Chapter 14: Chapter 14 (by Deathsembrace137)

Chapter Fourteen

Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail

"So, are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked nervously, watching as Laxus shoved some clothes into a bag.

Laxus rolled his eyes and nodded his head, "Yes, Lucy. I swear I'm fine. Wendy and Porlyusica both gave me a clean bill of health. I'm ready to go home. Besides, it's not like I'll be alone, right?" he asked, giving me a pointed look.

I laughed, and nodded my head, stepping swiftly up to him to plant a kiss on his bare shoulder. I seriously loved how this man always wore sleeveless shirts, I mean, those arms... I'd never get over drooling.

Laxus smiled down at me and wrapped an arm over my shoulder, while lifting his pack over his own. "Ready to see where I live, then?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yes, I can't wait to see it. Freed mentioned that it was in a real beautiful location, but he wouldn't tell me anything else about it. He seems to think I'll like it."

"You'll like it," Laxus assured, but otherwise kept quiet, a small secret smile on his lips. He was clearly excited to bring me fully into his life, and to say I was excited as well, was an understatement. I couldn't wait to see where he spent his time, how he spent his days. I couldn't wait to know everything possible about this man.

We had spent the last couple days in his bed at the infirmary talking each others ears off. Even Laxus, the usually quiet and keep to himself man, was completely open. We'd shared stories of our pasts, and dreams and hopes for our futures. And well. We didn't just talk either. It was Laxus after all. Though I had been careful to not let things get as far as they had in the shower, which wasn't easy. But now he had his permission to head home, and resume his usual activities, so we were out of here. And Laxus couldn't seem to leave fast enough. The instant he got the news, he was up and getting ready.

I laughed as Laxus all but steered me out the doorway, forcing me to take large steps to accommodate his own speed, though as soon as we were out of the infirmary we slowed down a bit. Instead of taking me down the front of the guild, he turned a corner and led me out the back, at my curious gaze, he shrugged, "There's a ton of people out front, I don't want to be bombarded. We have stuff to do."

I sighed and nodded. It was true. We did have stuff to do. First he would show me where he lived. Then, I had to head to my apartment to get ready. There was a party being held in his honor tonight, and though it was supposed to be a celebration that Laxus was well again, it had quickly turned into a congratulations on the new couple party as well. But getting ready wasn't all I had to do.

In the days we spent in his bed in the infirmary, Laxus had convinced me to move in with him. Not that he had to do much to convince me. The simple fact was, neither of us wanted to be parted from each other. So, we had decided that tonight, while at the party, my Spirits would pack my apartment, and I'd move into Laxus home. Most people would think us moving in together was moving too fast, but for us, it felt right.

We had experienced the fear of losing each other, and in that, we had experienced just how much we both needed, wanted, and loved each other. There would be no separating us. I had a feeling we would be all but glued together, at least for the time being.

I smiled as I thought of how annoyed Laxus was going to be with having Natsu around. It wasn't that the older mage disliked the younger one, so much as he was going to have to constantly be warding off fights from Natsu. Taking a peek up at Laxus, I saw him smiling in relaxation, watching the boatmen work on the river. I smiled again. I would have to speak to Natsu about going easy on Laxus. I didn't want anyone ruining this mans peace. Maybe I could have Natsu limit himself to one challenge a week. Really, his little fire breathing body probably couldn't handle more than that anyway. Laxus would certainly pummel him, if only so that he wouldn't issue another challenge so soon.

Nodding at myself and my forward thinking, I turned my attention to my surroundings, keeping track of where we were heading. If I was going to be living at his house now, I needed to know how to get there. A greedy grin spread over my face again, and I took another peek at Laxus. I was going to get to have him all to myself. My insides heated up at the thought, and I felt a now familiar heat settle into my core. Just me and Laxus in a house all to ourselves... I was excited.

As if sensing my excitement, Laxus glanced down at me, "Lucy?"

I grinned up at him, and then snuggled into his side, "I was just thinking about me and you living together."

Laxus face fell slightly, "Not getting cold feet, right?" he asked.

I shook my head, "Of course not. The opposite actually. I was thinking about you and me all alone in a house, and..-"

I was abruptly cut off. Laxus lips smashed down onto mine, taking me completely by surprise. I forgot how fast this man could move. His lips pressed tightly to mine, his arms holding my body tight to him, and then he pulled away, just a hairsbreadth. "Hold on," he murmured, his voice low and rough.

I gulped, wondering what he meant, but then I felt a tug on my body, not physical, but more on my magic, my insides, and then, it all went insubstantial. The boom of thunder shook the air around me, but I felt distinctly stable, even as my body blurred out and turned to lightning.

My senses shifted, gravity tugging on me as with another boom, we landed. I felt the powerful force of Laxus muscles as they tensed, setting us on the ground, and my body tightened again. My god, he was amazing.

Realizing my eyes were closed, I slowly opened them, my body still shaking with exhilaration. I could feel an almost electric tingle running all over me, and when I opened my eyes, I wasn't surprised to see little streaks of lightning leaving my skin and dispersing in the air. It was beautiful.

Turning my eyes upwards, I caught Laxus face, watching me with amusement. I could only grin. "That was amazing!"

Laxus laughed, "Glad it suits you. It doesn't sit well with some people. Freed turns as green as his hair."

