Tim sat at his desk, stealing another glance towards Tony. He was perched behind his desk with a stupid grin on his face, looking at him as if he were his long lost puppy, finally returned home.

"Tony! What?"

"Ah, it's nothin', I just, well, I thought I'd...I dunno." Tim had to admit he was amused by Tony's loss of words, not something that happened often.

"First day with your new tongue?" Tim slightly spun in his chair scanning the surface of his desk. "Did you put super glue on my keyboards?" Tim ran his fingers over the top of his head. "Or, maybe, in my hair?"

"No. Nothing like that Timmy...I, ah wanted to, um..." Tim stared at Tony, impatiently, but Tony waved him off. "Never mind."

Tim sighed, agitated as he chose to ignore him by engulfing himself into his paperwork. He couldn't shake the uneasiness that took over his thoughts, he grabbed a few documents then walked away from his desk. "I just gotta use the copier, I'll be right back, Tony."

"No problem, Tim. I'll be waiting for you right here." Tony was nodding enthusiastically as he watched Tim walk by his desk. Tim raised his eyebrows, puzzled, glaring at him for a moment as he walked away, shaking his head.

He stood in front of the copier lost in thought. He watched the steady flow of pages stack themselves on top of each other as images and memories scattered, enticing him to grasp and contemplate.

A paper jam halted the steady stream as he noticed the red blinking light on the screen. "Damn, why does this sorry piece of office equipment always work improperly?"

A brief snapshot flashed in his thoughts, Ziva kicking the machine with all her might. He looked over at Ziva's desk to find her watching him with a soft, sympathetic smile on her face. "Does it need a kick, McGee? Then, I am your person for the job."

Tim huffed a small laugh, his mind quickly associating the desk with teasing images of Kate, initiated in a food fight while throwing carrots at Tony, talking on the phone or typing on her keyboard. Her earnest posture, her quick jump when she found information to a case, rushing to Gibbs' desk to fill him in while trying to ignore Tony's annoying comments, jealous she found something before he did.

A hitch caught in his throat as his vision clouded. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks, she was gone. The last time he saw her she had just rounded the corner of the old warehouse to take down Ari and his men. There had been no 'goodbyes' or 'be carefuls'. He had heard the shots but there were many shots fired that day.

He leaned over the copier overwhelmed with grief, he tried to right himself, but he couldn't shake it, reaching a point where he was oblivious to the troubled stares from his associates. It felt like Kate's death was just yesterday and he had no choice but to grieve.

Ziva watched Tim out of her peripheral vision giving Tony a warning nod.

"Tim needs you, Tony." She discreetly whispered.

Tony looked at Ziva, quizzically, jumping up, then rounded his desk towards Tim, saddened to see his back towards him, trembling, leaning against the copier to hold himself up.

Tony drew closer to his junior agent. "Hey buddy, is the machine giving you a problem?"

Tim didn't turn to answer him, keeping his eyes on the machine. "Yeah, Tony but I got it, this might take a while so you'll have to use the other machine." Tony could hear a crack in Tim's voice.

"Tim, it's okay, I can help you with it."

Tim didn't turn to confront his senior agent. "No! I got it Tony!"
Two arms grabbed him from behind, wrapping around his chest, squeezing him tightly. Tim couldn't fight it any longer and broke down.

"She's gone Tony."

"She is, kid. That bastard took her down. That bullet came out of now where. There was nothing we could do."

"Tony?" Tim turned his head, just slightly to look at Tony's face. "I'm sorry if...I mean...you were partners...and he aimed at me first, but Kate died."

Tony held Tim tighter. "Tim, I was mad and I took it out on you, you were a sweet kid and I knew you'd just take it...I treated you horribly, Tim and I'm sorry."
Tim felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, he could finally breath again. Tony held up Tim's body, his knees buckling under him, pulling him closer, as they both let the tears fall.

"I love you kid, you're my...brother." Tim clasped Tony's hand to his chest, exhaling with relief.

Ziva watched as her boys mended old wounds that they had held onto for years, hindering their friendship. She smiled, grateful to witness much needed progress.


Ziva's slippers scuffed against the surface of the wood floor, her shoulders slumped and a distant look in her eyes as she moved towards her front door wondering who was knocking. It was Saturday morning and she had specifically made no plans for this day. This was the one day of the year that Ziva held true to her heart, one that no one else knew about besides Tim, she missed him immensely. Not being able to spend the usual time she had with him was taking a toll on her; she'd never realized just how close they were. Ziva knew it was just a matter of time before he remembered her, but today was going to hurt without his companionship and thoughtfulness.

