Hey everyone!
I just want to update you all on Hot Mess's sequel. I hate to have to use an excuse but real life and my other stories did end up taking over and pushed the sequel to the backburner for a while and I'm truly sorry about it.
But don't worry I post this A/N bearing good news...I am still going to be writing and posting a sequel! Not only that but the sequel is coming in the new year! I already have a banner, summary, and parts of the story planned out!
So in the meantime while you wait just a little bit longer for the sequel I'm going to leave you with the story title, summary, and banner...
Sequel Title: Set It Off
Summary: Post-results, Jacob and Bella agree to cool it for a while. What they didn't know? It'll be easier said than done. As if going through withdrawals of each other isn't enough they also have to worry about some people who don't want them together. How will they manage keeping their hands to themselves and making sure they stay together no matter what?
Banner: Since FF won't let me post the link here I'm posting it on my profile so if you'd like to see it then it'll be there!
Hopefully this will make up slightly for the wait time and keep you excited for the sequel! I promise that I will post the sequel as soon as possible...even if I have to wait and finish my other stories later.
I wish you all a very happy new year! I'll see you all early next year when I post Set It Off!