Hello everybody! I'm back again and I'm ready to entertain you all once more! I hope you're all enjoying your summer as much as I am. But enough dilly dally, it's time to get moving!
I don't own Glee, it's just not possible, please enjoy!
"Kurt I know you want to help me with my whole Santana situation, but let's face it, she's a cheerleader and I'm just the school loser" one Rachel Berry sighed as they walked to an outdoor table carrying their selected lunches for that bright and sunny Friday afternoon. It was true, Rachel did have a situation with Santana, she was head over heels in love with her, but Santana never gave her the time of day. Granted they shared Glee club, where everyone felt more at home and comfortable with whom they were and sang together brilliantly. But even then, Santana would never talk to Rachel whenever it wasn't nessacary.
"My dear Rachel, I've studied Santana and her reaction around you, and trust me I have a plan to get her attention on you" Kurt said with a confident grin as they sat down at a table near the large set of concrete stairs.
"Really, and what would that be" Rachel asked as she stabbed a piece of iceberg lettuce and took a small bite from it. Kurt chuckled at his friend's curiosity. But he wasn't going to tell her yet, just to have a little fun.
"That miss Berry will be explained in Glee, so don't worry your cute little head about it just yet" Kurt grinned wickedly as he patted the tiny girl on the head. This gesture made Rachel glare at the boy.
"Kurt Hummel that is cruel, I demand to know what it is your planning to do" Rachel said with a huff.
"In due time Rachel, in due time, now quiet down so we can enjoy our food" Kurt laughed as he bit into a sandwich he brought from home. Rachel rolled her eyes before giggling herself and taking another bite from her salad.
Later that afternoon when the final school bell rang, all the glee kids were going meet up in the choir room and plan for their next singing competition. Rachel was waiting for Kurt by her locker. He had to talk to one of his teacher's about a late assignment, at least that's what he told her. So here she was. She saw many of her team mates' walk by. Some stopped to talk to her, namely Tina, Brittany, Artie and Puck. And after a good fifteen minutes, Kurt came power walking towards her with a look of apology.
"I'm sorry Rachel, Ms. Fairfield was going on about late work and how it leads to becoming lazy" Kurt said.
"It's alright, a few of our friends stopped to talk to me, so I wasn't totally bored" Rachel grinned as the two walked to the choir room. When they arrived to the door, they heard Mr. Shue finishing taking role.
"Has anyone seen Rachel or Kurt" Mr. Shue asked.
"My hot Jew babe is coming, she's just waiting for Kurt" Puck grinned as he leaned back in his chair. Kurt noted the look of anger coming from Santana when Puck called Rachel hot. He grinned before deciding to make their presence known.
"Hello everyone, sorry for making you wait, but Rachel was waiting for me since I was talking to one of my teachers" Kurt explained as the duo went to take their usual seats.
"Did you guys see a white mouse walking to glee" Brittany asked with hope clearly mixed into her tone.
"I'm afraid not Brittany I do apologize" Rachel said looking at the now pouting girl. Feeling a bit bad, she bent over and pulled her bag up from her seat and dug around inside.
"Aha there it is" Rachel said triumphantly as she pulled her hand out of the bag to reveal one of those unicorn horn spiral lollipops. It wasn't one of the big ones, but Rachel loved them. But she figured Brittany would want it more than her.
"Brittany" Rachel said quietly she said turning around again, she that Brittany and Santana were talking about something, and she saw that Brittany was smirking at the Latina who seemed flustered for some reason. She didn't want to interrupt, but still.
"Excuse me Brittany" Rachel said again, but a little bit louder so that Brittany would hear her this time.
"Yes Rachie" Brittany smiled turning her attention to the smaller brunette one row below her.
"I'm sorry for cutting into your and Santana's conversation, but I was wondering if you wanted this" Rachel said presenting the candy to the tall blonde, who's eyes brightened greatly. But before she reached out to grab it Santana cut in,
"B, I wouldn't take that if I were you, she might have drugged it or something" this accusation made Rachel scoff,
"Really Santana, why would I drug this, these are quite delicious in my opinion, and all I want to do is give this one to her, I swear your Imagination is just as insane as you are" Rachel said before letting Brittany grab the lollipop and turning back around to listen to her choir teacher. But she swore she heard Santana mutter something about her imagination under her breath.
"Alright you guys, before we start today, I wanted to share something with you, that you might find exciting" Mr. Shue said as he backed to his ever present dry erase board. Rachel, as well as a few other students's perked up at the man's words.
"As you know, spirit week starts next week" Mr. Shue started to say, this made a few people groan, but others squealed with joy, which was Kurt, Tina, Mercedes and of course Brittany. Everyone else just stayed quiet.
"Right, so all the teachers were given the flyers to hang around, and I decided to keep one so you guys could get ahead of the game" Mr. Shue grinned as he presented the paper, even though they couldn't see what it said. He then proceeded to turn around and write down the days and their themes. When he had finished writing the themes he showed them and hums of approval and scoffs of dismay could be heard.
"Listen, I know that some of you don't like this sort of thing, but I have motivation for you all" Mr. Shue grinned. Now brows of intrigue and curiosity rose.
"Go on" Finn said, making Mr. Shue nod and continue.
"Right, so the deal is, whoever shows the most school spirit with their attitudes as well as their clothes, they will get a mystery prize" Mr. Shue said with an air of knowing. Suddenly the room buzzed with excitement. Whatever the prize was, they wanted it badly.
"Guys, calm down, we have rules to get through" the teacher called trying to get their attention. Eventually they quieted down,
"Thank you, now, you all will get points for effort, commitment, and presentation and whoever has the most points by Friday, you will receive your prize, however, despite what place you get, I'll have a prize for each of you" Mr. Shue said making everyone nod.
"Great now let's get this session under way" Mr. Shue cheered doing his usual hand clap.
After Glee, Rachel again waited for Kurt. But this time he didn't take that long. She was outside the door when he came up to her.
"Okay, now I'm gonna tell you how to get Santana's attention" Kurt said as he presented a familiar piece of paper to the short girl. It was Mr. Shue's spirit week paper. How would this help Rachel get Santana?
"Listen, spirit week is about flaunting, so you're going to do each and every of these spirit day themes and with my guidance and help, you'll most certainly get the girl" Kurt said confidently. Rachel looked at the paper and bit her lip nervously.
"Are you sure Kurt, I don't even think I can pull of some of these days off, and besides, spirit week isn't really my cup of tea" Rachel said handing the paper back to the taller well dressed boy in front of her.
"Rachel, relax, like I said, I'm going to help you, not only that but I've been dreaming of an opportunity to dress you up like a doll, you're so adorable" Kurt said in a baby voice as he pinched Rachel's cheek. This made Rachel glare weakly at him with a light blush and growl.
"I am not adorable" Rachel said rubbing her cheek gingerly before stomping away. Kurt just laughed and began to follow her.
"You know you are, but just remember we have to plan this weekend" Kurt called. Rachel's response was a childish raspberry blow in his direction.
"That and also I'm your ride home, so I don't know why you're trying to leave me behind, or did you forget" Kurt guffawed as Rachel paused and let her shoulders slump.
"Fine" she declared as she waited for her friend to catch up. When he was beside her, he again pinched her cheek before walking towards the student parking lot. Rachel huffed in irritation, but reluctantly followed, she knew if anyone could get Santana to pay attention to something, it was defiantly Kurt. She just hoped it worked.
There you go! The first chapter of the story, I know some stuff wasn't explained but no worries details will be written in the future, see you next time for the first spirit week theme!