This is kinda long... sorry, I just wanted to move the story along, so the audition and them getting news about which parts are there's is all in here. Sorry for that spoiler alert.

By the way, I finally saw Teen Beach Movie, I actually spent twenty dollars to get it (I know, I know) and honestly, it was totally worth it! I love, love, love it, and have seen it quite a few times now. It's a hundred percent officially going to be incorporated into this story. I recommend seeing it if you haven't already. So worth it. Plus, Ross Lynch isn't too bad to look at either ;)

Enjoy guys! I own nothing at all.

As soon as the bell rang, Maya walked quickly out of her class and to the front of the school, where she found Mel was waiting. She quickly got into her car and Mel started to drive off, asking how her day was.

"Fine, just perfect." Maya answered, her arms crossed over her chest.

"You sure?"

"Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but I really don't want to talk about it right now." Maya answered, and Mel nodded, her hand touching the radio to turn the music up. Maya sighed and stared out the window as Mel came to a stop at the light. Before she knew what was happening, she opened her mouth to speak. "I saw Katie today."

Mel nearly spit out the water she was drinking, "I'm sorry? You saw Katie?"

Maya nodded, turning towards her. "She goes to Degrassi."

"I figured, but…why did you see her?"

Maya shrugged, "I was rehearsing for the audition with Cam and she came up to us with her boyfriend, I guess. Some guy named Jack or something, anyway, we were in the garden she built with him, so I guess that was sort of my fault."

"Well, how did it go?"

Maya narrowed her eyes as the light changed, "How do you think it went?"

Mel nodded, "Not well."

Maya shook her head, "The best part was I got another nose bleed, so she saw that, and I'm pretty sure if I run into her again, she's going to ask a million questions."

"Well, maybe you should just let her explain herself, you know? Don't be so hard on her."

"Why would you say that?" Maya demanded, "She abandoned me. Okay? I have nothing to say to her."

"You don't have to, but I really think you should just give her a chance, okay? There's much more to that story than you know."

Maya shook her head, biting her lip hard. She didn't answer, and continued to stare out the window instead, the awkward silence in the car making her want nothing more than to jump out and run away.

Too bad life didn't really work out that way, she thought.

Her phone rang just as she stepped inside her bedroom. She put her bag down beside her at her desk chair, and answered it, not bothering to check the caller ID.


"Hey, where were you after school today?"

It was Cam. Thank god. She breathed out a sigh of relief, hoping he hadn't heard it.

"Oh, my aunt picked me up. I had to… be somewhere." She answered vaguely. "It was nothing, but uhm, what's up?"

"Oh, well… nothing really. Doing some homework."

Maya's eyes lit up as she came up with an idea, "Do you maybe want to come over and we can do homework together? I mean… we still have to rehearse and all, so uh, if you want to come by, that'd be great."

"Yeah, sure, I'd like that." She smiled. "I'll see you in a few." He hung up and she held the phone against her chest, letting out an excited squeal.

"Hey!" Mel teased, as she walked into the room. "What's with your squealing?"

"Cam's coming over." Maya answered and then she walked to her closet. She figured a shirt that had some blood all over it wasn't really good to wear around him, or really people in general. "We're going to do some homework and then rehearse."

Mel nodded, "Okay, but remember what the doctor said."

Maya nodded. "I know."

"Okay." Mel said quietly and with that, the house phone rang so she went to go answer it, just as the doorbell to the apartment rang as well. Maya quickly put her shirt on and ran over to it, opening the door.

"Wow," Cam said, looking her up and down. "You look nice."

Maya rolled her eyes, "I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt, dummy. It's not that nice."

He shrugged, "Whatever you say."

She giggled, leading them to her bedroom. "So, what should we do first? Our homework or the audition?"

"Well, since we've got some time for the audition, we should do our homework first."

"I'm surprised we're studying together when we're in two completely different grades." Maya tilted her head slightly as she stared at him, her eyes blinking.

"You forget, we're in the same French class." He reminded her.

