Author's Notes: I own nothing but possible OCs. Sonic, Tails, Eggman, etc. belong to Sega. Rated M due to character death, blood, and gore.

Tails the Robot

I bet I know what your thinking; this is based on Tails Doll or Metal Tails...*Buzzer* WRONG! This is a possible truth about Miles "Tails" Prower.

Chapter 1: Sonic's Fall

Sonic and Tails looked at each other, both bloodied and beaten. Now you'd think that they got this way trying to stop Eggman from trying to take over the world with another one of his schemes that always fail,'re wrong. It was Sonic fighting for his life against Tails yet he lost and now had a Plasma Cannon pointed directly at his head.

Now we take a look at 12-year-old Tails. He looks normal aside from him having multiple bleeding wounds, missing his left arm, and the right side of his face missing giving him a Terminator-like appearance. Tears streamed down his face, even his robotic eye had tears coming from it. The stub of his left arm was bleeding and arcing electricity.

"Sonic...I'm sorry." said Tails as he charged his Plasma Cannon.

"I forgive ya buddy." said Sonic giving a sad smile to his little brother.

*Laser Fired*

The Day Before

Tails was working on a newer version of Tornado and he got up and went to get a glass of water and upon taking one sip from the glass, unimaginable pain shot into his head causing him to drop the glass and clutch his head and when the pain subsided he found Tails Doll in front him causing him to jump back but he lost his balance and landed on his rear.

"W-what are you doing here?!" said Tails in fear.

"It's" said Tails Doll sweetly as his red gem became a bright green and the next thing Tails knew was darkness.

Tails awoke to find himself alone in his workshop and he thought it was all dream when memories he never knew he had swarmed into his mind and then his eyes went from sapphire to a ruby red then back again.

"My a lie..." said Tails looking at his hands sadly before he screamed in anger and smashed the Tornado to pieces before he slumped against the wall and curled up on himself and began crying.

One Hour Later...

Sonic the Hedgehog zoomed up to Tails workshop, something bothering him all morning and wanted to make sure his two-tailed fox brother was alright when he noticed the destroyed Tornado and broken glass on the floor and he cautiously entered the workshop when he came upon the curled up form of Tails and he instantly worried.

"Tails, you okay?" said Sonic and his friend's response sent a chill to his core.

"Kill me Sonic."

"W-what?! Tails what's this about?!"

"My life has been a lie."

"What do you mean?!"

"I'm one of Eggman's robots, always have been." said Tails getting up and Sonic backed up a few feet.

"What?! How come we never knew?!"

"Robotnik made me a prototype infiltration type robot, he gave me the ability to feel, emotions, hunger, the ability to grow as I aged, everything. I was sent to gain your trust and then once I became 12...I would...kill you guys...everything I ever did was nothing but a lie! I actually thought I was normal two-tailed fox, well aside from the two tails, but this?! This is too much! Just kill me Sonic, before it's too late!"

"Tails...I...I can't kill you...your my little buddy, my brother in all but blood...even if your one of Eggman's robots I can't kill you..." said Sonic.

"I'm sorry...but the same can't be said the same with me..." said Tails his right arm morphing into a Plasma Cannon.

Sonic side-stepped the Plasma Round and charged Tails and delivered a hard punch to the fox's face, sending the kitsune flying back into the generator of the workshop where it exploded, engulfing Tails as Sonic watched from a distance. After five minutes, he began walking away before a Plasma round exploded in front of him and he turned around to see Tails walk out of the fire, his left arm showing the metal limb and the right side of his face being Terminator-like.

[Terminator 2: Judgment Day Theme Song]

Sonic's fists clenched up before he shot forward, curled into a ball and aimed for Tails' chest but couldn't bring himself to kill Tails and so aimed for his arm and sawed off Tails' left arm before he was shot in the back and he fell forward, the pain coursing through his body making him immobile. He heard Tails walk in front of him, electricity arcing off from where his left arm used to be.

"Sonic...please get up...get up and kill me...please..." said Tails pointing the Cannon at Sonic's head.

Sonic got up onto his hands and knees and the furthest he was able to get was his knees.

"Sorry Tails...I'm too hurt...the pain is too much..." said Sonic as blood began to pour from his mouth.

"Sonic...I'm sorry." said Tails charging up his Plasma Cannon, tears streaming down his face from both his eyes.

"I forgive ya little buddy." said Sonic giving a small sad smile.

*Laser Fired*

The thin Plasma Beam went through the front of Sonic's skull and out the back, killing the cobalt hedgehog instantly. Tails arm reverted back to normal and he fell to his knees and picked Sonic up and held him close to his chest as tears streamed down his face as he held his dead brother close and he felt rain begin to fall on his exposed robotic half and his fur began to get wet until it was soaked. He heard approaching footsteps and he looked up to see a sad Dr. Eggman.

"Funny, I thought you'd be smiling over Sonic's death." snarled Tails.

"I would have been, but this...breaking two friends too much. I didn't even realize this plan was still in effect...I never planned to have this...but what's done is done. Come, let me fix you up...Gamma 59B." said Eggman holding out his hand.

"Forget it. I can fix myself." said Tails getting up and grabbing his dismembered arm.

"Deactivate 'Destroy Freedom' Protocol." said Eggman and Tails froze before he loosened up and then he turned towards Eggman.

"What did you do?!"

"I deactivated the program that would make you kill the others...I tried to stop it back at my base but it was too encrypted and I wasn't fast enough...Sorry about ruining your life Tails."

"Forget it. I'm leaving. Get out of my sight Robotnik!"

Both froze at what Tails just said and then the two left their separate ways.

Tails reattached his arm after 2 hours of diligently working on it and he soon learned he could have his skin repair itself and he did so, resulting in him looking like normal again.

"I can never be normal again..." muttered Tails as he got a shovel and dug a grave for Sonic. After he dug it deep enough he got the cobalt hedgehog's body and placed it gently into the grave and replaced the dirt over Sonic body and then he got a tombstone and using his Plasma Cannon, he set it for "low power" and "thin beam" and carved this onto the tombstone:

"Sonic the Hedgehog

1991-2013 (1)

A great hero, friend, and brother"

Tails then reverted his arm back to normal and walked away unaware of a certain red-black hedgehog watching him with narrowed eyes.


(1) I went with what I know about the Sonic Games and stuff and if that doesn't match up with something please PM so I can fix it.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this. Don't forget to read, review, follow, and/or favorite.

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