Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters.

"..." : speech

Italic : thought

Chapter 10.

I leaned back against my pillows and let the memories of the last day pass by me once again. It had been such a beautiful wedding. Not that I had anything to compare it with, but the atmosphere and scenery had been breath-taking.

And Sasuke… I couldn't help the sappy grin that stretched over my face when I thought about how he had looked so pretty in his new suit. Visions of him prancing around, patiently enduring the delighted women around him and taking in his surroundings with huge eyes kept replaying themselves in my head.

He had been so in awe when Konan walked down the aisle, his loud gasps earning a few chuckles from the people around us. She had looked absolutely stunning though; the dress complimenting her figure and the soft white fabric flowing around her in the soft sea breeze. But the thing that had made her shine the most was her smile. The way she had looked at the man that was waiting for her up front.

As soon as she had passed us, Sasuke had tugged on my sleeve and whispered in my ear;

"Is she an Angel?"

I hadn't been able to stop myself from wrapping an arm around him and pulling him tightly against me.

"The only Angel here is you, baby. But doesn't she look happy?"

Sasuke had nodded and kept on staring at the slowly moving girl on her father's arm.

"That's how people look when they have found true love."

The dark eyes had turned back at me and looked at me with such intent, that I had been on the verge of asking what he was thinking about. But the ceremony had started and the moment was gone.

I did get to find out what it had been all about though. Kakashi had passed his driver's exam a little earlier that month and he had insisted on driving us back home. I had cuddled up with a sleepy little brother in the back seat and was idly talking to my friend about the day's occurrences, assuming that Sasuke had already fallen asleep.

But the cutest little murmur had drawn our attention back to the messy little heap in my arms.


"What is it baby?"

He had rubbed his eyes and looked at me with that same intense look he had just before the ceremony.

"When I grow up, can I marry you?"

Kakashi had laughed out loud, a huge grin on his face.

"That's so cute, Chibi. Do you want to wear a pretty dress like that too then?"

But Sasuke had just lifted up his head a little, too tired to even respond to the playful teasing.

"No, I just want to marry Aniki. I want to make him just as happy as the lady looked."

It had just been quiet afterwards, Kakashi still grinning widely and winking at me through the rear-view mirror.

I clenched my hands around my sheets as that same warmth filled me when I remembered those sweet whispers. My heart swelled up with love to the point of bursting and I quickly got up and made my way quietly to Sasuke's room.

Moving slowly to not wake the sleeping boy, I slid underneath his sheets and curled up around him, inhaling his heavenly scent.

God, I love you so much Sasuke…

Itachi: 18 years old

Sasuke: 10 years old

When we were finally ready to move in to the new apartment, I decided to throw a little housewarming party for some of my friends and colleagues, who had helped out a lot. Sometimes it still amazed me how someone as quiet and self-absorbed as I am, could end up with friends like that. So I thanked them the only way I knew how; offer them some free drinks and fun.

Sasuke would be home later that night, being dragged around by Kakashi at some mandatory museum for school, so at the moment I could drink and dance without having to worry about setting a wrong example for the sweet little boy. Despite his age, he was barely a typical pre-teen. Punctual, neat, well mannered, shy, sometimes even bordering on secluded. It did sometimes worry me that he still didn't seem to have a lot of friends, save for the ever loyal Hyuga boy. But on the other hand, his unwavering love and adoration towards me was really tickling my self-esteem.

Anyway, the party was already a success only 5 minutes after my friends had arrived. Loud music, dancing and drinking was all I needed to blow off a little steam. Maybe a bit too much to drink. One hour in, I wasn't really drunk yet, but I was feeling the alcohol in my blood and noticed my inhibitions melt like snow in the sun. It felt good, not having any worries, even if it was for a little while.

I heard the front door slam and saw Kakashi walk down the hallway with a grin on his face and a wide-eyed Sasuke tucked safely underneath his arm. Kakashi whispered into the boy's ear and pointed in my direction, while I was already making my way through the small crowd towards them.

"There's my pretty baby! Did you have fun Sasuke?"

I was aware my words were slurring a little, but somehow I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around the lithe frame of my Otouto, and stared into the dark and twinkling eyes.

"Are you drunk, Nii-san?"

He chuckled curiously. I gave him a mock frown and poked his forehead.

