A/N ~ Established Faberrittana relationship. This is a future glimpse of their life and family. AU as it considers Shelby as having been an active part of Rachel's life growing up.

Only warning for this chapter is conversations referring to the spanking of a minor child. It's actually a T rated chapter for once LOL and not much angst unless your Lily or her teenage sister!

Don't own anything or anyone on Glee! I hope you enjoy, if you do please let me know.

CHAPTER 9: Tiger Lily Lopez

Can I just tell you how much it sucks having four mothers? A lot, ok? They're everywhere. I have four pairs of eyeballs on me at all times, and I never get away with anything. I would know, I'm currently standing with my nose in the corner of our kitchen trying hard not to rub the sting outta my butt. Rubbing is not allowed when you're standing in the corner.

"Lily, quit fidgeting. You are in that corner so you can think calmly about why you're in trouble," my Mama calls out in warning. She's doing up dishes and making fajitas while I'm stuck bored in the corner for forever. She never even turned around so I don't know how she saw me moving. It's like she has eyes in the back of her head. My Mama isn't in a show right now so she's been home a lot and I've been spending too much time in this corner.

Lily, that me, that's my name; actually my full name is Tiger Lily Berry Fabray Pierce Lopez. Yeah, I know, try learning to spell that in Kindergarten. It's also what comes from having a Broadway star as a parent. You get named after one of her starring roles. It could have been worse….. I could be named Dorothy, Elphaba, Cosette or Hazel. My legal name is Tiger Lily Lopez since we all have the last name Lopez. Everyone calls me Lily except my Mamí, Santana and my older brother, Antonio. They call me Tiger or sometimes Tig or Tiggie. I love that so much, but I love them super a lot. Out of my whole family, Mamí and Tony know me best.

Anyway, I try hard not to roll my eyes when my Mama, Rachel speaks to me because that will just earn me extra swats, and my Mama may be tiny but her swats really sting, and on the rare occasion she actually spanks you it hurts a whole bunch. If you whine about being swatted, she laughs and says it's something my Mimi, Shelby taught her growing up. My Mimi says that my Mama got spanked a lot when she was a kid because she was something called a diva.

I love my Mimi and my Grandpa, Hiram and my Pops, Leroy. They love to spoil us all, and we get to see them all the time. I have an Abuela, Maribel that we Skype with but we don't get to see very often but she does send us presents on our birthdays and at Christmas time. I guess her husband doesn't approve of our family, neither does my Mom, Quinn's family or my Ma, Brittany's family. Mimi shrugs and says it's their loss and her gain cuz she gets us all to herself, but I can tell it hurts my moms' feelings and they look really sad sometimes especially on holidays.

Actually I'm pretty sure that nobody in the world approves of our family going by all the nasty comments people say about us. They even say it right to our face or in front of us at the grocery store like we can't hear them talking about us. Mimi says we have the most special family in the whole world cuz we have so many people that love us, and it makes people jealous of us. She says people are mean when they see something different and they don't understand it. She says they are only mean cuz they are scared of different; whatever that means. Mamí says they are just ignorant assholes and fuck em cuz we're laughing all the way to the bank, whatever that means. I'm not allowed to say bad words, but I like when she says it about the mean people. I hate that they get away with being horrible towards us. I'd like to punch them all in the nose but violence isn't allowed in our family. Still, no one asked them to be part of our family, so I don't know what the big deal is. We don't bother anyone, and we don't go around being mean to them. So like Mamí says; fuck em. (Don't tell anyone I said that though, I really hate having my mouth washed out with soap!)

Which leads us to why I'm currently in time-out... today at school during recess two second grade girls cornered my little brother, Pierce and were yelling at him that he was a bombdination, and my mommies were all sick, and my whole family was going to go to hell. First, I don't know what a bombdination is but it doesn't sound good, it sounds like a threat, second my mommies are nice (most of the time) and no one gets to call them sick cuz most of the time they're awesome, but lastly and most importantly; no one hurts my Pierce and gets away with it. He's sweet, kind, thoughtful, gentle, and happy all the time. Anyone who hurts Pierce in front of me gets socked in the nose, whether I get spanked for it or not.

