A/n: I don't own Code Geass. Also this is my third story and my first attempt at a CG fic(which is the best Anime ever!) so with out further adue. I present to you " The Powers of a Memory!"
"I see so you were Zero...the entire time." Spoke Cornelia with a tone of sideness and exhaustion. Lelouch now unmasked stood in silence.
"Darlton was right...he said it was someone with a grudge against the Britannian Imperial family." she made known to her brother. "You did this for Nunnally?"
"Correct." the black prince uttered as he continued to keep his rampant Geass veiled. " I will demolish the present world and build a new and better one in its place." The Gawain looked on as it began floating down behind the Gloucsters desicated remains.
"You did this all...you killed Clovis...even Euphie for the sake of that...that...madness!?" she demanded as she held her injured limb. The Gawain hummed with energy as it started to power down its FLOAT system.
"You're one to talk, dear sister. Considering you Idolized Marianne the Flash." he mused. Cornelia sat up forward, her arm continually holding her broken arm.
"It would seem that talking with you further would prove utterly pointless." she struggled to say. Her strength fading along with any adrenaline vacating her veins. The pain of the stinging gash from above her brow and the sharp shocks from the broken limb making it self WELL known to looked up at her little brother, gazing into his face. Terrible mistake.
"Indeed...well then...", he entoned as he moved his goved hand away from his vehement eye.
"...Lelouch Vi Britannia orders you to answer him..." his powers taking effect on the injured princess. Her eyes and posture becoming that of the tell-tale signs of being under the Geass' power." Go on",she spoke. She spoke as if she were a mindless servant.
"Sweet sister of mine," he started his voice gradually getting darker, but with the skill of the master actor he was, the prince kept it veiled as he proceeded to enunciate that which he craved most to know." Are you the one who killed my mother."
"I'm not," she complied obediently," Then who was it?" He inquired. "I don't know." she spoke emotionlessly. 'What!', he thought with an audible, but stuggled gasp his face contorting with suprise. "But you were in charge of her personal guard were you not?" he interrogated."Yes." he scoffed in veiled rage. "Why then, had you withdrawn her escort?" he spoke his voice slightly rising. "I was asked to." she replied.
"By whom?" his fist clenching. "Lady Marianne." Lelouch's head moved back in shock. Eyes widening. 'Why would' he began in his mind."...Mother did?" 'What caused her do to such a thing?' he tried to comprehend. Why would the gentle woman do such a thin? He thought back to the days of his life in the Aries Villa. "Mother knew she would be attacked that day?" he spoke to himself. His mind villed with the image of Cornelia standing guard by his mother's side. 'No it can't be if she did she would have gotten out of there' he pondered.
"What really happened back then?!" he demanded as he took a step forward the flames of the burning knightmare playing across his features. His face became distraught as he tried to get answers. "Who killed her?!" he yelled as he started falling victim to his emotions. "WHO KILLED MY MOTHER DAMMIT!?" Even in her Geass imbued state she was at a loss of answers for her once gentle brother. "Uh-uh..", she became silent again. Lelouch's nails started to dig through his black gloved hands, into his palms. "You don't know the truth..." he spoke with frustration, "then who does?..."
"Someone must know? You, youself investigated that day." he pointed out. "I remember his majesty the Emperor had Schneizel transport the body out of there." she answered. ' you mean mother's then what was in that coffin?" While he was questioning his sister. C.C. was listening in, suddenly it came to her." Hey! Get back in here!" she commanded. "I know the Government Defence forces will arrive soon, " he spoke calmly. "No, your sisters been kidnapped!" she interjected as she lowered the Gawains large metal hand. "C.C. this is not the time for jokes." he addressed. "No she's been taken, I just know because she's the reason you live. She's on Kamine Island!" Lelouch's brow furrowed as he thought back to his past incursion with said island. He turned towards his helpless sister who was now released of the Geass' effect, she layed there helplessly as she looked on to her brother her eyes widening at the immortal witches declaration. "Lelouch, please take me with you." Came Cornelia's weak voice.
Lelouch looked back into her eyes trying to find the slightest bit of reason to leave her. Her beautiful eyes. He shook his head of the path those thoughts were leading. "Please Lelouch I beg you, you and Nunnally are all that I truly have left. you're all I have left." she shook as she pleaded to her dear brother tears starting to form. 'Should I, after everything that's happened?' But as he contemplated the decision, her words echoed in his mind.' you're all I have left..." his mind suddenly shot him images and memory of his peaceful childhood. A memory he had forgotten.
