Chapter 1

Fate or Destiny

There two things called be; Fate and Destiny. They seem to mean the same thing as words but they are quite different in many ways. Fate is the one that you can't avoid like you can't change it, it happens no matter how much you try to avoid it. That's what Fate does in your life. Destiny is the one that determines what happens on a day, like an event that lead to the rest of your life. That's Destiny for you making things in your life happen.

They're like sisters even though they're just words, just imagine them as humans. Two sisters that are higher than anyone you know because they rule over our lives. As if we're the puppets and they're our masters. Though of course that's not true but sometimes it really does feel that way. Life is a mystery we live each day and it's a mystery that has still gone unsolved.


That's what happened to Sting and Lucy. Fate and Destiny decided to target them both at the same time. They couldn't change what happened but they couldn't say they saw it coming. It was just a normal day. It was Friday and the weekend was coming up. They didn't know that one simple hello could lead the two sisters to toy with their lives. After all they were just Puppets on stings being controlled without even knowing it. They only had one Question: Was it Fate or Destiny?


Sting woke up dreading the fact that he had to go to a new school all because his grandfather thought it was quite stupid that he didn't go to his school and went to the enemy school; Sabertooth Academy. Sting didn't mind the school and he was still getting used to it after only being there 4 days. However it didn't make sense that he was pulled out and transferred to FairyTail Academy just after those 4 days and with one day left of school before the weekend. The only upside to the whole transfer was his best friend Rogue was also transferred thanks to Gajeel his cousin and of course Sting's conditions.

Sting hit the snooze button and turned away from his alarm clock not wanting it to be time to get up. It doesn't really matter if his late on the first day does it? All he wanted was to catch some more zizz's before getting ready for class that he wasn't in any case ready for.

"Sting you better up and ready." Laxus yelled from the bottom of the steps

"Well now I am," Sting yelled back, sitting up not going to be able to get some more shut eye now. His peaceful mourning ruined "Thanks to an asshole of a brother."

"Get your sorry ass down here, now!" Laxus yelled walking back into the kitchen smiling at himself

Sting knows that Laxus is older and stronger than he is. Also knowing his brother if he wasn't down in the next few minutes. He was for sure going to beat the shit out of him. Unwillingly but feeling threatened for his life Sting tiredly made his way towards the bathroom and prepared to shower, the cold water instantly waking him up.

"The fucking hell. Laxus! You are such a bitch." Sting yelled loud enough for Laxus to hear all the way down stairs as he laughed at his little brother

{At Lucy's house}

Lucy was already down stairs having her breakfast that Rufus had made. The female blonde was in her uniform that consisted of a white shirt and cream coloured skirt that reached mid-thigh, while her black socks went right below her knees.

"Do you have everything?" Rufus asked while he fixed his tie

"Yes." Lucy replied finishing off her breakfast

"Good," Rufus said smiling while he grabbed his briefcase "now let's getting going, I don't want to be late for work."

Rufus works in their fathers company and he had a meeting to go too while Lucy had band practice. She usually walks to school but she'd arrive late if she walked to school now and Erza wanted them to be their early and sharp. No one dis obeys Erza so Lucy being as smart as she is decided to get her brother to take her with a lot of persuading and the fact that him himself is scarred of the scarlet haired girl. Lucy laughed at that fact all the time considering the fact that Rufus was at least 10 years older than the scarlet. Then again who could blame?

{Back to Sting}

Sting finally got his lazy ass down stairs grabbing an apple and his lunch while he raced to the front door before Laxus looked him in the house again. Rogue was already waiting for the outside his small house that was right next door.

"You look excited." Rogue spoke as Sting got closer

"Oh that's because I am," Sting told him sarcastically "I'm jumping over the moon."

"Well I'm looking forward to it." Rogue said honestly

"Why couldn't you be my brother?" Laxus asked Rogue

"Because smartass," Sting replied instead "You're related to me."

"Boy I wish I wasn't." Laxus said letting out a frustrated sigh

"Bitch please," Sting commented "You outta be happy we're related."

Laxus rolled his eyes and they kept walking towards school. Rogue and Sting didn't know what to expect from Fairytail Academy. They would just have to let Fate carry them on this journey towards a new school they would be in for a long time…hopefully.