They must have known I was gonna pound them cuz they ran when they saw me coming, so during art class, I poured super glue in their boots. One of their mom's called the house and told Mama what happened and here I am; in the corner waiting to hear what the rest of my punishment is going to be. The worst part is if they want me to say I'm sorry, cuz I'm not sorry, not even a little bit, and I'm not gonna 'pologize ever to them.

I hear the back door open and I sneak a side peek which earns me another hard swat, "Tiger Lily Lopez!" Uh oh, she used my full name, "next time you move I will be grabbing the wooden spoon out of the drawer!" Believe me; that spoon is awful, so I'm just going to stand still now. My perfect, stupid sister, Brooklyn walks in the door giggling with her cell phone attached to her ear. She's 13 years old, and she's just awful. She's a mean, spoiled, awful person; a cheerleader and the most popular girl at school and totally stuck up about it. It's even worse than that because I look just like her so people think I'm stuck up like her. It's all I hear, 'Oh you look just like Brooke's little clone!' GAG!

My oldest brother, Antonio, he's 16 years old and he drives them to school and back home again after football and cheer practice. He says to ignore Brooke cuz she's a brat and one day she's gonna get caught and get her butt roasted one of these days, but she's so stupid mean she's hard to ignore.

Brooklyn looks at me like I'm a dog turd on the sidewalk and says into her phone, "No its nothing….the enfant terrible, Lily is standing in the corner like a toddler again," she giggled loudly, "I know, right some people never learn… can anyone say bad seed."

I stuck my tongue out at her but didn't get a chance to say anything because Mama snatched the phone out of her hand, "Brooklyn Grace Lopez! Perhaps you would like to join your sister in the corner for teasing her?"

Brooke's face turned bright red, actually more like purple and she quickly shook her head no, "Sorry, Mama."

"Apologize to your sister!"

Brooke turned and glares at me, her hazel eyes are flashing green fire and I could tell she wanted to smack me super hard but instead she just chokes out an apology, "I'm sorry, Tiger Lily," she smirks using my hated first name.

"Lily? Do you have something to say to your sister?" my Mama prodded. Boy, do I ever but that will just seal my doom with Mama if I say what I want to. See you're not allowed to go to bed mad at anyone in our house which is totally stupid because we just apologize so we won't get in trouble, but still I guess it's a good thing.

"I forgive you, Brookey," I can't help the jab. It's her baby name and I know she hates it but it makes Mama smile and nod at me even if it makes Tony snort knowingly.

"Brooklyn, upstairs and finish your homework. Your phone is mine until I see a change in your attitude," Mama finishes in her 'I mean business' voice.

Ms. Perfect stomps up the stairs tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder as Tony walks up and hugs Mama from behind and kisses her on her cheek, "Nice one, Mama short stack!" He's the only one who gets away with teasing Mama about her height; him and Mamí.

She play smacks his arm and scolds him, "Antonio go finish your homework!" but she giggles and smiles at him. He kisses her loudly on the cheek again and jumps away as she tries to swat him. It's really funny watching Mama or any of our mothers swat Tony. He's huge. He's even taller than Pops, Leroy. He looks a lot like Mamí with her black hair and dark eyes. His hair is curly though and he has dimples that he hates but I think are cute. He's captain of the football team and you should see how stupid all the girls act around him, like they all forgot how to speak English or something. He even makes all our moms, Mimi, and Abuela laugh like silly girls. All except Mami who grumbles in Spanish about being an Abuela before her time. Even all of Brooke's mean girl friends are in love with him and come over all the time and act annoying; peeking around corners at him and cackling if he looks at them. Sheesh, it's so dumb.

He walks over and ruffles my hair and kisses my cheek too, "Hey Tig!"