I laughed at the thought, my mind distinctly remembering the time when he'd brought Wendy on her first solo job and gotten sick from eating the disgusted winged fish. His face had been green then, and seeing the usually poised man lose control, had been amusing. Though, I'd also felt a little bad for him.

"So what do you think?" Laxus asked, causing me to notice my surroundings.

I immediately turned slowly, allowing myself to take in his house. We were in the kitchen, a large tiled room, done in slate grey and blue colors. The dining room was adjoining, a long table sitting in the center.

Laxus followed me as I wandered into the living room. Again, it was decorated in shades of blue. The walls at least. The floor was wood, and the couch was black leather. It wasn't my usual color, but I had a feeling Laxus wouldn't take to well to me redecorating in pink, and really, if it couldn't be pink, then blue was a close second. The color reminded me of Laxus. And it was peaceful.

With a wide smile, I turned to Laxus, "I like it. It's wonderful."

Laxus grinned, "Watch this."

The tall man strode to the opposite end of the room, where a curtain lay closed against what I assumed was a window. A very large window actually, as it took up almost the whole back wall. Pulling on a rope, the curtains swung open and I gasped.

His house must have been up on a cliff, because as I rushed forward to look out the window, all I could see was ocean. It spanned out before my eyes, the blue water sparkling under the sun. Seagulls flew over the water, dipping down and cawing whenever they spotted something of interest. It was beautiful.

Tilting my face, I looked down, pressing my forehead to the glass. Now I could see the rocky cliff face, complete with foamy spray from the waves crashing below. Little rainbows danced in the air around the spray where the sunlight hit. The sea foam and mist seemed to sparkle in the air.

I could definitely get used to this. Turning, I looked back at Laxus. "This is really nice." My voice was a whisper, because really, it was more than nice. It was amazing, and beautiful, but saying those words didn't seem enough. How do you tell a man that what he had was perfect, and that she already felt at home?

Moving forward, I wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing my head against his chest. I loved that he was so much taller than me. A whole foot. It kept me at perfect height to have my head against his chest, feeling the heaves of his breath, and the beat of his heat. It made me feel small and perfect, and protected.

"Laxus, I can't even begin to say how wonderful this is. How perfect your house is, and how perfect you are."

His arms tightened around me, and I heard the smile in his voice as he replied, "I'm happy you like it Lucy. And it's our house now. It's your home as much as mine."

His fingers moved to my chin, and he lifted my head off his chest, tilting it up to me. "I love you Lucy."

"I love you too, Laxus."

His lips descended again, gently pressing against mine. His subtle stormy scent invading my senses and all but overpowering me. His lips, so soft and sure, rubbed against my own, and I sighed in reverence against them.

His hands drifted down to my hips, and as his lips pressed tighter to mine, he lifted me, causing me to wrap my legs over his waist. My head was now above his, and I took full control. Sifting my fingers through his hair, and tilting his head back to deepen our kiss.

My tongue licked against his lips, his taste making me want to hum in pleasure. I pressed between his lips, into his open mouth, and for the first time since the shower. I let myself lose control.

Laxus groaned as my tongue entered his mouth, twisting with his own. The sound vibrated through me, and I pressed tighter to him, wiggling my hips with restless need. My heart was pounding, and the feeling spread, making my whole body pulse and thread with need.

His tongue slid against mine, his teeth scraping against my lip, and I gasped and pressed closer. My hands tugged at his hair, fingers scraping at his scalp. My hips now moving in rhythm over him.

Laxus groaned again, and then I felt him shift, the tread of his boots thumping as they took us further into the house. I paid no attention to where we going, instead focusing solely on the feeling of his lips, and the hot heat of his body, felt even through the material of our clothes. So it was with disappointment that I whimpered as I suddenly felt myself pushed off him.

A moment later, my body hit the soft foam of his mattress, and I sighed as his scent filled the air. And smiled up at him as he towered above me. Laxus grinned back, and then reached for the hem of his shirt, tugging it up over his shoulders and then dropping it to the ground.

His muscles twisted and bunched, and he stepped closer, bending to kneel on the bed above me. My heart gave a heavy thump, and excitement thrilled through me. Was this it? Were we finally going to finish what we started in the shower earlier this week?

Even as I thought this, I shifted, reaching for my belt. As I moved to take it off though, my fingers brushed my keys. Particularly against Horologium, and just like that, I was aware of the time. And how little of it I had before the party.

"Shit!" I mumbled, sitting back up. Laxus looked confused as I redid my belt buckle. "No distractions, big guy. We'll have time for this later. But today, we have your party."

I had to choke on a laugh as I watched his face completely fall from excited and lustful, to a full blown grimace and frown. Oh, he was so not happy I just ended his fun.

I reached forward, patting his bare chest, and using all of my willpower to not become distracted by it, I moved past him. "I have to go get dressed for it, and pack. I'll meet you at the guild in an hour."

Laxus grunted something, and I laughed. Turning back to him, I wrapped my arms around him and pressed against his back. After laying a quick trail of kisses up his spine, I moved away, "I'm sorry Laxus. But, I don't want my first time with you to be rushed. And I don't want us to miss the party that your grandfather and Mira have been working so hard at. Tonight. I promise."

His eyes twinkled as he turned to look at me, "First time?"