Ziva yawned then opened the door, pulling her bathrobe tightly closed.

"Hey. Why aren't you dressed?" Tim stood in her doorway holding a bunch of wild flowers he must have bought from the flower shop close by. Tears filled her eyes, he remembered.

"Tim! Flowers just like Tali used to pick for our mother and me! You are back!"

Tim smiled tenderly. "I'm back...uh..Zeevs!" Ziva had jumped up on him, her arms hooking around his neck as she kissed his cheek. "I couldn't let you go through Tali's birthday alone."

Ziva's glum mood vanished, instantly. She felt a new exilharation run through her veins, like a breath of fresh air invigorating her. "Okay, I will get dressed. Now McGee, where do we go first?"

"Are you testing me, Ziva? Don't worry, I brought my motion sickness pills, ten rides on the merry-go-round in the park, Tali's favorite ride." Tim shook the pill bottle then put it back into his jacket pocket.

Ziva hopped up clapping her hands. "Oh, Tim." She grabbed his arms, a sight to behold, convincing herself he was really back.

"Go on, get dressed." Tim waved Ziva on. Ziva squealed then pinched his cheek, running into her bedroom.

"Don't forget your mittens, Ziva! There's a strong chill in the air!" Tim yelled in the direction of her bedroom, as he looked for a makeshift vase for Ziva's flowers.

Ziva popped out of her room within minutes, surprising Tim with her speed. "You, Ziva are the quickest dresser I know."

"One of my strong points. Tim before we head out, tell me, when did your memories of me come back to you? Was it quick or..."

"Believe it or not, I was chopping celery and using a really big knife..."

Ziva gasped, jokingly, backhanding his arm.

"No. I'm kidding." Tim's voice lowered, a reminiscent look appeared in his eyes. "You know that time I was held against my will in that woman's prison? When I was released you asked me if anyone hurt me and that you would kick their, well, you know..."

"No, McGee, refresh my memory."

"You know, buttocks."

"I do remember a different choice of words and yes, Tim I do remember." Ziva smirked.

"I just knew you really meant it. If I had given you the name of the inmate that pepper sprayed me..."


"I know that Gibbs would have held you back."
"McGee, someone pepper sprayed you?"

"Now, that's why I am telling you now and not back then. Once I remembered that specific incident then everything came flooding back. The strength of our friendship is undeniable." Tim shrugged, knowingly.

Ziva hugged him, kissing his cheek before she released him. "I'm just glad you are back my friend. I missed you terribly."

Tim rubbed his hands together. "So, what do you say we get this show on the road?"


The brisk rides on the merry-go-round were enjoyable, Tim didn't need his medication since they were deeply engrossed in their conversations, catching up on each other's lives.

As they walked arm in arm down the sidewalk Ziva spotted the library. "Oh, Tim let's go there."

"The library?"

"Tali and I spent many afternoons in our library in Tel Aviv but it was rundown and how do you say, slim pickins? We would devour what books they had while enjoying the challenge of the "No talking" policy. We did not do very good in that area of responsibility, getting frequently hushed by the librarian. Tali would have loved the libraries in the states."

"Hhhmm, I can honestly say I have never been 'sshhed' in a library."

"Oh, then you have not lived Timothy McGee."

"You are a bad influence, Ziva." Ziva snorted then wagged her eyebrows towards Tim, pulling him by the arm.

Ziva knew Tim enjoyed the establishment as much as she did. The building was peaceful and inviting, a place of meditation, almost, where she could sit quietly with her thoughts as she drank in more knowledge. She loved the idea of being surrounded by books, silent objects, yet so much to convey.

"Could you recommend a favorite author that I could read?"

"Tim squeezed his lips together his eyebrows furrowing. "Hhhmmm. Right this way." Tim guided Ziva with a wave as she followed him. He pulled a book from a shelf.

"Mark Twain, I know of him but have not read his books yet. Have you read all his..." Ziva turned to find that Tim was missing. "Tim?" She heard the faintest of a giggle from a few rows down. "I see." She said to herself. "I will find you Timothy. And when I do..." Ziva tried to whisper loudly without attracting attention. She trotted quietly over the carpeted floors turning into a row to crouch and search over the books looking for him.