"Hey, Tony," I mumble not sure if that will bring out the wooden spoon but it doesn't.

After what seems like forever, Mama says to me, "All right, Lily you can leave the corner. Go upstairs and finish your homework. We'll talk more after dinner."I'm pretty relieved; talking after dinner is code for an early bedtime and maybe writing lines or no TV but talking before bedtime is code for a spanking and I'm super glad I'm not getting spanked. It's hard to look grown up during a spanking. Even Brooke doesn't look or sound like a grown up during a spanking. I know it's not funny to laugh but she screams and squeals so loud the few times she's been spanked it's actually amusing She's such an actress but all my moms seem to fall for her act

"I'm sorry, Mama," I go up and hug her. I hate when any of my mothers' are disappointed in me, "They were so mean to Pierce."

Mama sighs and kneels down in front of me, "I know, sweet pea, it's hard to be the better person. We'll talk later," she gives me one of her great hugs and kisses me, sending me off to my room with a gentle pat on my butt (not like the ones I got earlier) and goes back to making dinner.

I run to my room and I'm not surprised to see Pierce sitting on my top bunk looking sad. It would break your heart if you saw Pierce sad. He has this mop of almost white blonde hair on top of his head, and his eyes are so big, round, and really light sky blue. He has freckles all across his cheeks and his nose and he has big dimples too. I hate when he's sad. Mamí says we have to always look out for Ma and Pierce cuz they're two peas in a pod and are so special no one understands them and can be mean and hurt them really easily. So since I'm almost a whole year older than Pierce it's my job to look out for him. I mean no one ever said that, but I know it's true. No one understand Pierce like I do and no one understands me like Pierce does since we're almost twins.

"I'm sorry, Lily," Pierce says softly, "I didn't mean to get you in trouble."

I shrug as I climb up the ladder to the top bunk and sit down next to my best friend in the whole world, "I got me in trouble, not you!"

"Still it was because you were defending me."

"Don't worry about it, PJ really. Mama said we'd discuss it after dinner. They'll probably make me go to bed early this week," I said easily.

Pierce smiled shyly, "Really?"


"I thought for sure Mama was going to spank you, especially after you kept arguing with her."

I felt my face turn red, "I know, I really need to learn when to shut up."

Pierce rolled his eyes and shook his head, "You're so crazy!"

"We have a crazy family," I smiled at him, "C'mon let's get out homework done so maybe we can play Mario Kart on the WII before dinner."


Pierce, Antonio, and I were in the family room playing on the WII when Ma stuck her head in the door, "Hi babies, how is everyone today?" She walked in and sat down on the floor in front of us. She leaned over and kissed us all on the head. Pierce and I automatically leaned back against her legs and smiled up at her. Tony who was crazy competitive just grunted a hello. Ma just rolled her eyes at that and pushed him, "No kiss for your Ma?" she teased.

"Ma, c'mon….." Tony mock whines, "How's it gonna look if I let a bunch of kids beat me at a kid's game?"

"Hey!" I yelled indignantly as Pierce just smiled angelically.

"Are you too grown up to give your old Ma a hug and kiss?" Ma teased Tony as Pierce and I jumped on him and Ma started to kiss him all over his face. Tony was laughing and trying to get away when we heard Mom in the doorway.

"Is this a private party or can anyone join in?"

"Quinn!" Ma laughed, "Our first born thinks he's too old for hugs and kisses from his parent's!"

"Oh he does, does he?" Mom laughed and jumped in tickling Tony as he groaned loudly.

"There's too many women in this house! Come on Pierce you traitor, help me!" Tony yelled loudly as he grabbed Pierce and tried to use him as a human shield.

We were wrestling and horsing around for a long time until we all collapsed on the couch and the floor. Ma sat on Tony's back and Mom sat on his legs with Pierce over her shoulder, "Do you give up?"

Tony laughed loudly, "I give! I give! You guys are all nuts."

"Yay we beat Tony!" I shouted jumping up and down on the couch!