I nodded and laughed, and then poked his chest, "Yes, so no more pouting from you. You get to have all of me, Laxus Dreyar. You just have to be a little bit more patient."

I winked at him, and then began backing away, holding his gaze until I reached the door frame, and then I exited. Calling out a goodbye over my shoulder, I exited his... our? Yes, our house, and then came to an abrupt halt. I was lost. I had no idea where his house was in relation to mine.

With a sigh, I turned to reenter the house, but stopped as the door suddenly opened. I blinked once at Laxus, now completely changed and in what I would assume were his party clothes. Tight maroon pants, with a tight black sleeveless shirt, and his coat thrown over. He grinned when he saw me, my hand raised to where the knob would be. "Lost?" he asked.

I laughed and nodded. "Yup. Wanna take me to my apartment?" I asked, holding my hands out, and almost laughing at the bubble of excitement that rose with the hopes of lightning traveling again.

Laxus stepped forward, into my arms, wrapping his own around me. I closed my eyes and leaned against his chest, as the feelings again hit me. This time I could smell the stormy electricity that was his magic.

We landed with a boom in my living room, and I smirked up at him. "So, you know where I live. Stalk much?" I asked, my voice teasing.

Laxus face colored slightly, and he shrugged. "I think we've already determined that I had a little thing for you."

I laughed, "Little? Hmm, I don't know if anything about you is little, at least, from what I felt earlier."

The grin that split Laxus face was full of amusement, his eyes all but sparking with it. "Oh no, Babe. That is definitely not little."

I laughed again, and then turned and headed to my closet, knowing full well that him and his dragon senses had to hear my heart pounding with excitement. My panties felt wet, at even just the thought of how big he was. And though I'd never done the deed before, the thought of having him filling me up. It sent crazy feeling of joy through. I couldn't wait till after the party.

Rifling quickly through my clothes, I picked out an outfit, and then headed to my bathroom. After a quick shower, a small amount of make up application, and calling Cancer to do my hair, I was dressed and ready.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I looked to Laxus, grinning as I got the reaction I was hoping for. Jaw dropping, and wide eyes that slowly turned simmering. Yes, this was the perfect outfit to celebrate not only Laxus getting better, but the dawning of our relationship.

His eyes roved up my legs, and I glanced down, taking in what he was. I'd used a shimmery lotion, making my tanned legs seem to glow like I'd spent the afternoon in the sun, instead of weeks cooped up in the infirmary.

The toned tan kept up right till it hit the hem of my dress, right at my mid thigh. There would definitely be no bending down for me tonight. I had chosen a dress I'd bought awhile ago, but had been saving for a special occasion, and today was that day.

The skirt on it was black and feathered with black ostrich feathers, the thin trailing ends of it tickling against my thighs. It was slightly puffy, not exactly hugging my curves tightly, but there wasn't really a need. The top hugged me more than enough. It was a sweet heart top, tight and pushing my breasts up in a way that had Laxus drooling. And to finish the set up, a golden belt with clearish jewels set in, sparkling prettily against the black of my dress.

Smiling at Laxus, I moved past him, running a hand lightly over his arm, "You should close your mouth. I think I see drool." I laughed at his expression, and then continued on, grabbing a pair of strappy heels to complete my look. And finally, strapping my keys to my thigh.

"I have no idea how I'm going to control myself all night with you wearing that," Laxus mumbled.

I laughed again, "Well, you did a good job controlling yourself before you told me you loved me, so I'm sure you can do it again."

Laxus throat rumbled in a low growl, almost a purr, as he pulled me to him, "That was before I'd tasted you. And felt your body." His hands rubbed up my legs, roving past my feathery skirt, and I sighed, leaning against him.

"Well, I don't really want you to control yourself anyway. At least not fully. I like when you look at my like you're... hungry for me. And when you touch me li-" I broke off as his hand swept further up my leg, tickling at the bottoms of my panties, and then breathlessly, I finished, "Like that."

Laxus laughed and nuzzled his nose against my throat, softly nibbling over my pulse, "You're so beautiful," he murmured.

I smiled, and then slowly pulled away, "And you, are so handsome, and sexy," I said, as I turned to face him. "Now, Mr. Dreyar, we have a party in your honor to attend." I used my best proper voice, and got a small smile for my efforts.

"Very well, Ms. Heartfilia. Shall we then?" he asked, turning and offering me his arm.

I laughed, and accepted, slinging my arm through his. "And he's a gentlemen too, who knew?" I said, my smile lighting my face.

Laxus tilted his head to me, and raised his eyebrow, "Of course. A lady like you certainly deserves a gentlemen just as refined."

And with that, I couldn't help myself, I cracked up laughing. He reminded me so much of the stuffy suitors of my father's day, but with a smile and a joking twinkle in his eye. I shook my head and looked at him, "You're amazing, Laxus. How did I ever miss this before?"

Laxus lip twitched in a small uplift, and he leaned down, kissing my cheek. "It's easy to miss what I didn't let people see. It's not your fault babe. I should have been myself around you a long time ago."

As we walked out of my apartment, and down the road to the guild, I thought about what Laxus had said. If he had showed me who he truly was, would I have noticed? I liked to think so. In fact, I couldn't imagine that I wouldn't. Laxus seemed so perfect for me in every way, and it was only because he kept himself apart from me that we'd taken this long to come together.