She turned quickly when a book dropped to the floor behind her.

"Ooops. Didn't mean to do that." The whispered voice was mixed with suppressed giggles.

Their strategic scurrying through the shelves went on for another five minutes before she was pleased to see Tim being reprimanded by one of the librarians. The woman was waving a pointed, accusatory finger at Tim as he bowed his head in shame. She went up to him to shake his hand. "Congratulations, your first library scolding and I was able to witness it."

"My grandma will be proud. She always had this strange desire for me to get into trouble once in a while when I was growing up."

"Oh, my McGee, you are a late bloomer."

"Uh, yeah, well, I say we choose some books then peruse them over there on those comfy looking couches."

"Yes, I suppose it is time to act like grownups."

They spent the next hour or so, reading and talking quietly until Tim heard a growl from Ziva's stomach.


Ziva blushed, holding her stomach. "Oh, that would be lovely. I have been craving one of their Caesar salads for a few weeks now."

"You haven't been there since our...accident?"

"I only go there with you, Tim." Tim's eyes shyly, diverted down, a crooked smile growing on his face.


They hunkered into a booth in a corner across from each other. It was only noon but the lights were dimmed as music played in the background. They both ordered a glass of wine with their salads and basket of bread.

"So, Ziva, how are you? You seem to be doing well this year on your sister's birthday." Tim bit into a slice of bread waiting for Ziva's reply.

"It is nice to have you back on a day that means so much to me. I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone but you." Tim's face reddened. He rested his elbows on the table, bringing himself closer to Ziva. "I'm glad I can be here for you, Ziva."

Ziva reached over and rubbed a bread crumb from his bottom lip with her thumb. Her hand rested on the side of his face longer than need be as she abruptly turned her gaze back to her plate.

Tim's heart unexpectedly skipped a beat as he swiped his tongue just where her thumb had been, his neck warming. "Thanks for uh, being so patient through my, um recovery. I'm sorry that I misplaced my memories of you. I've never had amnesia before, at least not that I remember."

Ziva snorted pushing on his arm, playfully. "Silly." The waitress stopped at their table, pointing to their empty glasses. "Would you like refills?"

"Yes." they both nodded.

"Zeevs, I remembered the conversation we had up on the hill before the car went into the water and...I've been giving it a lot of thought."

"About being a parent?" Ziva looked perplexed, a quick panic flashing over her face. "Are you seeing someone, Tim?"

"Oh, no. Um, I mean not now."

"Of course you're not." Ziva calmly, shrugged. "Because, I would know about it. We are together enough where I would know something like that, right?"

"Right. And you aren't either?"

"No, I am not."

"I just, uh..." Tim swallowed half the glass of wine then continued to stutter. Well, it's kind of...a thought."

Ziva grabbed for his hand, "Hon, why don't you say we head back to my place. We can get comfortable, talk and watch a new movie I bought."

Tim nodded with a sigh of relief. "Yeah. That sounds good."


"You bought a Disney movie, Ziva?"

"I'm sorry, would you rather watch something, else?"

Tim sitting on Ziva's couch beside her, reached for her hand. "Nah, are you kidding? This is great. Come here." Ziva snuggled into Tim's side, like a couple who did this all the time and had not been unavoidably distant for the last few weeks.


Tim awoke from the sound of music, looking up at Ziva's ceiling, then towards the television to see the credits scrolling down the screen. Ziva's head was resting on his chest, a soft snore warming his shirt. He didn't want to wake her but rather, enjoy the chance to watch her sleep, waiting to see if she'd wake up on her own. He carefully brushed stray strands of hair away from her face, smiling. She mumbled something incoherent as he stifled a chuckle. He could imagine her as a little girl, curled up just like this on top of her father.

She startled, her head lifting to look in the direction of the television. She rubbed her eyes, then put her head back down on his chest and squeezed his sides.

"Oh, that was such a good nap, but I am sorry, how long was I sleeping?"

"I don't know, I was too."

"It would seem we are very comfortable in each other's company." She rested her chin on his chest studying him, questioningly. "Tim is there something you want to say, you have a big goofy grin on your face..."

"Ziva? Can I kiss..." Ziva moved forward, quickly, kissing Tim before he finished his sentence.

She looked into his eyes, her hand over his heart feeling its rhythm increase, thrilled with his response. "I thought you would never ask."