"Your Mama is gonna beat all of you if you break any of her fancy things, and you Tig, quit jumping on that couch!" Mamí smirked from the doorway.

Everyone smiled and got up to great her. Mamí worked really long hours and we all loved it when she got to come home in time for dinner. I ran over and jumped up in her arms and threw my arms around her neck, "You're home early!"

"I heard we were having fajitas for dinner with pie and ice cream for dessert, mija," she whispered in my ear, "not about to miss your Mama's fajitas and blackberry pie."

"Yummy," I whispered back.

"Let me go get changed so I'm not late. I don't want your Mama making me stand in the corner," she gave me a knowing look and even though I giggled at the thought of Mamí with her nose in the corner and Mama standing over her holding the wooden spoon I still felt guilty, "Oh give me a smile, Tiggie girl, we'll talk later. It will be ok."

I smiled up at her brightly and wiggled out of her arms, "Can we have the pie and ice cream first, Mamí?"

"Sure you go tell Mama I said it was alright," she teased as my mom shook her head and kissed her on the temple.

"Yeah good luck with that, Lily," she hugged Mamí and kissed her on the mouth which is really pretty yucky if you think about it, but all my mother's do that, a lot.

"You're such a tease, San and Lil is already in trouble," she scolded.

"Good point, Q," Mamí turned to me and winked, "Let's not tease Mama tonight and just save the pie for later, ok?"

"Fine," I grumbled.

"Go help Mama set the table, sweetheart," my Ma instructed as she hugged and kissed Mamí too.

"If you ask me," I said with my hands on my hips, "there's entirely too much kissing that does on in this house. It's unstationary!"

All three of my mother's laughed as my Mom picked me up and carried me to the kitchen, "That's unsanitary, my little pit bull and no one asked you," she said making her point as she kissed me.

"Yuck!" I teased her as I laid my head on my Mom's shoulder.


We all had dinner and it was great having everyone home at the same time, even Brooke. I was right about not getting spanked this time but I did have to go to bed at 7pm every single night this week until Friday and no TV until the weekend.

The other three of them looked sad and disappointed when they let Mama scold me, but they knew I was defending Pierce, even Mama.

"You have to be the bigger person, Lily," Mama said for the millionth time, "All of us, all your moms' have had people be mean to us, but we know that they are wrong and being bullies and we can come home and always be safe and loved. Don't ever let the bullies win, sweetheart, because you will find that underneath every bully is a frightened, angry, hurt person. You have to be better than them. You're such a smart, beautiful girl, Lily. When they're mean to you or Pierce, be smarter than they are."

I looked down at my hands in my lap and muttered, "I thought the super glue was smarter than them," like I said I just never know when to shut up.

Mom looked at me sternly and raised her perfect blonde eyebrow way up to her hairline, "Would you prefer we go upstairs and I take you over my knee, young lady?"

"No, ma'am," I said quickly and sincerely.

"Then quit being a smart ass," Mamí said quickly.

"Apologize to your Mama," my mom, Quinn added.

"Sorry, Mama."

"I know how much you love Pierce, baby girl," Mama continued, "but you don't see him fighting, do you?"

I shook my head no.

"Do you know why you don't see Pierce fighting?"

"Because he's a good boy and I'm a pit bull?" I thought out loud.

I was surprised when all four of my mother's laughed out loud. My Mamí actually snorted at my mom's nickname for me.

"You are a pit bull and a Tasmanian devil and all kinds of other wonderful things that make up our favorite girl, Tiger Lily Lopez, but you are very much a good girl as much as Pierce is a good boy." Mom said lovingly.

"Pierce knows what I learned growing up," Ma said, "It doesn't matter what anyone says to you or think so you. You only have to be able to look yourself in the mirror and be happy with the person you are."

"So the next time someone picks on you or Pierce at school go talk to a teacher or another adult and know in your heart that you are the better person for not fighting back," Mama finished.

"And also know that one day that jerk is going to be serving you French fries or washing your car for you!" Mamí added with a wink.