She straightened her head up, "Oh yeah." She smiled and got her bag, and sat on her bed, just as she heard a knock on the door and looked up to see Mel was there.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Maya, there's someone on the phone who'd like to speak to you." Mel handed her the phone and Maya took it, confused, and brought it up to her ear.



"Oh." She put her hand to her chest, "Jake!" She smiled, "How are you? I'm so happy you called!" She looked at Cam, covering the mouth piece. "I'm sorry, I have to take this," She whispered and he nodded, understandingly, as Maya quickly walked out of the room, focusing back to her phone call.

"I'm okay. I miss you though."

"I miss you too. I just wish what happened didn't happen, you know?"

"Yeah…" Jake sounded sad. "I miss them."

"I know." Maya bit her lip, "I do too, but at least we're safe now." She tried to reason not only with her little stepbrother, but with herself as well. "You're with your mom and I'm with my aunt far, far away from..." She trailed off, not wanting to continue.

"Will we ever get to see each other again?"

"I'm sure we will. Where are you living now?"

"London. What about you?"


"That's only two hours away!"

"Oh!" Maya answered, "Well, then we'll have to arrange something okay?"


It was silent for a few minutes, when Mel walked back into the room.

"I'm sorry, J. But I've got to go. Call me again soon okay? Love you."

"Love you too, My." And with that, the line went dead. She stared at the phone for a few moments, before turning to Mel.

"He doesn't hate me." She said, looking up at her. "So, that's reassuring."

Mel smiled, "I didn't ever think he would." She then hugged Maya, and let her go a moment later. "I think you've got someone in your bedroom waiting for you, so give me that phone and go study. We'll talk later, okay?"

Maya nodded and then walked passed her and into her room. She closed the door, her eyes closed for a moment, before opening them and seeing Cam still on the floor where she'd left him, doing his homework.

"Everything okay?" He asked and she nodded.

She immediately thought of her stepbrother and smiled, "Everything's fine."

"Brady and Mack need to get their shit together." Maya groaned, throwing her script on the ground and covering her face with her hands. "I'm over this."

"I don't blame you…" Cam looked at his watch, "We've only been going over this for about two hours now, and best part, wait for it, we haven't picked out a song yet."

She blinked, "I thought you already did, and we were going to practice it and make it our own."

"Oh yeah. That's true." He got up, and moved away from her, "But how are we going to do that?"

"We've both got musical talent in us," Maya began, "So we just have to make it uniquely our own. That shouldn't be too hard."

"Says you." He muttered.

"Don't be so stubborn." Maya went over to him and reached passed him to grab her laptop. She had downloaded the song on her phone and knew that it had immediately downloaded onto her laptop. "Let's play the song and then go from there, okay?"

Cam nodded.

They listened to the song a few times before Maya snapped her fingers, her eyes lit up, she turned to him.

"I'll play the piano," She began, "You play the guitar or whatever instrument you can play."

"Guitar and drums, yes. Move on."

"You sing one verse, I'll sing another, we sing the chorus' together of course, and then we finish it off…switching off together, of course. And then, boom! We've got a kickass audition song."

"What about if we switch it off every other line? I feel like that will be way more intimate and real, if that makes any sense."

Maya smiled and then her hands were on his cheeks, and in one second she had her lip on his left cheek, before she released him, and turned back to the laptop. She looked at him again. "You're a genius!"

He smiled back at her, and when she turned around, touched the spot she kissed a moment before letting his hand fall and putting one arm on the other side of her as he bent down and stared at what she was staring at as they both listened to the song again.

"Even better idea." He began, "I can play the guitar and then we can both just sing it acoustically."

"I love it." She whispered, turning to him, she realized just how close they were and cleared her throat, moving away from him. "So… uhm, when should we rehearse that?"

"Well, you've got a guitar, so I'd say now is good."

"Okay." She got up to get her guitar and then walked back to him, laying it beside him. He sat on her bed and picked it up, then he began to strum out the correct chords. "I should've known you'd already know the song by now." She muttered and he laughed.

