This chapter will focus on Naruto because Sasuke is busy being all fighty and stuff but have no fear there will be some sasunaru type fluff at the end! And btw you are really lucky you got this chapter because I hardly had any reviews last chapter and it made me sad and not want to write!

As soon as Naruto heard the soft ping of the elevator door shutting, he stood back up from the couch where Sasuke had pushed him as he left. As Naruto began thinking about how he was pushed back on the sofa, he decided he didn't want to be treated that way. His earlier words came back to him, and he knew the truth in them that he was the best, a Namikaze. So, in true Naruto fashion, he decided to do something about it.

One of the things his father taught him was that crime bosses were always paranoid and always looked out for their lives. This meant that most of time, the boss has a safe room they tried to cleverly hide to protect themselves from unwanted and uninvited guests. They tried to hide the entrances behind bookshelves or other such nonsense but as Naruto glanced around the room he realized he would have a hard time finding Sasuke's.

The office furniture was minimal. No picture frames of any sort hung on the wall and there weren't shelves lining the walls. Really the only furniture in the large office was a desk, two hard wooden chairs, and a sleek black sofa. The desk wasn't even littered with knick-knacks, it just had the essentials. The carpet was dark and had absolutely no visible cut ups where a trap door could be hidden. The old fashioned tap every spot was going to have to be used.

Naruto just had to sigh because it was going to be boring and take forever. He figured he might as well get started so he moved over toward the wall to his left. With the first two knuckles of his hand he lightly tapped the wall, keeping his ear pressed to hear for a slightly off sound. The left wall was quickly and efficiently scoured with no success. The right was done in the same manner but it too failed to yield the telltale hollow sound. The blonde man was completely stumped.

The front wall couldn't possibly be part of the passageway, that would be completely unsafe and a stupid easily spotted place. The only other side to the room was the dark green glass side. The thought passed across his mind and Naruto just had to smile. If Sasuke had really hidden his secret room somehow behind the glass front, he would be a genius.

Naruto strode over to the window with only a slight limp in his step from the earlier fight where he had thoroughly exercised practically every muscle in his body. When he reached the wall, instead of tapping he just ran his hand over the smooth surface feeling the slight chill glass always carries with it. He didn't really know what he was looking for considering he had never dealt with this level of creativity before but he would know when he felt it. Finally, there it was a small ripple in the glass right where it was darkest. The outside view was encased within two layers of glass so it looked like it was see through, but it was an illusion.

The two sheets of heavy glass slid over to reveal a passageway about a foot wide it which Naruto had to turn diagonally to fit. Closing the door behind him, he shuffled another ten feet or so until he reached ladder. At this point, Naruto was very impressed. Up the ladder he went and down the other side to drop into a small room.

This room was obviously prepared for an extended stay. It had bottles of water and plenty of nonperishable food. That wasn't what Naruto was interested in though; he was more interested in the four or five computer screen placed on the wall above the tiny student sized desk nuzzled into one of the corners. He had a hunch that those screens would display the feed from security cameras the building was bound to have. If he was right, it meant that he would be able to see Sasuke's fight and know just what this man was capable.

Flicking the monitors on, he amused himself by spinning around in the chair until the screens were lit up and functioning. It was as he thought, the screens were split up into fourths and each displayed a different part of the building. There was also a button that one could click to display the feeds from other cameras. Naruto jumped from monitor to monitor, switching to others when there were no people shown until he came upon the ones showing the action.

It seemed the intruders were on the third or maybe the fourth floor and engaged in combat already. It looked like there were three of Sasuke's people and four other people busily destroying the gang's hangout. They were an odd group to say the least. Sasuke's team of defenders had two boys and a girl, even though the girl looked like she was getting in the way more than anything. It was hard to tell what sex the other four were but it was obvious they were from Orochimaru's organization from the creepy snake tattoos they sported.

They were all fighting in close proximity but the grainy camera quality still presented the superb fighting ability they clearly possessed. Naruto snorted at the thought of these three of Sasuke's sparring with his friends who had way more finesse. The two Sasuke had sent for his retrieval was obviously his best men. Each of the men Sasuke employed that were fighting was taking on two of the others. The girl wasn't much help considering she went back and forth between them causing more harm than good. That was until the elevator door disclosed a vicious looking Sasuke.

Naruto took a moment to prop his legs up onto the desk and wish he had some popcorn because this was gonna be good. The camera cut out but when it came back up it showed Sasuke stalking over to the fights. He grabbed the back of the girl's shirt and she looked up at him but the image wasn't clear enough to show her facial expression. He didn't hesitate in throwing her into the wall and out of the fighting area. It gave Naruto a little bit of glee to see that happen to the girl who just got in the way and he didn't even feel slightly bad about it.

