To Sukki18: You can't imagine how glad I am to read your reviews. They make me smile and push me to continue to write ^_^ Good nickname for Tobi by the way! If I can I might use it. If it's alright with you of course.
Here is the thirty fifth chapter! Enjoy and don't hesitate to leave a little review for the author!
Chapter thirty five
"The moment I get my hands on those sons of…" Rin gritted her teeth in her rage, her wrists' movements rattling the chains tied around them.
"This isn't our priority for the moment." Damaru replied calmly, her eyes blinking to get accustomed to the obscurity of the cell they were thrown in.
With some difficulties due to her own set of chains tied to her, she reached for her hair and got out a little pin.
"They underestimated us." She said, her voice calm but as sharpened as a blade "They thing of us as mere females."
She began picking the lock around her left wrist.
"This is why we'll make them regret bitterly."
In the dark, Amaru sniffed, wiping away her tears with her sleeve.
Haku noticed and went to sit near her before taking her in his arms, trying his best to comfort her.
"We need to get out of here." Naruto decided, looking up determinedly, even if there were traces of tears on his dirty cheeks.
"And what do you suggest we do, oh great one?" Sai asked sarcastically, his own face pale and his eyes red from crying "We're children. What can we do against adult ninjas?"
"Do I really have to remind you that okaa-chan and otou-chan are both very young." Naruto retorted "And they're still very strong. And otou-chan is an ANBU captain."
"That doesn't mean we're strong."
"You seem to forget something." Naruto took a proud stance, his blue eyes glimmering "We're Senjus, and the Senjus are strong people who ovcome every obstacles!"
"It's overcome baka." Sasuke sighed before smirking "But I agree with Naruto. Perhaps my last name is Uchiha, but we're family, and our family outside is fighting for us. Are we going to patiently wait here?"
"No." Shin answered "Of course not. But how are we going to get out of here?"
Naruto smirked.
"I have a plan." He said.
A lone figure was standing in the middle of training ground fifty five, the pale luminescence of the moon haloing the cloaked form.
A cloud lazily passed in front of the only source of light, plunging for a brief moment the place in darkness.
When the silver light came back, Kakashi's kunais was against his throat, the man standing behind him while Itachi was in the front, pressing his own kunai against his stomach, Gin beside him growling fiercely and ready to sink his teeth in flesh.
Both had their sharingan activated.
"I suggest you speak." Kakashi said in a low but deadly tone, as cold as ice "Where did you take our family?"
"I'm only a messenger." The cloaked man replied calmly, his voice almost dead "I don't know where they took the hostages."
Itachi's sharingan eyes spun and he lowered his weapon, followed by Kakashi.
"Tell us what the bastard want from us." Said calmly, very calmly Itachi, his voice the consistence of steel, pinning down the masked man with a glare.
Despite his years of conditioning, the man felt a shiver of fear run through his back.
"My master wants you to kill your clan. All of them." He delivered "Tonight."
"Are you finished yet?" Rin asked hurriedly.
"This secret technique requires a high chakra control as well as good reserve." Damaru explained slowly before throwing her glare "And an absolute concentration! So stop asking me every second!"
Rin zipped her mouth shut and for the next minutes she stayed silent.
"Alright." The white haired girl anounced "The children are the farthest from us, almost at the other end of this building. Taiyo and Inazuma are the closest to us, then Yuki."
Rin sighed in relief knowing everyone was in the same building, alive "Let's just hope the children won't do anything stupid."
They looked at each other.
"We have to act quickly." Damaru quickly said "I'll pick up the lock. Check if someone comes near our cell.
Rin nodded and enhanced her hearing with a bit of chakra before posting herself beside Damaru as the girl began to pick up the lock as fast as she could.
The guard passing in front of the cell jumped in surprise when he heard an explosion.
He got his key to open the door and entered it, only to see a black but intact wall at the far end of the cell.
He didn't have much more time to think of anything else as Shin snuck behind him before hitting him with a stone, knocking him out.
"Let's go." He urged in a hushed tone.
"Wait." Sasuke whispered, busy helping a dizzy Naruto walk "Naruto's still recovering."
"Not surprising." Haku huffed softly, going to the other side of the boy to help him walk too "Even this basic bomb tag, at his age, with his current chakra level…I'm actually surprised he did it and survived."