"Okay, ready?" He asked and she nodded. "Alright so this is what we have to do first…"

"Nervous?" Tori whispered to Maya as someone auditioned in front of them. Maya closed her eyes and then bit her lip, nodding her head. "Well, don't worry." Maya looked at her. "Cam will be here any second and then you'll hopefully calm down."


Tori just smiled at her, "You'll do great."

"Again, what?" Maya asked just as the person who was auditioning finished.

"We're almost up." Tori stated, ignoring her. "I'm so nervous."

"Don't be nervous, okay? You're gonna do great."

Tori turned to her, "Really?"

Maya nodded and smiled, "Yeah."

Tori smiled at her and then immediately hugged her, Maya laughed a little and hugged her back, then they pulled apart to watch the next person audition. Though, unknowingly to them both, they grabbed each other's hands and held on tight, anxious and excited for what was to come.

"I'm here." She heard someone whisper in her ear and turned around to see Cam was behind her. She'd been watching Tori audition, who had been totally killing it, when he'd shown up.

"Thank god." Maya answered, "I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show."

He shook his head, "We've been rehearsing this for the past week, I wouldn't have let you down." She smiled and then turned around, walking over to the other end of the backstage area, she went to the guitar case in the corner and then handed it to him.

"For you." She said and he took it, smiling as Tori ended her audition and then bowed, squealing as she got a few claps and then went backstage. Maya immediately hugged her, "You did amazing!"

She smiled, "You think so?"

Maya nodded.

"Well…" Tori grinned, "It's your turn now. Good luck you guys!" She hugged them both and then they both heard Fiona call their names.

"Okay, we can do this." Maya whispered, closing her eyes again. She took a deep breath and then opened them, "Did I move yet?"

"No not really." Cam answered and then gave her a gentle push. She stumbled forward, but caught herself, before giving him a glare, to which he just laughed and shook his head at, and then positioned herself on the stool next to the one he sat on.

"Okay, uhm…" Fiona said, "Go ahead and start whenever you're ready." Maya nodded and closed her eyes looking down for a moment, before she looked up and right at Cam. She nodded and he started to strum the guitar and she started to sing.

After it was over, she smiled at him and he smiled back at her.

"That was amazing…" Fiona's voice broke them from their thoughts and Maya swore she heard Imogen squealing and clapping her hands. "Now for the next part, whenever you're ready okay guys?"

They nodded again and blew through the scene they rehearsed endlessly together without any problems, once I was over she smiled again at Cam and smiled back at her. She then abruptly hugged him and jumped up and down, letting go a moment later and then walked backstage as Cam grabbed her guitar.

"We did it!" Maya excitedly yelled as soon as she had reached Tori. She wrapped her arms around her and held her tight. Looking over Tori's shoulders at Cam, she smiled to herself, "We did it." She whispered to herself.

Maya walked into her room and threw herself on her bed, staring up at the ceiling as she listened to the music blasting from her one of her headphones. She wasn't going to know if she'd gotten the part for a few days as Fiona, Eli and Imogen still had a few more people to audition before they could give out the parts.

With that and the hospital's test results looming over her, she was becoming very impatient. Waiting patiently for news was never really her strong suit anyway.

She heard a beep and looked down at her phone to see she'd gotten a text.

Meet me outside your apt building in ten minutes.

Of course, Cam wanted to meet with her. Though she wondered why he couldn't have just told her after school that day instead of having her be content in the comfort of her own home and then receive the news five minutes after she got home from a long day.

Her phone beeped again.

Wear a bathing suit.

Her eyes widened.

Why? What's going on?

You'll see.

She blew her bangs out of her eyes in a huff and then sat up, thinking over wether or not she really wanted to go through with him seeing her in a bathing suit or not. Realizing she really had nothing better to do, she decided going along with it, was what would've been the best choice.

After she quickly showered and put her bathing suit on, she looked at herself in the full-length mirror in her room, and then grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and a zipped hoodie. Putting her feet in her flip flops she heard her phone beep again and then quickly grabbed her bag, running out of the apartment and quickly locking it, she took the elevator and went down to the lobby where she saw Cam was already waiting for her.

She then looked outside at the cloudy sky and back at him. "Why are we going to go swimming in the rain?"

