from Cats, Rent, Phantom, Chicago, Mamma Mia, Pippin, Cinderella, Little Mermaid, The Lion King, everything! There's no shortage of shows!" Courfeyrac said in an overly excited tone.

"Okay, why don't we just leave the picking of songs up to Courfeyrac and Jehan?" Grantaire suggested. "All in favor?" Everyone raised their hands, not wanting to go into it with Courfeyrac. If Courfeyrac wanted it, he was going to get it.

"Well then that's settled." Marius said standing up and pulling Cosette with him. "We've got to get home; it's been a long day."

"Yeah, I should probably head home too," I said, standing up and collecting my bags. "Gavroche, you coming?"

Gavroche looked at me and then back at Courfeyrac before saying, "could I perhaps spend the night at Courf's? He just got a really sick game!"

"It's up to Courfeyrac not me." I said looking at Courfeyrac asking him silently. He nodded at me and I agreed, letting Gavroche stay behind.

"I'll walk you home 'Ponine," Enjolras said getting up and following me out.

I smiled softly, reaching for his hand. He squeezed my hand before saying quietly, "I'm looking forward to our date tomorrow. It's been put off for too long."

"I agree with you. I could use a nice quiet night alone with you." I said leaning into his shoulder.

We reached my apartment very quickly, and stood on the steps to the building, the bright lights of the lobby illuminating us. Smiling, I asked "would you like to come up?"

"I'd love to." he said, brushing a strand of hair from my face. His warm touch sent shivers down my back.

I smiled widely at him, before leading him into the apartment complex and up to my loft. We only made it to the door before he kissed me. I struggled to finish opening the door, finally succeeding after many tries, while he continued kissing me, pressing his lips against my neck.

"Enjolras, maybe we should take this inside." I whispered into his ear. He nodded against my head, leading me into the apartment.

He led me to the couch, sitting down and pulling me down on top of him. I reached the edge of his shirt, playing with it and smirking before lifting it over his head. He was just about to do the same with me when my phone rang. "Just leave it. It's no one important." I mumbled against his mouth.

We continued kissing and the phone continued ringing. Eventually Enjolras said," just answer the phone Eponine, it's clear they're not going to stop calling."

I peeled myself away from him, looking at him longingly. I searched for my phone, finding it in a pile of jackets, and quickly answering with a "hello?"

"What took you so long? This is like the third time I've tried to call!" Gavroche said from the other side of the phone.

"I was...in the bathroom." I said quickly. Too quickly.

"You're lying. Is Enjolras over?"

"No no no, he just dropped me off." I said trying to talk normally.

"Stop lying, what happened to the no lying to family rule?"

"I'm sorry, yes, Enjolras is here. Now, what do you want?"

"I need you to let me up, I've got to get some clothes and you have the key." He said.

"Okay, give me a sec, where are you?" I said quickly throwing Enjolras his shirt and waving my hand for him to put it on. He did as I asked, putting his shirt on and fixing himself.

"Outside, now hurry up," he said before hanging up the phone.

"That was Gavroche, he's outside, he has to pick something up."

"Looks like our time was just majorly reduced." Enjolras mumbled under his breath. I smacked him before fixing myself and pressing the button to let Gavroche up.

The next day

"What are you wearing tonight?" Cosette asked me randomly. We were sitting in my living room, watching reruns of Game of Thrones.

"Why do you ask? Marius not doing it for you anymore?" I asked not looking away from the screen.

"Because of your date with Enjolras! What made you think that there was something wrong with Marius?" Cosette said a blush coloring her cheeks.

"Honey. Have you seen the man? No don't answer that. He went to yoga the other day and he's like a gymnast. Plus, his hands are really small and you know what small hands mean."

"Can we just get back to the question?" Cosette screeched covering her face with her hands.

"And what would that be?" I said taking a bite of my apple.

"What you're going to wear on your date with Enjolras tonight!"

"Oh, that. I don't know. Something that's in my closet." I said quickly looking at Cosette's exasperated face then looking back at the screen.

"Well that's not a good answer. I'll help you. We've got to get that man's pulse pumping!" she said getting up from her seat on the couch to go dig through my clothing.

"Seriously? Now? But we were watching Game of Thrones!" I said, getting up and following her into my room.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter. I hope to get the next one up sooner but if I don't PM me! Tell me to get my butt moving. Please review, I always love seeing what you guys thought of the chapter.
