With the footsteps falling ever closer and her escape route cut off, Willow had no choice but to follow the tunnel into blackness. She slipped her shoes off and carried them so she could move soundlessly, then ran, expecting at any moment to hear shouts behind her, to feel a heavy hand clamp down on her shoulder. What had she been thinking, journeying into the unknown? She longed to be back in bed, ignorant to the mysteries below, but at the same time her inner voice, the one that reminded her of her grandfather whispering in her ear all those years ago of adventure and intrigue, tombs and pirate ships, squee'd delightedly through the terror.

She saw a dim light up ahead and made for it, trying to put as much distance between her and whoever was following.

The tunnel broadened before emerging into a long chamber, stone walls lined with large empty cages. A musty, animal smell filled the air. Oil lamps burned away in recesses, the light gleaming off the cage bars in places where rust hadn't consumed them.

'What is this place?' whispered Willow as she padded across the flagstone floor to the far end, where another tunnel led out. This one was shorter than the last, ending after about twenty feet where she was presented with two doors, one open, one closed. Peeking through the open door she saw a small chamber with a strange chair at the centre, and symbols covering the walls around it. She entered and shut the door behind her, sagging with momentary relief.