Prologue to the Prologue of Mu kakela (Chess)
Hello and welcome to the first fic the Twisted Evilettes have posted in four years.
A couple of things to keep in mind.
We don't DO warnings and never have. If you are unsure of what kind of mayhem we are capable of creating, go back and read our Numb3rs fic.
Comments are cheerfully accepted, as are a laundry list of other things, like chocolate, job offers, hot Feds in Kevlar, Navy SeALs in Kevlar, etc. . Questions are also accepted.
Flames will be cheerfully ignored. If you can't be, at least, civil in an e-mail to us, we don't want to hear from you. Seriously.
For the record, one of our beta readers is English so, if you see English phrases, spellings, etc. in the story, that's why. Both Twisted Evilettes are from the U.S.
If anyone from the production company, producers, broadcasters is reading this, the characters within this story with the exceptions of Dr. James Takahashi, Dr. Julia Brown, Rear Admiral Shaddox, Magda Lennox, Jason Stambough, Patrick Thomas and Margaret Watney, all characters contained herein belong to their respective creators. Please don't sue, we're STILL poor.
Thank you for reading and enjoy the story.
Mu kakela
He knew it was beyond stupid, but the note he'd gotten had said to come alone - no back up - or the information he was hunting for would disappear forever. So, he told no one. Not even his housemate and partner.
Entering the dark interior of the nearly falling-down rusted warehouse, he paused only long enough to let his eyes adjust to the gloom - all the while scanning the area, looking for ...
Spotting movement out of the corner of his eye, his gun-hand drifted to the holstered pistol on his hip even before his brain could process Friend or Foe.
He slammed into the wall with his back, rust showering down - sparkling in the clear sunbeams piercing the roof.
He couldn't ID where the muffled shot had come from - "silencer" he thought - when a second, more painful sensation hit his chest just as another oddly quiet bang echoed in the depths of the warehouse. He started to slide down the wall, his weapon suddenly in his hand as a shadow approached.
Vision fading, he couldn't clearly tell who it was but he knew who it wasn't. "Should've told someone where I was going-"
"Yes, you should've, Steven."
"Sorry, Dad-"
His hand and weapon dropped to his side, warmth engulfed him and he finally released his iron-willed grip on his body and let the darkness claim him.