"It's not raining…" He answered, "Yet, and also, hi to you too."

She rolled her eyes, "Hi, Cam."

He smiled. They then talked for a while until they stopped about two blocks down and he opened a door to a house, letting her inside, before leading her to the backyard where she saw a beautiful pool and hot tub, with stone and tile all around it and even a small waterfall.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful." She whispered stepping outside. She looked up at the cloudy sky, ignoring the slight drizzle she felt on her cheeks.

"Wanna go in the hot tub?" He asked her, "I mean you could go in the pool too, it's heated and all, but I don't know, I think the hot tub is better."

"I couldn't agree more." She smiled and then took off her jacket and t-shirt. Cam took his shirt off and she bit her lip to keep from saying anything. He had a perfectly tone body and it made her shiver just looking at him. She couldn't deny that he was attractive, but she'd never admit that out loud. Considering he was a hockey player, she wasn't all the surprised to begin with.

Cam then watched her as she took off her shorts and then her flip-flops, he walked over to a small area where she saw a cabinet full of towels and walked backed to her, handing her one. She thanked him and then started to follow him when she stopped and turned away, after a moment, she turned around again and smiled at him as he just looked at her confused.

She shrugged and they got into the hot tub, Maya smiling as soon as they were settled in it.

"Oh my god, that feels so good." She leaned her head back. "I feel like a whole new person."

Cam laughed, "Oh really?" She nodded, lifting her head back up to look at him. She put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"So… the audition today, I think it went really well." She said and he nodded.

"Yeah, not so bad."

"How are you going to do the musical and hockey at the same time, if you get the part, I mean." Maya asked and he shrugged.

"I'll work something out."

She tilted her head, "Why did you audition anyway? I mean, Imogen couldn't really have that much of a big influence on you."

"Well, why did you audition?" He asked her. "You and I both weren't really interested in it, but we still rehearsed and we still came up with a song to audition with. So… I'm not the only one who had a motive here."

"Well, I asked you first." Maya muttered, but rolled her eyes anyway. "I auditioned because I'm the new girl, and I just wanted something to fill my time with, kind of like a distraction."

"A distraction?" She nodded, "From what?"

"Life." She answered simply.

"Or your sister?" He guessed.

"Sure, let's go with that. Now," She leaned forward more. "Why did you audition?"

He wasn't going to admit why really.

He shrugged, "It'll look good for one I apply to university."

She nodded, "Right, sure it will." She looked around, "You know, it's pretty boring when it's quiet."

"I think it's peaceful." Cam responded, watching as she got out of the hot tub to go retrieve her phone. She came back a moment later, her hair tucked behind her ear, as she tapped away on her phone. Then a moment later, she jumped back in, placing the phone gently beside her as a pop song started to play in the background. "Really, Maya? A girly song?"

"I happen to like this one... it was a hit when I was about maybe three or four." She gave him a wistful smile, "My dad used to play it for me."

He was about to say something, even raised an eyebrow and prepared himself to, but she opened her mouth and started to sing along to the song, causing him to shut up immediately.

She held her hands out in front of her a moment later, grabbing his underwater. "Cuz I know, one thing's for certain, boy I'm not hurtin' for inspiration, and I feel that when we're together, it could be forever and ever and ever… I wanna be the ocean to your shore, bring you comfort evermore, I wanna be the only thing you need, be the oxygen you bre-athe." Then she let go of his hands and smiled at him.

She leaned in closer to him and continued to sing, giggling a bit as she did, "Is this as good as I think is? Cuz right now I'm so into this, and there's nothing more that I would ever ask for, than to be with you, just to be with you…" She sung the chorus again and then moved away from him dancing and acting silly causing him to laugh.

The song ended and he clapped.

"You are truly an amazing performer." He told her honestly.

"Thanks." She smiled. "But I was just goofing off."

"Still, it was pretty good." He stared intently at her and she looked away, feeling a blush creeping on her cheeks. "I bet you got the part."

She shook her head, "I'm probably not as good as Tori."

"She didn't even try out for the same part you did." He pointed out.

