Okay, sooryyy I forgot I sayd one week... actually, I forgot about everything... I'm ging to tell you something (even if you don't care) right at the moment my school started a proyect that's to creat a company and I am the CEO of this company so at the moment I'm kind of busy... so I will probably keep updating at the same rate if not even less often than before.

(The next afternoon, after Zoro and Luffy had already wake up, bathe, and go on their date; Zoro's house; Normal POV)

Smoker and Tashigi were the first ones to return to the house after their respected activity, and minutes later came Mihawk and Kuina. Tashigi was the first one to go and take a bath, but when she was placing her clothes on the laundry pile she noticed some clothes that weren't hers or Kuina's. Tashigi showered quickly and dressed.

"Kuina, are these clothes yours?" Tashigi asked and Kuina looked at them

"No, they aren't, why?"

"I found them on the pile for laundry" She explained "so, does this mean 'Luffy' is a girl?"

"I guess, but if 'Luffy' is a girl, how old is she? There's no bra between the clothes, anyway it's the only explanation, and neither my dad nor yours bring any women with no bra home so…" an evil grin appeared in both women.

As good 'elder sisters', more as good curious women, they had the obligation to investigate in Zoro's room. When they opened the door and entered the room the first thing they saw was a really messed bed, not uncommon, they started looking around and they found two things, first thing was the 'missing bra' and second was the used condom in the bin.

"Well 'Luffy' is definitely a teen girl" Kuina stated "and I presume Zoro had some 'fun' for the first time yesterday" she giggle but Tashigi's face was a little reddish.

"Kuina, Tashigi, you know Zoro's gonna kill you both if he founds out you were on his room" Smoker appeared at the door

"Maybe, but we found some interesting things" Kuina said half singing

"Whatever, just come out of there" Smoker said, ignoring what the girls were trying to say

"What do you think, dad? Did Zoro get himself a girlfriend or a sex friend? Or maybe something else?" said Kuina really loud so Mihawk would hear her

"How should I know? And why do you suppose that?" Mihawk asked and they all ended sitting on the living room

"It's just something we guess, as apparently he had some 'fun' with 'Luffy' yesterday" Kuina was the only one talking as Tashigi was too embarrassed to speak "we have evidence, but I'm not taking it out of the bin"

"Just say what did you found" Smoker wasn't one known for being patient

"We found some girl clothes in the laundry pile, except for the bra, that was in Zoro's room, and an used condom in the bin at Zoro's room, as well"

"Then you are saying 'Luffy' is a girl? But that's not possible, I've searched and in the school there's only one Luffy and it's a boy" Smoker, that was also a teacher at the school Zoro and Luffy assisted, said.

"Then he lied or 'Luffy' cross-dress for Zoro"

"I don't think we can get any answer until he gets home" Mihawk said and they all agreed with him.

(Moments later, when Zoro and Luffy arrived; Luffy's POV)

We spent the time outside walking, talking and doing random stuff. Zoro told me about his family, that his dad die when he was very little and her mother remarried a man with a daughter older than him, but then his mum die and now he lives with his uncle, or his mother brother as you prefer, his cousin, also older than him, his stepfather and stepsister.

"At what time did you tell Shanks you'll be back home?" Zoro asked, obviously worried

"Don't worry, I told him I would go back before dinner" we didn't agree on an hour for me to come back "that means, around seven more or less"

Zoro opened the door and two girls, both with short hair but one used glasses, came straight up to him asking a million questions per second making impossible for me to catch any of them. Then two men came out shouting the girls to calm down. Wait, I know both of them! One is a teacher at school, Smoker was it? And the other is a friend of Shanks', Mihawk! What are they doing here? Are they…?

"So tell us Zoro, is 'Luffy' a girl or a boy?" the one without glasses asked

"It's 'Luffy' your lover?" now was the one with glasses

"They found something interesting when they sneak in your room today" there were two things in that room I can think of for them to ask that , the bra we couldn't find and the thing that was left at the bin. Shit

"Is the one standing behind you Luffy?" Smoker asked, but I'm more worry about Mihawk, because if he tells Shanks, Zoro's dead! Most probably, because he'll tell my brothers or my father or grandfather, no, scratch that one, he doesn't speak with him.

"I guess it's gonna be this way" Zoro said as he scratched the back of his head "she's Luffy, my girlfriend" I… like how it sounds… when he says it like that, it makes me happy.

"The Luffy from school?" right, smoker only knows me as a boy

"Yes, she made a mistake so she's pretending to be a boy at school" Zoro explained the best he could, fortunately he droop the subject with that.

"Won't you introduce us to her, or at least let us see her properly?" non-glasses girl said

I came out from my hiding spot behind Zoro and the first thing I did was bow in front of Mihawk and pleaded him not to say anything.

