author's note: So...basically what's happening here is I'm taking the general idea of each chapter and rewriting it for you guys. I know you, my readers, will absolutely love this rewrite chapter process. No guarantees though...?*smirky face emoji* (if this website doesn't allow emojis). So...haha, love ya!


Why wait for fate to find us,

When we should be looking for fate.

Destiny is not alone in its journey

For determination is its mate.

"Kim...Hello? You still there?" Kim let out a sigh. Barbara, one of her closest friends, murmured through the phone. Barbara called and left messages twenty-four seven, ever since Kim and her family had moved from sunny Miami to cozy Seaford, California.

"Barbs," she whispered. "I'm here. You sure you don't want to call it a day and ah—talk tomorrow?" Kim stifled a sigh. Out of all of her old friends, Barbara had always been the chat box of the group. Kim was pretty sure 'sleep' and 'quiet' had never been a part of Barb's vocabulary.

"No, Kim, I want to talk to you. You were always my venting buddy remember? I know, I know, 'Barbara, it's only been a week since I left. Nothing has probably even happened, except, maybe you chipping a fingernail.' But I miss you, you know? Why did your parents' company have to move them?" her friend wailed.

Kim was at loss for words. "Al...Alright. We can talk," she said, holding back tears. "But...just not about Ben m'kay? It's just too soon."

She could hear sniffles on the other line, and then everything was normal at last. And hell, if her best friend couldn't chat up a storm, well then, Kim had no freaking idea what a storm was.

Imagine yourself, sipping from a coconut on your very own tropical island. Then, suddenly, out of the blue, someone intrudes the island and starts running around, blaring a freakin' bullhorn in your face. Not very pretty, is it?

Because that was exactly how Kim felt, waking up at six o'clock in the morning, to the ringing alarm on her bedside table. She had enough.

That alarm clock probably didn't deserve what it got next. She picked up her alarm, and promptly shattered it against her wall. Kim could practically see the sparks that shot from the wires.

"Well," she grinned. "Now at least I can get my beauty sleep." Yawning, she dove under her blankets.

Cuddling underneath the thick wool, everything was in balance again. Kim was happily under her covers, and no one could stop her.

Just as she settled in, dozing off into her peace-filled dreams, the thick aroma of something...salty? And meaty? With just a pinch of...was that ranch?

Kim shot up in bed. Cursing, she fumbled down the staircase into the kitchen.

"No," she gaped. "You didn't." Kim glared at the woman in front of her. "Mom, why would you do this? Bribing me with my favorite food combination?"

Her mom only laughed. "Oh, sweetie, I saw you snoring away in your room, and I wasn't about to pour water over your head, considering I saw you annihilating your clock." Kim blushed crimson.

"So I went the bacon and ranch way," her mom said, referring to Kim's newfound addiction to the illicit combination of cooked bacon and ranch dressing.

Mouth watering, Kim dove for the plate of food that lay atop the counter.

Halfway through her meal, Kim wanted to sigh. The morning was shaping to be enjoyable, except for the fact she had her first day at Seaford High.

"Kim, better get ready for school..." her mother yelled.

She sighed. There wasn't anything in her closet she could wear. The Crawfords had only moved last week, and the moving company responsible for their belongings hadn't even brought her clothes yet.

So when she had brought the subject to her mother, Mrs. Crawford had only shook her head. "Just wear one of Danny's outfits okay? We've had so much trouble already. One bad outfit day won't kill you."

Oh, her mother was so wrong.

Showing up to her bus late, wearing black slacks and a hand-me-down pink sweater, didn't quite fare well with other kids.

"What's the deal? We're going to be late, because of some ugly nerd?" One of the students glared at her.

No one had wanted to sit with her, and the one kid that had to, had dumped their soppy lunch into her lap.

"I mean, isn't this where trash belongs? In the dump?" the girl had said. The rest of the bus snickered.

At school, everything just got worse. Kim was sticky, ugly, and just upset. Kids jeered at her, calling her nasty names, and she just didn't care anymore.

She finally slumped against the back of a building, eyes watering. Kim didn't know how long she sat there, sobbing.

"Hey...what's wrong?" Kim heard a girl's voice behind her say.

She wiped furiously at her eyes, "I-It's nothing." Kim expected the girl to flee, to hear footsteps going into the opposite direction. Instead, the girl came closer, crouching beside Kim.

"It's the students here isn't it? They're all so 'status quo' here. If you don't have the best wardrobe," the girl said, staring at the undone stitches in Kim's sweater, "You're usually labeled a nerd or dork."

Kim sighed, "I didn't want to be popular here, but I wanted some friends you know? How can people be so cruel?"

The girl offered her hand to Kim, "I'm Grace. Not all of us are cruel, and I can tell, we could be the best of friends."

Kim looked at Grace. She seemed really nice, caring, yet she also radiated courage and bravery.

Wavy brown hair cascaded down her cream sweater, mocha brown eyes that seemed to say a million things about her.

She took her hand. "I'm Kim."

"That's a pretty name."

author's notation: Status quo is powerful isn't it? We shouldn't bow to it. Recently, I read a fanfic that made me think about who I want to be. And giving up on this story, regardless of writing technique, makes me a bad writer. Thanks.

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