Black Rock Shooter sighed happily as she lazed atop the grave stone. She looked at her hand and admired the bluish-green ring that was on her ring finger. Her gaze dropped down to her precious Dead Master, her wife. Dead looked up at Rock and gave her a smile. Rock closed her eyes and smiled fondly at her memories.

Rock had planned this for months. She prepared everything. "Dead Master…" She sighed and looked at the ring she planned to give her beloved. "To be with you forever, would make me so happy…" She scratched her nose and walked into Dead Masters cathedral.
"Good evening Dead Master!" Dead looked down from her perch. She smiled at Rock. "Hello Rock-kun!" She jumped down and hugged Rock. Rock returned the love and wrapped her arms around Deads slim waist. "Hey Dead, do you mind if we go to the bedroom?"
"Sure, Come-on!" Dead Grabbed Rocks hand and brought her to the bedroom. They both sat down on the bed hands still locked together. "So, what did you want?" Rock looked down at the floor. 'Now's your chance, do it now, Now!' Rock got on one knee and held Deads hand. "Dead Master… You mean so much to me… A day without you by my side feels like hell. Dead Master, I want you, no, I need you… Dead Master…will you… Will you marry me?" Rock took out the ring and held it in her hand. Dead felt her chest tighten. "Oh Rock-Kun, of course I'll marry you!" She tackled Rock to the ground and kissed her. "I love you, I love you!"
"I love you too!" Rock let her hands wander down Dead Masters body. "Ah, Rock-kun." Rocks hand stopped in its tracks. "Dead Master, it would mean the world to me if I were able to make love to you on the night you accepted my proposal." Rock looked up at her soon to be wife with hope. "Of course Rock, I want to make love to you too." Rock smiled and pinned Dead down. "I promise I'll be gentle." Dead nodded and wrapped her arms around the young shooter.
The sweet song of passionate love echoed through the gothic cathedral all night. The next day Rock woke up late. "Man last night was so beautiful." She looked over to the naked form of Dead Master. "Heaven…!" She flopped back down and hugged Dead Masters beautiful body.

Rock got off of her perch and embraced the Master. She kissed her stomach bump. "How are you feeling today love?" Dead smiled at Rock. "Not too bad… Only 4 months left now." She stroked her stomach. "Good, I can't wait for her to arrive." Rock was so proud of Dead Master; she went through so much just for her. Soon they would have a proper small family. And that made her the happiest she's ever been. "Neither can I Rock-kun" She cuddled close to Rock and said "I love you."
"I love you too."