Glancing up at him, I decided, I was happy that the dark guild attacked that day. If only because it had caused Laxus to tell me his true feelings. To open up to me. And now, I had the love of my life. I was quite possibly the happiest girl in the world. I had everything I ever wanted, and more than I dreamed of.

Seeing the guild in sight, I slowed down, resting my head against Laxus thick arm. He slowed as well, turning to look at me as I reveled in this small moment. Everything felt perfect. Laxus was well again. The guild was back to partying. Life was back to normal. And I was happy.

"You ready Lucy?" Laxus asked, stopping just outside the guild doors.

"Are you ready Laxus? This is your party after all?"

Laxus smiled and then reached for the handles, pushing the doors open wide. Immediately the guild quieted, turning to see who it was, and then, the loud uproar of people cheering and shouting in greeting filled the air.

"Laxus! Glad you're feeling better!"

"Welcome back, Laxus!"

"Congratulations on the new relationship!"

Peoples greetings continued to fill the air as we made our way through the crowd, stopping when we reached the bar and the waiting Mira Jane and Master. Mira stepped up, folding me into a brief tight hug, and then stepped away to give Laxus the same. "I'm so happy you're feeling better Laxus. The guild just wasn't the same without you. And I'm even more happy that you and Lucy are a couple now!"

The white haired S-class mage's eyes turned into bright pink hearts as she grasped my arm tightly, her smile splitting her face. Gramps laughed behind her and patted her shoulder, "Yes, Lucy, welcome to the family. And Laxus..." Gramps shook his head, his eyes sparkling with unshed tears, "I'm happy that you're safe now."

Laxus grimaced at the tears, but seeing how sincere his grandfather was, his expression melted into a small accomodating smile. At least until out of nowhere, Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen came running. I didn't even have time to give Laxus a warning before they toppled him over, tackling him to the ground and pig piling on top of him.

A bright laugh escaped my mouth as I watched, and seeing Laxus in good hands, I decided to take a small break from him in order to go see my own team. They'd been too long neglected by me. Giving him a tiny wave, I spun on my heel and began looking around, though the looking wasn't necessary.

My team was right where I knew they would be. In the center of the noisiest, rowdiest part of the guild. I watched as my pink haired best friend launched himself across the table, knocking over Gray who'd been leaning in towards Erza, a teasing expression on his face, while Erza laughed beside him.

Wondering what they were up to, I started over. "Hey guys!" I said loudly, waving my hand at them.

The three of them hopped up, Natsu beating the others in throwing his arms around me. "Lucy, HI!" he yelled.

Gray followed right behind, clapping me on the back, as he spoke in his quiet voice, "Lucy, glad you're back."

Erza shoved Natsu off of me, then wrapped her arms over my shoulders, "I'm so happy to hear of you and Laxus. You will have to tell me everything later."

I laughed and nodded my head, overjoyed at finally hanging out with my friends again. It hit me then, just how much I missed them. They were crazy and wild, but when I was with them, so was I. They were more my family than anyone else here, except maybe Laxus now. They were my first friends, and the people I loved most in the world.

Realizing that, I felt a small twinge of guilt over how I'd treated them the past few weeks. All but tossing them aside in my worry for Laxus. I knew they understood, but that didn't mean they didn't deserve an apology.

"You guys. I just wanted to say, sorry for the way I acted the past few weeks. With Laxus in the coma. I was just so worried and scared, and I took that out on you. I shouldn't have though. So, I'm sorry. And I promise not to leave you out of the loop so much next time. I should have told you what Laxus meant to me. Then, maybe it wouldn't have been so hard for me to be around you guys."

The team gave me an understanding look, and accepted my apology easily. Which, didn't surprise me. It was Fairy Tail after all. People were always making mistakes. And people were always forgiving those mistakes.

Erza again pulled me into a hug, "We only wished that we could have been more there for you. But at least Freed was, so you weren't all alone. But remember, anytime you need us. We're here. We're your family."

I smiled up at her, and the two nodding boys behind. "Thanks Erza. So, now that that's done with. I have an announcement. As you all know, Laxus and I are officially dating. But, I'm also moving in with him. My Spirits are moving my stuff there right now. So, no more breaking into my apartment, because it's not mine anymore. You are, however, welcome at Laxus house. Just knock first." I finished with a threatening smile pointed straight at Natsu, who gave me a quick innocent look.

"That's cool that you two are moving in together. Laxus has a nice place, though I've only been by it once with Bickslow, " Gray offered, as he leaned back against the table.

Natsu frowned, "I don't know where it is, but I can just follow your scent."

Erza smiled smugly, "I know where it is, and I have a key."

I looked at her oddly, "You have a key."

She nodded again, "Yes, I have a key to everyone's houses. So I can protect people if I have too."

"Oh, okay. Like an S-class thing?" I asked, nodding my head in understanding.

Gray snorted and shook his head, "No, like an Erza thing."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Erza asked, turning to face him, a vengeful aura rising around her.

Gray lifted his hands, backing slowly away, "Uh. Nothing. Nothing at all. Oh look, Natsu's eating your cake!" Gray spun on his heel and ran away, ducking past a spying Juvia and out the back of the guild, while Natsu froze in his seat where he'd been innocently chatting with Happy.

Erza centered on Natsu, not even stopping for a second to think about the fact that she never even had cake to begin with. "Natssuuu!" she yelled, running at him.

