Baby-Sitting A Time Lord: Clara's Story

Summary: Upon further reflection, Clara has come to an epiphany about The Doctor & the nature of their "relationship". Post-Tranzalore. Short piece of fluff & humor. Rated K+.

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. The Great & Powerful Moff & the BBC do. (You lucky, lucky bastards.) ;o)

I'm Clara Oswald. The Impossible Girl. The Souffle Girl. The only mystery worth solving.

I was born to save the Doctor.

And only now, after the events of Tranzalore, do I fully understand what that phrase truly means. Or why almost all of my echoes were governesses & nannies. It was all to get me ready for what would eventually be the baby-sitter Olympics.

And I'm reminded that at his most basic level, The Doctor is just a man. Deep down, he is just an alien man with two hearts who gets lonely on occasion and has a bit of a rebellious streak, plus some sort of hero/martyr complex thrown in for good measure.

Which reminds me of another story my mum used to read to me when I was a child: the story of Peter Pan & Wendy and their adventures in Never-land...I just never realized it was him. But it was. Of course it was. And then it finally dawned on me who I really was...and suddenly everything started to make perfect sense.

(Cue The 11th Doctor spouting some bizarre techno-babble story about something he once did in some random location at a random point in time that got him in serious trouble and then starts to gloat about how he saved the day using some idiotic maneuver.)

He may be over 1000 years old, and quite possibly the most important man in the universe, but sometimes, when he's acting like a cocky, arrogant childish know-it-all, kind of like he is now, I just really wanted to smack him.

My name is Clara Oswin Oswald and I was born to baby-sit the Last of the Time Lords... and I'm not even getting paid for it.
