Morning Sickness and Sutures.

Chapter 1

His words echoed in her head. "No one can know. Last night never happened. It will never happen again."

She could live with that, she could. She did in fact, she did live with the fact that that night, that fantastic night of sex and talking with Mark Sloan never happen. Due to her photographic memory she couldn't forget, but she never mentioned it and was muted on the subject of sex and Sloan. She lived with it, until she started to be sick. She ignored the symptoms for a week before she 'borrowed' a couple of pregnancy tests from a supply closet and locked herself in one of the single bathrooms.

She was a doctor, she knew the symptoms and she had the symptoms. She was pregnant and the tests confirmed it.

She was going to have to talk to Mark … he never wanted to talk about the night again, but she was carrying his baby so he would have to deal with it.

She sought him out and found him on his own in his office.

"Did you need something Little Grey?" he asked, as she entered the office.

"Won't be little for long," she thought.

"Yes. I um need to talk to you about that um that night," she stammered.

"I thought we'd agreed to never talk about it," answered Mark.

"Do you know what it's like to have a photographic memory?" asked Lexie.

Mark shook his head.

"It means I remember everything, every little detail and emotion. Meaning the night we shared … I cannot forget," explained Lexie.

"So why are you talking about it to me?" asked Mark.

Lexie carried on as if he hadn't spoken. "Especially when I'm pregnant as result of that night."

"Pregnant?" choked out Mark.

Lexie nodded. "I don't want anything. I just thought you should know because lots of ladies get pregnant by a one night stand and never tell the guy or the boyfriend and they move away and it gets messy when it's found out by the guy," rambled Lexie.

"Little Grey you're rambling," smirked Mark.

"So I'm going to go," said Lexie. "You probably need to process everything."

"What are you going to do?" asked Mark.
"I'm not aborting it," said Lexie. "I couldn't."

"Then I'm in. When I was younger I got someone pregnant and I threw some money at her and left. When I was with Addison after Derek left, she got pregnant and aborted it because she though I wouldn't be a good dad, and she wanted Derek's children not mine. I was so excited that I bought a Yankee oneise when she told me, and then to find out she had aborted it … I was devastated," said Mark.

"I won't abort it. For the record, I think you'll be a good dad," smiled Lexie, before she walked though door.

"Little Grey I'm all in," smiled Mark, just before she exited.

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Gabriella Somerfield