"Santana Marie Lopez!" All my other mothers scolded Mamí which made me feel not so alone. I wasn't the only trouble maker in the family.


I went upstairs to get ready for bed and passed Tony in the hallway.

"Hey, Tiger!" he teased picking me up and throwing me in the air. I loved it cuz I trusted he would never drop me, "big trouble?"

I shrugged when he set me back on my feet, "Early bedtime this week and no TV."

"That's not too bad," He started to walk downstairs before turning and looking at me, "If someone picks on me are you going to have my back too, Tig?"

I felt tears prick my eyes, "No one better ever pick on you, Tony or spanking or no spanking I'll give them the fattest lip ever!" I said passionately.

He smiled brightly, "I wouldn't want any else in my corner, slugger. Now go to bed and I'll sneak you another piece of pie later. Love you, kid!"

Like I said, Tony is the greatest guy that ever lived, even better than my Grandpa and Pops.


I was brushing my teeth in my Avenger PJ's when Brooke walked into the bathroom. I pretty much ignored her. It's best not to look into her eyes like you wouldn't at a bear or a charging lion, it's just safer that way. I felt weird like she was staring at me so I glanced in the mirror and there she was standing behind me observing me.

"Wha?" I said through a mouthful of toothpaste foam.

"You're disgusting."

I spit and rinsed, "I know I am, what are you?" I tried to brush past her but she put her hand on my arm.

"Listen," she said quietly, "I know the moms are all like 'no fighting' and 'be better than the bullies' but no one picks on Pierce!" she looked at me intensely, her eyes flashing again. Brooke always seemed like she was angry lately.

I bit my lip and wondered if this was a trick. Slowly I nodded.

"Good so next time you have to be sneakier, not that super glue isn't pretty sneaky," she smirked at me with a hint of admiration on her face much to my surprise, "let me know what the names of the jerks are next time and I'll help you with a suitable punishment for the assholes who pick on our Pierce. I guarantee you won't get caught."

I must have looked really stupid just standing there with my mouth hanging open but I was really shocked and for the first time in forever I felt something like love and admiration towards my older sister. After all she was pretty much the definition of an evil genius, and she hardly ever got in trouble.

"Hello! Earth to Lily!" She waved her hand in front of my face and just like that Brooke was back to being a total witch with a capital W, "Jeez you really are simple minded."

"I know where your shoes are!" I said smugly as I walked passed her into my bedroom.

"You ever put super glue in my shoes, Tiger Lily Lopez and they won't ever find your body!" she grumbled but we both looked at each other and smiled a little knowing we would always keep Pierce safe.


After I was all cuddled, kissed, sang to and Mom read a chapter of Harry Potter with me; the night light was on (not that I needed it, it was still light out UGH!) and I was all tucked in and wide awake ready for bed. Being punished really sucked.

I was thinking about my family. A family like no one else I knew had anything like. Tony was my hero, and I adored Pierce and even Brooke was tolerable sometimes. I suddenly realized I loved my family so much and they were all special to me. My Mom, Quinn's shoulder was the softest and most comfortable in the world. She was so smart and beautiful. I really hoped I grew up to look like her; everyone said i already did.

My Mamí, Santana's lap was the safest place in the world. She was funny and protective and I knew she understood me and loved me just as i was.

My Mama sang me a song every night, whenever I was sick or upset, or whenever I asked and she had the most beautiful voice I ever heard. She was famous and special and we all knew it, but she made all of us feel like we were the special ones. She was always cooking and smiling and singing and making our house a special home.

My Ma, Brittany's way of holding me in her arms and dancing around the room laughing made everything feel better. She made us all feel like no one was as wonderful as we were. Her laughter always made me smile, and she hardly ever got mad at anyone.

I guess maybe having four mothers didn't really suck after all.

I turned over and tried to wait patiently for Tony to bring me my pie wondering who would get there first him or my Ma. She always snuck me something too when i was being punished.


Thats it for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it.