"Of course not, foolish Otouto... If I was drunk, could I do this?"

Then I picked him up and hoisted him over my shoulder, while he squealed with joy. I loved hearing him laugh like that. So carefree and happy. That's how he should be. Enjoying life without having to worry about a thing.

I walked down the hall and put him down on his bed.

"Can't I come in for the party Nii-san? It looks like it is so much fun..."

I put a finger on his lips before he could pout at me. I wasn't sure I could stand up to that cute little face in my current condition.

"Shush baby, it's late..."

His pretty face fell a little, which never failed to make me feel bad.

"Now what's with that frown? Don't you know I have the perfect medicine for that?"

A brief flash of recognition graced his features before it was already too late for him. I grabbed his waist and started to tickle him all over. His sides, his neck, his feet, until he was breathless and flushed from laughing.

"Nyaaaahh... Nii-san stop! Aahahaa... noooo!"

"I just want to see you smile baby."

"Pleaaaaase, N-Nii-san! No more, I-I can't… breathe…"

I grinned at his disheveled state and ruffled up his silky black hair a bit more.

"Now that's a lot better Otouto!"

He fell back on his brand new bed, still giggling while he tried to catch his breath. His hair was messy and falling in front of his face, dark eyes shining, a fierce blush on his nose and cheeks and his rosy lips wet and heaving under his breaths. A pang of guilt shot through me when I realized my slowly awakening arousal.

I should have left the room that very moment, but I didn't. I lay down beside him and nuzzled my face in his neck. He turned on his side and looked at me happily with those beautiful ebony eyes, and I was just trapped inside of them. How could someone so innocent have me so hypnotized? I noticed that I had inched closer to his face, while I was stroking his black hair away from his forehead.

His full lips had never looked more inviting and I just craved for a little taste. Without thinking I pressed my lips against his and put an arm around his tiny waist to pull him closer to me. I had almost expected him to struggle and turn away from me. But instead he sighed and wrapped his arms around my neck, moving his pouty lips against mine. This went on for a few minutes, just the softest touch of lips, kissing his upper lip, his plump bottom lip, the corner of his mouth... I felt like I was in heaven. Until I noticed how hard I was getting. I had to stop this...

I pried his arms away from me and pulled back a little. The soft little mewls of protest made me smile as I looked at his still flushed face.

"I love you so much Sasuke..."

I whispered against his ear. He smiled that irresistible little smile of his and put one hand on my face.

"I love you too, Nii-san!"

"Promise me this Otouto; promise me that you will always be my sweet little baby, my beautiful Angel and the love of my life!"

"I promise Nii-san."

Even though he might not have fully comprehended my words, his soft reply made me happy nonetheless. Then his adorable smile turned into a cheeky grin when he said

"Seal it with another kiss?"

My face actually hurt from smiling so widely. That naughty little...

"Maa Otouto, tricking your dearest Aniki into more kisses? You're such a bad little boy, Otouto!"

I had started nuzzling his neck and began to playfully bite every ticklish spot he had. Sasuke's beautiful voice sounding so happy and carefree, it warmed me to my core. I made him feel like that. I made my Otouto happy. I ended up on his mouth again, softly nipping on his addictive bottom lip.

The content little sigh I was rewarded with, brought me back to earth. Those beautiful dark eyes were hypnotizing me once again.


"Yes baby?"

"Those were real kisses right?"

I looked at him tentatively. Had I taken it too far? I mentally slapped myself. Of course I had taken it too far; I just KISSED my baby brother.

But my prolonged silence had turned the happiness in Sasuke's huge eyes into hurt and rejection. For some reason I couldn't shake the feeling that he might have enjoyed our little make-out session (even though it was still quite innocent) almost as much as I had.

"Yes Otouto, those were real kisses."

He fumbled with the collar of my shirt for a while, biting his bottom lip in the process. Then he looked back into my eyes, a small hint of insecurity fluttering over his pretty face.

"I learned in school that real kisses are only for special people, people that you love the most. Does that mean I'm special to you Nii-san?"

I stared into his eyes for a few moments before I realized I was supposed to answer his question.

"Baby, you are the most special person in my life. I love you more than anything or anyone. I need you to promise me that you will never, EVER forget that."

My reward was another one of his beautiful smiles, lighting up the room like the sun.

"I promise that too, Aniki."

To Be Continued...