"Still… I'm just the new girl, there's no way-" She felt his hand on her arm and looked right at him, swallowing hard.

"Trust me, if I'm right…" He looked away a moment, thinking. "You have to give me a dollar?"

"A dollar?" He nodded, "That's all you want?" She put her hand on her side and raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Man you are not hard to bargain with."

"That's because I know I'll be right. Plus, I don't want to take your money."

"A dollar is money."

"Whatever, Maya." He laughed, "Just take the bet, are you in?"

"Depends, what do I get if I'm right?"

"The pride and satisfaction of knowing you were right."

She thought it over a moment before nodding. "Alright, I'm in." She then put a different song on her phone and went to sit down again, but this time she sat down about two feet away from Cam. He looked at her and she grinned, putting her feet on his lap.

"Give me a foot rub, dummy."

"What makes you think I would do that?"

"You're staring at me."


"My feet hurt." She pouted and he rolled his eyes, playfully splashing her. She squealed and he burst out laughing. "I question our friendship sometimes." She muttered a moment later.

"Yeah, but it's a damn good one, you have to admit." Cam told her as he started to rub her feet.

She smiled, "Can't argue with that."

After about an hour in the hot tub, they decided to go inside and watch a movie, but first we're drinking some hot cocoa and eating some cookies to warm up, when Maya realized something.

"I don't have clothes. I just have the clothes I came in," She narrowed her eyes, "Which you got all wet when you splashed me."

"Right." He nodded, "Well, then you can just wear something of mine."

She smiled, "Fine. But I should warn you, you may not be getting it back so quickly."

Cam rolled his eyes, "Typical you. Come on, let's get you into warmer, drier clothes, you know… less wet."

"But I thought you liked wet girls." Maya answered, a hint of a teasing tone in her voice.

Cam stopped right where he was and looked at her, his eyes wide. She just giggled and skipped past him, until she realized she had no clue where she was going.

"Come on! Get your pervy ass out of your head and over here!" She called and he snapped out of it, quickly going after her, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against him, spinning her around until as she giggled and squealed.

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat and they both turned around to see a man in a suit standing there behind them. Maya looked down embarrassed and Cam just looked at her, biting his lip and trying hard not to laugh, which she found herself doing as well. "Sorry to interrupt, but Campbell, you know not to be loud at this time."

"Sorry." He apologized, looking away.

The man nodded, "Just… try not to have too much fun."

Cam nodded. "Sure thing."

Maya's laughter died down then and she looked at him, concerned.


Cam just raised his hand. "Night." He said a moment later and the older man was gone.

"Cam what—" Maya began, but Cam grabbed her wrist and pulled her up the stairs and into his room, the door closing behind him, not too quietly, but he hadn't slammed it either so it wasn't a big deal.

He tossed her a sweatshirt and a pair of sweats. She took it and looking at it a moment, before looking up at him again.

"The bathroom's right there if you want to change." Cam told her, and she nodded her head, sort of glaring at him as she walked past him and into the bathroom, quickly changing she walked out to see he was sitting on the bed in basketball shorts, a yellow shirt and a bright orange beanie. She sat down next to him and put her chin on his shoulder, waiting to see if he turned to look at her, which he did a moment later. "Sorry about that." He said quietly. She shrugged.

"It's cool." She blinked at him and he smiled at her.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She smiled and nodded moving away and putting her hair up in a high ponytail. He quickly got up and looked through his DVD collection to see what movies he had that she'd like. "I've got Black Hawk Down." She nodded at that, which surprised him. "District 9." She made a face, "What?"

"Miles and Chewy made me watch that around when it came out…" She shuddered, "I'd rather not relive the worst couple hours of my life, thank you."

"Okay District 9 is out." He put it to the side and looked at the DVD cover confused. "High School Musical? Why would I have that?"

"Yeah." Maya looked amused. "Why would you have that?"

"Anyways, moving on… uhm, how about Dark Knight?"

She shrugged, "Why not? I like superhero movies."

"In that case, you'd probably like Captain America or the Avengers more."

"What makes you think I wont like Dark Knight?"