I giggled to myself and turned away, not needing to watch to know that Natsu was about to get his ass handed to him. Instead, I moved across the hall, rejoining up with Laxus.

He wrapped his arm around me as I sat gently on his lap, tugging me to his body. "Hey babe. Enjoying yourself?" he asked.

I nodded my head, "Yes, I was just catching up with my team. I told them that I was moving into your house."

Laxus groaned loudly, "Great, now I have to worry about both our teams intruding."

I laughed loudly, "Actually, you probably would have to worry more about my team."

Laxus shook his head, "No, Freed is insane. He sneaks in while I sleep and does my laundry, prepares meals. I tell him it's not necessary, but he still does it."

"Well, I'll let him know I'll be taking care of that stuff from now on. I'm sure he'd understand," I murmured, as I pressed my nose to his throat, brushing it up and down the smooth skin, enjoying the subtle scent of his cologne.

Laxus hummed softly, and pressed his cheek to the top of my head, "I really wish we could just get out of here. Go back home... To the bedroom."

I giggled, "I'm sure you do. But we only just got here. And dancing will be starting soon. And I want to dance with you."

Laxus groaned again, but when he caught my puppy dog eyes, he easily relented. "Fine. Damn woman. Already has me wrapped around her finger," he mumbled.

Another low laugh escaped my throat, and with heat in my belly, I leaned in to whisper, "If dancing bothers you so much, just think happy thoughts while doing it. Like about my little fingers wrapped around your cock later." I gave a quick wiggle of my ass against his pelvis, and then jumped off, moving out of his reach before the shocked look left his face.

I only made it about three feet before I heard a stool scrape loudly behind me, and then his thick, muscled arms wrap around my waist. "I hope that was a promise," he whispered in my ear.

My insides tightened, his soft whisper causing goose bumps to rise along my neck, "It's a promise," I whispered back.

Laxus ran his nose over my ear, down to my neck. Then, pressing his lips to just below my ear, his mouth parted, grazing his teeth down my pulse, "I can't wait."

I smiled softly and turned my face, meeting his lips with my own. His tongue instantly swept past my lips, capturing my tongue in a quick heated embrace. My body turned, melding into his larger one, pressing against the rock hard muscles of his body.

His hands swept up my back, one cupping around my neck, and tilting my head back. His tongue swept deeper, and I moaned into his mouth, enjoying his taste. My hand sifted through his hair, tugging on the ends of his strands, and I heard a soft answering groan from him.

Suddenly, the guild started cheering around me, and I pulled away, blushing as I saw everyones eyes on us. Laxus just gave them a lazy smile, and then he pulled me flush against him again. I simply buried my face in his chest, too embarrassed to look at the crowd.

It wasn't that I wasn't into PDA, but a full on hands involved make out session in front of an audience, now that was a little past my limits.

After the cheers subsided, I heard Mira announce that dancing would start. Immediately, I pulled away from Laxus excitedly and pulled him to the dance floor. The music was pounding, the noise so loud, I could swear my ear drums might burst. I wondered how the slayers must feel. Though Laxus didn't seem overly bothered.

He had a slightly pained expression, but I knew it was more about the fact that he was in the middle of a dancing crowd, a place he'd probably never willingly gone before. Wanting to make him feel more at ease, I ran my hands up his stomach, letting them linger on his muscles.

Laxus turned his head down to me, capturing my naughty smirk, and with the dancing bodies around us masking us from watching he eyes, he pulled me close, grinning slightly as I moved my body against him.

After several songs of nothing but us bumping and grinding against each other, the girls finally came and dragged me away. I gave Laxus a small apologetic look, but then followed them, moving easily into their dance circle. Though, every few minutes, I'd cast my eyes about, keeping an eye on Laxus as he moved through the crowds, speaking easily to his friends.

I smiled as I danced with Levy and Cana. Laxus was enjoying himself, and the ease with which he was speaking to people, struck a chord within me. It was just nice to finally see him opening up to people. I had never seen him talk to this many people before. In fact, tonight alone, he'd probably spoken to more people then he had his entire life at the guild.

As if sensing my thoughts, Freed caught my eye, and smiled softly at me. Immediately, I broke off from the girls, and made my way to his quiet corner. He was sitting at a table, surrounded by books, and one look at them, told me they were medical books.

"What are you looking at?" I asked worriedly.

Freed shook his head, "Nothing to worry about. I was just researching whether there was anything to watch out for in coma patients who've woken up."

I nodded my head, and sat down, pulling my chair closer to him, "And is there anything we should watch for?"

"No. Wendy will have taken care of everything. She healed him as if it had never happened. I'm just being paranoid."

I looked at him as he spoke, his face still concerned and drawn even after days of Laxus being awake. Concerned, I lifted my hand and placed it softly over his, "Freed, there's nothing to worry about. Laxus is healthy, and alive. And, he has the world's best best friend, and me as a girlfriend. We won't let anything happen to him."

Freed's eyes lit up slightly, and he have me a relieved smile, "I really am so happy he finally told his feelings, and that you two are together. He loves you so much, and knowing you love him too... Well, just look at him."

The two of us turned to look at the man in question, and I smiled as I saw him. He was leaning casually against the bar, holding a conversation with Macarov, Mira and Cana. All people who'd he'd always spoken too, but the difference was in his posture, the brightness in his eyes. He looked happy.

