I can't wait for the season 5 to start so i decided to try writing my story of how i would like it too look. English is not my first language so please forgive my writing. The whole story is AU

Main characters in the story: Caroline Forbes, Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Tyler Lockwood, Stefan Salvatore, Silas.

Couples/Ships in the story: Daroline (but later), Delena, Stelena, Forwood.

Mostly Caroline`s POV. (Point of view)

Set after season 4

A Fresh Start

Chapter 1

In just three days our lives will change. We`ll get a chance for a fresh start. Many things are already different, so some of us wont have that opportunity. Bonnie`s gone. She`s a ghost now. She`s still here, but Jeremy is the only one who can actually communicate with her. Elena`s with Damon. I still cant believe it. But its been few months and I`m kind of used to it. I haven`t seen Stefan for whole summer. But considering everything I understand him. The only good thing in this madness is that Tyler is finally back. I missed him so much. In four hours I'll be living in a dorm with Elena. Seeing Damon every other day wont be pleasant, but Elena and I just got closer so I'll try to be okay with the whole situation.

I'll miss this. I thought to myself. But I should really get up now. There is still tons of stuff I have to do before I leave.

"Caroline, are you awake?" My mom asked after knocking on my door.

"Yes, I'll get up in a minute." I answered while looking for some clothes to wear.

When I came to the kitchen I saw my mom with a big smile on her face.

"I`m so proud with you "she said with the water in her eyes.

I walked to her and gave her a big hug. "Thank you mom"

After breakfast, I showered and called Tyler.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, Ill come and pick you up for five minutes"

I wanted for him to drive me to the college. Long distance relationship wont be easy, but it's not my fault that he has no interest in continuing with school.

The ride wasn`t ling but saying goodbye is never easy thing to do, especially if you do it often like we do.

"Well see each other every weekend" he said with a smile on his face. It could be more often, actually we could`ve be together every day, but he was clear on not wanting to go to a college, so I didn`t wanted to push that subject.

"I know, but still." A teardrop fell from my eye. "I'll miss you Tyler." He brushed my tears and gave me a kiss. I loved when he does something like that. Before him I never really felt that way. I didn`t knew what being loved truly meant.

"Well be just fine, you`ll see. I love you Caroline." "I love you too." I hugged him so hard. Well be okay? It's easy to say that, but how can we know what will happen. Why does this have to be so hard? I asked myself.

"217" I said. This is it. I took a deep breath and opened the door. What do I see? Damon and Elena getting "hot and heavy". Honestly for a moment I wished I was blind. "Seriously guys?!" I said angrily. If this wasn`t the college and Elena wasn`t my roommate, Id probably react more furious. But I promised I'll behave.

"Well hello Blondie." The jerk said with a smirk on his face. "We thought you wont come for at least one more hour" Elena said embarrassed.

"This is my room so I'm not even thinking of leaving before I unpack, so please get dressed." Damon got dressed in a vamp-speed and I pretended I didn`t checked him out. I just hope he didn`t see that. That would make the whole situation much more uncomfortable.

"Whats wrong? Did you wanted to join us?" he teased. I didn't know what to say on that. Of course not. What kind of question was that. I love Tyler. Not even the fact how hot he was without his shirt and everything. NO! Of course not! I thought to myself. "You`re an ass." Elena said while hitting him with his T-Shirt. "HA-HA." I said sarcastically. He smirked, and gave Elena a goodbye kiss.

"Care, I`m sorry for everything. That's just Damon being Damon." "I know." I wanted to tell her how the hell she can date him, I mean seriously her and Stefan were epic, with Damon it seemed like it's all just sex. But I didn't say anything.

The room was okay. Not really my style, but it had everything I needed. Two beds, closets, even though I`m not sure all of my stuff will fit in mine, and of course a mini-fridge, which I'll fill-in with lots of B.

"So are you going to that party tomorrow?" Elena asked while putting her clothes in her closet. "Did you even saw me missing a good party?" I said like it was obvious that not only I`m going, but I had two outfits from which ill choose tomorrow which one to wear.

"You have a point" She said laughing.

The weird silence started and I knew that this question was coming. I could tell from how nervous she seemed.

"So…have you heard from Stefan?" She asked while trying to look like she didn`t care. "Not really, why?"I asked. "No reason."she took a deep breath.

I know Elena hurt him badly, but this was weird, for months nobody heard from him. I didn`t even knew will he go to our college, or he become a ripper again. I hoped he haven`t. He probably just need time. But this was okay. I thought to myself, while trying to fall asleep. Tomorrow is a new day I have to survive.

What do you think of it? Would you like me to continue the story? Please review :D