"Have you seen it?" She nodded. "Have you seen the other two?" She shook her head. "My point exactly."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine, but we're gonna watch Dark Knight eventually."

He smiled. It made him feel good knowing she'd be back. "Okay, deal. So Avengers or Captain America first?"

She shrugged, "Do I have to watch one or the other to know what's going on?"

"Not really, but let's go with Captain America to be safe." She nodded in agreement. He put the DVD in and then joined her on the bed, scooting all the way back until his back hit the pillows, she did the same, just a few feet from him. He then got up to turn the light off and then joined her back on the bed, pressing play a moment later.

"Hey." Maya spoke a few minutes into the movie.


She turned to him, "Don't you find it ironic that we're watching a movie called Captain America?"

He blinked, confused for a moment, before it finally hit him and he burst out laughing, putting his arm around her he held her close, hugging her from the side. She giggled, "You are a strange one, Maya. That's for damn sure."

She looked up at him, "And don't you forget it."

He shook his head, "I won't."

After their movie night, it seemed as though Maya and Cam had become inseparable. Every night they hung out at the other's houses and both knew that if they both got the lead parts, they'd be spending even more time with each other. Maya just hoped he didn't get sick of her anytime soon.

It was finally the day; the day they'd find out if they got the parts or not.

Fiona had made the announcement that morning during the morning announcements that it would be posted at lunch and Maya was anxiously waiting all day to find out.

Finally the bell for lunch rang and Maya quickly ran out of her history class, only to find Cam waiting for her at her and Tori's locker. He was leaning against it and she couldn't help but think he looked all cute and all. But blinking out of her thoughts, she quickly grabbed his wrist and then ran all the way to the auditorium where she saw Tori, Zig and a boy she didn't recognize waiting in the line to find out.

"Oh, thank god, you're here!" Tori breathed out, running to Maya she hugged her. "They haven't posted the parts yet."

"Oh good, so we're early." Maya asked and Tori nodded her head. "Perfect."

The door then opened and Fiona stepped out. Without a word, she posted it on the bulletin board and literally a swarm of people went to it, pushing Maya almost to the ground, if it hadn't been for Cam who quickly caught her, in their haste to see what part they'd gotten, if any.

She saw a few people looking dejected and glare at her, but she just looked at them confused.

"No matter what happens, we tried our best, right guys?" Tori asked and Maya and Cam nodded. She elbowed Zig and he nodded too, while the boy Maya didn't know nodded as well. "Oh, allow me to introduce you two…" Tori blinked in confusion. "Why you two never met, I'll never understand, but anyway, this is Maya." She pointed at Maya, "And this is Tristan."

"Nice to meet you," He smiled at Maya. She smiled back.

"Nice to meet you two." To everyone's surprise, she used her hands as she said it, and seeming to quickly realize what she did, put her hands by her side again.

Zig was the first one to speak, "Did you just sign?" He asked her and she looked away. Cam didn't miss the look he gave her though.

"Oh look, guys, we can see what parts we got!" Tristan brightly announced and they all looked at one another, before nodding and quickly running over to the bulletin board where the list was posted.

"You know, even if I didn't get the role…" Maya looked at Cam, "And you did, I do wish you the best and-"

"I don't know why you're getting all sentimental and shit," Cam interrupted as he looked at the list, before looking back at her, his face lit up.

She frowned, "I'm slightly offended. What's that—"

"You got the part!" Cam grabbed her arms excitedly and her eyes widened, her mouth dropped open.

"I—what? Oh my god!" She went to look at the list and sure enough next to the name "Mack" she saw her name, "Maya Matlin". "Holy shit, I got the part!" She squealed and jumped on Cam, wrapping her arms around his neck, before getting down. "Wait," She took a deep breath, "Did you get the part?"

"I don't know, I haven't checked." He answered.

She playfully smacked him. "Then what the hell are we doing? Let's check!" Her finger found the name "Brady" and sure enough she saw the name "Campbell Saunders" next to it. She turned to him a grin on her face. "Cam.."