"He looks content, and relaxed and happy. He usually only looks like this on missions, and even then, not often," Freed murmured, before turning away and back to me. "Thank you, Lucy. You've done so much for him, and I can never thank you enough."

I shook my head, "No, Freed. Don't thank me. I did everything because I cared for him. Maybe not as much as you at first, but now. I can't imagine life without him."

"Well, you shouldn't have to. We'll all work to keep him safe from now on. That is the Raijinshuu's job after all. Now, Laxus told me you are moving in with him today?" Freed questioned.

I nodded, "Yea. I know it's fast moving but. I just want to be there if he needs me. And, well, honestly, it makes me nervous to let him out of sight. And, I want to be with him. We wasted so much time before, with him not telling me, and I don't want to let another second go by without him near me."

Freed smiled softly, "Sounds good to me."

"What sounds good to you?" Laxus asked, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

I leaned forward in my chair towards Laxus, sliding my hand across the table to wrap around his, "I was just telling Freed, that I think it's time me and you ditch this party. What do you think?" I asked, my eyes sparkling as I looked at the man across from me.

Laxus face relaxed into an easy smile, and then he stood up, "See you tomorrow Freed. Let's go home Lucy."

Home. The instant he said it, a warm feeling oozed through me. My home was now officially with Laxus. And I couldn't be happier about it. He led me through the room, the crowd parting easily for him, until we reached the doors. We paused momentarily, giving a final wave to the our friends, our family, and then we walked out the doors, heading for home.

As soon as the door to the house shut behind us, I found myself backed against the wall, Laxus large frame towering over me, enclosing me. He was so close, and yet, we weren't touching. Not yet. And while earlier, on the way home I'd felt a tiny bit nervous, now there was nothing but anticipation.

I looked at him, his eyes hooded, his lips twisted into a crooked smile. He looked so goddamn sexy. Everything about him, from the thick locks of his hair, to that scarred and devastatingly handsome face, to the towering height and thick hulking muscles of his body, to me, everything was perfect.

Leaning back, feeling my head graze the wall behind me, I lifted my lips in a sultry smile. Then, hooking my thumbs in his belt loops, I gave a sharp tug. His hips pressed into mine, and I had to tip my head back further in order to keep his gaze, my chin almost touching the curved muscles of his chest.

My heart picked up it's pace. Beating loudly in the darkness, as we continued to stare, our gazes growing more and more heated. The feel of his hips, pressed tightly to mine, and yet not moving, was torture. Pure torture.

Sick of waiting, I once again took action. My hands unhooked from his belt loops, and splayed flat against his hips. Thumbs lightly teasing at the hem of his shirt. I felt a puff of air graze along the top of my head, and my smile deepened. Just that small action had an effect, and I couldn't wait to see what else I could get from him.

Sliding my hands, I inched them up and under his shirt, nearly groaning at how hot his skin was. And smooth. And. Gods, I could just stand there feeling him all day.

I smoothed my hands upwards, fast, all the way till I reached his under arms, and then I slid them around, right over the expanse of his chest. Again, I almost groaned. His muscles were just so big, so perfect. And his heart under my hand, the beat matched my own.

I slowly slid my hands back down, lingering over every rise and dip of muscle, his body tensing and tightening beneath my fingertips. Reaching the bottom of his shirt, I again touched the fabric, but no longer tentatively, instead I grasped, and pulled.

Lifting onto my tiptoes, I hopped up, just as his chest crashed against me. My legs locked around his hips, and I grinned in glee, finding myself face to face with the man I'd been dying to kiss for hours.

Laxus laughed, and finally, took over. His mouth pressed against mine, firm and yet soft. His lips nibbled along first my top, and then bottom lip. I sighed against him, our breaths intermingling as his tongue swept over my lips, into my mouth, and against me. Our tongues battled, sliding and moving against the other as my hands rose, drawn like gravity to that thick head of hair. I filled my fingers with them, fisting the spiked blonde locks in my hands and tugging him closer, as I lost myself in the motions of his kiss, the taste of his tongue, and the scent of his body.

My hips began that motion again, that slow undulating that I've been depriving myself from doing since the shower. And god, did he feel good. I could feel that distinct hardness, pressed right between my thighs, and I felt a desperate need rise in me, just as heat pooled inside of me.

My hips rolled faster, and I pressed my chest against his, wishing that my clothes were off so we could be skin to skin. As if sensing my wish, Laxus moved, steady steps carrying us through the house, as he dropped a hand to the bottom of my dress, working it's way up and over my body, throwing it to the floor behind us.

His hand slid around to my back, fingers undoing the clasp of my bra, before that was tossed aside too. Free of my clothing, I pressed myself closer to him, our lips again connected in a heated embrace. My hands lifted, grasping his shirt at the collar, and then tugging at it, ripping the buttons apart and baring his chest to me.

Laxus broke the kiss, and laughed loudly, "Eager, are we?" he asked, as he settled us onto the bed, dropping me below him.

I grinned up at him and nodded my head, "You know it. We've both been waiting too long for this. Now, no more talking." I leaned up towards him, grabbing the edges on each side of his torn shirt, and tugged him towards me.

