This is a two chapter story I came up with! I won't leave this one hanging like I did on The Case File! I hope everyone enjoys!

This is around season three, but Hotch has already had the divorce!

Two black SUV's were in a high speed chase down River Road. The killers were barreling ahead in front of them, suddenly fish-tailing on the wet bridge, the first SUV couldn't keep from skidding as Morgan slammed on the breaks and they were sent hitting the corner of its bumper, sending it over the edge of the bridge, plummeting into the river with a mother and her two kids trapped as victims in the back seat.

The SUV's finally came to a grinding halt. When the agents exited the vehicles JJ and Morgan spotted the heads of the two un-subs popping out of the water and that became their main focus while Hotch and Prentiss dove off the bridge without a thought of their own life.

Rossi and Reid were minutes away in quick pursuit, leading the ambulances and backup.

Under the water Hotch and Emily went to opposite sides of the vehicle, knowing there was a little girl on each side, they spotted through the back windshield, during the chase. They tried to open the doors as their lungs tightened and their eyes burned in the murkiness.

Through the glass panes, the mother could easily be seen struggling to get out of her seat belt.

In the urgency of the situation, Hotch finally got his door open and swiftly pulled out the little girl closest to him, immediately pushing himself back to the surface.

Emily saw the door was open and she swam around to the other side. By the time she reached the opening, she was struggling to hold her breath so she swam to the top and quickly came back down. Maneuvering through the opening she jerked on the mother's seatbelt but was quickly motioned to grab the small girl. Emily reached over top the mother and pulled out the unconscious little girl. Violently she forced herself to the surface where she was met by JJ who retrieved the girl from her arms.

Hotch passed by JJ as he was coming back into the water from the grassy bank and with Emily they both swam back to the opening of the vehicle. The mother's body was lifeless, with her arms floating shoulder high and her hair flowing about her face. Hotch slipped in and cut her seatbelt. With this achieved it took both him and Emily to pull her out, and get her to the surface.

They pulled her to the bank where Rossi and Reid met them pulling her out of their arms. With their presence, it was known the ambulance had finally arrived.

Emily was the last one out of the water, as she crawled onto the grass she observed the limited number of medics, JJ, Rossi and Reid as they were doing what they could to save the victims. Emily was still trying to catch her breath, as she was sitting on her knees, next to Hotch who too was watching the scene unfold.

Finally the second ambulance arrived relieving the team that was helping in CPR. It was minutes after a torturous wait that the 4 year old girl Emily had pulled out was declared dead, followed by the mom. It was becoming harder for her to hold back those painful tears as she looked at the lifeless bodies. The only peace of mind they received was that the 11 year old girl Hotch had retrieved survived.

Emily looked around at the chaos and one of the un-subs caught her attention. With no warning she bolted after him, partially slipping on the wet grass as she got to her feet. Swiftly her hands wrapped around his neck, as Morgan tried to pull him away from her, but Emily was relentless, her intent was to kill him. Hotch and Rossi were quick behind to drag her off of him. When they did finally get her away, she jerked her arms out of their grasp, making no eye contact, she wiped the tears that had mixed with her already wet face and headed towards the SUV.

Behind her she heard the un-sub laughing, her solitude in the SUV was the only thing that muted his demonic laughter, but it didn't hide his hideous face. Behind the tinted windows she allowed herself to actually cry, as guilt consumed her, she couldn't save them. Her heart broke into tiny pieces as the bodies were covered.

When the team wrapped up the scene and started heading back towards the SUV she dried up her tears and stared blankly out the window. The drive back to Quantico, was silent and excruciating, the members of the team knew better than to try and fix Emily's feelings, they held a small fear of her defending herself and lashing out at them in anger of what happened, so they just sat silent, listening to the hum of the engine.

When they entered the bull pen Emily's sadness had been overtaken with anger. Hotch called her into his office, as he walked past her before she even had time to sit down.

How Emily hated being called into his office, it was like going to see the principal, but yet she never refused or put up a fight. Her feet squished in her shoes as she followed him up the stairs through his doorway. Once in his office she pushed the door shut behind her. Standing tall she waited for what he had to say.

Hotch took no time to sit down or keep a professional distance from her. He stood there, hurting because she was, he so wanted to make her hurt go away but he didn't know how. Over the past few months he had developed an affection for her, an almost love that seemed to tug at his heartstrings, wanting more of her everyday that went by, but being Hotch, he masked those feelings and diverted them to trying to be a friend. His arms almost forced themselves around her for comfort, as he watched her shut the door, but he restrained himself by saying, "What happened back there wasn't your fault."

Emily didn't think she just vented back her frustration, "How can you even say that? What if I could of held my breath a little longer, or if I was stronger, maybe I could have got that girl out in time and she wouldn't be dead! And then there's the mother, dead!"

"Because we were there we were able to save one." Hotch said, immediately regretting what he had said. It really was no excuse or comforting in the least bit, not in this situation.

"Yeah one Hotch, one. That's it!"

"Isn't one better than none?" Great another stupid comment, thinking positive is only making this situation worse. Hotch thought mad at himself.

"I don't know. That little girl has to grow up without a mother and the torture for the rest of her life knowing what happened to them, knowing they suffered and blaming me! I don't know how much more I can take! What I did today was absolutely useless!"

"You didn't think twice about jumping in to save them." Hotch said softly, wondering himself where he was going with this comment.

"And your point?"

"It is because you care so much about people that you are good at this job. Your selfless acts make a difference in how a case may turn out. The girl you pulled out of the water today died within the first ten seconds."

"It's a waste Hotch, a waste, it doesn't matter when she died! I don't know if I can do this anymore! If it had been Morgan or someone else maybe one or both of them would still be alive! I just…I just can't do this anymore, being responsible for the loss of innocent lives!" She flung open the door and stormed out.

Hotch's arms almost reached out to pull her back in, he didn't want her to leave, he wanted to comfort her and help her through this but he didn't know how. "Emily!" Hotch said stepping out of his door, when he realized he had caught the unecessary attention of the agents on the floor, he felt embarassed and stepped back into his office.

Rossi heard and saw her leave, upon her departure he allowed himself to walk over to Hotch's office. By the time he walked around the corner of the doorway Hotch was sat down at his desk. "What happened?"

"I don't know. As far as I know she may not be back tomarrow." Those words bit him like a snake, the thoughts of not seeing her again or working with her made him feel sick.

"Maybe you should give her a call, speak to her as a friend and not as a supervisor."

"I tried that and it didn't work." Some effort there Hotch, maybe you should actually show your real feelings, instead of hiding them and sounding like an idiot when you speak to her. He told himself.

"I mean go see her, talk to her, share a cup of coffee or something." Rossi said, with the intent of persuading him.

"I don't know how much good it will do." He said even though the idea sounded pleasing, being in an intimate setting, in her own house sounded so good, but would it be appropriate? Hotch was beginning to lose sight of his boundaries and professionalism as his feelings for Emily began to break through. And for a profiler like Rossi, those feelings had to be evident.

"It never hurts to try." Rossi said winking at him.

Well I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! I'd love to know what you think!