"You got the part too!" She squealed and then he excitedly hugged her, picking her up he twirled her around. Then he put her down and leaned his forehead against hers a smile on his face.

"I knew we'd do it!"

"Hell yeah, we did it!"

They smiled at each other for a few moments, before they both seemed to realize something and quickly pulled away, stepping about a foot from each other.

"We're excited and happy…" Cam started.

"But we didn't even want to do this in the first place," Maya continued.

"So, we're excited for getting parts we didn't really care if we got in the first place?" Cam questioned, looking confused.

Maya just rolled her eyes, "You know what? Who cares! We're the leads in the winter musical, which ironically takes place on a beach, but it doesn't matter. We're the leads and that's fucking aweseome!" She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him again as he laughed, hugging her back.

"I guess you two got the part you tried out for?" Tori interrupted them and they pulled apart to look at her.

"Yeah, we did." Maya ran her fingers through her hair. "What about you three?" She questioned, Tori, Zig and Tristan.

"Well, I got my part!" Tori smiled, "I'm going to be Leila."

"What about you Zig?"

"I'm Butchy." He responded and then tried his best impression of a 1960's biker.

"I'm more of a supporting character, one of Tanner's surfer friends." Tristan answered, he grinned. "I'm okay with that, lots of dancing and singing, but not too much memorization."

"Congrats!" Maya hugged him tight and then hugged Tori and Zig.

"Wait." Maya looked at Tori and Zig. "Aren't you two dating? Aren't Butchy and Leila supposed to be brother and sister? They had the same last name."

Tori and Zig looked at each other and shrugged. "Whatever, it's not a big deal. We can handle not touching each other on stage for a few hours." She waved her hand in the air dismissively.

"Sure thing." Cam answered, eyeing Zig who just rolled his eyes."Whatever you say."

"Wait again." Maya said, "If you're Leila.. and Zig's Butchy… then who's Tanner?"

The gym doors flew open then and Miles, Chewy, a girl Maya recognized from her French class, but couldn't remember the name of, and two other people she had no clue who they were came out of it.

"Hey, Miles." Maya waved.

"Sup, Chewy." Cam said, giving him a low five as he walked past.

"So you two got the lead roles." Miles said, "Congrats, Maya." He smiled at her. "Looks like you and I are gonna be play sort of love interests."

Maya raised an eyebrow. "Sorry?"

Miles smiled. "I'm going to be Tanner."

"Of course you are." She looked at Chewy. "Who are you playing?"

"A surfer dude." He answered.

"Wait, first of all, since when do you two sing and dance and act?"

"Since when do you?" Miles shot back.

"Since I attended that performing arts school in Ajax." She shot back. "You two are so anti musicals it's not funny, what are you doing here?"

"I just want to get out of the house, if you want me to be honest." Miles answered and Maya nodded understandingly.

"I'm just bored and I think it'll look good for university applications." Chewy shrugged.

"Hey, that's what I said!" Cam high fived him again.

Maya rolled her eyes. "Who are you three?"

"I'm in your French class." The light haired girl answered. "Do you not recognize me?"

"Hey." Cam said to her and she gave him a nod, a smirk on her face.

"I do, but I don't know your name, sorry. Bad with those."

"I can vouche for that." Cam raised his hand.

"So can I." Miles raised his hand as well.

"Ditto." Chewy replied.

The girl smirked at her. But before she could say anything, Tori stepped in.

"She's Talia. She sits next to us actually."

"Again, bad with names. Though, I'm sure I've never seen you two." She looked at the afro-haired boy and the dark haired girl next to Talia.

"I'm Harry." Afro-boy said.

"Zoe." The other girl responded rudely, but Maya didn't let it get to her.

"What parts are you playing?"

"I'm a biker chick," Talia answered. "So is Zoe I think, she's also the understudy for Mack."

"I'm Seacat." Harry said and Maya nodded.


"Oh, before we forget." Tori put her hand on Maya's shoulder. "Fiona wants you and Cam to go inside the auditorium. We got our scripts already and offered to get it for you, but she told us she wanted to see you to talk some things over, so uh… you should probably go do that."

Cam and Maya nodded.

