This was rewriten and edited in a hurry, so if something's OOC, misspelled or just out of wack, appologies. I'll fix it later. (Hums Nirvana's 'All Appologies'.)

And thanks to everyone's who has reviewed so far!


Devi blinked. Had he just said… "GIVE you a MINUTE?!"

"Well, you don't expect me to make a decidion like this quickly, do you?!" Nny said, playing with his fingers.

"What decidion?! Really! WHAT?!" Devi said, feeling her face turning red, "Just tell me yes or no!"

"I will! Gnh! Just give me a minute…"

"Look…" Devi started, raising a hand to touch his shoulder.

"NHA!" Nny screamed, jerking away, "Evil fish! FISH! Foo!"

Devi slammed her fists against her head. "That's it!"

"Gah! WHERE?!" Nny said, as he started slapping at his arms and legs like he was being eaten by spiders.

"I said, 'That's it.' as in 'I can't take this'!" she said.


"This!" Devi said, furiously pulling her boots on,"I can't live with you screaming bloody murder when I try to TOUCH you or you saying you have to stop and think about simple fucking decidions!" she slammed the door as she left the car, and started making her way down the parking lot.

"Where are you going?" Nny screamed out the car window.

"Home! It's a fucking long walk, but it's not like I have any other choice!" Devi said, stomping off. She had calmed down a little by the time she got to the soccer field, and, on impulse, looked back.

He was following her.

Shit. She walked faster. Looked back.

He was matching her.

They both started running.

In the middle of the field Devi started to turn mid-stride, aiming to send a kick into Nny's quickly approaching face. Unfortunatly, she miscalculated at the last second and her full weight went down wrong on her ankle.

"AGGGG!!!! SONOFABITCHHH!!!!!!" Devi screamed as she fell onto the hard earth, clutching her foot, "FUCK! FUCK YOU FUCKING FUCKER!!!!"

When the pain had died down enough so that she wasn't seeing stars in front of her eyes, she looked up and saw Nny looking down at her, confused.

"Well?!" she asked, hurting.

She felt his hands trying to pick her up. She fought him a few times, and a few of the punches that connected sounded like they really hurt, but in the end she was clinging to his neck as he helped her hobble back to the car. Her foot was throbbing like mad and only started hurting worse when he uncerimoniously tossed her into the drivers seat.

"Hey! Asshole! Watch where…" she said, struggling to at least sit up and get at least one more good punch in. In the process she managed to slam her already injured foot into the car door, who, for once that night, haddn't been bothering anyone. Pain exploded all the way up to her hip. She started wondering if she finally broke something. It was possible. Fucking fantastic. How the hell she was going to get to a hospital from here?

"Was it the gnomes?" Nny asked, looking down at her in confusion.

"Shut up. Just… SHUT up," she said through gritted teeth.


Nny elevated the twisted ankle with a finger and looked at it suspciously. "Does it need to be amputated?"

"No!" Devi said quickly. "I need an ice pack, not a bone saw!"

"Hmph. No need to jump to conclusions." he said, disapointed. And he had a perfectly good autopsy saw that haddn't been used in weeks. Just sitting in his trunk!

"I wouldn't have had to jump at all if you haddn't ran after me."

"I wouldn't have ran after you if you haddn't started running in the first place."

"Rather skilled at passing the blame, aren'tcha?"

"And you aren't. Phah!"

"Bite me." Devi said, as he rubbed her foot.

He looked at her painted toes. He had to find this color in normal paint form. He poked Devi's stunted big toe a couple times. "…Why did you leave in the first place?" he asked.

"Because you didn't get it." Devi said sharply.

"Huh?" Nny asked, distracted. "Oh. Get what?"


It? It what? "…OK.."

"See?" Devi insisted.

"Hey… HEY! Fuck off!" Jezus. Just because he got all defensive was no reason for her to get all defensive. "And answer the damn question."

"I did!"

"Well what the hell is IT anyway?!"

"What we came out here to do!"

"…'IT' is why you forced me to come out here?"

"GodDAMMIT you fucking spaz, you don't understand that I wasn't trying to FORCE anything on you?! I was trying to get you to... I wanted... Dammit, I was having fun!" she stopped herself, and thought before she added, " I... was having alot of fun with you that night. And after a while I just wanted you to reach out and touch… and..." she shook her head. "I was a moron. But… I figured when you didn't get all the other hints I had been dropping, I could try to give you a little nudge... Heh. Nudge. Right."

"You.. like it when people touch you?" Fuck if this wasn't a confusing night.

"Sometimes. Depends on the person." Devi said, bitterly, "I would have liked it if you had touched me. But, what can you to do?"

Neither of them spoke, for a while. The crickets out in the distance were pounding on his brain like a jet taking off.

Devi, carefully, slipped into the passangers side. "Well? Aren't you going to help me get home?" she said.

"You… you mean I paid you back?" Nny asked.

"Whatever." She said. She was really focused on rubbing her ankle.

"Well, did I or didn't I?" he asked, "I won't have to do something later-"

"Look…Just get me back to my apartment." Devi told him, sharply.

He watched her, and figured she wouldn't bring it up again. That was… good. It wasn't the way he had wanted to get out of it, but it was still good. He started the engine. He nodded to himself. Good. This was good.


He sat there with the engine running, still in park, and before he could stop himself, leaned over and gave Devi a shy kiss on her cheek. When he pulled back, she was looking at him all funny.

"Just… sorry." was all he managed to get out.

She didn't do anything, so he reached down to put the car in reverse.

And then all at once his head was tilted back to her, and she was kissing him. On the lips.

Like Thursday. His panic signals were going off like mad, but he forced them down. Don't let them get to you… think of how she looked after she found her toaster. Just take it like… had she said boyscout?

Exactly what did a boyscout have to ta-GAH! Mouth Eel! Mout… oh. OH. That's what that was.

Well… that made more sense than he thought it would.

Not entirely unpleasent either, once you got used to it… and the way Devi was pulling him closer.. and her hands going to…


They broke apart abruptly, frantically gasping for air.

"Turn… the fucking motor… off." Devi growled.