Three little kids ran around chasing each other giggling and laughing. A fourth person watched on as they had their fun.
"You can't catch us!" shouted a young Euphemia as she stuck out her tongue. "no...fair..." panted a young Lelouch as he tried to keep up with his sisters.
"That's enough you two quit antagonizing Lelouch." Came a voice. Lelouch's eyes widened in delight." Sister!" the ten year old yelled in delight as he ran into his elder sibling's arms. Cornelia smiled as she placed him back on the grass before hugging the other two. "It's almost time for dinner you three, so you need to go and get cleaned up."
X-Few Hours Later-X
Lelouch, Nunnally and Euphemia were all in their large room as they wait for Cornelia to finish talking with Marriane and come back to them. Lelouch was currently playing his dear sister Euphie a game of chess. Euphie wasn't to happy.
"Why are you so good Lelou!" she pouted as Lelou stuck his tongue out at her taunting her. Nunnally giggle at their antics. "It's because he actually's uses strategy Euphie." Cornelia's voice brough a huge smile to the three children's faces. "Sister play me please?" Lelouch asked. "Sorry Lelouch but not today ok?" Lelouch looked sad for a bit but then brightened up. "Well then... then...oh!", he exlaimed." Read us a bed time story!" he yelled joyfully. His two sisters nodded their heads vigorously in aggreement. a chorus of pleases ensued before she finally agreed.
X-x-an hour and some minutes later-x-X
"The end," Cornelia said gently as she closed the book. She then noticed the silent room. silent? She looked and saw her siblings had fallen asleep save for a now yawning Lelouch.
She smiled at him, she raised her hand putting her finger to her lips," Sshh." she sounded. She then grabbed a slightly larger book then before, the title Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespear. "Sis" interupted Lelouch. She paused her reading," Yes, Lelou?" she inquired. "Will we always be together?" He asked. "What do you mean?" she had always known that Lelouch was an intelligent little boy. Many people even stated that he was more brilliant then Albert Einstein or even leonardo Da Vinci. So it brought little suprise when he explained his question. " I mean when we get older will we not be together any more? i don't want to ever loose you. You mean more to me then the whole world." He said as he did his best to emphasize with his arms. He had said it with veiled conscerned but hid it with a hopeful expression. Cornelia smiled at his statement, "Lelouch as long as you hold a single breath in those lungs I will always by your side. Even if it would mean betraying the Holy Britannian Empire." She confided confidently. The purple haired woman was filled with a great warmth when she saw his face light up with joy as a large smile was seen on his face. "Really?" She nodded with a smile, "Really." He nodded happily, before Cornelia took his visibly tired head and placed it against her rather large bust. Her heartbeat lulling the young Prince to sleep.
"Good Night my little lelou." She whispered as she too felt sleep's grasp take hold. Sadly she did not know that the next day would wrought tragedy through her and her little sister Euphie's hearts.
X-End of Flashback-X
He nodded to her before walking to the purple eyed princess. He kneeled as he placed his hands carefully behind her shoulders and thighs picking her up like a newly wed bride. "Thank you my dear little Lelou." she whispered. He gently stepped up onto the Gawain's hand which placed them next to the now open cockpit. Once the two siblings were in Lelouch realized a small mistake. There were only two seats. "Guess I'll just have to sit on your lap then my little Lelou." she teased. He simply sighed as he carefully sat down, his injured sister in his arms. "Enough with the romance," chided C.C.
"We need to hurry or el-" she was interrupted by a loud explosion of dirt and stone. "ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!" Lelouch eyes widened, a look of suprise was replaced by a knowning smirk. C.C. looked annoyed and Cornelia was simply confused. " Can it be? Oh what luck, what fate, what evil fortune?" came the crazed voice of the now disgraced Britannian noble Jeremiah Gottwald. "Ha, is that you Orange Boy?" Lelouch question mockingly.
"O-OH-AAHHHH!" he glasped his hands together as if to pray. He look on at the large Knightmare Frame. "I BESEECH YOU!I'm begging you...please die." He said with a venomous voice of pure abhorence as his eyes practically burned into the Gawain. 'C.C. I'll deal with him I'm gonna find a knightmare for you. I want you to take a knightmare transport and get to Kamine Island ahead of me so get ready to get out." C.C. looked at him with a face of anger. "NO I wi-" her words were silenced by his glare "Don't argue with me witch."