"Alright, see you guys at rehearsals then," Cam answered and Maya looked at Miles.

"See you probably soon." She shrugged and followed Cam into the auditorium.

Fiona looked up just as they walked in. "There they are, our two leads." She motioned with her hand and a boy with dark hair and Imogen looked up. "Cam, I know you know Eli, but I don't think Maya's been introduced yet." Maya shook her head, "in that case, meet your director, Eli Goldsworthy."

Huh, Maya thought. Similar to Miles' name.

"Hi." She smiled at him, "Nice to meet you." She said and Cam noticed she hadn't used her hands that time. Interesting, he thought.

"Here are your scripts." Fiona handed them both a pink booklet. "Don't lose those, they are your only copy so I suggest you keep them somewhere you'll always find them and know where they are for the next few months, okay?"

Maya nodded, flipping through it.

"And also, here are the DVDs of the musical you're working on." She handed them both DVD cases with a big logo on it and underneath two people on a surfboard with a few people underneath them holding them up. "You two are the only ones who get copies, the rest will actually be shown a screening of it. Since you're the stars, you'll need to learn everything about Mack and Brady as possible okay? Feel free to invite other cast members over, whatever you want."

Maya made a face, "It's a Disney Channel musical?" She turned the DVD over, "Oh my god, it's totally a High School Musical meets Grease and Glee on the beach on steroids kinda thing isn't it?"

"Very observant," Eli commented, impressed.

"Yeah, but I didn't exactly follow that." Imogen added.

"Seriously though." Maya still had that face on. "So weird."

"It may not be as bad as you think." Cam said, "I saw High School Musical, it was actually pretty good."

"The other day you practically denied it was in your collection." Maya shot back.

"Wow, we really couldn't have casted them the right roles any better." Eli muttered quietly to Imogen who nodded.

"Okay, guys. Great that you're talking about the movie, but a few things. One is rehearsals are everyday after school at 4 o'clock. I know you're on the Ice Hounds, so we made that so it'd fit around your schedule, Cam."

"Thanks." Cam told her gratefully and she smiled. "Luckily practices are only in the afternoon on Wednesdays and Thursdays and in the morning before class every other day, so that should work."

"Perfect. Also, we'll be rehearsing every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in the dance studio until you guys get the dances down."

"Wait, there's a dance studio at this school?" Maya looked surprised. "Why not make this school a performing arts school?"

"There's also an ice rink," Cam told her.

"I stand corrected, nevermind." Maya answered causing everyone to laugh.

"Okay, go ahead and rehearse, watch the movie, do whatever you've got to do. We'll see you here tomorrow at 4 o'clock."

Maya nodded and turned around, as Cam said goodbye to them.

"So we're doing this," Cam said and she looked up from reading the back of the DVD case.

"Guess we are." Maya answered.

Cam nodded, before a grin spread over his face. "By the way," He began to say.


He leaned in close to her, "You owe me a dollar." And with that, he backed away and walked up the aisle.

Maya blinked.

"You gonna come over and rehearse and watch the movie?" Cam asked and she nodded, following after him.

"I do not owe you a dollar! That bet wasn't even real."

"Right." Cam retorted, just as Maya's phone rang. She looked at it to see it was the number to the hospital she'd gone to just a week before. Sending it straight to voicemail and walked with Cam out of the school, the smile never leaving her face as she saw Cam's hand swinging in between them.

Grabbing it, she pulled him with her, excitedly out of the school, laughing as she did, and living in one of the best moments of her life.

So, I'm trying to get Cam and Maya to sort of act like their characters in the musical, but themselves at the same time, which is why they're not into doing the musical at first. If you look closely you can kind of see that Maya's following Cam in that since she gets so excited about the part and then realizes later on what she's doing. I know Cam is way, way out of character as hockey players (especially in Degrassi) don't give two shits about musicals, but you'll see how that turns out with him later on.

There's also a romance a'brewin! Hints are there, as well as some hints about Maya.. hmm.. see if you can spot one of them.

Talk soon! Thanks so much for all the reviews and support! You guys rock! :)