AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, I know I am in the middle of writing Through the Top Hat, but I have had this idea for this fanfic for a long while now, and I keep getting ideas for it, so I decided I'm going ahead and writing it. I'm not going to stop writing Through the Top Hat, and I promise to continue to update it often. Anyway, enjoy chapter 1!

-Chapter 1: A terrifying encounter-

Luke glanced outside at the star filled night sky before he let out a loud yawn. "How far away is London, Professor?"

Layton chuckled from the driver's seat. "I'd say about two hours away, my boy."

"I didn't realize your friend lived so far away, Professor. We've been riding for nearly three hours now." Emmy stretched her arms. She had never been so happy for the Laytonmobile's tall roof. She stifled a yawn and leaned her head back against the passenger's seat.

"That was some mystery though." Luke said. "I would have never guessed that the maid was behind everything."

Emmy laughed. "I told you she was acting odd. I wasn't expecting her to try and kill us though."

"At least you didn't get locked in the cellar." Luke shuddered as he recalled his lonely time there.

Emmy yawned again and closed her eyes. "Yeah...just glad it wasn't me, second assistant."

"Hmph. Apprentice number one." Luke stated with less emphasis than usual as he closed his eyes as well.

Layton laughed at his companions, both tired from the long ride back home. He could hear their breathing heavy as the two began to drift off to sleep. He had a feeling he would be spending the next two hours alone with his thoughts.

It had started thundering and lightning in the distance when the Professor entered the woods. He had been driving for twenty minutes, when he began to hear a low whistle. He heard Emmy stir next to him and mutter something about tea. Layton shook his head, sure he had imagined it, when the Laytonmobile suddenly jerked to a stop. Emmy awoke with a gasp, as her head nearly slammed into the dashboard.

"What happened?" Luke asked drearily as he debated if he was dreaming or not.

"Did we hit something?" Emmy questioned.

"I'm not sure. I didn't see anything." Layton responded.

The Laytonmobile's engine shut off without warning. The trio sat in silence and looked out the window hoping to spot something that would explain the strange happenings. Their only light was the occasional lightning flashes.

"I don't like this." Luke muttered.

Emmy noticed movement on her side of the car. She turned in attempt to see what it was, when the window cracked and shattered. Emmy quickly shielded her face from the glass and felt the Professor pull her away from the window. She felt another hand on her arm and quickly looked to see what had hold of her. Luke whimpered and scooted back as far away as he could.

A white, bony hand was grasping Emmy's wrist. The owner of the hand was a skeleton, its arms scrawny and lifeless. It's body was covered by a ripped, black cloak, making it appear like the grim reaper. The skeleton stared back at her with green, bloodshot eyes, which made it even more terrifying. It smiled a murderous smile, dark red liquid flowing down its chin, leaving its captives speechless. It held a bloody knife in its spare hand, and slowly raised it next to its face.

"Are you scared?" It whispered with a low, nightmarish voice.

Emmy gulped as it moved closer to her and the Professor, drops of blood from the knife staining Emmy's yellow coat. Emmy broke out of her scared state and kicked the skeleton's hand holding the knife. It grunted and released its grip on the knife, still holding Emmy with its other hand. She attempted to shake the creature off her arm as it continued to move closer, giving off a reeking smell of death. Emmy tried not to choke on the horrible scent in the air, as she managed to kick the skeleton in the chest. It let out a horrifying screech as it released her. It quickly moved out of the car and stood outside, giving an irritated look to the occupants inside.

The creature's frown turned into a creepy smile, as it cocked its head to the side with a loud, sickening "crack."

"Feisty, I haven't encountered one of those yet. This should be interesting," It hissed.

Emmy backed up towards the Professor, her legs ready to kick the sinister beast if necessary. Layton held Emmy close as they waited for the creature's next move.

Lightning flashed, and in a second the creature vanished. "W-Where did it go?" Luke questioned.

Another crash sounded as both windows by Layton and Luke exploded. The trio covered their heads for protection as shards flew in all directions. The skeleton's deranged laughter was heard behind them. Luke jerked his head around and shrieked as the creature grabbed for him. Luke scrambled to the other side of the car, just missing the creature's sharp knife.

"Luke!" Layton exclaimed.

The skeleton turned back to the Professor and Emmy, both frozen in terror as it advanced on them yet again. The creature grabbed Emmy's arm, and tried to pull her out of the car window. Emmy grabbed hold of the steering wheel as Layton grabbed hold of her waist. The creature managed to open the car door with its spare hand, causing both Layton and Emmy to tumble out.

"No!" Luke screeched.

Emmy yanked her arm out of the skeleton's grasp and kicked it in the jaw when it tried to grab her again. The skeleton's head twisted to the right at an odd and unnatural angle, and it merely smiled. It grabbed its head, jerking it back to it's correct place with another loud "crack."

"This is far from over." It let out an evil laugh and disappeared with a mist of fog that appeared out of nowhere.

Emmy took hard, unsteady breaths as she tried to slow her fast beating heart. Layton wrapped his arms around her as he attempted to steady his own breathing.

"What was that?" Luke asked in a low tone.

"I...I wish I knew..." Layton responded uneasily. He looked down at Emmy, who continued to stare where the creature had stood moments ago, a trickle of blood running from a cut on her cheek. "Are you alright, Emmy?" Layton asked worriedly.

Emmy nodded slightly, but said nothing.

"What are we going to do? The Laytonmobile isn't working!" Luke panicked.

"Calm down, Luke. We'll figure something out." Layton stated as calmly as possible, so he wouldn't add to the poor boy's fright.

" that...a town?" Emmy murmured.

The Professor and Luke looked ahead and could make out the outline of a few small buildings a few miles away through the thick foliage.

"I don't remember seeing that place last time." Luke stated uneasily.

"Maybe the people there will know what's going on, and let us stay the night." Layton said.

"Lead the way. I'm not staying in the woods with that...thing." Emmy shivered.

Layton helped Emmy up off the ground, then the two helped Luke out of the car, who was extremely shaken up from the encounter. They quickly gathered their things, as they didn't want to stay out in the dark woods. It began to rain as they began their trek to the unknown town.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope you enjoyed chapter 1! I will have the next chapter soon! :)