The girl did not. The Gawain quickly lifted off quickly only to be barreled into by the Siegfried. "ZERO, I..." he started as he lowered himself into the Knight Giga Fortress. "...must rid the world of the empire's enemies...yes!...and so...ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!" He exclaimed psychotically. The two mechas darted through the air as they fought, smashing together metallic limbs and parts left and right. Lelouch darted down as Jeremiah launched the two forward Slash Harkens. Lelouch didn't react in time for Jeremiah launched a hidden slash harken slamming into the centre. The impact had jolted the gawain backwards throwing Cornelia against the seat in front of her. "Sister!" He waited for her to respond only for her to mumble, in his opinion, cutely. The black prince gave a smile of relief as he found she was still alive. Orange interjected as took another shot, launching a slash harken at the Gawain as it stood still. Lelouch saw it and reacted by shooting up, shooting out the left hand's slash harkens while doing so. The Siegfried retracted its weapon quickly and spun in time as it started deflecting the projectiles. Lelouch turned the Gawain around and made it shoot towards the nearest group of friendly frames, in hope of if not destroying it, buying time. "Black nights, shoot it out of the sky." A quick and loud response of 'Sir!' was followed by the sound of guns being fired and then three explosions.
The Gawain moved through two large sky scrapers. The Siegfried was hot on its trail, a large green cone shooting past it. 'Dammit'. Lelouch thought as he manuevered the large mecha out of the way. He then spun the frame upwards facing one of the large buildings, he flipped a up a switch, as he typed frantically avross the keyboard he had pulled out, rerouting the Gejfun disturbers so that the Hadron cannons would melt and carve when focused, rather then the standard burn and maim. He smirked as he was pleased with the results as the red beams painted the buildings side. The experimental weapon doing just as he intended it too.
"You missed you can't hit me zero!." He laughed. That laughter was cut at the sound of the building falling. "You've already been hit, Orange Boy!" The cyborg scoffed, then he looked behind him. "Behind from back!" he shouted as he tried to move the machine away, but failed. Lelouch took that time to drop off C.C. with a nearby squad. "C.C. don't fail-" he didn't get enough time to speak as the Siegfried made a loud noise as it tore through the ruins of the building that collapsed on it. It moved out of the building as something akin to a Blaze Luminous faded from it. "Zero.." muttered Orange in distaste. "Stubborn Ass!" Lelouch shouted shouted as he made the Gawain close in on the orange and green weapon. "It's time for my long awaited vindication!" The ex Margrave cheered as he too shot forth as well. "Why don't you just stay down?"Lelouch commented as he launched the right hand slash harkens making the Siegfried spin in defense. Jeremiah shot the foward cones out and managed to smash into the right Hadron Cannon. The Gawain's right cannon sparked and bursted, ceasing to function. Lelouch made the Gawain head onto the ground, the system beeping at him. Warning of the cannon's destruction. Jeremiah tried to take advantage of the Knightmare's lowering form as he proppelled himself forward, intent on skewering the black and gold behemoth.
The Gawain waited as the Siegfried neared. When Lelouch felt it was close enough the Gawain reared its hands back before it aggressively clamped down as the Siegfried was just about to smash a cone through the hulking mecha's chest, or rather the cockpit. The Gawain then lifted it up and slamed it down making a depression in the Siegfried's hull. Lelouch didn't let up as he overloaded the Hadron Cannon before he let it unleash the red hellish force at point blank range. When it was finally spent and sparked as he exploded the Siegfried was motion less, only sparking as the systems tried to run through circuits that were broken and had burst. But jeremiah was far from being out of the game. "ZERO!" the soldier yelled as he exited the mecha an attempted to charge the Gawain. The Gawain merely grabbed Jeremiah and 'gently' slammed him into the ground knocking the cyborg out. "Restrain him." Zero ordered. Only staying long enough to see that a Black Knight desided to merely hold him with a Knightmare's hand. He then looked up into the horizon as the sun started to rise. He glared through the screen. He would get to Kamine Island, and nobody would stop him. Cornelia and Nunnally were all he had left.
A/n I believe I will end the Debut of my new story here. I hope that you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing this. I might have the next one or two with in this week or the next. Also does anybody want Guinevere to be a consort of sorts to Lelouch. I'm only making her an exception. so its a yes or no response, leave you answers in the reviews and have a great day/night! (Edited as of July 14th, 2013) The poll has been decided and Guinevere is in.