{In the music room back to Lucy}

Lucy arrived just in time. Everyone was already set up. Erza was behind her drums testing them out, Levy was checking her keyboard and Mira was tuning her guitar. Lucy walked from behind and smiled at everyone. Lucy was the lead singer but depending on the sing she would also play the guitar at a different melody, the lower one while Mira played the main one.

"Hey." Mira said smiling

"Hey." Lucy said getting out her guitar

"Are we all ready?" Erza asked holding her drum sticks at the ready

"Yes." Levy said pressing the keys for the opening number and Erza came in after

Mira started to play after four counts while Lucy just added in a few cords. She walked over to the mic and started to sing. They put everything into what they were playing. They sounded great. They loved to play and they had Lisanna and Cana watching them for their feedback, this was of course Erza's idea.

~3 minutes later~

They stopped playing but the vibrations went on. Cana and Lisanna stood up clapping and gave them feedback. Nothing seemed wrong and that made Erza happy.

Mira and Cana were 1 year older than Levy, Lucy, Erza and Lisanna however they had classes together because the school liked having community and unity. So everyone knows everyone no matter the age.

"So I hear you guys have two new people." Cana said smirking

"Yeah and they're both boys." Levy said confirming it while she removed her key board off its stand

"You got that right." Laxus said walking through the doors with Rogue and Sting right behind him

Everyone turned to face the blonde with a scar. Mira zipped up her guitar case and ran to hug her boyfriend. Laxus returned the hug and kissed her on her cheek.

"Missed you." Mira said standing next to Laxus

"Missed you too." Laxus told her putting his arm around her waist

Everyone smiled at the happy couple and Sting let out a disgusting face, he wasn't used to seeing his brother all mushy and loving with his girlfriend because he was never around when she came over. Rogue on the other hand could care less what Laxus did in front of him as long as it wasn't anything out of the ordinary in terms of PDA.

"So who are the new people?" Mira asked looking behind her and spotting Rogue who she didn't know anything about but Sting she knew just never meet him before

"This is my dumbass brother and his smartass friend." Laxus replied moving so the others could see the two as well

"I heard that." Sting yelled at his brother

Rogue just smirked and held out his hand for Mira to shake, let a true civilized person.

"I'm Rogue Cheney." He said to her

"Mirajane Strauss," Mira said shaking his hand "But call me Mira for short."

"I'm Sting." Sting said to her

"Nice to meet you" Mira said smiling glad to finally meet Laxus' brother after so long

Mira pointed to every girl in the room one by one and said their names out loud to introduce them to everyone. Rogue was fine about it and one petit girl with blue hair caught his attention.

"Juvia Lockser," Mira said as Juvia walked in with her second little sister "That's Wendy her sister"

Wendy broke into a run towards her other sister Levy. She had missed her this morning and Juvia was too busy stalking Gray to make her breakfast. Juvia was in the same grade as Mira. Wendy was in the same grade as Levy and the rest. She's just one year younger than them but its ok considering Laxus is two years older than Sting but one year older than Mira. The only problem is the fact that Wendy is a tad bit to innocent for her own good.

They all learned each other names and the higher grade started making their way to class first while the rest pack up everything. Lucy was helping Erza pack her drums seeing she was the last one to arrive.

They are probably ugly like the rest of the boys here. Lucy thought having not seen them

She didn't know how wrong she was. All the girls that were left thought they were quite the catch and could possibly be models if they wanted. However Lisanna and Erza felt bad about their thoughts because they both have boyfriends. Erza's dating Jellal and Lisanna's dating Natsu.

When everything was finally packed away Lucy stood up and turned to face her two new classmates to say hi. She faced Rogue first and gave him a smile and a wave. Then she turned to the blonde whose hair was lighter than hers and she froze. He looked at her and he froze too without knowing it. Everyone in the room disappeared in their minds as chocolate brown eyes meet sky blue ones.

"Hello." They said at the same time not breaking eye contact


Destiny and Fate laughed nothing could change what was going through their heads now. The event was set and it changed their lives for a long time. Fate and Destiny were working their magic on the two unfortunate or fortunate blondes. People say things happen for a reason but what's the reason here?