A/N: Hey guys! It's been waaay too long since I last posted a story here, I know. But I can tell you That in two weeks it'll be christmas holidays, and I'm planning on spending that one on writing(and preparing for Chemistry/Physics exams). Plus, I've got a few already done, almost ready to post already.

This one I got as a re-quest a really long time ago, and I'm so sorry, but I can't remember who asked! :( I hope you like my version of this, it was the first thing that came to mind when I read the lyrics to the song

Characters: Cassandra Clare

Outlaws By Love

(by Adam Lambert)

Already when he made the move to stand up, somebody sighed. It almost made Alec regret it. It was always like that when he spoke at Clave meetings. When he looked around, only a few people looked like they actually were interested in hearing what he had to say. Many wouldn't even look at him.

Once, somebody from behind had yelled "Faggot!" Seeing exactly how many who got small smiles on their faces, before there was ordered silence, felt like a stab wound through his heart.

Alec took a deep breath before opening his mouth.

"Alexander, didn't expect you to call, how are you?"

"Fine... Uhmm... We just saw the Eifel tower," Alec answered, not really comfortable about calling his father. It was the third time now, and every time it sounded like what Alec had to say didn't matter.

"Good, good..." Robert Lightwood said. Alec wondered exactly why he had called. "I'll see you around sometime, right?"

"I guess." They exchanged a few other trivial words before hanging up. Later that night, curled up in Magnus' arms, Alec realized how his father only wanted to talk about him. Not a single time they'd talked had Robert asked about Magnus. It was always 'how are you?' He never even mentioned Magnus - why? Alec wondered.

The meeting was over, and everybody headed for the exit. Most went with their friends, but Alec just tried to get away, before anyone he knew noticed him. He wanted to go home to Magnus - but that had to wait, because right as he got through the door, a voice called his name. Turning around Alec saw Irina Cartwright approach him.

"Alexander," she said. "I just wanted to tell you, that I agree with what you said today." Alec lit up. So somebody had actually taken an interest in what he'd said? He was just about to answer, when she spoke again.

"But it really is a pity no one will inherit your pretty blue eyes now," she said sadly. And with that she was gone in the crowd again, leaving a baffled Alec, who now needed Magnus' arms more than ever, behind.

In the middle of the night, Alec lay awake in bed. He could feel Magnus' arm around his waist and the warlock's steady breathing, indicating he was asleep. But Alec couldn't sleep, his father's question hovering in his mind.

'Alexander, my boy, what did we do wrong? What do you think turned you gay?'

Alec hadn't answered. He couldn't. What was he supposed to say? The worst though, wasn't that he couldn't answer his father – it was that he'd sounded so serious, like he actually believed there was something that had bit Alec, like he'd gotten an infection, and that was why he was gay. He'd sounded like it never had occurred to him, that his son just loved another human being, who happened to be a guy.

A/N: that was it, I know it's short, I'll see if I can post again tomorrow! Please review and tell me what you think :) And do you like these short ones, or would you rather read some longer ones? (: