I got this idea from reading Explosions by BelleGiry. It's an amazing collection of one shots. It was chapter two that inspired this story so go read it. Anyway enjoy and let me know what you think.

Disclaimer- I do not own Les Miserables Victor Hugo does and I don't own Wicked...sadly.

Eponine POV

"New York has always been one of my favorite places on the planet. The city is just so alive. Everyone is different and being different is accepted. New York is a place where you can be yourself. Where being a theatre nerd is permitted. Where you can walk down the street wearing full fledged Wicked attire.

"I didn't know that my life would change in New York, but it did. I fell in love with the city, with the culture, and with the people. Especially with the people. It changed me. I was still the same girl at heart, but it gave me experience. It challenged me. There are so many people trying to get into Broadway and I got in by just being me. You want to appeal to casting directors, to be what they want for the role. But you want to be yourself, to bring your own personality to the role. I feel like I did that."

"Did you hear? Danielle is being replaced. She has some family emergency and can't do the show."

"Who's going to be Elphaba? Janelle?"

"Not Janelle. I don't know why, but their not bumping her up. They already had someone slotted for the for role for when Danielle left and they're just going to bring her in sooner."

"Who is she?"

"Some British girl. She's really big in the Uk. She was in the West End production of Wicked. Her name is Eponine Jondrette."

"Oh, she played Elphaba right?"

"Yes she did. She did a fantastic job. I'm sure she'll feel right at home here."

"I'm sure she will."

Of course on my first day of work I would show up late. Good job Ponine. Now they'll really think highly of you. It wasn't my fault that I was late. New York was the perfect place to get lost in. The big building, the many, many people. I should have just taken a taxi. I walked into the rehearsal studio at exactly nine thirty. Thirty minutes late. Great.

I walked into the elevator-fourth floor the piece of paper I held in my hand said.

"Hold the elevator!" A voice said from far away. Immediately I stuck my hand out to stop the elevator doors from closing. A man came running down the hallway. His satchel flying behind him. "Thanks," he said as he stepped onto the elevator. I pressed the close button and asked,"what floor?"

"Fourth floor please," he said in a English accent. He had curly dark brown hair and a pair of ice blue eyes. He was sporting stubble along his jaw that made him all the more handsome.

The ride to the fourth floor was silently awkward. When we arrived at the fourth floor we both stepped off and the shock on his face was clear as day.

"Are you Eponine?" he asked, looking at me skeptically.

"Depends who's asking."

"I'm Grantaire. I think we're co-workers. Are you going to be in Wicked?"

"I am." I said looking down at the slip of paper in my hand. Room 3 it read. I started to head that way and Grantaire ran to catch up to me.

"Are you the new Elphaba?" He asked looking me up and down.

I sent him a glare at that. He even had the nerve to look sheepish.

"I am."

A smile came to his face as he said," We've been waiting to meet you. A bet was started about what you would look like."

I rolled my eyes and said," well, why don't you get out of the way, so that the bet came be settled?" I gestured to him standing in between me and the door. He moved to open the door, letting me through first with a gesture of his hand. I walked into the room and stopped in my tracks.

Standing in the threshold I had the perfect view of the room. One wall was completely made out of glass windows. The New York skyline in all it's glory. You could see the Empire State building and you could faintly make out the Statue of Liberty in the background.

"It's beautiful isn't it!" Grantaire asked walking past me into the room. "Come on. I'll introduce you to everyone else."

He lead me towards the left of the room where a group of people sat around a large round table."Everyone! Can I have everyone's attention!?"

Everyone's attention was now on us. I could feel people staring at me so I stared right back. There was ten people sitting at the table, all of which were very good looking.

"This is Eponine Jondrette, she's our new Elphaba." He said smiling at me and then at his friends.

A girl with long curly blonde hair stood up from her chair beside a freckled redhead. She was sporting the worlds biggest smile. She came up to me and stuck her hand out," Hi, I'm Cosette! I've heard so much about you!"

I placed my hand in hers and she pulled me into a hug. I tentatively wrapped my arms around her patting her on the back awkwardly. Grantaire coughed behind me. Cosette let me go, a smile still on her face.

"I'm Combeferre," a man with sandy blond hair said standing up from his seat to give me a handshake.

He stood beside me and said point at everyone," That's Musichetta, Joly, Bossuet, Feuilly, Courfeyrac, Marius, Jehan, and Bahorel."

"Enjolras isn't here right now, but you'll meet him later." Grantaire said as he walked to the table and took a seat.

"So who do you all play?" I asked taking the seat Combeferre offered me.

"I play Doctor Dillamond," Combeferre said taking a sip out of his cup.

"I play Nessarose," Musichetta said giving me a warm smile.

"I'm Boq," Courfeyrac said winking at Cosette.

