Chapter Two

Éponine groaned as she awoke. "Bloody alcohol." She rubbed her eyes to rid herself of the sleep and the headache. The sleep was gone but the headache seemed to be permanent. She attempted to sit up but her body was held down by the tangled sheets and by a heavy arm across her stomach. "Shit." She grumbled, thinking she had called Montparnasse and they had been together last night. It would not have been the first time. She did not want to look at him. Éponine slowly lifted his arm off her stomach but it was useless, he let out a groan. "Shit," she swore again and turned to face him. "Oh fuck!" It wasn't Montparnasse. "Enjolras."

"Hello Éponine." He sat up and watched as she attempted to hide her naked body. "I'll turn around." He turned away from her and sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you remember last night?"

"I remember the sex," she laughed softly and dressed into her clothes, which were scattered around the bed, "but I don't remember how it started."

Enjolras pulled on his boxers. "I do."

She stood up and turned around. "How? I don't remember a thing."

"You just said you remembered the sex." He stood up and turned and faced her.

"Yes." She chuckled and blushed. "I remember that very well." She tucked a strand of her long hair behind her ear. "But, how did it lead to the sex?"

"A drinking game with Grantaire. A lot of shots and we got talking. You went outside for some air, I went to protect you from Grantaire, who was attempting to make us drink more." He chuckled nervously and ran his fingers through his curls. "I kissed you. You kissed me back and we were both trying to pull each other upstairs. I think we tripped a few times."

Éponine laughed softly. "So, I'll have bruises tomorrow?" She sat on the edge of the bed.

"Probably." He sat next to her. They sat in silence for a moment until he spoke. "So you remember the sex?"

Éponine blushed and nodded. "It was good." She bit her lower lip. "I was really good."

He scoffed. "What about me? Was I good?"

She looked up at him and nodded. "You were adequate." She winked at him. "Enjolras, you do realise that this was a one time thing. I don't like relationships."

"You don't like Marius and Cosette's relationship." He spoke suddenly, but very quietly.

"Shut up." She sneered at him.

"I know, Éponine. Everyone knows except those two." He stood up and picked up his clothes, placing them on the bed once he found them all. "Stop living in the clouds, Éponine."

"I can't. I dream of it." She hid her face in her hands. She did not cry. She could not cry.

"You can keep dreaming. He will never look at you, the way you look at him." He sat next to her, forgetting about redressing. "'Ponine. Dear Éponine." Placing his hand on her knee.

"Don't." Pushing his hand away. "I can't think." She sat up straight and looked at him. "I don't need to think." She stood up and moved in front of him. "I don't want to think." She straddled him and kissed him hard on the lips.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He kissed her back and was about to push her shirt off when the door flew open. "Shit!" He pulled her close and looked behind her to see Grantaire in the doorway. "Stay still." He whispered to her. "Go away, Grantaire!" He shouted at the man.

"Just came to see if you and 'Ponine wanted some breakfast." He laughed. "Feuilly is annoyed that you used his room for a shag." Leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

"Well, last night is no longer a secret." She giggled, resting her forehead against his own forehead. "I suppose we could try more than one night." Running her fingers through his hair before resting her hand on the back of his head.

"Let's try one morning." He fell backwards, bringing her with him and kissing her heatedly.

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The End