Here's the second chapter I hope everyone enjoys!

Hotch wasn't quite sure how to be a friend sometimes, a supervisor with words of wisdom yes, but a friend who knew how to listen and find the right words to say, no.

Emily was someone he had grown fond of and that made him nervous, it almost made him afraid of looking like a complete idiot, saying something completely stupid or getting his words all jumbled up.

As he approached her door, his heart was beating out of his chest. Just be yourself, be her friend, someone she can learn to trust, someone she can learn to love. Hotch stopped at the completion of his thought, realizing just how much he truly had feelings for her, but at the same time it made him mad, he had no right to think of her like that. Standing outside her door he was trying to analyze his feelings for her before knocking, when the door opened. He looked up from the floor, to see her standing there with a sullen face that yet seemed to be pleading silently for someone to talk to. Again he felt the sudden urge to pull her in his arms, but he restrained and thought, was she waiting for me to come, she never answered my call, so how did she know I was here. Maybe she was waiting, because whether she wanted to admit it or not she really did need someone to talk to.

Leaned against the edge of her door she said, "I got your message."

"I just want to talk."

Emily looked into his eyes and could see that he seemed to be feeling the same hurt she was, sympathizing with her emotions. It lit a fire inside her, and suddenly gave a new perspective on who her boss is. The last thing I need is a lecture, why does he seem to care so much anyways? "We tried talking today and it didn't work. There is nothing you can say to change my mind."

Hotch felt the distance suddenly grow between them and he didn't like it. Determined to talk to her and hear how she feels he decided to be persistent. "I'd like to talk to you as a friend."

A friend? How could I say no to that? "Come in." She said opening the door all the way for him to enter. "Would you like some coffee or something to drink?"

"Coffee would be fine, thanks." He said as she shut the door behind them.

Emily motioned her hand towards the living room, "If you'd like to have a seat, I'll be right out."

Hotch nodded his head and walked towards the love seat, hoping that when she came out with his coffee she would sit next to him. Looking towards the kitchen he would catch a slight glimpse of her as she moved about. Her figure seemed to be flattered by the gray, fitted tank top she wore, that connected with her soft, black sleeping pants that fell just perfectly around the lower section of her body highlighting the right parts. Loose strands of hair were tucked behind her ear, as her pony tail slightly drooped, giving her a comfortable look. As she walked out from the kitchen, Hotch quickly turned his head, feeling his face slightly blush from checking her out. He quickly picked up a magazine and sat it back down, when she stuck out a cup of hot coffee in front of him. When he grabbed the mug his fingers gently brushed overtop hers, making it feel as though an electricity shot through his veins. "Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." She said, taking the seat across from him, to Hotch's disappointment.

They both were quiet for a moment, as if each of them were waiting for the other to say something. It was an awkward silence with an exchange of awkward glances until Hotch finally said, "So you've seriously considered leaving the BAU?"

"I've not just considered it, I am. It's just not for me anymore." Those words stuck her like a knife, it hurt her to leave but it hurt her to stay.

Hotch saw the look of relief accompanied with a look of sadness. "I think you should re-consider coming back."

"Hotch…" Emily went to rebuttal but was cut off.

"Please just hear me out. Being new to the team I haven't given you enough credit. You do great work, you are good profiler, a selfless human being, you care so much about what you do and over the past year you have become a member of this team. There were times you overcompensated to fit in, when you already did. You belong on this team, and I'm not just speaking for myself when I say we don't want you to leave."

Feeling a little embarrassed and humbled by what he said, she wasn't sure what to say. "I just don't think I can." Her voice wavered slightly as she held back a few tears.

"Can I ask why? If it's just from today, from one incident I think you're making a mistake." Hotch told her.

"It wasn't just today, although today kind of pushed me over the top. It made me question if what I do is really helping anybody or if it's just a waste. With every case it becomes harder to compartmentalize when I walk onto a crime scene. Instead of it being a dead body, it has become a person and I think about what kind of life their missing out on or what kind of pain they had to suffer. Then all this begins to build up and becomes overwhelming. The worst part is we could have 8 dead bodies and bring one killer to justice in a week's time. What about all the other killers out there? I hold this all inside of me and when I come home I have no one to talk to except an empty house and that in itself is a torture." Emily takes a sip of her coffee wondering why in the world she felt comfortable enough to tell her boss how she felt, and suddenly she felt vulnerable, and mad at herself being selfish, caring only how she feels. Feeling the need to apologize she did, "I'm sorry, I'm sure you didn't want to hear all of that." She said looking down into her coffee cup.

