Okay, so I'm not even sure anybody will read this anymore and I'm sorry it has been four years since I've updated but adult life just got in the way. Ever since the show ended this year I've been wanting to hold om to Ezria in any way possible so I have decided to continue their story. So here it is, Chapter 8, ten years later.

*I don't own PLL*

Ezra POV

"Aria what are you doing? Put that box down! You know you can't be lifting anything right now."

"Ezra, I'm pregnant, not sick"

"I don't care. You're seven months pregnant and it's time for you to start resting."

Aria gives me that cute little look I know all too well. She wants to do all the moving by herself because she's too dang stubborn to wait.

"I know you're excited to be in the new house sweetheart but you have to be patient."

"I'm trying but I want to get Locklynn's nursery ready before she comes!" I wrap my arms around her, trying not to push too hard on her belly, and pull her closer. Even after ten years of marriage I still can't get enough of the way her tiny arms try so hard to wrap around me. It's especially hard for her now that Locklynn is between us, but I wouldn't change that for anything. She's our little miracle. We never thought Aria could get pregnant but somehow, we've created this little life together.

"I know sweetheart but she still has two months until she's here. We have time. Now, let's go get lunch. Emily and the twins are meeting us at 2:00. We'll be late if we don't head out."

"Okay, let me grab my bag and I'll meet you in the car." She kisses my cheek before I walk out of the apartment.

Aria POV

I love that man so much. He worries so much and it's so cute. Locklynn's been pretty active today. My hand moves instinctively to cradle my stomach where I feel little feet moving.

"Mommy loves you so much princess. Your daddy and I can't wait to meet you. You're going to be so loved. Aunt Hanna already has your first designer dress ready and waiting for you. I better go down to the car before your daddy starts to think I'm moving boxes again."

Chuckling under my breath I grab my purse and head out. A thousand thoughts of how we're going to do the nursery speed through my head. Should we be traditional and go the super girly and pink route? Or maybe do something more like a cute library? I'm leaning towards the latter but Hanna is fighting me tooth and nail for the frills and the glitter. But I'm the pregnant one and I will get the final decision. I get to the car and can't help but smile as I look at my husband. We have been through so much together and finally, we can be truly happy with our little family.

"Ready to go Aria?"

"Yeah, let's go."

If anyone is still reading this let me know. I love your reviews and would really appreciate any feedback about if I should continue and maybe a few ideas on where they should go now that the show is over. Thanks for reading!