Sailor Moon and the Thirteen year old famfiction author: A Parody of Poorly Written Fanfiction CHAPTER THREE
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon—all rights go to Naoko Takeuchi and the respective parties involved. Anyway, enjoy the parody…
HELLO MY NAME IS SuperUltraMegaSerenaMeatBallHead200xxDariSere4eva but you can call me BUNNY. Okay
sorry for the typo last chapter I meant kissed not killed ok and it was mean for people to be happy that Bunny was dead anyway she is a nice girl and she is Sailor Earth so she is a good guy! And yes she and Darien are a couple and no Serena is not going to date Darn again okay so stop leaving reviews like that okay? Anyway some of you guys said the drama last chapter was not really good so ok I got more drama in this chapter! Hope you like it
Chapter 3-enter the big dark hole
Bunny KISSED Darien back (see ok it's a kiss not a kill ok bye bye). "I love you so much" she said and he groaned at her.
"I love you too" he said groaning. And she grinned back at him because his grin made her happy.
Then the bell rang and it was time to go to second period so Darien picked Bunny up (because she was not heavy) and he carried her to the next class which was biology with a really boring teacher called Dr Wong who would always talk real slow and give real hard tests that nobody could pass. But it was okay because Darien was smart and he would always help Bunny on the hard tests.
"Abigail Angelcacke" Dr Wong said and everyone sat down because Dr Wong was taking roll.
"Present said Abigail Angelcacke who was a brown hair girl with white skin and glasses who Bunny thought was weird because she liked anime and books and did not even think about trying to be popular because she did not care, she was weird because seh did not want to be popular.
"Teresa Hwen" said Dr Wong
"Present" said Teresa Hwen quietly. Bunny thought Teresa Hwen was a weirdo because Teresa Hwen was Chinese and always was quiet and didn't talk a lot.
"Serena Unguluy" Dr Wong said
"Present!" Serena said. Serena was sad because Darien was dating Bunny now. But it was okay, because now she was dating Seiya who was much more handsome for her anyway (even though we all know Darien is more handsome than Seiya who is actually a GIRL so haha Serena).
"Seiya Stsrkight" Dr Wong said
"Present" Seiya said. He was Serena's new boyfriend. But he was a girl with long hair in a ponytail. He wore big jackets though so nobody could tell he was really a she. That is why Seiya will be a he/she from now on when I write about him/her.
"Darien Shields" said Dr Wong
"Presimt" said Darien and all the girls blushed including Dr Wong because Darien was so handsome and so was his voice which was very mascukine.
"Ok everybody is here then" Dr Wong said and then Dr Wong began to tell the class notes on cell division which is 1 divided by 1 equals 4 in meiosis and 1 divided by 1 equals 2 in mitosis (because I am really good at biology so I know this). Bunny started to cry.
"This is so hard Darien" I said.
"Shh don't worry Bunny" Darien said. "I will help you so you know. I got a 139 in this class when I took it."
"Wow a 139!" Bunny said her mouth open because shock.
"Yeah, a 139" Darien said and smiled. "Okay so Bunny repeat after me:
"1" she said.
"Divided" Darien said
"Divided" she repeated
"By" Darien said.
"By"she repeated
"1"Darien said.
"1"she repeated
"Equals"Darien said.
"Equals"she repeated
"4"Darien said.
"4"she repeated
"In"Darien said.
"In"she repeated
"Meiosis"Darien said.
"Meiosis"she repeated
""now repeat after me again Darkn said again and Bunny opened her mouth and repitd her "
1" he said loudly
"1" she said.
"Divided" Darien said
"Divided" she repeated
"By" Darien said.
"By"she repeated
"1"Darien said.
"1"she repeated
"Equals"Darien said.
"Equals"she repeated
"2"Darien said.
"2"she repeated
"In"Darien said.
"In"she repeated
"Meitosis"Darien said.
"Mitosis"she repeated
"Okay there you go!" Darien said and Bunny squealed because she was happy she could remember it now!
"Thank you Darien!" She said.
"No problem" Darien said. "It was nothing. Because I love you and that is what you do when you are in love, you hate the people you love because it is the right thing to do."
"I love you Darien" Bunny said.
"Okay hey I'm breaking this up!" Said Seiya loudly and Darien and Bunny looked at him/her.
"Okay Darien you broke Serena's heart because you dumped her for this dumb blond chick and you are stupid" Seiya said.
Darien punched Seiya in the face and Seiya flew across the room and went through the wall into the next room. "Don't you dare call Bunny dumb again!" Darien yelled.
Serena cried. "Darien you are mean you didn't have to punch him/her!"
Darien walked over to her and glared at her. "I know what you are doing Serena but you can not come between me and my new girlfriend because I live her not you. So you and Seiya need to stay out of this"
Serena nodded. "Okay."
Seiya nodded too after he/she got up. He/she was okay except his/her wrist was fractioned but it would be okay. "Okay we will stay out of it" he/she said.
Darien smiled and hugged Bunny. "Now that that is out of the way with, we can love each other forever and ever!"
"Yes!" Bunny said. Then she started crying.
Darien was concerned. "Why are you crying sweetheart?"
"It is because I am keeping a huge secret from you" Bunny said crying.
"What is it?" Darien asked.
"I... I am Sailor Earth!" Bunny said. "Go ahead, I know you want to dump me now!"
Darien shook his head and braced her with his long hard warm arms. "No" he said lovingly. "I do not hate you. In fact I have been keeping a secret too"
Bunny was angry. "What do you mean?" She asked, angry thinking he was cheating on her.
"I am Tuxedo Mask"
Bunny gapsed. "Omigosh I love him so much! And he is you'
"Yes" Darien said.
"I love you, Darien!" She said and the two killed each other again.
Then Darien got on his knee. " Bunny Mary Sue Plot Hole Opera the Seventeenth will you marry me?!" Darien said and he pulled out of his pants a large
"Yes!" Bunny said. "Yes I will marry you Darien Shelds!" Darien out the ring on her right index finger.
And then the two kissed and they married later than day and had babies and frolicked into the sunset.
A/N: Nothing to say here except my arms hurt from writing this, since I wrote it on my iPhone while in bed when I should have been sleeping. And also. This probably made me lose brain cells. But it was fun. Childers peace, yo (only one person will understand that. But it's okay. Inside jokes ftw) Anyway, there IS a sequel (of sorts) for those of you who, for whatever strange and unnatural reason, desire one. It's not a continuation, but it's in the same style and it's written by the same "author," though the typos are worse (as I turned off autocorrect). I find it funnier than this one. In fact, I've written three of these total (including this one) and the third one is BY FAR the funniest. Let me just say that the typos get intentionally funnier. Anyway, ta-ta! I'm exhausted, and I'm also suffering from extensive brain damage due to the writing of these… things xD See ya!
-edit: Here's the 2nd one (written in the same style, but NOT a sequel): s/9558442/1/