A/N: This story is set to the time between Mikage's death and the bishop examination so Teito will be in the story too. Without saying anything else I'm letting you to read the new story about Kanon!

It was very early in the morning when Teito realized that something was deadly wrong in the church. Razette wasn't singing like she usually did and bishop Labrador had disappeared somewhere. Everything else was just as always but the fact that Razette wasn't singing scared Teito a bit. He wasn't so disturbed about the fact that he didn't see bishop Labrador at all since he had the ability to completely disappear into the huge church. Teito thought that Labrador had gone to tend the flowers in some of the greenhouses like he usually did so Teito didn't think so much about it. He got concerned when he saw an overly serious Castor walking towards the greenhouses.

"Is something wrong, Castor-san?" Teito asked after he had caught up Castor's speed.

"I cannot find Labrador anywhere", Castor said with a worried look on his face and continued to himself: "Why does it have to be today?"

"Is something wrong with the day?" Teito asked.

"Yes", Castor said. "It has been two years since one person died here. She was extremely dear to Labrador. I'm worried that he might get stupid ideas when he's alone."

"Should I help looking for Labrador-san?" Teito asked.

"I think that we shouldn't split up", Castor said. "Just follow me."

Teito nodded and continued running next to Castor. They were heading to the Eastern greenhouse and since Castor was almost 30 cm taller than Teito, Teito practically had to run after Castor. They started climbing the stairs of the tower and after a while they finally reached the top where the greenhouse was. When they entered the room they saw that there was no danger to Labrador as he was sleeping next to a gravestone. Castor quickly walked to see if he was alright. Teito followed him and kneeled down in front of the gravestone. He couldn't read the name since the gravestone was almost covered with flowers.

"Who in the world would be buried up here?" Teito mumbled as he looked at the sad poem that was written on the gravestone.

"Kanon", somebody whispered behind him. He yelled out of surprise and turned around to see that it had been Labrador who scared him. He had crouched down and looked at the gravestone with a sad smile. He looked like he would cry. He touched the gravestone and suddenly an eerie sound filled the greenhouse. It sounded like a requiem and suddenly Teito realized that it was meant for the person in the grave.

"Was she born in here?" Teito asked suddenly.

"No", Castor said. "She was a bit like you, actually. She had escaped from the military because she had found out something about herself. We don't know it for sure but we think that she might have been a part of the Black Hawks."

"The Black Hawks… Do you mean the people who are under Ayanami's command", Teito asked while feeling slightly nauseous.

"That's right", Castor said. "She was killed by one of them."

"I'm… sorry", Teito mumbled while trying to recover from the shock of hearing suddenly things like that.

"It's all right" Labrador smiled sadly. "By the way, shouldn't you be studying for the bishop examination? It's after three weeks after all."

"That's right!" Teito said. "Please excuse me!"

Teito almost ran away from those two bishops. He went straight to the fountain where Razette lived. He sat on the edge of the fountain and looked at the water. He saw Razette swimming there without coming up to see Teito. Teito put his hand into the water and waited for Razette to come up so he could talk to her a bit. After a while Razette finally came up but she wasn't as cheerful as she usually was. When Teito asked what was wrong she just sang a sad little melody.

"Is something wrong, Razette?" Teito asked.

Razette looked down and then looked at the Eastern Greenhouse where was the grave of the girl who had been killed by the Black Hawks. Razette changed her face to one of a beautiful girl's and started singing a long and beautiful melody that was full of sadness.

"Is it about her?" Teito asked. "I mean the girl who is buried up there. Were you her friend?"

Razette nodded sadly and looked like she would start crying. Teito patted her head and smiled at her.

"I know that it hurts", he whispered. "It will get better. As long as you remember her it will be fine. I'm sure that she would want to see you smile."

Razette smiled a bit and sang a tiny melody for Teito. Teito smiled without realizing that there was a person behind him.

"Excuse me…" said the person behind Teito. He jolted up and slipped right into the fountain. The person who scared Teito tried to help him but Teito had sunk too much already. Razette quickly dove into the water to help Teito. She helped Teito to the surface and the person who scared Teito helped him up.

"Are you alright?" the person asked. She was wearing a black robe that had a hood which hid her hair and face. Teito saw a glimpse of lavender-colored hair under the hood.

"Y-yes", Teito stammered. "Um… Who are you? You don't seem to be living around here."

"Well, I'm actually from the 5th district", the girl said. "I met a person there who told me to deliver a letter to a bishop who is called Labrador."

"I can show you the way!" Teito said and started walking towards the Eastern Greenhouse. "Do you know why this person cannot come here?"

"He broke almost his whole ribcage so he cannot move right now", the girl said. "My adaptive family is taking care of him but he told me that this letter just needed to be delivered as soon as possible so I came here."

"I hope that this person will be able to move again someday", Teito mumbled as he started climbing up the stairs.

"Oh, he will", the girl said. "He has one amazing life force. He's healing surprisingly fast."

"That's good to hear", Teito laughed and continued climbing. It took only five minutes for the duo to climb up and reach the giant greenhouse on the top. When Teito opened the door he saw that Frau was also in the greenhouse. He turned around and looked suspiciously at the girl who was behind Teito. The girl looked at the grass and wouldn't show her face to the three bishops. She whispered to Teito that she had been advised to not say anything to the bishops before they had read the letter. Teito repeated everything that the girl had said and the girl gave the letter to Frau who passed it to Labrador.

Labrador quickly opened the letter and read it. His hands started shaking and the shaking just increased the more he read the letter. After he had read the letter he folded it and passed it to Castor. He inhaled deeply and looked at the girl.

"You can remove your hood now", he said with a shaky voice.

Teito turned around to see the girl removing her hood and taking off the robe she was wearing. Under the robe she had a black coat with golden edgings. She also wore black trousers and white boots with long silver shoelaces. The clothes didn't shock Teito as much as the girl's face did. She looked like a younger female version of Ayanami with few differences in her appearance. Her eyes were much kinder than Ayanami's and she was much shorter than him. Teito withdrew a bit when Labrador spoke again.

"Welcome back, Kanon."

So, what do you think about this? Please review and tell me what you think!