"We'll talk about it later." Shin urgently said, pushing Amaru in front of him "Let's go before someone comes here and discover we've escaped our cell."
Only a few lights were on in the Uchiha compound, and the air was full of the fragrance of the early spring flowers.
"You don't have to do that." Itachi said, perched on a pole.
Kakashi, who was crouching like a funambulist on the electric lines beside the boy, with a feign calmness observed his hand tightly griping the handle of his katana, the other trembling ever so slightly.
Gin was at his side, balancing himself on the metallic handles of the pole. His ears were plastered against his head, his eyes glinting hardly and a rumble shaking lightly his torso.
He was feeling the nervousness of his partner.
"We're both in it." He simply said, implacable.
And he uncovered his sharingan.
The cell door opened and Yuki raised her head, ears plastered against her skull and a growl rumbling in her throat.
She, however, stopped when Taiyo and Inazuma bolted in, barking and yipping in happiness.
The white wolf lowered her muzzle to receive the cubs, caressing them and inspecting them to make sure they were alright.
She looked up again to see Damaru and Rin entering the room to take off her bounds.
"I'm glad to find you in one peace girl." Damaru smiled, ruffling affectionately the fur of her head.
Yuki woofed happily and got up to stretch her numb limbs while Rin managed to open her collar.
The children were advancing carefully, Shin coming first, followed by Naruto, Sasuke, Amaru, Sai and Haku who was closing the walk.
"There's too much corridors." Sai whispered "I think we've already walked down this one."
"It's possible." Sasuke acknowledged "But we don't have a map, so we're stuck choosing randomly."
They turned around a corner, only to come nose to nose with three guards standing around a fire in front of a door.
The two parties both froze for a moment and unfortunately the guards reacted first.
They leaped to them and the children began to scramble back, even if they knew they wouldn't be fast enough.
The first guard was almost grabbing Amaru who was the slowest when, with a furious howl, Yuki jumped on him, grabbing the back of his neck between her jaws.
There was a sickening crack. The man fell on the floor, unmoving.
Everyone stilled, surprised, and the two remaining guards followed their comrade before they could fully understand what had happened, kunais deeply imbedded in their throats.
"Is everyone alright?" Damaru asked walking quickly to them.
"Okaa-chan!" The children exclaimed with extreme relief, knowing that now they were safe.
Amaru immediately ran to her, burrowing herself in her embrace and letting fresh tears run down her cheeks. Taiyo and Inazuma ran to Naruto and Sasuke, barking happily.
"There, there." Damaru soothed as best as she could, caressing the hiccupping girl's hair "Is anyone hurt?"
"Naruto is a bit drowsy." Sasuke informed, still supporting a tipsy Naruto "He did a bomb tag to help us escape and used too much chakra."
"Come here." Damaru motioned, her hands glowing green.
"How are you feeling?" she asked once the boy was safely within her arms, hugging him before inspecting him.
"The world is a bit tangy." The blond boy answered "But I'm alright."
"Alright." Damaru smiled and her glowing hand rested on his head "This should help you walk straight."
She still checked everyone, before hugging them briefly and pushing them toward the exit.
"Rin." she asked softly enough so that the children couldn't hear "I want you to lead them to the house. Tell them to take the bag I made them do some time ago, and to change into their travel clothes. Prepare enough bags for everyone and don't forget the medicine and chakra pills."
"After that take them out of Konoha through the underground tunnel under the house and destroy it when you're out."
"But and you? And Kakashi and Itachi?" Rin asked worriedly.
"I'll find them don't worry." Damaru reassured "But I need you to protect the children. Can I count on you?"
The woman couldn't do much more than nod, fear and worry quenching her stomach
Damaru ran to the Uchiha compound as fast as she could, Yuki running in front of her, her nose on the ground, tracking.
They entered through the main gates, bypassing four dead guards.
While following Yuki through the corridors of alleys, Damaru tried to not pay too much attention to the blood marring the screen doors and windows, focusing on finding Itachi and Kakashi.
Suddenly Yuki howled, her head raised high in the sky.
Another howl answered her.
"Awesome Yuki-chan!" Damaru congratulated "Let's go."