Cosette smiled at him then said," I'm Glinda the Good."

"A role that she looks natural playing," Marius said smiling at Cosette who smiled back at him. Something was definitely going on between them. "I'm Chistery."

"An I am the WIZARD OF OZ," Grantaire said in an over dramatic voice.

Everyone laughed at his dramatics and I asked," So who's my Fiyero?"

Grantaire gave me a sly smile,"Oh, your Fiyero is played by the handsome and talented Gabriel Enjolras!"

Handsome and talented. These people seemed to be praising him. Was he that good? I knew I should have googled the cast. Damn.

"I'm Avaric and Ensemble." Feuilly said getting up from his seat and walking over to a table on the other side of the room that held a various assortment of drinks and fruits.

"I'm Brother Frexspar the Godly and Ensemble," Bahorel said getting up and following Feuilly to the other side of the room.

"Jehan, Joly, and I are Ensemble as well," Bossuet said with a smile on his face.

"I don't think they would trust you in any other role Bossuet," Grantaire said with a laugh. "You might break something."

"Again," Feuilly added as he and Bahorel walked back to the table with cups in hand. Bahorel handed one to me and I took it, giving him a smile as thanks.

"What did he break?" I asked curiously.

"What didn't he break," Courfeyrac said with a laugh. "Bossuet is probably the unluckiest person on the planet."

"Once he fell down during dress rehearsal," Marius said.

"That isn't so bad," I said cutting in.

"-And tripped our Elphaba, which resulted in the biggest rip in her costume."

"The wardrobe department was pissed at Bossuet for three weeks after that. I think they're still a little mad about the stain on your Emerald City outfit." Cosette said sweetly.

"Oh, that sucks," I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Are you guys done talking or would you like to waste some more time?" A voice said from behind me.

I turned around in my chair to see who the voice belonged to and was stopped dead in my tracks. The worlds most beautiful man stood behind me, his golden curls falling into his face. He stood at around 6 foot, with a muscular build but not an overwhelming amount of muscle. He donned a red coat and black rimmed glasses.

I stood up to greet him, extending my hand to him," I'm Eponine Jondrette. I'm the new Elphaba."

He gave me a tight lipped smile and a curt nod, ignoring the hand that was extended to him. " I know. I'm Enjolras. Call me Enjolras."

"So are you guys going to start? I told you I was going to be late today, that's no excuse to slack off." He said in a commanding tone.

"Dude, cut us some slack. We were just getting to know Eponine. We wanted to make her feel welcomed." Grantaire said wrapping his arm around Enjolras' shoulder. Which the latter immediately threw off with a shrug of his shoulders.

Enjolras let out an exasperated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Andrew said once we were all together to head down to Gershwin Theatre. He said that Eponine should know all her lines and such and to give her to the wardrobe department. It seems that meeting here was only for Bossuet's sake. Didn't want him to get lost again."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Courfeyrac said getting up from his chair and turning around to pull Jehan up.

That seemed to spur everyone into action. Everyone got up from their chairs and Musichetta said,"Come on Eponine. You can ride with us."

I nodded and followed her and Cosette out of the room. I turned around to look at Enjolras. He stood by the table having an intimate conversation with Combeferre. He must have felt my stare because at that moment he looked up at me. His intense blue eyes making me feel naked even through his thick glasses. I could feel a blush coming up my neck and onto my cheeks. I gave him a smile and he just turned back to Combeferre.

"What's his problem?" I asked Musichetta.

"Don't take it personally, honey. He's like that with everyone. All work and no play. It took ages for him to warm up to me. He'll warm up to you soon enough."

"He's a tough nut to crack. He's been here the longest. An amazing performer. He won a Tony once for his performance in Phantom of the Opera. Everyone wants him in their show. And we got him." Cosette said coming up to me and looping her arm in mine.

"Let's get out of here."

Late on that day

"So what do you think," Combeferre asked after I was finished with the wardrobe department and a tour of the theatre.

"I'm excited. I did Wicked in London for the West End, but it's a totally new experience here." I said as Enjolras walked past us. I stared after him. What was his problem? All day he had been ignoring me. No matter how many times I tried to start up a conversation with him.

"Don't take it personal. He's always like that," Combeferre said.

"You mean an arrognant asswhole?"

"He's just closed off. I've been his best friend for years and sometimes I don't even know what's going through his head. He's just got to warm up to you. Don't worry, it'll happen sooner or later. He's a good guy though. Dedicated, strong willed, smart, and a great friend. He'd do anything for any of the Amis."


"Our little group of misfit toys of course." He said with a smirk.

I had a feeling that I would fit in just fine here as a misfit toy.

Please read and review. It'll make my day and I need all the help I can get. If anyone is interested in betaing please pm me. I would appreaciate it.