Hotch knew how she felt, because there comes a time in this particular job that all of them feel the same things she was feeling. "No need to apologize. The way you feel we've all felt at one point or another, and like you we just don't show it, but there comes a point when we need too and then we begin to feel a little better knowing were not alone in this. Whether it' s me, Morgan, JJ, or another member of this team we are here for each other and know that any time you want to talk we are here for you."

"I appreciate that. I know what I said seems selfish." Emily now felt stupid, never thinking that they all went through the same thing.

"It's not selfish; you needed someone to talk to. You're hurt and I'm glad you decided to share those feelings with me."

Emily heard him say the words You're Hurt and they seem to pierce into her very soul. Looking at him with tear filled eyes, she suddenly wanted to fall into his arms and be comforted by his embrace. He listened, saw her needs and addressed them in a way that was comforting, his attention to her own feelings made her see Hotch as a friend and maybe something more.

Hotch wanted desperately to be next to her, and more than anything he wanted her to come back. He placed his coffee on the coffee table, and rested his elbows on his knees, allowing himself to lean closer in her direction, "Please, I want you to come back. You are a member of this team and we need you. You make a difference, imprinting on our lives and those of others. There are days when you will be able to compartmentalize and show restraint, and then there are days when you want to give your own justice and that's understandable, but it's not something to run away from. We need you Emily. I need you." Hotch hadn't even realized what he said, he had become so comfortable with her, talking to her, that his feelings had started seeping out.

Did he really say, I need you? He needs me. Suddenly Emily became aware that she too needed him, in what way or form she wasn't sure and those feelings almost scared her. Time had passed with no response to what he said and the next thing she felt was his hand placed on top of hers. She looked down at his hand gently touching hers.

"I'll make a deal with you. If you're go bag is ready and packed, come in the office at 10am tomorrow morning to brief the new case, if not then you can quit without another word from me." Hotch watched as Emily looked behind her in the bedroom, he too looked where her eyes were fixed and saw the clothes and her go bag scattered on the floor. Hotch's heart sunk, but he decided to make a quick recovery, "Okay bad deal. Instead do this, search your heart and look deep inside to what really matters and what you care about. If I'm right you will see that this is what you're meant to do. If you don't show up for the briefing tomorrow then I was wrong about you. You weren't the person I thought you were." Hotch ended it there. He stood up and went to walk out the door.

Emily followed behind him, "So that's it." She said.

"I hope not." He replied almost sadly, then he walked out the door.

Morning came and the clock hit 10am. JJ had started to give the briefing and Hotch began to feel sick at his stomach. Maybe I was too harsh. I shouldn't have left like that. How could I expect her to come back after what I said? Someone you cared about just walked out of your life forever. Hotch watched as JJ spoke but everything seemed to be silent. His thoughts were consumed by Emily. Then as he was about to get up and have a moment to himself he felt a touch on his back.

"I'm sorry I'm late. There was a car accident and I got stuck in traffic." She said with a smile, after she touched Hotch and took a seat next to him.

"Don't make a habit of it." Hotch said sternly.

"Yes sir." She replied.

After the briefing Hotch asked Emily to come into his office. Again neither one of them sat down, "I'm glad to see you came back."

"I have you to thank for it. You opened my eyes and made me see the situation differently with a new perspective."

"Promise me something. If you have a bad day or need someone to talk to, you will. And if you're comfortable I'd like it if you'd talk to me." Hotch couldn't believe his own words, he made it personal, but she didn't seem to waver from the idea, so he remained hopeful.

"It's a promise, and it's also a promise that I will talk to you. Something has changed about you since last night, you are a good friend and someone I can trust and I want to thank you for what you did. I don't think I would be here if you hadn't of stopped by. You saw the best in me when I didn't."

"I'm glad I stopped." Hotch said with his ever attractive smile.

Emily turned to walk out, feeling it was a good spot to end the conversation.

Hotch didn't want to her to leave, "Emily?"

She turned around, "Yeah?"

"I…uh…I…uh…" He couldn't say it, it wasn't the right time to ask her on a date so he played it off, "I…guess I'll see you on the plane."

"I guess you will." Her smile seemed slightly seductive before she turned around and walked out.

I'd like to know what everyone thought! Thank you for reading and all the reviews! They really made my day!