"Please, don't tell Shanks!" everyone looked confused, except Mihawk who looked shocked by some reason.

"Are you really that Luffy?" Mihawk asked in disbelief

"Yes, so please don't tell Shanks or he'll tell the rest and Zoro's gonna die!"

"You know him Luffy?" Zoro asked and I nodded

"He's friends with Shanks" I said getting up from the bow

"The world it's surely small" Mihawk commented "but I must say; I didn't expect you having such an enthusiastic, energetic and cheerful girlfriend as her"

"I didn't even expect you having a girlfriend with that attitude of yours" non-glasses girl said, what's wrong with Zoro's attitude?

"Will you introduce us?" glasses girl asked

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, please to meet you" I said while smiling

"I'm Kuina, Zoro's stepsister" non-glasses girl said

"I'm Zoro's cousin, Tashigi" glasses girl was the one talking

"Zoro's stepfather" Mihawk smiled at me, and he has a weird smile…

"By elimination, you can guess I'm Zoro's uncle" I would have never thought Smoker was Zoro's uncle

"Sorry to bring this up again but, please don't tell Shank" I insisted

"Doesn't Shanks know you tow are dating?" he asked surprised that I hadn't told Shanks.

"Yes, Shanks, her brothers, her father, her grandfather, her friends, the school… almost everyone knows that part" Zoro clarified trying to mention as many as possible

"Then you don't want them to know what we found out today" I blushed slightly and nodded "I won't tell, but he will know anyway" I look puzzled

"How would he?" I asked, but I'm not sure if I want to hear the answer

"You have some visible hickeys around your neck, back and collar bone" and with just those few words I turn completely red making Zoro laugh at my embarrassing face.

"How did you…?" Kuina half asked, and I could see in everyone face some shock

"The last time I heard him laugh, or even saw him smiling, he was a five year-old brat" Smoker said

"That can't be true, he laughs and smiles a lot whenever I'm around, ever since we first met" I said and it seemed they understood something, but I'm not sure what.

"So that's how it is" they all said at the same time, I want to know what are they talking about

"When did you meet?" Tashigi asked

"Around eight month ago" I answered

"And since when are you together?"

"Six months, more or less" this time Zoro answered

"That much already and you haven't got tired of her energetic way of being?" Mihawk asked, and that hurt, a little, I know how much of a nuisance I can get, sometimes…

"I can't get tired of it, no matter how annoying she gets I just can't help but think is somehow cute or entertaining or something like that" just what does 'something like that' mean? I don't think is something bad but… Zoro's opinion is important

"You are just perfect for him, you have to be to make him say such things" Kuina said while trying to stop herself from laughing

"If you are not bothered by his… her personality, that's something I can't comprehend, then I don't care" Smoker it's almost as sweet as my grandpa

"To tell the truth, you wouldn't care even if we didn't like her"

"I wouldn't give a damn if that were the case, but it's not as if many people could not like her" maybe he doesn't notice it himself but, he's quiet… possessive, overprotective, romantic, sweet, all of them? At least I think so…

"Some people can think she's a little irritating" Mihawk likes to say hurtful and truthful thing about me, doesn't he?

"That doesn't implied they dislike her" Zoro argue, and I'm not up for this

"There are people who hate me because I cause too much trouble, I just don't like them either and ignore them" I said and Zoro sighed but smiled at me anyway.

After some hours I went back to Shanks house, Zoro wanted to accompany me but if he did he would get lost on his way home, so I return alone. Before opening the door I remembered about the hickeys and I couldn't actually do much about it so I guess I'll have to beg Shanks and Makino not to tell the rest.

"Good… I-don't-know-what-hour-it-is" I said and Makino grated me from the kitchen and Shanks from the living room watching TV

"Hi Luffy, how did it go?" Shanks asked as I sit beside him on the sofa

"Everything went fine, did you know Mihawk is Zoro's stepfather?" if he didn't notice I wouldn't say anything

"Really? What a coincidence"

"Yep, and Smoker it's his uncle, he's a teacher at school"

"If everything was fine, why don't you tell me about the bugs?"

"Bugs?" I asked

"Well, you have so many 'bug bites'…" he said and I understood

"Ah, well, you see… Don't tell the rest?" I smiled nervously while saying it, and Shanks suddenly hug me

"I can't believe my dear and sweet Luffy had already grown this much!" he shouted on a melodramatic way while faking crying causing Makino to come to the room, and as she comprehend everything she giggle

"I was around your age when I did it for the first time with someone you know" she whispered to me when I went to sleep, and we both giggled

Definitely less often, the next chapter is not writen (or actually, I want more content for it) so it will take a while... sorry, once more if you hate this/me/something about this leave it in a comment and I will try to improve... thanks for reading :)