
So, Voyage of the Dawn Treader was on the other night…
And I couldn't help but think had much Edmund had matured between the movies and how close he and Caspian had gotten…
So wha-la, a story was born!

No, I don't own the characters of Narnia, blah-blah-blah.
No copyright intended!

A clear night had fallen on the Dawn Treader, and everyone seemed to finally be at peace on the gently rocking ship.

All except for two young men, who were standing at the railing, watching the dark waters churn below them.

There was nothing but silence between the two men, until one finally glanced at the other.

Edmund looked at Caspian, who avoided his eyes.

"Caspian," he said quietly, placing a steady hand on his shoulder. "What is wrong?"

"Tomorrow, we make way for Aslan's Land," he said softly, shrugging out from underneath Edmund's touch.

"We could turn back you know," Edmund replied softly, settling his hands back on the railing and letting the light win ruffle his dark hair.

"I don't think so. I'm sure we are meant to go there."

"I agree."

All was silent again until Caspian sighed.

"You will be leaving tomorrow I assume?"

"Most likely. My voyage on the Dawn Treader has met its end I suppose."

"I want you to know… Spending all this time together lately… I've really rather enjoyed it my Just King."

"As have I, King Caspian."

"I wish you could stay… with me, here, in Narnia," he said quietly, not looking at Edmund now. Edmund looked at him though, a soft, loving smile playing on his lips.

"If I could, I would."


"In a heartbeat."

"Will you return to me?"

"If Aslan permits it."

That night, as Caspian tried to sleep, he heard a deep voice call out to him.

"Caspian, come here," the deep voice said, pulling him from his hammock and towards the upper deck. "Caspian." He followed the voice and found himself face to face with a great Lion.

"Aslan," he whispered, bowing before the Lion. "Whatever do I owe this honor?"

"You wanted to talk to me, did you not?"

"I did…"

"About… King Edmund?"

"Yes. Aslan, I…"

"I know."

"You do?"

"You wish for Edmund to stay with you, here, am I correct?"


"I'm sorry, but his time in Narnia has come to an end." Caspian nodded and let a single low sob escape his throat.

"I expected that."

"But, there is something else…"

"What is it?"

"Edmund's time in Narnia may be up, but… if the chance happens to arise, you could always find your way back to him…" Caspian felt a wide grin split his lips.

"Thank you Aslan."

As the stood upon the white pearly sand, waiting to say goodbye, Edmund did not look at Caspian.

At least, not until the taller of the two wrapped the other in a tight goodbye hug.

"We will be reunited again. I promise," he whispered in the dark-haired one's ear before he pulled away. Edmund gave him a curious look but Caspian just smiled warmly before kissing his hand. "Goodbye my Just King."

"Please, call me Edmund."

"Goodbye my Edmund."

"Goodbye, my Caspian."

Only a handful of months had passed in Narnia before Caspian was given his chance to enter Edmund's world.

He had been standing in his parlor, looking at a grand mirror he had found hidden in a dark, cluttered closet when it happened.

The mirror was big, large enough that in showed his whole frame. He sighed dejectedly as he looked at his reflection. But, as he stepped a tad closer to inspect the mirror, he stumbled ever so slightly.

And headed straight towards the mirror.

Where the smooth reflective glass should have been though, there was nothing.

He had fallen through apparently.

He landed with a dull thump on carpeted ground, wincing at the burn of the rough material on his fingertips.

"What was that?!" a voice cried from somewhere below him. He thought he recognized that voice, but couldn't quite place it.

"Sounds like something fell!"

Slowly, he rose to his knees and looked around.

He saw a mirror right next to him; this, he supposed, was where he had come from. Upon further inspection, he found himself to be in a bedroom. A single bed and dresser occupied the otherwise bare room.

He got up as he heard hurried footsteps heading towards him. Keeping his head bowed, he hoped that whoever's home he had entered would not be too upset with him.

And then, there was an outcry of his name.

"Caspian!" Now, he looked up.

"Lucy!" he exclaimed, surprised when the young woman wrapped her arms around him in an excited hug.

"Caspian! What are you doing here? How did you get here? Oh, you must come downstairs! Peter and Edmund are on their way for lunch! How excited everyone will be to see you!" she exclaimed, already tugging on his arm.

"Wait, your majesty," he said, holding his ground. She stopped and looked at him in surprise before she giggled.

"Here, Caspian, I am just Lucy. No 'majesties' here, okay?" she said, patting his arm. "And the others are just Peter, Susan, and Edmund."

"Lucy… How much time has passed since you and Edmund were last in Narnia?" he asked, making the young woman's face become thoughtful.

"Perhaps a year I suppose. How long has it been for you?"

"Only a matter of months."

"Well then, come have lunch."

"First… Would you possibly have some common clothes that I may borrow? I feel quite out of place in mine," he said, glancing at his tattered pants and scuffed-up boots.

"Of course! I'm sure Susan has something around here," she muttered, pulling open drawer after drawer and finally producing some trousers and a shirt. "These should fit. Susan keeps clothes around for Peter and Edmund should they ever stay the night. Peter's about your size now."

"Is he? Hard to imagine."

"He hit a terrible growth-spurt. You go ahead and change. I'll wait outside for you," she said, giving him a happy grin before closing the door.

Lucy was so happy to see Caspian here. She knew that Edmund would be pleased; her brother had been heart-broken ever since he had had to leave the handsome king behind.

Now, they could be together once more.

"Peter! Edmund!" Lucy heard Susan call out as a door opened somewhere in the house. "It's so good to see you!"

"Where's Lu?" Peter asked, and Lucy smiled.

They would all be so surprised when she showed up with her guest!

"We heard something fall. She wandered off to check on it."

"Lucy?" Caspian asked, walking out of the room. She turned sharply and had to stifle her gasp. Caspian looked so at home in the clothes she had found; like he was meant to wear them. They were a perfect fit. "How do I look?"

"You'll sweep Edmund off his feet," she giggled, making Caspian blush slightly. "Shall we go to lunch?"

"Yes, we shall."

Edmund sighed as he lounged against Susan's kitchen counter, watching her prepare lunch.

"Ed," Peter said, clapping his younger brother on the shoulder, "You have to put Narnia, and Caspian, out of your thoughts."

"I can't. I loved him, and I loved that land. Knowing that I'll never see either again, it just… kills me inside." Peter exchanged a worried look with Susan, who was now frowning.

"It's been a year since you left Ed. You're not going back. You will never see him again. It's time to move on."

"Susan! I found out what the noise was!" Lucy exclaimed from somewhere down the hall.

"What was it?" Susan asked, too preoccupied with her food to look at her sister; in fact, they were all too busy to notice that Lucy wasn't alone when she entered the kitchen.

"Look for yourself!" Lucy said, her arm looped with Caspian's. Her siblings looked up finally, only for their jaws to drop.

"Caspian?" Edmund whispered, not believing his eyes.

"Hello my Edmund. I told you we would be reunited again."

So, I may leave this is a oneshot, maybe more if 1) I can think of more, and 2) if people actually want to see more...

Anyways, I hope ya'll liked it :)

And please review! Reviews are love!