Laxus smile left his face, replaced with a darker, lust filled and desirous expression. Without a word, he shrugged the shirt off his shoulders, and then moved his hands to his belt. I watched with impatience as he undid his belt, and then pants. My mind recalling how unbelievably sexy his body was. I couldn't wait to see it again. To be able to feel him.

His pants lowered, falling dangerously low on the line of his hips, and my mouth went dry. My tongue automatically darted out to wet my lips. Lower they went, and I bit my lip as suddenly they dropped, leaving him in just a pair of tight black boxer briefs, with a significantly sized tent in the front.

I grinned as I saw it, and recalling my words from earlier, I leaned forward, pressing a hand to his washboard abs, and slowly smoothing it downwards. Teasingly slow.

My breath quickened as I drew nearer to the waistband of his drawers, and I felt his body tense, holding back a shiver, and then the lowest rumblings in his throat, almost a growl. "Lucy..." he warned quietly, his eyes burning into mine. Full of hot fire and needy hunger.

I gulped, finding myself lost in his gaze, my hand pausing momentarily on his skin. I looked up at him, stroking my eyes over the strong bones of his face, the wet lips I'd just been kissing, and the scar I loved so much. And just like that, the need in his eyes spread to me, and I realized I didn't want to tease anymore, I just wanted Laxus.

My hand finished it's journey, sliding along his hot skin, to grasp his member, thick, hot and velvety soft. My breath captured in my throat and my hand tightened, eliciting a quiet groan from Laxus, his eyes falling closed for a moment.

I ran my fingers up the length of him, tracing the smooth skin, and rubbing a thumb over the thick head of his cock. A drop of precum wet my fingers and I pulled my hand away, his eyes opening just in time to see me press my fingers to the mouth.

His eyes widened as I grinned around my fingers, leaning back on the bed. Then, I slowly sucked my fingers out of my mouth, and turned them to him, bending my pointer at him, and beckoning him forward.

Laxus groaned again and dropped his body forward, hovering over me. "Lucy. Dammit, woman. I love you," he murmured, before his mouth sank over mine, drinking in the moan I let loose as his body pressed against mine, pushing me into the mattress.

My hands wound around his back, creeping up his spine and tracing the contours of his muscles as his kiss trailed from my mouth to carve along the line of my jaw, the column of my neck. His teeth grazed my skin, nipping over all the sensitive spots, and then he slid his tongue out, trailing it along my skin, my collarbone and between my breasts.

My breath quickened as his hand reached up, palming my breast, or as much as could fit in his hand. He groaned as he felt it, his thumb flicking out at the beaded tip of my nipple. I gasped as my body was rocked with the sensation of it, and I arched into his attentions.

He looked up at me, flashing me a quick confident grin, before pressing a soft kiss to the peak of my other nipple, and then giving it a long slow lick. I moaned immediately, my hips rising to rub against him as he sucked the nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while his other hand mimicked the motions of his mouth.

As I lay there, gasping for breath, my body writhing against him, he suddenly pulled away, giving me another confident smile, "You know, Lucy. It's really unfair." I gave him a confused look and he leaned in murmuring hotly in my air, "You got to taste me. Now it's my turn."

My eyes widened as suddenly he was gone, and repositioned between my legs a second later, his fingers sliding my panties down over my thighs. His hand slid down my leg, lifting first one leg through and then the next, before he leaned over slowly, dropping the underwear off the bed.

I watched him as he stayed kneeling between my legs, his eyes roving over me, eating me up with his gaze. Slowly moving up and down my body before centering on my parted legs, and the glistening golden curls there.

He ran a finger through them, and I gasped as he spread my lips, a thumb curving a tiny circle over my clit. I lifted my hips, pressing myself against his hand as I groaned again. "Laxus.." I whimpered, as his hand teasingly slid slowly over me.

He chuckled quietly, and his breath blew out over my sex, making me gasp and arch towards him. "Tell me what you want, Lucy?" he murmured.

I groaned again, and propped myself up so I could look down at him, at his head hovering just inches above me. His eyes raised, meeting mine, and I murmured quietly, "I want you to taste me."

He nodded his head at me, and then lowered. I felt a small puff of air, and then something hot and smooth, and I cried out, as his tongue speared inside of me. My hands darted to the side, grabbing and twisting into the sheets, as I lifted my back off the bed at the amazing feel that had my insides screaming.

His tongue slid in and out of me, tracing up to wrap around my clit and suck it into his mouth. I gasped as he sucked on it, once then twice. My body was tightening up, my fingers clawing against the mattress, and then he sucked a third time, and I snapped.

A loud scream tore from my mouth, some messed up version of his name, as waves and waves of pleasure washed through me. As my body shook, coming undone beneath him, he continued moving his tongue, drawing out every last ounce of pleasure from me, before he slid back upwards, blue eyes meeting mine.

"That was beautiful," he whispered against the hot sweaty skin of my neck.

I groaned into him, unable to finds words to say, so instead I just lifted my hips, pressing against his swollen cock. His head pressed into my neck and I felt his nose brush over my pulse before he whispered, "You sure you're ready?"

I nodded my head, "Yes. Laxus, I'm sure. Make love to me." The last part was so quiet, I wondered if he heard it, but the gentle way he kissed me right after told me he did. Soft and slow, his tongue lingering over my lips.

