JJ approached Reid hesitantly. She didn't know what to say. Their little, unspoken war seemed so insignificant now, compared to the magnitude of things.

"JJ," Reid said, smiling.

"Hey Spence."

"So, I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I mean, there was this small little point in time where I liked you. A lot. Then you met Will and the two of you just looked so perfect and I was really angry because we never had chemistry like that. And you were so pretty with your big eyes and blonde hair and the way you called me Spence…I felt slightly jealous. So I guess Alex was my way of getting back at you. But now I realize that what we have is platonic, but equally strong and I hope we can still be friends."

JJ bit her lip nervously.

"Spence, I know it sucked a lot and I'm really sorry I didn't talk to you about it properly…and then Maeve happened and we just talked less and less and I guess I was jealous too. You deserve a lot better and I was a lousy friend to you when you needed me the most. So yeah, if you are willing to take me back, we're definitely friends."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I have a question I need your help with though," Reid said. "Elle's great. She's funny, she's pretty and she's so strong even after everything that has happened. But what if I'm not good enough for her? She's already been through so much and she deserves someone who can take care of her properly, but I can barely get myself fixed properly. And I'm really scared, because I like her, a lot."

JJ looks across at Elle who was throwing her head back and laughing like a crazy woman.

"I can't help you with that, but one thing I do know is that your babies will be smart and gorgeous." JJ smirked, giving him a slight push towards her.

A year later, Hotch's wedding was a simple affair at (once again) David Rossi's house. They finally had a weekend where the team (and Emily in her Paris office) was not busy chasing down monsters.

"We're taught that good triumphs evil, but our jobs have always said otherwise. But nights like this give me a little bit of faith that good things happen to good people too." Morgan said to JJ.

JJ nodded, smiling softly. She remembered the last time she was here, she had uttered the two most important words a woman could ever say to a man who loved her.

The vows were sweet, simple and beautiful. It was surprising to see Hotch capable of such emotion. All in all, an amazing occasion and a well needed break from their jobs.

As everyone started heading home, Elle pushed past JJ and sprinted for the toilet.

"Oh Elle! I have something for you!" JJ shouted. She hadn't seen Elle for the whole event – only occasional glimpses.

After half an hour, Elle still had not emerged from the toilet. JJ knocked cautiously. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Elle said, opening the door, smiling. "I'm just a little tipsy. Can you drive me home?"

"Oh, Reid's still here! I just needed to pass you something."

"No, JJ, can you please drive me home? Get Will to drive him back home first."

JJ blinked. "Oh."

After a few hushed words with Reid and Will, the two men left and JJ drove Elle to the 24-hour diner that was literally empty since it was 3 in the morning.

"You said you wanted to give me something?" Elle said, sipping her hot tea.

"Here. We want you back." JJ said, pushing a badge and identity card to Elle. "If you want."

"Wow. Really?" she asked, slightly taken aback. "Of course!"

JJ nodded and smiled, pushing her blonde locks behind her ear.

"So do you want to talk?" JJ asked softly.

Elle's smile faded away and JJ watched her tired brown eyes drop slightly.

JJ stood up and shifted seats so that she was sitting next to Elle. Her hands reached to wipe the tears that Elle didn't even know she had shed as she let Elle cry into her shoulder.

"I'm knocked up." Elle whispered.

JJ pauses, takes in what she just heard and raises her eyebrows.

"And this is bad thing?"

"I'm not ready and Spencer is a great guy, but for lord's sake we have no idea how to take care of a living thing! And if I tell him, he'll guilt me into keeping it but if I don't tell him, what if he finds out?"

JJ swallowed. Elle was not wrong.

For once, the hostage negotiator had no words to say. Worst, she was trying to save a hostage that wasn't even born yet.

hello:D so this story has finally ended (on a cliffhanger hurhur) and wow wow 8000 views :') i am very touched 3 so i was thinking of writing a elle/reid centric part 2 of the story but im rather busy right now so it's probably going to take awhile. but to everyone who has read all 18 chapters, really thank you VERY MUCH. :):) leave a review and let me know if you want me to continue haha :)