A/N: This is the 11th and final chapter of Doppelgänger! I'm going to continue the story in another fic but it hasn't got any name yet so if you have ideas feel free to review! I'll be open to your ideas.

This time the chapter name is Finnish and it means "I'll find my love" Guess the meaning! ;D

Off you go with the story!

He can't be alive! He died in front of me! That soldier killed him in the Raggs palace! It can't be him!

That kind of thoughts were filling Ayanami's mind. His hands were clenching the armrest of his chair. His expression was his normal calm one but the insides of his mind were a complete mess. He had been so shocked about seeing Yukikaze that his hands had been shaking so much that he couldn't let go of his chair. Hyuuga had been looking at Ayanami worriedly and occasionally trying to talk to him with no results. The other members of the Black Hawks hadn't realized this sudden change in their superior.

"Are you alright, Aya-tan?" Hyuuga asked quietly. "You're awfully quiet."

"I'm alright", Ayanami said with a low tone. "I'm just a little tired."

So he's not alright, Hyuuga thought. He'd never admit that he's tired if he was alright.

"Fine..." Hyuuga mumbled. He walked to Konatsu who was still looking out of the window.

When Kanon woke up, she couldn't remember who was sleeping in the other bed of the guest room. She got up from her bed and walked to see who was sleeping in the other bed. She lifted the covers a bit and looked at Yukikaze gently. She gently touched Yukikaze's eyebrows and slowly moved her finger to Yukikaze's lips. She suddenly noticed that there was some blood on the corner of Yukikaze's mouth. She also saw sone blood on Yukikaze's bed sheets. Her eyes widened and she gently shook him awake.

"Where did this blood come from?" Kanon asked after Yukikaze had opened his eyes. Yukikaze's eyes widened and he started stuttering.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and it opened. The opening door revealed Svida who looked a bit scared. She was carrying a heap of clothes in her hands.

"Err... Bishop Castor asked me to give these to Yukikaze-san", Svida said quietly. "Umm... Are you having a staring contest?"

"No, we're no having a staring contest", Kanon laughed. "Yuki is just being stubborn again." Kanon took the clothes and threw them right into Yukikaze's face.

"I'll wait outside when you're changing, Yuki!" Kanon announced and left the room with Svida. Kanon crouched down and leaned her head on the wall of the corridor while Svida walked away. She heard Yukikaze coughing again and she was sure that he was coughing up blood again. She decided that she would tell Labrador about it. She knew that he would be able to do something to Yukikaze's bloody coughing. When Yukikaze came out of the room, Kanon quietly slipped in and changed into her coat and trousers. She left the room and caught Yukikaze's arm. They walked to the hall for breakfast.

"Has it been happening much?" Kanon asked. "The coughing, I mean."

"No..." Yukikaze mumbled. "It doesn't happen so usually. It's not so dangerous, though..."

"Not dangerous?" Kanon exclaimed. "You were coughing up blood last night and now you say that it's not dangerous? What if you die?"

"I won't die", Yukikaze said and smiled gently. He patted Kanon's head and said: "We need to go eat, right?"

Kanon nodded sadly and followed Yukikaze. They went to the great hall and started eating their breakfasts. They didn't talk at all while they ate so the atmosphere around them was quite icy. Kanon munched powerlessly her bread when Labrador walked to see her and Yukikaze. He smiled gently and took a bread to himself. He started a friendly chat with Kanon and Yukikaze. He asked what did Yukikaze do for living for the ten years after the Raggs war. Yukikaze told them that he had been working in a cafe. He also told them that he hadn't met his family for those ten years because of all the painful memories.

"Hey, Lab", Kanon said suddenly. "Do you know what it means when a person starts coughing up blood?"

"Usually it means that something is wrong with the person's inner organs", Labrador said quietly. "Why would you ask something like that so suddenly?"

"Yukikaze started coughing up some blood last night and he won't tell me why!" Kanon said suddenly. Yukikaze started coughing again and this time both Kanon and Labrador saw that he coughed up some blood. His expression was very pained and he paled suddenly.

"Come with me", Labrador whispered to Yukikaze. They stood up and left the hall. They left Kanon alone there. She stared after them with an upset expression.

He will die, Kanon thought and tears started forming into the corners of her eyes. He will die and I haven't even apologized him. What do I do now?

Kanon ran away from the hall. When she had gotten in the garden she couldn't supress her feelings and she let out a loud cry. She let her tears flow as much as they wanted and kneeled down near a bush. She cried and trembled next to that bush. Suddenly someone put a hand on Kanon's shoulder. Kanon looked at them and saw Teito and Hakuren looking at her with worried looks on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Teito asked. "Why are you so sad?"

"Yukikaze..." Kanon whispered and suddenly started to speak in Raggs. "He's going to die and I didn't even get to apologize for what I said! I'm so useless!"

"It's alright", Teito said in Raggs. "Where is he now?"

"I don't know..." Kanon whispered. "Labrador took him somewhere..."

"Let's wait here", Teito said. "I'm sure that Labrador-san will explain everything later..."

Kanon nodded and followed Teito and Hakuren. They went to Razette's fountain and started studying. Kanon helped the two with their studies and asked sometimes questions about the Bible. Sometimes she asked so tricky questions that she needed to check the answers herself. When the clock was already four in the evening and they hadn't seen either Labrador or Yukikaze, Kanon really started to get scared.

"How is he...?" Kanon mumbled. "I need to see Lab..."

Somebody touched Kanon's shoulder. Kanon looked behind to see who it was and she saw Yukikaze standing there and smiling like he always did. He looked like nothing had happened. There was no blood on his clothes and the color of his skin was normal again. Suddenly Kanon couldn't help but jump to hug Yukikaze and kiss him on the lips. Yukikaze's eyes widened and when Kanon let go of him she looked like she would kill Yukikaze.

"I thought that you would die!" Kanon said with tears forming into her eyes. "Don't you understand how scared I was for you? I thought that I would have to see you die again!"

"It's alright", Yukikaze whispered and hugged Kanon. "Labrador-san fixed everything. I'm not going to die."

"Hope so", Kanon whispered and blushed.

"By the way, what are we going to do from now?" Yukikaze asked with a deep blush. "I mean, we are a couple now, are we?"

"I'll become a spy for the church", Kanon whispered. "I'll infiltrate the military and have a good talk with Ayanami even though it meant my death."

"Then I'll become your partner", Yukikaze said and winked his eye. "Somebody needs to keep guard on you."

"...Was that a joke?" Kanon asked. "You can't tell where is right or left and you're going to become a church spy? No way!"

"Well, Labrador-san said that I would do well in that job", Yukikaze said and smiled.

"...Fine", Kanon mumbled.

The End.

Ideas? Opinions? Thoughts? Feel free to review!