His hands caressed slowly down my body, stopping at the curve of my back to pull me up into him. Our bodies rubbed against each other, and I felt his muscles tense as they glided against my skin, his hips dipping between my legs. Our heartbeats fast and steady pounding against each other.

I felt the thick head of his member press against me, and my body shivered, as it breached the first inch. My fingers dug into his skin as I felt myself stretched open, my eyes squeezing shut. He paused for a moment, waiting for the tension to leave my body, and then, his hand lifted against my back, again pressing me to him, as he plunged fully into my body.

I cried out. I couldn't help it. It hurt. Not as much as people led me to believe, but it still hurt. A stinging burning pain. But even as I thought of it, it started to fade. Replacing itself with the feeling of being full, and whole.

At the thought of Laxus inside me, the feel of it, my insides clenched, and I heard Laxus hiss. My eyes slid open and I saw his face, a mask of concentration, sweat dotting his brow. Raising my hand, I traced my fingers up his scar, and he opened his eyes, looking at me. With a small smile, I nodded my head, while raising my hips and rolling against him, bringing forth a moan from both our lips.

Laxus POV

I gazed into her eyes, warm brown eyes full of love as they stared at me. My heart tightened inside of me, and I brought my face down, caressing my lips against hers. I waited a few more moments, till I felt her loose and relaxed beneath me, and then I began moving.

I kept it slow and steady, knowing it was her first time. Wanting it to be perfect for her. And, while it wasn't my usual rough and quick pace. For us, it was perfect. Because I had never been with a woman I was in love with. This for me, was a first just like it was for her. This wasn't my usual casual fuck. This was Lucy, the woman I loved more than anything in the world, and I wasn't fucking her. I was making love to her.

Her fingers pressed into my back, dragging along my skin and I shivered, growling with the pleasure of it. I never imagined it would feel so good to be with her. So much better than anyone I'd ever been with, simply because I was doing this with her. And god, was she beautiful.

Her cheeks were flushed, her skin glistening with sweat. Her hair cascading around her shoulders and over the pillow like a golden halo. And her eyes. So full of emotion. Every move I made was reflected in the pleasure of her eyes. The gasps and tiny sounds making their way up her throat. I had never before seen anything so beautiful as this.

Leaning down, I pressed my lips against hers again, surprised when she nearly attacked my mouth. Her tongue tangling wildly against mine. Without meaning it, I snapped my hips against her hard. I immediately pulled back, afraid I'd hurt her, but her eyes were open and wild and before I could I move again, she lifted her hips and used her hands to snap mine back down.

Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head as she cried out sharply, and then almost breathless, she murmured, "Again, keep doing that Laxus. Please."

Needing no further prompting, and grinning at the wild beauty beneath me, I snapped my hips again, watching as her breasts bounced, her whole body bobbing with the force of the movement. At her answering moan, I immediately began again, quickening the pace, thrusting fast and hard in and out of her.

Her fingernails dug into my skin, carving out tiny half moon circles on my back, and I growled fierce in my throat. The tiny pain of it, mingled with all the other sensations, only brought more pleasure to me.

Her breathing was heavy, panting, her body tighter than a bow string, shaking beneath me, and I again brought up the pace. Roughly smacking into her, angling my body to reach the sensitive spot inside her. Her eyes flew open again, and she gasped aloud, the tiny whimpers raising in intensity.

I could feel how close she was, and my body tightened in response, my cock throbbing as I sheathed myself in her again and again, her walls clenching and holding onto me, tighter than I thought possible, and feeling like the most amazing thing in the world.

Unable to hold myself back for much longer, and knowing how close she was to the edge, and I dropped a hand between us, my finger easily finding the small bundle of nerves between her legs. I circled my fingers over it, setting one finger sparking with small tiny bolts of electricity and vibrations.

Her body went still for a full second, her eyes opening impossibly wide, before like a dam, she broke. Her body collapsed in on itself, full of shudders and screams, her insides contracting around me, and unable to help myself, I felt my balls tighten, releasing my load inside of her. I gasped as her insides continued clenching, milking me dry, and then my muscles loosened, and I slowly let myself settle down on top of her, covering her tiny, still shivering body with my own.

Tangling one hand in her hair, and wrapping my arm around her waist, I flipped us over, not wanting to suffocate her. She grinned lazily at me, as her body rested easily on my large frame, the weight of her feeling perfect on top of me. Then she stretched, arching her body like a cat before settling back down, nuzzling her face into my chest.

I smiled to myself, lifting a hand to run it over her curves. I felt her gaze lift, settling on me, and I looked down at her. The perfect woman that I'd spent so long pining for, and now finally, she was mine. My heart filled, overflowing with love for her, and I shifted, moving so I could press a kiss to the top of her head, before mumuring quietly, "I love you Lucy."

She smiled back at me, looking at me with devotion and happiness, and then she whispered, "I love you too."

And I knew, that no matter what happened in my life, she would be there beside me, supporting me, loving me. And for the first time in my life, I felt truly happy, and truly content. Because I finally had the love of my life beside me, in my arms, and in my heart.

The End.

Thank you everyone for supporting this story, and both me, and Leoslady4ever. It's such a joy to write a story that people love, and we're glad that we were able to do that for you all. And, thought this story is done, both of us are always writing, so keep an eye out for new stories, and new updates on the stories we've already got going. Thank you all again, and we'll see you on the next story.