At this time the four uninvited guests took notice of the newcomer. One from each of the fighting bands detached themselves and went against Sasuke. He was maneuvered in such a way that his back was to the camera so most of his moves were blocked from Naruto's view because of the angle. Eyes flitted to the other fights where it was noted that one of the men had already dispatched the intruder he was brawling with. The other fight looked about to end too. Curiously, instead of helping Sasuke or the other man, the winner just sat on an overturned desk to seemingly watch Sasuke's fight. When the other man had won his clash, he too sat and watched.

Even with the less than excellent visual quality, Naruto took in the grace Sasuke fought with. He effortlessly defended and attacked the nuisances. His skill was so great that it made Naruto wonder who, in a fight with Sasuke, would win. He guessed it would be a close match. Naruto had to shake his head to postpone these thoughts so he could concentrate on the ongoing rumble.

A quick blow to the head with a well placed kick on Sasuke's part downed one of the men and from the snap of it; it looked like he wouldn't ever be getting up again. Apparently Sasuke was bored with this fight because instead of continuing to fight hand-to-hand with the last man, he pulled out a gun. With a quick shot the fighting was all over, though Sasuke seemed far from finished. His shot hadn't killed the man, simply wounded him in the general leg area.

With Sasuke's backside to the camera, he only got the gist of what he was doing. There was some pointing and gesticulating in the general direction of the fight. The girl had finally gotten up and started to help by dragging the wounded but alive man to another room. The other two in the room were commencing the removal of the other bodies. Sasuke observed for a minute or two, not moving a muscle before he turned on his heel for the elevator.

Naruto hastily jumped out of the chair and turned off the monitor. The way he saw it, he had two choices. He could go back to the office and act like he was there all along or surprise the hell out of Sasuke by appearing from his secret room. He quite enjoyed being surprising so he concluded on the second option. Sliding down the passageway took less than a minute so he opened the secret door just a hair and resolved to wait for Sasuke.

While he waited, he started to think about Sasuke. In reality he ought to hate the other man's guts and no one would fault him for it. The man had rudely bumped into him, sent people to attack him and his friends, kidnapped him, and to top it all off, planned to murder him. Something was stopping him from being truly angry at this dark fellow. He was intriguing and oddly caring. Despite all the bad first impressions he had of the crime boss, he felt drawn to him. Naruto's mind also added the little tidbit that Sasuke was incredibly attractive as well which made his cheeks flush.

Just then the door to the office opened to reveal a slightly battered Sasuke who called out, "Naruto," before his eyes swept the room.

"Oh hey Sasuke, nice room you have here." Naruto replied as he slid the door the rest of the way open and stepped out. There may have been a slight smirk on his face as well but the room was dark, especially with Naruto facing away from the only light source. Upon seeing where his supposed captive appeared from, Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed and he strode across the large office to him.

"How did you," Sasuke attempted to say before he was rudely interrupted.

"Namikaze, remember?" He said, letting ego seep into his voice. "Are you alright?"

"Just a few scratches, it's nothing to worry about. The thing to worry about is why they broke in to my building, they should obviously know better."

"I figured stuff like that must happen all the time. You didn't seem too worried about it. Actually you seemed pretty downright calm." Sasuke shot him a look that might have included and eye roll at this statement.

"Gangs don't go around breaking into other organizations unless they believe they can face an all-out criminal war and there is something they desperately want." At this he headed back to the couch, his hand guiding Naruto from its place on his lower back. Naruto tried and failed not to blush at this.

"I think they want you, Naruto." Sasuke gravely stated.

"Me? But they don't know who I am, do they? The only people who know who I am are you, Sakura, and Gaara. Sakura and Gaara! What did you do with them? They must be freaking out looking for me right now, if they are even conscious. I mean-" He was probably going to continue babbling for awhile and Sasuke had more important things to deal with at the moment. By now they were comfortably seated on the couch, and Sasuke had his arm around Naruto's waist. It seemed he was too worked up at the moment to notice their close proximity.

"Shut up, dobe! I'll have your friends brought here tomorrow. It'll be fine." Something in Sasuke's voice calmed Naruto down enough to make him realize how tired he actually was. Naruto's eyes looked sleepily up at him, full of trust. "Hn, go to sleep idiot."

Sasuke leaned back to lay more horizontally on the couch, taking Naruto with him. He was practically lying on top of Sasuke actually. He was way too tired to sort through the implications of falling asleep on the other man. Falling asleep so quickly in such an odd situation may have had something to do with the way the dark haired man was softly running his finger thought the blonde's hair.

"I will protect you," was the last thing Naruto could remember before letting slumber claim him.

So if you guys want the next chapter ASAP then you all better review like crazy or it may be a little late. And yes that is a wee bit of a threat hahahaha But for serious pretty please review even if its just a few words.