Austin's POV

I'm so excited. (Note the sarcasm) I had to move from my amazing place in California, to Miami for my dad's stinking job. You see, back in California, I'm the popular bad boy that every guy wants to be and every girl wants to have.

Today, I'm 16 years old starting the 11th grade at Marino high school, with my reputation down the drain.

I also had to break up with my hot girlfriend Cassidy cause I just don't do long distance relationships.

2 years ago, my best friend Dez moved from California to Miami and he goes to Marino too. And I just love when he talks about what happens at that school. Apparently, there is this girl, what's-her-name… Ally. She is the most popular girl there; you could say she rules the school.

And say you're the new kid, you have a month to prove that you are worthy of being popular and not a bullied nerd/geek. If she denies you, you could just say that you're going to have lots of problems for the rest of the year.

Don't worry about me, I'm totally going to ace the test…

"Austin, honey! Come have your breakfast!" my mom called.

"Pancakes?" I questioned.

"Of course!" my mom answered before I rushed downstairs to gobble up my delicious meal with maple syrup.

After breakfast, I went to change. I got a red t shirt that hugged my abs tightly. Also black skinny jeans, my favourite leather jacket, whistle necklace and my black Supras. I dashed downstairs and grabbed my backpack. I quickly said bye to my mom before heading out the door.

Ally's POV

Mmmm… first day of the 11th grade, and I'm still the most popular person in school.

I take a nice, warm shower and pick my outfit. A black faux leather mini (really mini) skirt, a yellow strapless tube top, hair straight with blond ends, make up, a gold bracelet and black pumps.

I walk downstairs to eat French toast with maple syrup and head out the door.

The school is really close to my house so I can walk.

When I reached the Marino, I opened the double doors and walked in. The new quarterback dog-whistled while obviously checking me out. I walked past him, then turned my head around and winked at him. When I walked by a group of girls, they looked at my outfit and noted everything down. As you can see I'm the person every girl wants to be and every guy wants to have.

I looked around for new kids. I didn't see many but one of them caught my eye. Standing with the popular ginger Dez, is a new guy. A tall muscular body, beach blonde hair, deep brown eyes, perfect smile…and just the kind of person to start with this year.

Austin's POV

"Hey Dez!" I exclaimed as it was the first time I was seeing him in person since he moved.

"Hey man! Still remember our handshake?" He questioned.

"Yeah!" I replied before we did our complicated handshake. I just love this guy.

"So how's Cassidy?" Dez asked.

"I broke up with her." I said, looking down at the ground.

"Sorry-" He said before he got interrupted by a hot girl who came up to us.

"Hi! I'm Ally Dawson, and you are?"

I froze in my tracks. That's Ally?