Of Oblivion:

A poem about starting Elder Scrolls 4

"Wake up, scum-face,

How's your cell?

Roomy enough

No? Oh well!

You are trapped

Like a harmless rat,

Locked and boxed,

You'll stay like that.

Until the day

Not far off, see,

When out you'll go

Dead as can be!

What that you say?

You didn't know

No one here

Is free to go!

You are doomed so

Say good-bye

Here is the end.

Here's where you'll die!

Do you hear that?

The guard arrives.

To kill, no doubt,

You won't survive!

Ha ha ha ha!"

"Lock the door

Behind you, Baurus.

Quick, your grace,

Please follow us.

What is this prisoner

In here for?

Never mind,

Open the door!

Stand back, prisoner!

By the wall!

Get in our way

And you will fall!"

The emperor enters

Into the cell

His face show all

That all's not well

"You, I've seen you," He begins

When captive in the cell he sees

"Let me see your face." He says

"The stars were right, 'tis destiny."

"The signs show me

My gruesome end..."

When cut off is he

By the Captain's hand

Which presses a switch

Secret passage shown

So well hidden,

When wall slides down

"Best not close it

Or we'll be stuck"

"Looks like you

A jackpot struck!"

"Just stay way out

Of our way!"

"Come with us,

You cannot stay."

The prisoner follows

Though they confuse

What did this captive

Have to lose?

Assassins strike

As if to define

That life and limb was

On the line!

"The captains down!"

Well, that was fast

Grab her sword

And kill the rest

On they go and order you

Not to follow them on through

So what else would could you do?

The wall crumbles

Down to dust

You kill some rats,

And goblins bust.

You fight through caverns,

Learn the tricks,

Kill a shaman,

And catch up quick.

" Help! Whatever,

makes you think

Help will get here

'Fore we sink?"

"We need to get His Majesty

Somewhere safe for him to be!"

"Nowhere can I run from he,

The reaper, who now comes for me."

"Curses, It's that one again

He may be an assassin!"

"No, he is not one of them.

He can help us, he can win.

In his face

I see the light

Of Akatosh

To end the fight.

Where I go

Is to my grave

Know that I

You cannot save

I know the hour of my fall

So I must, and that is all.

You shall follow with me yet

All will soon be in your debt."

"By your orders, Emperor

We had best keep a move on

There's no point in standing here

'Fore more arrive, we'd best be gone."

"Hold this torch and do stick close.

We'll defeat the ruler's foes"

Later on, past more to fight

The one way out is locked up tight

"From the other side, a trap!"

"What about the passage back?"

"Worth a try, now let's go!

Behind us, more of them attack!"

"Stay here with the emperor

You must protect him, prisoner!"

"This is it, I go no further

Take this gem to Jauffre!

He knows where my final heir

My son and hope is sure to be!

Find him, friend,

And when that's done

Close shut the jaws

Of Oblivion!"