Hey guys so yeah this story is over but it keeps getting follows so here is a small gift for you this is the ending I was planning. I was going to do a seperate chapter for each character but figured since i'm not actually doing the story properly I'll make each segment very shot and put it all in one chapter. Enjoy :)
also if anyone wants to adopt this go ahead if not oh well
and yeah Fang is the ember who joined instead of brooke he is a dire wolf that ate a plant based Logia and thinks Luffy is a pack Alpha.
So yeah enjoy
Fang didn't know where he was or why he was there. It all started he was fighting a two legger that smelt like panda, the two legger was hunting the Alpha and Fang moved in to kill the two legger, next thing Fang knew he was flying in the sky, Fang didn't know how he got there or why he only knew that Alpha needed him Sadly Fang couldn't get down.
After several days of flight Fang landed in the middle of a two legger pack territory. There was many dens all over the place and many two leggers, they smelt of fear, Fang couldn't blame them he was scary.
It took Fang a few minutes of growling and scaring the two leggers, chasing them through their territory when he caught whiff of a scent, it was a familiar yet unfamilliar scent, it reminded Fang of Alpha.
Deciding to follow the scent Fang eventually ended up in a two legger den, though this was bigger than any other den he had seen so far. The den was filled with two leggers including the one who had the familiar yet unfamilliar scent. It was a female two legger with white fur. The two legger was yelling at the other two leggers, obviously trying to get their attention. Deciding to help what Fang could only assume was a female Alpha, Fang walked up to the female Alpha and let out his loudest roar. All of the two leggers stopped and stared.
Wagging his tail happily Fang looked at the female Alpha obviously letting her know she could command the lesser two leggers now.
"Hey Mirajane what's with the wolf?" a pink furred two legger that smelt of fire asked.
"Drugs appear to be wearing off, healing factor could be a possibility? Administering more drugs."
"Patient has proven to have healing factor beginning operation, adminsitering more drugs before operation begins."
"Operation a success but patient has shown to have acidic blood, unknown why it doesn't eat away at patients body. More observation and tests required. Administering more drugs."
Daedalus knew what thee words meant, he knew what the odd feelings in his body were. Thee fools who held him captive dared to experiment on his body? Thee fools would pay.
Though the odd feelings in his bones was interesting? They felt heavier, stronger. By thee conversations he had overheard they had somehow replaced the calcium in his bones with something else something known as Adamantium, a metal by thee sounds of it. Interesting t would be a benefit if used correctly. But not a metal, no not a metal, Sea of the Stone that would be a good use. But first Daedalus had to escape but how?
"'Olla I am the Pool of Death," a loud voice stated, looking around in confusion Daedalus saw a red and black costumed man sitting casually against the operating table Daedalus was tied to. "There is no easy way to say this but...i'm pregnant Trevor."
"Are thee mentally unhinged?" Daedalus asked the man in annoyance.
"Only a lot," the man said happily "but good news is i'm her to free you and we'll be best buddies. I haven't been in many One Piece Fanfiction before so please be gentle," the unhinged man said seriously.
Sally had no idea where she was but infront of her she saw three people. They were obviously Zoan type devil fruit users as one looked like a humanoid raccoon, another like a humanoid turtle in a wheelchair and the third like a humanoid hippo. That was not important however. What was important is that Sally had to make her way back to Luffy-sama.
"Sly," the turtle person said in a nasally voice "I know this nmay be hard to believe but I think this female...thing is you from another dimension." Did that turtle just call her a thing?
Zoro stared in front of himself in confusion. The frog zoan, because what else could it be? Had said something but it was hard for him to figure out what it was trying to say. It had said "Weak is the force but strong is the will. Odd one you are..." what the hell did that mean.
"Way of the jedi, taught by Yoda you will learn," the Zoan said.
"What the hell are you saying?" Zoro growled out in confusion.
The Zoan pulled out a stick and a second later a beam of light came from it "fight, defend and live then find out you will, be a Jedi you will, be strong you will." the Zoan said before it leapt towards Zoro with unearthly grace.
Usopp didn't know how he had gotten there or even where there was. All he knew was that he was surrounded by plain white walls, the floor was white, the roof was white and even his clothes were white. "Hello," a robotic voice said. "My name is GLADYS, welcome to Aperture Science Labs. Prepare for the testing."
Maybe it was falling from the sky, maybe it was being attacked by monsters, maybe it was all of the little brats who were pointing weapons at her Nami wasn't entirely sure what it was but she knew that she did not like this place.
"Who are you?" a young girl with silver eyes asked. "Why did you appear in our encampent."
Nami was usually nice to kids but today she was just too pissed off to care. "Look you little brat," she growled "I don't know who you think you are but you better back off and tell me just where I am."
"You sre in my huntresses camp," the silver eyed girl stated "now just who are you and why are you here."
"I don't even know where the hell here is," Nami snapped. "First that panda guy attacks me and my friend, then I fall from the sky and get attacked by freakish oxmen, large dogs and other monsters and now I found myself surrounded by these annoying brats."
The girl regarded Nami for several seconds before lowering her weapon, a silver bow, perhaps my sister Athena will be able to shed some light for you mortal. My name is Artemis by the way."
Rin didn't know how long she had been there, it ould have been years it could have been days, all she knew was she wanted out. Getting out would have been easy enough the walls were weak, the bars were weak, the doors were weak but where would she go? She had travelled the place and found it a hell hole, a prison of somesort, the only guards some floating creatures that chilled the air and stilled the wind. Rin hated those creatures but she could not leave as the prison was an island with no boats or exit. Prisoners would magically appear or disappear, the same with food but she could not find a way out and thus was trapped.
Eventually though a man appeared, he wasn't a prisoner though he was just an old man with a floor length beard. He was talking to a prisoner a man with traces of giant blood in him if his size was anything to go by.
Weakly, pathetically Rin made her way to the old man thoughts of escape in her mind. She needed out, she needed to find her friends and if she was lucky thoughts of Zoro sacrificing himself for her would fade with time.
"My y you poor girl," the old man muttered on seeing her "and just how did a Muggle wind up in Azkaban? Don't worry dear," the old man said "i'll take you home I was just here to do the same for my friend Hagrid after all."
Maybe it was the little brat staring at him, or the okd guy holding something weird, or the girl with glowing hands but Cody felt just a tad out of place in the area. He had tried to fly away when Kuma sent him flying but all it did was break his wings and he passed out. He eventually woke up and transformed back to human form to see the three people looking at him, two were wary and one looked exsatic.
"Hey grandpa," the young boy asked excitedly. "What kind of alien do you reckon he is? Can I touch him I bet he has some cooler powers than to just turn into a bird."
"Ben for the last time," the old man growled "the Omnitrix is not a toy."
Luffy didn't need to ask where he was or what he was doing there, the skeletal figure with the scythe along with the graveyard as far as the eye could see was kid of a giveaway.
"Welcome young mortal," the Grimm Reaper said in an oddly Jamaican accent. "You are an interesting one you are mortal, devil with a hint of angel. Oh yes you are interesting so much potential yet so much waste. I saw you and I thought how shall I fix this? I know I'll bring you here, show you what you can be but you wouldn't come willingly and you wouldn't stay willingly so heres the deal. Your friends, your comanions, I have sent them to toher worlds, they can't return unless I will them to return and I won't do that unless you do as I say. You are to be my apprentice, understand?"
Luffy thought for a second before rushing forward and attacking him.