They began to run faster, and around a corner they saw Itachi, Kakashi and Gin in the middle of the alley.
"Itachi!" Damaru yelled, relieved to see him alive and well (despite their surroundings) .
The boy turned widened eyes at her, but immediately hugged her when she reached him, also relieved to see that she was alright. Yuki joined Gin with a bark of happiness echoed by the silver wolf.
"Are you alright?" Itachi asked, making her step back to inspect her from head to toe.
"I am, don't worry." Damari smiled "Just a bit tired."
"And the others?" Kakashi asked.
"They're waiting for us outside Konoha." Damaru explained "We don't have much time, come on."
She took Itachi's hand, not caring if there was blood on it, and began leading him outside the clan compound, the wolves running ahead and Kakashi following.
Suddenly Yuki and Gin stopped abruptly, their growls reverberating against the walls of the houses surrounding them.
They heard screams, closer and closer, until a masked man wearing a black cloak decorated with red clouds appearing at the end of the road.
Seeing them, he let out a creepy laugh before charging.
The ninjas and wolves jumped away, landing on a nearby roof. Damaru threw a few kunais, only to gasp when it went through him.
"What is this thing?" she asked, bewildered.
"This is the man who calls himself Madara." Itachi informed her, his posture incredibly tense and his red eyes not leaving the man for even a fraction of seconds. That, more than anything else, warned Damaru that this masked guy was extremely dangerous.
"Madara Uchiha?" Kakashi questioned while Damaru narrowed her eyes, observing the man under them who was still searching them (they had masked their presence) "Impossible, he's dead."
"We know." Damari replied, frowning "But he's an Uchiha that's for sure. And we can't fight him. It would take too much time and I'm not even sure we could."
"Alright." Kakashi sighed, nodding "Does someone have a plan?"
"Rin-obaa-chan?" Naruto asked "Where's okaa-chan?"
"And otou-chan?" Sasuke added.
"And Kakashi-ojii?" Shin asked.
"They're going to meet us outside Konoha." Rin informed them, her eyes scanning warily ahead of them and her senses in high alert "But for now we need to keep walking if we want to actually meet them."
"Why are we leaving?" Amaru asked.
"Because we're not safe here anymore."
"Is it because the masked man kidnapped us and…" Said began, only to stop, tears threatening to fall and his voice disappearing as something constricted in his throat.
Amaru whined, her own tears filling slowly her eyes while the other looked away, trying to dry their own.
Rin bit her lips, forcing herself to be strong.
"We still have a long way to go." She said, her voice a bit dry "Come on children."
'Madara' dodged yet another fireball, laughing.
"You won't get me with basic techniques like that." He yelled, only to dodge a new fire technique.
He only understood when he heard Konoha's alarms being blown.
He swore. The fire certainly alerted half of Konoha already!
He threw a black look around him (his opponents sure we good at hiding) and ran away. He still had something to accomplish, a priority.
Somewhere on the roofs above Itachi nodded and the little group began to slip away too.
Damaru did a single handsign, and an explosion resonated where the house they had inhabited for so long was.
Itachi threw a look at Damaru and saw her emotionless face, her eyes looking straight ahead of her.
The two groups met in a little forest a few kilometres away from Konoha.
Rin, upon seeing Kakashi, cried, relieved, before throwing herself in his arms.
Taiyo and Inazuma barked happily before jumping on Gin and Yuki, nuzzling themselves against their sides.
The children ran to Damaru and Itachi, not even caring if there was blood on their clothes, and hugged them, some like Amaru crying and other like Naruto smiling.
The hugs and kisses, however, were short. They still needed to distance themselves from here, away from Konoha.
"I have prepared a place." Damaru informed them "In case something like this happened."
"You knew it would end like that?" Rin asked.
"No." Damaru answered sombrely "It was just the worse hypothesis."
"Then let's go." Itachi decided, getting up with Amaru in his arms "We need to get there as soon as possible."
The others nodded and began following him into the night.
There would be time to grieve, time to cry and rest. Later.
This was the last chapter of this story. I hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And good new! I'm actually going to post the first chapter of the sequel next Friday, so you won't have to wait long!
And I already know the name, so next Friday you can go to my profile or you can use the search system. It will be titled: 'The Village Hidden Beneath the Moon'.
Have a good weekend!